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Melati Cahya Pratiwi
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perkembangan permukiman kolonial di Kawasan Braga Bandung. Kawasan ini berada di lokasi yang strategis yaitu di antara stasiun kereta api dan Jalan Raya Pos sehingga kawasan ini dijadikan sebagai suatu pemukiman pada masa kolonial. Pemukiman di kawasan ini berupa pertokoan, pusat hiburan, kantor dan pabrik. Sehubung dengan latar belakang permasalahan maka permasalahan penelitian yaitu, bagaimana perkembangan pemukiman yang ada di kawasan Jalan Braga dan apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan Kawasan Braga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan terdapat tiga tahap yaitu pengumpulan data, analisis, dan interprestasi. Setelah itu hasil dari penelitian ini berupa gambaran perkembangan permukiman di kawasan Braga dalam beberapa periode berdasarkan persebaran bangunan beserta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.
This undergraduate thesis discusses about the development of the colonial settlement area of Braga Bandung. This area is located in a strategic which is between the railway station and De Groote Postweg make this area serve as a settlement in the colonial period. The settlement in this area is shops, entertainment centers, offices, and factories. Based on the background of the problems that have been explained, the research problem is how the development of settlements in the Jalan Braga area and what are the factors that influence the development of the Braga area. The research method used there are three stages: data collection, analysis, and interpretation. After that the results of this study are in the form of a description of the development of settlements in the Braga area in several periods based on the distribution of buildings along with the factors that influence them."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Hidayati
"Pemerintah Indonesia telah berupaya untuk mengurangi kemacetan di jalan tol dengan menerapkan sistem transaksi tol nontunai yang berlaku di seluruh jalan tol Indonesia sejak bulan Oktober 2017. Namun demikian, lalu lintas padat yang menimbulkan kemacetan di jalan tol wilayah perkotaan sering terjadi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan sistem transaksi tol dan sejauh mana kendaraan akan terdistribusi melalui preferensi penggunaan jalan untuk memilih memasuki jalan tol atau tidak. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan Stated Preference survei online dan offline. Responden adalah pengguna kendaraan golongan I – V yang melintasi Jalan Tol Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedijatmo dengan arah perjalanan dari Jalan Tol Dalam Kota. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan transaksi tol nontunai nirsentuh dapat mengurangi minat pengguna jalan untuk masuk ke jalan tol jika diberlalukan denda, tetapi di sisi lain pengguna jalan masih berminat tinggi untuk masuk ke jalan tol karena terdapat layanan pemangkasan waktu transaksi tol. Pada skenario congestion pricing, terjadi peningkatan distribusi volume lalu lintas karena jumlah kendaraan menurun seiring berkurangnya minat pengguna jalan untuk masuk ke jalan tol yang disebabkan semakin tinggi besaran kenaikan tarif tol. Selain itu, hasil analisis pengaruh langsung menunjukkan bahwa penerapan kedua sistem tersebut mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan kemacetan. Namun, pengaruh tidak signifikan terdapat pada karakteristik sosial demografi ekonomi terhadap willingness to pay congestion pricing (WTP CP), pengaruh WTP CP terhadap keputusan berpindah transportasi darat, dan pengaruh penghematan waktu terhadap kemacetan.
The Indonesian government has attempted to reduce traffic congestion on toll roads by implementing a non-cash toll transaction system that has been valid on all Indonesian toll roads since October 2017. However, heavy traffic that causes traffic congestion on toll roads in urban areas often occurs. This study aimed to find out the factors that affect the development of the toll transaction system and the extent to which vehicles will be distributed through the preferences of road users to choose to enter the toll road or not. This research method used a quantitative descriptive approach with online and offline surveys through Stated Preference. Respondents were class I – V vehicle users who crossed Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedijatmo Toll Road with the direction of travel from the Jakarta Intra Urban Toll Road. The results of the study indicated that the implementation of contactless cashless toll transactions (Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)) can reduce the interest of road users to enter toll roads if fines are imposed, but on the other hand road users are still highly interested in entering toll road because there is a toll transaction time cut service. In the congestion pricing scenario, there was an increase in the distribution of traffic volume because the number of vehicles decreased along with the reduced interest of road users to enter the toll road due to the higher toll rate increase. In addition, the results of the direct effect analysis showed that the implementation of the two systems had a significant effect on reducing congestion. However, there is no significant effect on socio-economic demographic characteristics on willingness to pay congestion pricing (WTP CP), the effect of WTP CP on the decision to switch land transportation, and the effect of time saving on congestion."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Siska Mardini Rawar
"Permukiman di lingkungan sungai banyak ditemui di Indonesia. Budaya, komunitas, dan mata pencaharian merupakan beberapa alasan yang menimbulkan permukiman di lingkungan sungai. Permukiman Suku Tiar di Kampung Usku 2 terletak di tepi Sungai Usku. Hidup di tepi sungai telah dilakukan turun-temurun oleh Suku Tiar. Untuk menyesuaikan keberadaannya di kawasan aliran sungai warga Kampung Usku 2 membuat rumah panggung di tepi sungai.
Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mengenai permukiman Kampung Usku 2 yang terletak di tepi sungai Usku. Penyesuaian yang dilakukan manusia terhadap lingkungan terwujud dalam bentuk hunian dan sebarannya. Keberadaan sungai sangat berperan penting dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup, hal inilah yang menimbulkan adaptasi warga terhadap lingkungan sungai.
Settlement in the river environment can be easily found in Indonesia. Cultures, communities and livelihoods are several reasons that lead to settlement in the river environment. Traditional settlement in Kampung Tiar Usku 2 situated on the banks of the River Usku. Living on the edge of the river has carried down - for generations by the Tribe Tiar. To adjust its presence in the area of watershed residents of Kampung Usku two houses on stilts at the edge of a river. In this paper we will discuss about the settlement of Kampung Usku 2 which is located on the banks of the river Usku. Adjustments made man on the environment manifested in the form of occupancy and distribution. The rivers play a significant role in fulfilling the necessities of life, this is what causes people to the river environment adaptation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington: D.C. The World Bank , 1994
363.705 6 PRO g
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Rizky Putri Amalia
"Jalan Braga merupakan salah satu jalan bersejarah di Kota Bandung dan merupakan bagian dari kawasan cagar budaya yang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri karena sejarah serta bangunan peninggalan masa kolonial yang kini ditetapkan sebagai bangunan cagar budaya. Jalan yang pada dahulu dikenal sebagai jalanan elit karena berbagai pertokoan kelas satu, kini mengalami banyak perubahan dan permasalahan seperti banyaknya bangunan terbengkalai dan kemacetan yang sering kali terjadi dan belum dapat diselesaikan. Hal ini dapat berdampak pada munculnya berbagai persepsi masyarakat Kota Bandung terhadap Jalan Braga yang dapat dilihat dari place brand image yang terbentuk di Jalan Braga berdasarkan kondisi masa kini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam, observasi lapang dan mental map. Hasil wawancara kemudian dilakukan triangulasi dengan observasi lapang, studi literatur, artikel daring serta jawaban informan dengan topik yang sama guna meningkatkan derajat kepercayaan pada data yang didapatkan sehingga hasil penelitian dapat dipercaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan terdapat beberapa brand image yang terbentuk di Jalan Braga yakni Jalan Braga kini disebut sebagai “Kota Tua”, “Kota Wisata”, “Pusat Kuliner” yang termasuk pada brand image positif serta “Pusat Kemacetan” dan “Tempat Kumuh” yang termasuk pada brand image negatif. Brand image positif tersebar di seluruh segmen Jalan Braga sedangkan brand image negatif hanya terdapat di segmen 3 dan 4.
Braga Street is one of the historical streets located in Bandung. It is part of a cultural heritage area that is attractive because of its historical value and colonial heritage buildings that have been designated as cultural heritage buildings. The street was once renowned as an elite street due to its many first-class shops, but it is now undergoing various changes and problems including many abandoned buildings and frequent traffic jams. These changes and problems can cause a variety of perceptions among Bandung people as evidenced by the place brand image that has formed on Braga Street in response to present circumstances. This research is qualitative research with data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews, field observations, and mental maps. The results of the interviews were triangulated with field observations, literature studies, online articles, and answers from other informants on the same topic. The results showed that there are numerous brand images formed on Braga Street such as “Old Town”, “Tourism City” and “Culinary Center” which are included in the positive brand images. On the other hand, “Congestion Center”, “Slum Place” are included in the negative brand images. Positive brand images are spread in all segments of Braga Street while the negative brand images can only be found in segment 3 and 4."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Husain Abdullah
"Kejadian banjir/genangan air yang sering melanda Ibukota Jakarta berpotensi menimbulkan kerusakan infrastruktur termasuk jaringan jalan, terutama di Jakarta Utara yang secara morfologis berada pada ketinggian kurang dari 7 meter dari permukaan laut. Pola distribusi keruangan sensitivitas kerusakan jaringan jalan di Jakarta Utara dikaji berdasarkan variabel jenis banjir, ketinggian banjir, durasi banjir, frekuensi banjir, arus lalu lintas dan bobot kendaraan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode AHP dan teknik overlay peta yang kemudian dilakukan verifikasi data berdasarkan fakta di lapangan yang tersebar pada 51 lokasi di Jakarta Utara. Dari kesemua data yang diperoleh akan dilakukan penilaian dan pembobotan yang kemudian dioverlay untuk mengetahui tingkat sensitivitas kerusakan jaringan jalan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pengolahan data memperlihatkan bahwa secara umum terdapat kesamaan pola keruangan antara tingkat sensitivitas kerusakan jaringan jalan menggunakan 6 variabel dan 5 variabel. Pada tingkat sensitivitas kerusakan jaringan jalan yang lebih tinggi cenderung lebih sering mengalami kerusakan jaringan jalan dibandingkan dengan yang lebih rendah.
A flood/inundation was often occurs in the capital city Jakarta and has the potential to cause damage to infrastructure including roads networks, especially in North Jakarta which are morphologically located at an altitude of less than 7 meters above sea level. Spatial distribution pattern of the sensitivity of damage roads in North Jakarta studied based on variable kinds of floods, flood elevation, flood duration, frequency of floods, traffic flow and vehicle weight. This study uses AHP and map overlay techniques and then will be verification based on facts on the ground are scattered in 51 locations in North Jakarta. From all the data obtained will be carried out assessment and weighting are then overlaid to determine the level of sensitivity of the roads damage. Based on the analysis and data processing in general shows that there are similarities between the spatial patterns of roads damage sensitivity level using 6 variables and 5 variables. At the level of sensitivity of the roads damage is higher tend to be more often damaged road network compared with lower."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2005
JILB 1:1 (2005)
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
Ringgy Masuin
ABSTRAKKinerja pembangunan perumahan mengatasi backlog di Indonesia belum memuaskan. Pendelegasian penanganan backlog oleh Kemenpera. Salah satu programnya melalui Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) perumahan dan kawasan permukiman. Dalam pelaksanaannya masih terdapat deviasi anggaran sebesar 33%–39% pada Tahun 2011–2013. Deviasi anggaran disebabkan antara lain rendahnya realisasi komponen infrastruktur perumahan terutama terhadap Permenpera 01/2014. Perlu diperhatikan komponen infrastruktur apa yang meningkatkan penyerapan DAK melalui analisis deskriptif, Relative Importance Index, one-sample t-test serta seberapa besar mengoptimalisakan penyerapan anggaran DAK melalui simulasi monte carlo. Sehingga diperoleh komponen infrastruktur (x) mengoptimalkan penyerapan DAK sebesar z % dan proporsi per unit rumah sebesar y %.
ABSTRACTPerformance of housing development in Indonesia address by backlog has’t been satisfactory. One of the programs through the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) housing and residential areas. In practice there is a budget deviation of 33% -39% in the year 2011-2013. Budget deviation is caused the low realization of housing infrastructure components especially against Permenpera 01/2014. Please note what infrastructure components can increase DAK absorption through descriptive analysis, Relative Importance Index, one-sample t-test and how much DAK absorption through monte carlo simulation. Thus obtained infrastructure components (x) to optimize the DAK absorption by z% and the proportion per unit of y%."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Vitriana
ABSTRACTThere were some problems in the handover of housing Infrastructure, Facilities, and Utilities (PSU (Prasarana, Sarana dan Utilitas)) by developers to local governments. Since the issuance of Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 9 of 2009, only small numbers of housing PSU have been handed over by the housing developers to the local government. The objective of this study was to explore some problems related to the handover of the housing PSU which located in Greater Bandung Area, both from the developers and the local governments sides. This study used a descriptive-qualitative approach. The primary data collection was conducted with an in-depth interview method to the fourteen developers experienced in housing development in the Greater Bandung Area and three local government officials. The secondary data was collected through the online news along with the regional regulations related to the handover of housing PSU in the districts/cities level of the Greater Bandung Area. The primary and secondary data were analyzed by Qualitative Content Analysis. The study showed that problems came from both developers and local governments sides. The developers believed that the bureaucracy for the housing handover was complicated, while the local governments stated there were inconsistencies between the approved site plan and the built PSU. The local governments also have not had mature planning for the housing PSUs operation and maintenance after the handover. Thus, as the organizer of housing affairs, the governments need to immediately reform the PSU planning and management in terms of its provision, financing, and maintenance."
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Dalam Negeri, 2019
351 JBP 11:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Hadi Mulyanto
"Pada rencana awal pembangunan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera, rute yang dipilih belum mengacu pada PDRB dan jumlah penduduk yang merupakan faktor penting dalam pengembangan suatu wilayah. Selain itu untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang baik sebagai hasil dari perencanaan rute JTTS, diperlukan pengembangan potensi yang dimiliki wilayah secara optimal. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memetakan sektor unggulan wilayah yang akan dilalui rute jalan tol tersebut menggunakan metode location quotient. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan integrasi jalur fiber optik, pengembangan kawasan pariwisata dan rest area sehingga total initial cost dari rute ini adalah Rp102.732.733.062.404. Untuk sektor unggulan yang terdapat pada rute ini adalah berupa pertambangan dan galian, industri pengolahan serta pertanian.
At the beginning of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road’s construction plans, the route chosen is not referring to the GDP and population that is an important factor in the development of a region. In addition to achieving good economic growth as a result of JTTS route planning, required the development potential of the region optimally. One approach that can be done is to map the leading sectors in the areas to be traversed highway route is using location quotient. In this study, is added the integration of the optical fiber lines, the development of a tourism area and rest area so that the total initial cost of this route is Rp102.732.733.062.404. For the leading sectors contained on this route are mining and quarrying, manufacturing industry and agriculture."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library