ABSTRAKTatalaksana diabetes merupakan hal kompleks yang melibatkan serangkaian tindakan medis dan gaya hidup seperti diet secara teratur, olahraga, pengobatan, tes kadar gula, suntik insulin, atau pengobatan oral Glasgow Nutting, 2004 . Rangkaian tatalaksana yang menimbulkan respon psikologis seperti stres bahkan depresi perlu dilaksanakan untuk mencegah komplikasi sehingga dibutuhkan kepatuhan adherence yang baik. Menurut Gherman et al. 2011 , pasien yang lebih percaya diri dalam melakukan perawatan diri memiliki kepatuhan yang lebih baik, hal ini dapat direprsentasikan dalam self-efficacy. Selain self-efficacy, dukungan sosial juga dianggap sebagai faktor yang memengaruhi kepatuhan serta berdampak positif membantu individu menjalani pengobatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi dampak interaksi antara self-efficacy dan dukungan sosial terhadap kepatuhan pengobatan penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2. Peneliti menggunakan tiga alat ukur, yaitu The Diabetes Activity Questionnaire TDAQ , Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Survey DMSES , dan Medical Outcome Study-Social Support Survey MOS-SS . Penelitian ini melibatkan 109 sampel. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi berganda, model yang terdiri dari self-efficacy dan dukungan sosial mempengaruhi kepatuhan secara signifikan p.
ABSTRACTManagement of diabetes is a complex matter that involves a series of medical and lifestyle measures such as regular diet, exercise, medication, glucose test, insulin injections or oral medication Glasgow Nutting, 2004 . Management sequences that generate psychological responses such as stress and even depression need to be implemented to prevent complications so that adherence is required. According to Gherman et al. 2011 , patients who are more confident in self care have better adherence, this can be represented in self efficacy. In addition to self efficacy, social support has also considered a factor that affects adherence and has a positive impact on helping individuals through treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the interaction between self efficacy and social support for treatment adherence with diabetes mellitus type 2. Researchers using three measurements, such as The Diabetes Activity Questionnaire TDAQ , Diabetes Management Self Efficacy Survey DMSES , and the Medical Outcome Study Social Support Survey MOS SS . The study involved 109 samples. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, the model consists of self efficacy and social support significantly affect adherence p"