"[Dalam pasar keuangan, mendapatkan suatu abnormal return merupakan suatu hal
yang diinginkan oleh semua investor baik itu investor skala besar, skala kecil, trader,
maupun oleh perusahaan efek dalam hal ini broker. Berbagai macam teknik dalam
melakukan suatu transaksi dilakukan oleh para investor, untuk mendapatkan
abnormal return, mulai dengan melakukan suatu riset untuk mendapatkan intrinsic
value dari sebuah perusahaan sampai dengan melakukan suatu tindak kejahatan
dalam pasar keuangan. Tindak kejahatan yang terjadi dalam pasar keuangan dapat
bermacam-macam bentuknya mulai dari penipuan dalam bertransaksi sampai dengan
manipulasi pasar. Dalam hal menanggulangi kerugian yang mungkin didapatkan oleh
masing-masing pelaku keuangan, para otoritas dalam negeri membuat bermacammacam
regulasi. Namun dalam hal ini, tindakan manipulasi pasar merupakan
tindakan kejahatan yang sangat sulit untuk dibuktikan, seperti yang telah
diungkapkan oleh Jarrow (1992). Tesis ini mengukur tingkat volatilitas dan likuiditas
sebagai proksi untuk indikasi manipulasi pasar dalam bursa saham Indonesia. Dalam
meneliti manipulasi pasar, volatilitas dan likuiditas dijadikan sebuah acuan yang
dapat menggambarkan perilaku dari investor untuk menipu investor lainnya dalam
mendapatkan abnormal return. Metode pengukuran yang digunakan adalah dengan
mengukur order cancellation dari masing-masing jenis saham seperti yang telah
dilakukan oleh Chan dan Ma (2014). Dengan demikian dapat dianalisis pengaruh
order cancellation ini dalam tindakan kejahatan manipulasi pasar yang berupa orderbased
manipulation;In financial markets, getting an abnormal return is something that is desired by all
investors both large-scale investors, small-scale traders, as well as by the company in
this case securities broker. Various techniques in performing a transaction carried out
by the investor, to obtain abnormal return, started by doing some research to get the
intrinsic value of a company until committing a crime in the financial markets.
Crimes that occurred in the financial markets vary from fraud in transactions through
market manipulation. In terms of handling the losses that is gained by each of the
financial actors, the authorities in the country make the various regulations. But in
this case, the action of market manipulation is very difficult to prove, as has been
revealed by Jarrow (1992). This thesis measures the volatility and liquidity levels as a
proxy for an indication of market manipulation in the Indonesian stock market. In
researching market manipulation, volatility and liquidity can be used as a reference
for describing the behavior of other investors to defraud investors in obtaining
abnormal returns. Measurement method used is to measure the cancellation order of
each type of shares as has been done by Chan and Ma (2014). Thus it can be analyzed
the effect of this cancellation order in the criminal market manipulation in the form of
an order-based manipulation;In financial markets, getting an abnormal return is something that is desired by all
investors both large-scale investors, small-scale traders, as well as by the company in
this case securities broker. Various techniques in performing a transaction carried out
by the investor, to obtain abnormal return, started by doing some research to get the
intrinsic value of a company until committing a crime in the financial markets.
Crimes that occurred in the financial markets vary from fraud in transactions through
market manipulation. In terms of handling the losses that is gained by each of the
financial actors, the authorities in the country make the various regulations. But in
this case, the action of market manipulation is very difficult to prove, as has been
revealed by Jarrow (1992). This thesis measures the volatility and liquidity levels as a
proxy for an indication of market manipulation in the Indonesian stock market. In
researching market manipulation, volatility and liquidity can be used as a reference
for describing the behavior of other investors to defraud investors in obtaining
abnormal returns. Measurement method used is to measure the cancellation order of
each type of shares as has been done by Chan and Ma (2014). Thus it can be analyzed
the effect of this cancellation order in the criminal market manipulation in the form of
an order-based manipulation;In financial markets, getting an abnormal return is something that is desired by all
investors both large-scale investors, small-scale traders, as well as by the company in
this case securities broker. Various techniques in performing a transaction carried out
by the investor, to obtain abnormal return, started by doing some research to get the
intrinsic value of a company until committing a crime in the financial markets.
Crimes that occurred in the financial markets vary from fraud in transactions through
market manipulation. In terms of handling the losses that is gained by each of the
financial actors, the authorities in the country make the various regulations. But in
this case, the action of market manipulation is very difficult to prove, as has been
revealed by Jarrow (1992). This thesis measures the volatility and liquidity levels as a
proxy for an indication of market manipulation in the Indonesian stock market. In
researching market manipulation, volatility and liquidity can be used as a reference
for describing the behavior of other investors to defraud investors in obtaining
abnormal returns. Measurement method used is to measure the cancellation order of
each type of shares as has been done by Chan and Ma (2014). Thus it can be analyzed
the effect of this cancellation order in the criminal market manipulation in the form of
an order-based manipulation, In financial markets, getting an abnormal return is something that is desired by all
investors both large-scale investors, small-scale traders, as well as by the company in
this case securities broker. Various techniques in performing a transaction carried out
by the investor, to obtain abnormal return, started by doing some research to get the
intrinsic value of a company until committing a crime in the financial markets.
Crimes that occurred in the financial markets vary from fraud in transactions through
market manipulation. In terms of handling the losses that is gained by each of the
financial actors, the authorities in the country make the various regulations. But in
this case, the action of market manipulation is very difficult to prove, as has been
revealed by Jarrow (1992). This thesis measures the volatility and liquidity levels as a
proxy for an indication of market manipulation in the Indonesian stock market. In
researching market manipulation, volatility and liquidity can be used as a reference
for describing the behavior of other investors to defraud investors in obtaining
abnormal returns. Measurement method used is to measure the cancellation order of
each type of shares as has been done by Chan and Ma (2014). Thus it can be analyzed
the effect of this cancellation order in the criminal market manipulation in the form of
an order-based manipulation]"