Kata kunci : Rancangan struktur organisasi, perubahan struktur organisasi, efektivitas kerja, spesialisasi kerja, departementalisasi, rantai komando, rentang kendali, kuantitas kerja, kualitas kerja, dan pemanfaatan waktu
Keyword :
Organizational structure design, organization structure change, work effectiveness, work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, work quantity, work quality, and time utilization"
Nama | : | Tedi Gunawan |
Program Studi | : | Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen |
Judul | : | Peran Work Engagement dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Workplace Fun Terhadap Employee Voice Behavior |
Pembimbing | : | Ir. Aryana Satrya, M.M., Ph.D. |
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji peran work engagement dalam memediasi pengaruh workplace fun terhadap employee voice behavior. Data diperoleh dari 209 responden yang bekerja pada industri farmasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Lisrel 8.7, diketahui bahwa work engagement berperan dalam memediasi pengaruh workplace fun terhadap employee voice behavior. Sebagai tambahan, ditemukan bahwa semua jenis workplace fun yang terdiri dari fun activities, coworker socializing dan manager support for fun berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap work engagement, namun hanya coworker socializing yang berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap constructive voice behavior dan hanya coworker socializing dan manager support for fun yang berpengaruh signifikan dan negatif terhadap destructive voice behavior
Nama | : | Tedi Gunawan | ||
Study Program | : | Graduate School of Management |
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Title | : | The Mediating Role of Work Engagement on The Relationship Between Workplace Fun and Employee Voice Behavior |
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Counsellor | : | Ir. Aryana Satrya, M.M., Ph.D. |
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This study examines the role of work engagement as a mediator between workplace fun and employee voice behavior. Data was collected form 209 respondents who worked at pharmaceutical industry. Based on the data analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Lisrel 8.7, work engagement was found to mediate the relationship between workplace fun and employee voice behavior. In addition, each of the three forms of workplace fun which consists of fun activities, coworker socializing and manager support for fun were demonstrated to be significantly and positively related to work engagement. However, only coworker socializing which significantly and positively related to constructive voice behavior and only coworker socializing and manager support for fun which significantly and negatively related to destructive voice behavior.