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Anisa Fadilah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas psikoedukasi KAMI SIAP untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru anak usia dini mengenai kesiapan bersekolah. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah within-subjects experimental design. Intervensi berupa psikoedukasi dilakukan sebanyak dua sesi dengan pengumpulan data sebelum dan sesudahnya. Melibatkan 19 orang partisipan guru anak usia dini. Untuk mengukur pengetahuan guru alat ukur dirancang sendiri oleh peneliti dan Teachers’ Belief about Child Based Dimensions of School Readiness (versi bahasa Indonesia). Hasilnya, menunjukkan bahwa psikoedukasi KAMI SIAP efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan (Z = -2,749, p < 0,05, two tailed) guru anak usia dini mengenai kesiapan bersekolah.

The aim of this study was to see the effectiveness of KAMI SIAP psychoeducation to improve preschool teachers’ knowledge on school readiness. The type of research that used in this study was within-subjects experimental design. The psychoeducation intervention was carried out in two sessions with data collection before and after. Involving 19 participants preschool teachers. Instrument was designed by researcher to measure teachers’ knowledge and Teachers' Belief about Child-Based Dimensions of School Readiness (Indonesian version) was used. The result indicate that KAMI SIAP psychoeducation was effective to improve preschool teachers’ knowledge (Z = -2.749, p < 0.05, two tailed) on school readiness."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mardiana Bhakti Mekkah
"Guru SMA di Pangkalpinang masih memiliki kelemahan dalam mengelola proses pembelajaran. Kelemahan itu meliputi perencanaan,pelaksanaan dan penilaian pembelajaran. Permasalahan itu perlu diatasi dengan melaksanakan supervisi akademik oleh pengawas sekolah melalui pendekatan supervisi klinis. Supervisi klinis adalah bantuan profesional yang diberikan kepada guru agar yang bersangkutan dapat mengatasi masalahnya dengan menempuh langkah-langkah yang sistematis. Melalui metode kuantitatif(kuesioner kepada guru SMA) dan kualitatif (wawancara mendalam kepada informan kunci) diperoleh temuan bahwa pelaksanaan supervisi klinis oleh pengawas sekolah belum optimal baik dalam prinsip-prinsip, syarat-syarat maupun prosedurnya. Belum optimalnya pelaksanaan supervisi klinis oleh pengawas sekolah tersebut karena lemahnya kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi supervisi akademik, dan kompetensi sosial pengawas sekolah.

High School teachers in Pangkalpinang have several limitation in managing their learning process. The limitation include planning, implementation and learning assessment. That issues should be overcame by doing academic supervision , conducted by superintendent through clinical supervision approach. Clinical supervision is professional help given to teachers so that the teachers can handle their problem using systematic step. Using two methods, quantitative methods ( questionnaires to High School teacher) and qualitative methods (in-depth interview to key informant) show clinical supervision is not implemented by superintedent optimally both in principles, conditions and procedures. It is because the limitation in personality competence, academic supervision competence and superintendent's social competence."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides the first systematic comparative study of the formal and informal learning of different professional groups, with a particular focus on teachers. Drawing on unique large-scale national surveys of working conditions and learning practices in Canada, teachers are compared with doctors and lawyers, nurses, engineers and computer programmers, as well as other professionals. The class positions of professionals (self-employed, employers, managers or employees) and their different collective bargaining and organizational decision-making powers are found to have significant effects on their formal learning and professional development (PD). Teachers? learning varies according to their professionally-based negotiating and school-based decision-making powers. Two further national surveys of thousands of Canadian classroom teachers as well as more in-depth case studies offer more insight into the array of teachers? formal and informal learning activities. Analyses of regular full-time teachers, occasional teachers and new teachers probe their different learning patterns. The international literature on teacher professional development and related government policies is reviewed and major barriers to job-embedded, ongoing professional learning are identified. Promising alternative forms of integrating teachers? work and their professional learning are illustrated. Teacher empowerment appears to be an effective means to ensure more integrated professional learning as well as to aid fuller realization of knowledge societies and knowledge economies."
Rotterdam: Sense, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alifa Astari Hendriana
"Tidak semua guru menerapkan kebiasaan mengucapkan tolong, maaf, terima kasih (TOMAT) pada kehidupan sehari-harinya. Diketahui bahwa guru kurang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai cara menanamkannya pada peserta didik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas psikoedukasi kepada guru TK dalam menambah pengetahuan mengenai cara menanamkan kebiasaan mengucapkan TOMAT pada peserta didik yang berusia 5-6 tahun dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak tujuh orang (n=7). Efektivitas psikoedukasi dapat diketahui dari perbandingan skor pengetahuan pada sebelum dan sesudah psikoedukasi. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Ditemukan hasil yang signifikan (p<0,05) pada hasil pretest dan post-test 1 serta post-test 1 dan post-test 2. Penemuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa psikoedukasi kepada partisipan efektif untuk menambah pengetahuan mengenai cara menanamkan kebiasaan pengucapan kata tolong, maaf, terima kasih, pada anak usia 5-6 tahun. Efektivitas psikoedukasi pun masih ditemukan setelah melewati jangka waktu tiga minggu. Limitasi dari penelitian ini adalah ada beberapa partisipan yang sudah memiliki cukup pengetahuan mengenai kebiasaan mengucapkan TOMAT dari sebelum psikoedukasi dilakukan sehingga kenaikan skor pengetahuannya tidak terlalu banyak. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa penambahan pengetahuan guru dapat dilakukan melalui psikoedukasi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan atau kesulitan yang dimiliki guru.

Not all of preschool teachers apply the habit of saying please, sorry, thank you (TOMAT) in their daily life. Other than not having the habit of saying TOMAT, participants also found not having enough knowledge on how to instill the habit on saying it. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to know the effectivity of psychoeducation to increase teacher’s knowledge with the total of participant included in this study is seven teachers (n=7). Psychoeducation’s effectivity can be known through comparing scores between before and after the psychoeducation. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test is used as the method to test effectivity where significant result (p<0,05) is found on pre-test – post-test 1 and post-test 1 – post-test 2. This result indicating that psychoeducation used in this study is effective to increase teacher’s knowledge. The psychoeducation can still influence teacher’s knowledge even after some times. Some participants already have enough knowledge on the habit of saying TOMAT therefore even after psychoeducation, the increase in their knowledge score is not too much. This study implicates that the increase of teacher’s knowledge can be done through psychoeducation that is suitable with the need or the difficulty the teachers have."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggia Tendiami
Keterampilan memberikan instruksi merupakan salah satu kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang pengajar kelas bahasa asing. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan memberikan instruksi tersebut adalah melalui kegiatan pendampingan sejawat peer coaching . Tesis ini bertujuan untuk melihat manfaat yang diberikan oleh kegiatan pendampingan sejawaat tersebut terhadap keterampilan memberikan instruksi pengajar. Metode paduan dengan pendekatan time series design digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang didapat dari hasil observasi/pengamatan kelas dan pascakonferensi, serta nilai evaluasi 4 orang pengajar dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat manfaat yang cukup signifikan dari kegiatan pendampingan sejawat terhadap keterampilan memberikan instruksi khususnya pada pengajar yang memiliki kedekatan secara personal dibandingkan pada pengajar yang kurang dekat secara personal. Secara umum penelitian ini mendukung ide kegiatan pendampingan sejawat sebagai salah satu cara untuk menigkatkan kompetensi pengajar. Kata kunci: Pendampingan sejawat peer coaching ; keterampilan memberikan instruksi

Giving instruction is one of the basic skills that a language teacher must have. There are several ways to improve this skill one of them is by doing a peer coaching program. This study aims to observe the effect of a peer coaching program to improve instruction giving skills of the EFL teachers. A mixed method research using a time series design is used to analyze the data obtained from observation and post conference session, as well as the teachers rsquo evaluation scores by the supervisor. The result reveals that the peer coaching program has significant effect on teachers rsquo giving instruction skills especially those pairs of teachers who know each other well and have more teaching experience. The findings generally support the idea that the peer coaching program can be considered as a tool to improve teachers rsquo teaching competence. Keywords Peer coaching giving instruction"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denia Putri Prameswari
"[Perceraian tidak hanya berdampak pada orang tua, melainkan juga pada anak dalam keluarga. Anak usia prasekolah merupakan mereka yang paling tertekan dalam menghadapi peristiwa tersebut. Dampak negatif perceraian pada anak dapat diminimalisir dengan pemberian pengetahuan sebelumnya. Pengetahuan mengenai perceraian, salah satunya dapat disampaikan melalui buku cerita bergambar. Sayangnya, di Indonesia peneliti belum menemukan buku cerita bergambar mengenai perceraian untuk anak usia prasekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas buku cerita bergambar dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan anak usia prasekolah mengenai perceraian. Penyusunan buku cerita bergambar dalam penelitian ini berdasar pada 3 sumber informasi, yaitu (1) studi literatur, (2) analisis buku cerita bergambar, dan (3) need assessment. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pre dan post test terhadap 5 partisipan yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Partisipan merupakan anak usia prasekolah yang orang tuanya sedang menjalani proses perceraian. Hasil analisa dengan paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa buku cerita bergambar secara signifikan meningkatkan pengetahuan anak usia prasekolah mengenai perceraian. Sebagai hasil analisa tambahan, orang tua partisipan mengaku lebih mudah menjelaskan perceraian kepada anaknya dengan menggunakan buku cerita. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, dapat dibuat buku cerita bergambar mengenai perceraian untuk anak pada tahapan usia yang berbeda atau dalam menghadapi peristiwa menantang lain;The impacts of divorce are not only felt by parents but also by children. Preschool children are the most distressed for facing parental divorce. The negative impacts of divorce on children can be minimized when children had pervious knowledge about the event. One of the method to give knowledge about divorce to children is through picture book. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, researchers have not found picture books for preschoolers about divorce. This study aims to test the effectiveness of picture book in increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. Formulation of picture books in this study is based on three sources of information: (1) the study of literature, (2) analysis of picture books, and (3) need assessment. This picture book that have been prepared, then used to test its effectiveness for increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. The test was conducted using pre and post test on 5 participants. The statistical method used in this study is paired sample t-test. The purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. The participants for this study are preschool children with parents that is undergoing divorce proceedings. The result shows that picture books in this study significantly increase preschool children's knowledge about divorce. As an additional result, parents find it easier to explain divorce to their children using the picture book from this study. For further study, researcher can make another picture book about divorce for children at different age or to face another challenging situation in life.
, The impacts of divorce are not only felt by parents but also by children. Preschool children are the most distressed for facing parental divorce. The negative impacts of divorce on children can be minimized when children had pervious knowledge about the event. One of the method to give knowledge about divorce to children is through picture book. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, researchers have not found picture books for preschoolers about divorce. This study aims to test the effectiveness of picture book in increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. Formulation of picture books in this study is based on three sources of information: (1) the study of literature, (2) analysis of picture books, and (3) need assessment. This picture book that have been prepared, then used to test its effectiveness for increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. The test was conducted using pre and post test on 5 participants. The statistical method used in this study is paired sample t-test. The purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. The participants for this study are preschool children with parents that is undergoing divorce proceedings. The result shows that picture books in this study significantly increase preschool children's knowledge about divorce. As an additional result, parents find it easier to explain divorce to their children using the picture book from this study. For further study, researcher can make another picture book about divorce for children at different age or to face another challenging situation in life.
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beaty, Janice J.
Jakarta : Kencana, 2013
305.233 BEA ot (1)
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nedra Wati Zaly
Usia prasekolah merupakan masa persiapan anak untuk masuk sekolah. Pada usia
ini perkembangan sosial, emosi, dan kognitif anak berkembang dengan cepat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
kesiapan anak usia prasekolah untuk mulai bersekolah. Desain penelitian ini
menggunakan studi deskriptif. Dengan pengumpulan data kesiapan sekolah
menggunakan pemeriksaan Nijmeegse Schoolbekwaanheids Test (NST) pada 206
anak. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan sebesar 42,3% anak sudah siap masuk
sekolah. Hasil regresi logistik multinomial menunjukkan jenis kelamin anak,
pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, penghasilan keluarga, dan perilaku orang tua
merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan masuk sekolah. Penelitian ini
merekomendasikan perawat dapat memberikan edukasi tentang pentingnya peran
ibu dalam mempersiapkan anak masuk sekolah terutama pada anak usia

Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children?s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother?s education, family income, mother?s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother?s roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles.;Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children?s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother?s education, family income, mother?s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother's roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles.;Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children?s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother?s education, family income, mother?s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother?s roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles.;Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children’s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother’s education, family income, mother’s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother’s roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles., Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children’s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother’s education, family income, mother’s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother’s roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
""This book focuses on an in-depth assessment on strategies and instructional design practices appropriate for the flipped classroom model, highlighting the benefits, shortcoming, perceptions, and academic results of the flipped classroom model"--"
Hershey, P.A.: Information Science Reference, 2014
371.3 PRO (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alifah Indalika Mulyadi Razak
Perilaku prososial merupakan modal penting untuk berhasil beradaptasi dalam kehidupan sosial (Berns, 2010). Keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan taman kanak-kanak memperluas mikrosistem anak dan menuntut pengembangan perilaku sosial sesuai dengan situasi sosial yang berbeda dan lebih luas. Upaya sistematik perlu dilakukan di tingkat prasekolah untuk memastikan bahwa perilaku prososial berkembang sesuai dengan harapan. Upaya menumbuhkembangkan tingkah laku prososial pernah dilakukan dengan menerapkan berbagai metode, antara lain, bermain peran, bermain konstruktif, pembacaan cerita dan metode bercerita shared reading. Metode shared reading dengan komponen membacakan cerita (C), berdiskusi (D) mengenai isi cerita serta mempraktekkan langsung informasi yang terdapat dalam isi cerita (K) akan diterapkan dalam Program Cerita Prososial Aktif rancangan peneliti. Efektivitas program cerita prososial aktif yang secara konseptual merupakan implementasi dari metode shared reading, akan diuji melalui penelitian eksperimental yang berdesain before-and-after . Partisipan berjumlah 20 murid taman kanak-kanak berusia antara 4-5 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 1 kelompok eksperimen (CDK) yang diintervensi dengan metode shared reading dan 3 kelompok kontrol berturut-turut: kelompok CD, C dan CG. Kelompok CD diintervensi dengan cerita dan diskusi, kelompok C dibacakan cerita oleh peneliti dan CG dibacakan cerita oleh guru murid-murid tersebut. Dilakukan intervensi selama 15 sesi. Perilaku prososial diukur melalui observasi terhadap 15 item senarai tingkah laku prososial. Program Cerita Prososial Aktif yang menggunakan metode shared reading ternyata efektif meningkatkan tingkah laku prososial anak prasekolah secara signifikan (Z=-2.032) setelah dilakukan 5 sesi intervensi dan tingkahlaku prososial secara konsisten terus meningkat frekuensinya sampai penelitian berakhir. Metode bercerita tanpa diskusi dan kegiatan efektivitasnya paling rendah.

Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.;Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.;Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups., Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual’s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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