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Rangga Pradipta Dwitiya
"Hotel merupakan salah satu pengguna sumber daya air terbesar. Ditengah semakin tingginya eksploitasi sumber daya air dibutuhkan sumber air alternatif untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air terutama pada hotel. Penggunaan greywater dapat menjadi salah satu sumber air alternatif untuk mengurangi konsumsi air pada hotel. Namun pemanfaatan greywater pada hotel ini belum banyak dilakukan di DKI Jakarta. Untuk mendorong keberhasilan pemanfaatan greywater pada hotel ini maka dilakukan pengukuran tingkat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap penggunaan air hasil daur ulang greywater pada hotel.Tingkat penerimaan masyarakat diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Selain tingkat penerimaan diukur juga jenis penggunaan air daur ulang yang sesuai dengan pendapat responden. Selain pengukuran pada hotel survei juga melakukan pengukuran tingkat penerimaan air daur ulang dan jenis penggunaannya pada rumah tinggal responden. Dalam survei tersebut juga disertakan pengukuran faktor pendukung tingkat penerimaan masyarakat yang didasarkan pada teori Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) terhadap air daur ulang yaitu, kesadaran akan lingkungan, informasi, dan pengalaman terkait air daur ulang. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, mayoritas responden menyatakan setuju untuk jika hotel menggunakan air daur ulang sebgai sumber air alternatif dan bersedia menginap di hotel tersebut. Responden juga menyatakan kebersediaannya jika menggunakan air daur ulang pada rumah tinggal. Jenis penggunaan air daur ulang yang sesuai menurut responden adalah penggunaan menyiram tanaman, menyiram toilet dan pemadam kebakaran.

Hotels are one of the largest consumers of water. Amid the increasing exploitation of water resource alternatives water sources are needed to fulfil the needs of water especially in hotels. The use of greywater can be an alternatives water source to reduce water consumption in hotels. However, greywater still rarely used in hotels especially in DKI Jakarta. To encourage the usage of greywater in hotels, a study to measure the level of public acceptance of recycled water from greywater in hotels and homes were conducted. The public acceptance was measured using a questionnaire. In addition to public acceptance, the survey also measured the type of usage that suitable for recycled water according to the respondents. The survey also included measurement of supporting factors of public acceptance of recycled water based on the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) namely environmental awareness, information, and experience related to recycled water. The results are the majority of respondents agreed if hotels use recycled water as an alternative water source and willing to stay at the hotels. Respondents also stated their willingness to use recycled water in their homes. According to the respondents the type of usage that suitable for recycled water are gardening, toilet flushing, and firefighting."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruben Christopher
"Air limbah greywater merupakan salah satu sumber pencemar dengan potensi yang besar untuk didaur ulang menjadi air baku. Teknologi berbasis LID seperti bioretensi dapat berpotensi sebagai sarana pemanfaatan greywater. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kemampuan teknologi bioretensi dengan media zeolit dan pasir kuarsa dalam mengolah greywater. Dilakukan penelitian di Kantin Mahasiswa FTUI. Didapatkan konsentrasi COD, TSS, dan FOG sebesar 136,4 mg/L, 65,8 mg/L, dan 16,62 mg/L pada greywater Kantin Mahasiswa FTUI yang telah melalui pre-treatmentdengan grease trap. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 reaktor bioretensi skala pilot, yakni reaktor kontrol, reaktor dengan masing-masing tanaman Iris pseudacorus, Chrysopogon zizanioides sebagai Reaktor 1, 2 dan 3 berjenis plug flow. Dilakukan pengaliran selama 2 minggu. Dihasilkan rata-rata efisiensi penyisihan COD pada Reaktor 1, 2 dan 3 sebesar 10,61%, 25,54%, dan 41,09%. Reaktor 2 dan 3 telah memenuhi baku mutu air limbah untuk COD sedangkan Reaktor 1 belum memenuhi. Rata-rata efisiensi penyisihan FOG pada Reaktor 1, 2 dan 3 berturut-turut sebesar 35,55%, 71,80%, dan 81,25%. Reaktor 2 dan 3 memenuhi baku mutu air limbah untuk FOG, sedangkan Reaktor 1 belum memenuhi. Tanaman Chrysopogon zizanioidesmenjadi pilihan terbaik bagi reaktor bioretensi untuk mengolah COD dan FOG dari greywater hasil pencucian piring pada kantin.

Greywater considered to be sources of pollution with significant potential for recycling into usable water. Low Impact Development-based technologies such as bioretention have the potential to be utilized for greywater treatment. This study was conducted to analyze the capability of bioretention technology using zeolite and quartz sand as media, in treating greywater. The research was conducted at FTUI Student Cafeteria. The initial concentrations of COD, TSS, and FOG after grease trap were 136.4 mg/L, 65.8 mg/L, and 16.62 mg/L, respectively. The study employed three pilot scale bioretention reactors, namely a control reactor, reactors with Iris pseudacorus and Chrysopogon zizanioides plants each, designated as Reactor 1, 2, and 3 designed as plug flow. The test was conducted for two consecutive weeks. The average COD removal efficiencies for Reactor 1, 2, and 3 were 10.61%, 25.54%, and 41.09%, respectively. Reactor 2 and 3 met the wastewater quality standards for COD removal. Average FOG removal efficiencies for Reactor 1, 2, and 3 were 35.55%, 71.80%, and 81.25%, respectively. Reactor 2 and 3 met the wastewater quality standards for FOG removal. Chrysopogon zizanioides was found to be the most suitable plant for bioretention reactors treatment of COD and FOG in commercial dishwashing greywater."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dorothy Marsha Constantine
"Sungai Ciliwung merupakan salah satu sungai di Pulau Jawa yang tercemar oleh limbah dari aktivitas rumah tangga, komersial/industri serta pertanian. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk akan memicu adanya perubahan tata guna lahan. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan perkembangan aktivitas manusia di berbagai sektor, pencemaran air sungai menjadi masalah serius yang dihadapi oleh manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis spasiotemporal terhadap konsentrasi dan beban pencemar air Sungai Ciliwung serta korelasinya dengan tren perubahan tata guna lahan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan yang memengaruhi beban pencemaran sungai tersebut. Analisis dilakukan terhadap parameter pencemar organik dan nutrien (BOD, COD, DO, TSS, NH3, NO2, NO3 dan Total Fosfat) dengan menggunakan data debit dan kualitas air Sungai Ciliwung dari BBWS Ciliwung – Cisadane. Secara spasial, konsentrasi dan beban pencemar organik dan nutrien dari hulu ke hilir cenderung menunjukkan peningkatan dari hulu hingga ke hilir. Sedangkan secara temporal, konsentrasi pencemar organik (BOD dan COD) memuncak di tahun 2018 kemudian mengalami penurunan hingga tahun 2020. Kemudian, konsentrasi pencemar nutrien (NH3, NO3, T-P) dan TSS paling tinggi adalah pada tahun 2020. Tren beban BOD, NH3, NO2dari tahun 2016 – 2020 meningkat, sedangkan tren beban COD, TSS, NO3, dan Total Fosfat dari tahun 2016 – 2020 menurun. Bila dilihat dari tren perubahan tutupan lahan dan nilai koefisien korelasi, peningkatan persentase lahan permukiman menyebabkan meningkatnya beban pencemar. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari hasil uji korelasi yang positif kuat-moderat antara keduanya. Sedangkan hasil uji korelasi persentase lahan pertanian dengan beban pencemar menunjukkan korelasi negatif moderat dengan lahan pertanian. Dari hasil uji tersebut dapat diperkirakan bahwa limbah aktivitas pertanian secara kuantitas tidak lagi signifikan terhadap pencemaran di badan air bila dibandingkan dengan kegiatan domestik. Selain itu, rata-rata rasio BOD/COD didapatkan kurang dari 0,3 (bersifat non-biodgradable) sebagai indikator adanya pencemaran dari kegiatan non-domestik seperti kegiatan komersil/industri dan TPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antropogenik yang paling dominan memengaruhi beban pencemar organik dan nutrien di DAS Ciliwung dalam penelitian ini adalah kegiatan domestik (secara khusus akibat limbah greywater), serta limbah kegiatan komersil/industri yang tidak memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan namun langsung dibuang ke saluran air dan mengalir ke badan air.

Ciliwung River is one of many rivers on the Java Island which is polluted by waste from domestic, commercial/industrial and agricultural activities. The rapid population growth caused changes in land use. Along with population growth and the development of human activities in various sectors, river pollution became a serious problem for humans. The purpose of this study is to conduct a spatiotemporal analysis of the concentration and pollutant load of the Ciliwung River and its correlation with the trend of land use changes to determine the factors that dominantly influence the river pollution. The analysis was carried out on the parameters of organic pollutants and nutrients (BOD, COD, DO, TSS, NH3, NO2, NO3 and Total Phosphate) using the flow and water quality data of the Ciliwung River from BBWS Ciliwung – Cisadane. Spatially, the concentration of organic pollutants and nutrients increased from upstream to downstream. Spatial variations in organic and nutrient pollutant loads also tend to show an increase from upstream to downstream. Meanwhile, temporally, the concentration and load of organic pollutants (BOD and COD) peaked in 2018 and then decreased until 2020. Then, the concentration and load of nutrient pollutants (NH3, NO3, T-P) and the highest TSS was in 2020. The trend of BOD, NH3, and NO2 loads from 2016 – 2020 increased, while the trend of COD, TSS, NO3, and Total Phosphate loads from 2016 – 2020 decreased. From the trend of land cover changes and the value of coefficient correlation, an increasing percentage of residential land caused an increasing pollutant load. This is indicated by the results of a strong-moderate positive correlation test between those two. While the results of the correlation test of the percentage of agricultural land with the pollutant load showed a negative correlation. From that results, it can be estimated that the waste of agricultural activity is no longer significant in terms of pollution in water bodies compared to domestic activities. In addition, the average BOD/COD ratio was found to be less than 0,3 (non-biodgradable) as an indicator of pollution from non-domestic activities such as commercial/industrial activities or landfill runoff. The results showed that the most dominant anthropogenic activities affecting organic and nutrient pollutant loads in the Ciliwung watershed in this study were domestic activities (particularly due to greywater waste), as well as the waste of commercial/industrial activities that did not meet the established standards but were directly discharged and flowed into a water body."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alviza Hindrasari
"Air limbah domestik yang mengalir ke media lingkungan tanpa diolah secara aman dapat menjadi sumber pencemaran yang berpotensi menimbulkan kelangkaan air bersih serta berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan dan ekonomi. Upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan pencemaran ini dapat dilakukan melalui penyediaan fasilitas pengolahan air limbah domestik, namun memerlukan biaya investasi dan O&M cukup besar. Sesuai konsep Polluter-Pays Principle, biaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan pencemaran harus dialokasikan pada barang atau jasa yang menyebabkan pencemaran dan ditanggung oleh pencemar.
Di Indonesia kinerja pengelolaan air limbah masih belum memadai (idle capacity) dan sebagian besar layanan belum mencapai cost recovery dikarenakan masih rendahnya pemanfaatan sistem maupun kesediaan membayar biaya penyambungan ataupun biaya retribusi. Guna menjaga keberlangsungan layanan pengelolaan air limbah domestik di Kota Batam, yang saat ini berada dalam tahap pembangunan SPALD-T di wilayah Batam Kota (tahap 1) dan akan beroperasi dalam waktu dekat, maka masyarakat pelanggan air bersih akan ditagihkan biaya layanan air limbah domestik dalam tagihan pemakaian air bersih sebesar 20%-30% dari biaya air bersih.
Kebijakan ini merupakan hal yang baru bagi masyarakat Kota Batam dan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi apakah masyarakat Kota Batam bersedia untuk membayar biaya layanan air limbah domestik tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara persepsi masyarakat yang menyadari bahwa air limbah domestik adalah sumber pencemaran dan selaku pencemar harus membayar sesuai konsep PPP dengan probabilitas kesediaan membayar lebih tinggi atas layanan air limbah domestik di Kota Batam.
Studi ini menggunakan data hasil survei persepsi dan kondisi sosial-ekonomi masyarakat Kota Batam tahun 2020 yang bersumber dari BP Batam dengan responden sebanyak 663 rumah tangga pelanggan air bersih di Kota Batam. Metode analisa regresi logistik biner digunakan dan menunjukkan hasil bahwa masyarakat yang menyadari air limbah domestik adalah sumber pencemaran dan memahami konsep selaku pencemar harus membayar memiliki hubungan positif dengan probabilitas kesediaan membayar lebih tinggi atas layanan air limbah domestik. Temuan dari studi ini dapat menjadi salah satu bukti empiris yang dapat digunakan sebagai masukan dalam pengambilan kebijakan penerapan tarif atau biaya layanan air limbah domestik.

Domestic wastewater that flows into environmental media without being treated safely can be a source of pollution that has the potential to cause scarcity of clean water and have a negative impact on health and the economy. Efforts to prevent and control this pollution can be carried out through the provision of domestic wastewater treatment facilities, which it requires significant investment and O&M costs. In accordance with the Polluter-Pays Principle concept, the cost of preventing and overcoming pollution must be allocated to goods or services that cause pollution and be borne by the polluter.
In Indonesia, the performance of wastewater management is still inadequate (idle capacity) and most services have not achieved cost recovery due to the low utilization of the system and the willingness to pay connection fees or retribution fees. In order to maintain the continuity of domestic wastewater management services in Batam City, which is currently in the construction phase of the off-site sewage treatment system in the Batam Kota area (phase 1) and will operate in the near future, clean water customers will be billed for domestic wastewater service fee in the clean water usage bill of 20%-30% of the cost of clean water.
This policy is a new thing for the people of Batam City and to be able to identify whether the people of Batam City are willing to pay the cost of domestic wastewater services, this study aims to see the relationship between the perception of the public who realizes that domestic wastewater is a source of pollution and as a polluter must pay according to the PPP concept with a higher probability of willingness to pay for domestic wastewater services in Batam City.
This study uses data from the perception survey and the socio-economic conditions of the people of Batam City in 2020 which are sourced from BP Batam with as many as 663 household customers of clean water in Batam City. The binary logistic regression analysis method is used and shows the results that people who are aware that domestic wastewater is a source of pollution and understand the concept that a polluter must pay has a positive relationship with a higher probability of willingness to pay for domestic wastewater services. The findings of this study can be one of the empirical evidence that can be used as input in making policies on the application of tariffs or fees for domestic wastewater services
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Happy Rachmadhi
"Mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia adalah umat Islam. Kegiatan wudhu dapat menghasilkan sumber daya air untuk peruntukan tertentu. Rata-rata pengunjung yang datang ke Masjid Istiqlal sebanyak 328.000 orang per bulan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kualitas serta potensi limbah air bekas wudhu yang tergolong greywater untuk didaur ulang. Kajian teknologi daur ulang meliputi 3 pengolahan greywater yang terdiri atas constructed wetland, biofilter anaerob aerob, dan biosand filter. Kajian teknologi pengolahan greywater dilakukan berdasarkan aspek investasi, biaya operasional dan luas lahan. Kajian teknologi diperkuat dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process terhadap persepsi ahli.
Hasil pengamatan diketahui kegiatan operasional non-konsumsi (mencuci lantai, menyiram taman, dan mencuci mukena) di Masjid Istiqlal membutuhkan air sebanyak 477 m3/bulan. Hasil uji kualitas greywater masih memenuhi rentang baku mutu greywater Australia. Hasil kajian potensi air dari bekas wudhu (greywater) sebanyak 875 m3/bulan, dapat menghemat penggunaan air bersih hingga 35%. Pengunjung Masjid Istiqlal sebanyak 81% setuju bahwa air bekas wudhu layak untuk didaur ulang. Proses pengolahan limbah greywater menurut para ahli yaitu biosand filter. Biaya yang diperlukan untuk membangun teknologi biosand filter sebesar Rp. 31.826.653 dengan harga per kubik air daur ulang Rp. 2.604/m3. Pemanfaatan daur ulang greywater dapat mengurangi air bersih sebanyak 85.860 m3 selama 15 tahun.

The majority of Indonesian people are Muslims. Ablution activities can produce water resources for a particular allocation. The average visitor who comes to the Istiqlal Mosque as many as 328.000 people per month. The purpose of this study is to assess the quality and the potential of waste water used for ablution belonging greywater recycling. Study of recycling technologies covering 3 greywater treatment comprising constructed wetland, anaerobic aerobic biofilter, and biosand filter. Greywater treatment technology assessment is based on aspects of investment, operating costs and land area. Technology assessment is reinforced by the Analytical Hierarchy Process to the perception of experts.
Results of observation water needs operations of non-consumption (washing floors, watering the garden and washing mukena) in Masjid Istiqlal as much as 477 m3/month. Greywater quality test results still meet the quality standard range greywater Australia. The results of the study potential of waste ablution water (greywater) is 875 m3/month, it can save clean water use save up to 35%. Visitors Istiqlal Mosque as much as 81% agree that decent ablution water used for recycling. Greywater waste treatment process according to the experts, namely biosand filter. Cost required to build biosand filter is Rp. 31.826.653 at a price of recycled water per cubic is Rp. 2.604 /m3. Utilization of greywater recycling can reduce as much as 85.860 m3 of clean water for 15 years.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safira Dyah Kusumawardhani
"Variasi kegiatan antropogenik di DKI Jakarta sebagai kota urban yang berkembang pesat menimbulkan limbah yang dilepas ke sungai yang pada akhirnya bermuara di Teluk Jakarta. Di sisi lain, Teluk Jakarta dikenal masih dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat pariwisata, fasilitas transportasi laut, maupun sumber tangkapan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah guna melihat persebaran konsentrasi serta beban pencemar organik dan nutrien yang dilihat berdasarkan angka konsentrasi dan debit pada titik pantau sungai serta menilai aktivitas antropogenik mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap besaran beban pencemar. Konsentrasi pencemar organik dan nutrien dilihat dari Data Alam KLHK, sedangkan besaran debit akan diproyeksikan berdasarkan besaran curah hujan, luas sub-DAS, dan morfologi saluran sungai pada periode 2016 – 2019 dengan Hec-HMS. Penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa curah hujan sangat berpengaruh pada besaran beban pencemar yang dinyatakan dalam ton/tahun walau konsentrasi terukur tidak terlalu signifikan. Guna melihat pengaruh aktivitas antropogenik terhadap beban pencemar, dilakukan analisis korelasi antara beban pencemar dengan persentase tutupan lahan yang diperkuat dengan grafik scatter. Penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa korelasi antara jenis lahan aktivitas antropogenik dengan pencemar (kecuali DO atau oksigen terlarut) tidak selalu berkorelasi positif, sebagaimana halnya yang terlihat pada korelasi lahan komersial dan TSS yang justru berkorelasi negatif.

Variations of anthropogenic issues in DKI Jakarta as urban city produce waste that flows into water bodies that ends up in Jakarta Bay. In fact, Jakarta Bay is known to be still used by local residents as a place of tourism, marine transportation facilities, and a source of marine catch as consumption and ornamental animals. The purpose of this study is to see the distribution of concentrations and the rate or loading of organic and nutrient pollutants seen based on concentration and discharge figures at river monitoring points and assess which anthropogenic activity has the most influence on the amount of beban of pollutant. The concentration of organic and nutrient pollutants is seen from Data Alam by Ministry of Environment and Forestry, while the amount of discharge will be projected based on the amount of rainfall rate, sub-basin area, and morphology of river channels in the period 2016 – 2019. Research shown that rainfall rate greatly affects the amount of pollutant loading expressed in tons/year even though the measured concentration is not too significant. In order to see the influence of anthropogenic activity, a correlation analysis was carried out between the loading of pollutants and the percentage of land cover which was strengthened by a scatter chart. Research also shows that the correlation between anthropogenic activity land types and polluters (except Dissolved Oxygen) is not always positively correlated, as it is seen in the correlation of commercial land and TSS which is actually negatively correlated.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadine Hafiza
Air limbah rumah tangga memiliki kontribusi sebanyak 40 sebagai pencemar sumber air di Indonesia. Pencemaran air limbah rumah tangga tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya penyebaran pathogen antar manusia dan efek bioakumulasi pada lingkungan Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis karakteristik kualitas dan kuantitas air limbah rumah tangga untuk dapat diketahui potensi pencemaran terhadap Sungai Ciliwung dan identifikasi teknologi penanggulangan yang dapat diterapkan. Hasil rata-rata estimasi kuantitas air limbah dari laundry, kamar mandi, dapur, dan kloset adalah 49 18; 79,1 5; 24,5 12; dan 29,9 3 L/orang/hari. Air limbah rumah tangga memiliki konsentrasi pencemar yang tinggi pada beberapa parameter, yaitu konduktivitas 1606-2046 ?s/cm, TDS 709-1007 mg/L, ammonia 78-167 mg/L, total nitrogen 511-836 mg/L, total fosfor 16,6-21,3 mg/L, fosfat 33-46,8 mg/L, potassium 32,5-47,9 mg/L, dan fecal coliform 430.000-1.600.000 MPN/100 mL dari blackwater; dan COD 559-1991,6 mg/L, MBAS 0,3-0,31 mg/L, alumunium 1,65-5,09 mg/L, sodium 7,5-61,4 mg/L, dan silica 17,7-23,2 mg/L dari greywater laundry. Rata-rata konsentrasi pencemar yang tinggi menyebabkan tingginya estimasi potensi beban pencemar pada Sungai Ciliwung sebagai badan air penerima air limbah rumah tangga, khususnya beban COD, BOD, total nitrogen, dan total fosfor, yaitu sebesar 27,7 9 ton/jam, 8,5 2 ton/jam, 11,2 2 ton/jam dan 0,2 0,04 ton/jam. Teknologi pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga yang dapat diterapkan agar memenuhi baku mutu air limbah domestik Permen LH No. 68 Tahun 2016 adalah menggunakan teknologi membran, yaitu bioreactor dan reverse osmosis, atau menggunakan constructed wetland. Pertimbangan dari kedua teknologi tersebut adalah membrane bioreactor memiliki biaya operasional yang tinggi dan resiko fouling, sedangkan efisiensi penghilangan dari constructed wetland dapat menurun setelah pengoperasian selama beberapa waktu.

Domestic wastewater contributes about 40 as source of water bodies pollutants in Indonesia. The wastewater pollution causes the spread of pathogens and has bioaccumulation effects on environmental. The purpose of this study was to analyze characteristics of household wastewater in order to know its potential pollution to Ciliwung River and to identifiy the most applicable technology for treatment. The average wastewater quantity estimation results from laundry, bathroom, kitchen and closet are 49 18 79,1 5 24,5 12 and 29,9 3 L person day. Domestic wastewater has a high pollutant concentration on several parameters, conductivity 1606 2046 s cm, TDS 709 1007 mg L, ammonia 78 167 mg L, total nitrogen 511 836 mg L, total phosphorus 16,6 21.3 mg L, phosphate 33 46.8 mg L, potassium 32.5 47.9 mg L, and fecal coliform 430.000 1.600.000 MPN 100 mL from blackwater and COD 559 1991,6 mg L, MBAS 0,3 0,31 mg L, aluminum 1,65 5,09 mg L, sodium 7,5 61,4 mg L, and silica 17,7 23,2 mg L from laundry greywater. The average high pollutant concentration and quantity leads to high estimation of pollutant load on the Ciliwung River as the water bodies receiver, especially for COD, BOD, total nitrogen and phosphorus loads which reach 27,7 9 tons hour, 8,5 2 tons hour, 11,2 2 tons hour and 0,2 0,04 tons hour. Wastewater treatment technologies that can be applied to comply domestic wastewater quality standards Permen LH No. 68, 2016 are membrane technology, which are bioreactor and reverse osmosis, or constructed wetland technology. Meanwhile, the considerations of both technologies are that membrane bioreactor has high operational cost and fouling risk, while removal efficiency of constructed wetland can decrease after operation for some time."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yaumil Akhir
"Hotel adalah salah satu konsumen air terbesar. Kategori kebutuhan air di hotel bervariasi dari kebutuhan air minum hingga kebutuhan irigasi kebun di mana setiap kebutuhan memiliki kriteria kualitas air yang berbeda. Namun di Indonesia, semua kebutuhan air di hotel dipenuhi dengan satu kualitas air, yaitu air bersih. Ini menyebabkan limbah pada sumber daya air bersih terbatas dan biaya pengadaan air bersih di hotel. Penggunaan greywater sebagai sumber air alternatif di hotel adalah cara untuk mengurangi konsumsi air bersih di hotel. Penggunaan greywater dapat dimaksimalkan dengan memproses greywater sesuai dengan setiap kriteria kualitas air yang diperlukan di hotel. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan skema pemanfaatan greywater untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air di sebuah hotel berdasarkan kategori kebutuhan dan kriteria kualitas air. Potensi greywater di sebuah hotel ditinjau melalui studi literatur dan studi kasus di sebuah hotel bintang-lima di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan greywater di hotel memiliki potensi untuk menghemat hingga 65,20 % dari konsumsi air bersih, setara dengan 43,04 m3/hari dan menghemat biaya pasokan air sebesar Rp 10.607.000 per tahun.

Hotel is one of the biggest water consumers. The water needs category in hotels varies from drinking water requirements to garden irrigation needs where each requirement has different water quality criteria. But in Indonesia, all water needs in hotels are met with one water quality, which is clean water. This causes waste in limited clean water resources and the cost of procuring clean water at the hotel. The use of greywater as an alternative water source in hotels is a way to reduce the consumption of clean water in hotels. The use of greywater can be maximized by processing greywater according to each water quality criterion needed at the hotel. Therefore, this research was conducted to aim for developing a scheme for utilizing greywater to meet water requirements in a hotel based on the category of water quality needs and criteria. The potential of greywater in a hotel is reviewed through literature studies and case studies in a five-star hotel in Jakarta. The results showed that the use of greywater in hotels has the potential to save up to 65,20 % of clean water consumption, equivalent to 43,04 m3/day and save water supply costs of IDR 10.607.000 per year."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Lintang Lestari
"Degradasi DAS Ciliwung yang terus berlanjut, berakibat pada tidak dapat digunakannya sungai Ciliwung sesuai peruntukkannya. Buruknya sistem pengolahan air limbah domestik dan industri kecil yang membuang limbahnya langsung ke Sungai Ciliwung, berperan dalam memperburuk kualitas air sungai. Identifikasi dan penentuan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas air sungai Ciliwung DKI Jakarta, perlu dilakukan agar diperoleh arahan strategi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.
Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan menentukan status mutu air berdasarkan Metode STORET dan Indeks Pencemar, kemudian untuk mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas air sungai digunakan metode SPSS versi 17. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kondisi pencemaran Sungai Ciliwung DKI Jakarta tergolong dalam kategori cemar sedang hingga berat berdasarkan metode Indeks Pencemar, sedangkan melalui metode STORET dapat diketahui bahwa kondisi status mutu air berada dalam kategori buruk.
Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan SPSS dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%, dari limbah domestik diperoleh persamaan Y = 0,496 + 0,129 X1+ 0,030X2 + 0,021X3+ 0,175X4+ 0,129X5+ (-0,081)X6+ 0,013X7, yang menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas air Sungai Ciliwung adalah tipe jamban (90.9% jamban leher angsa), kualitas limbah cair dan kapasitas rumah tangga/masyarakat dalam membayar layanan fasilitas pengolahan limbah domestik. Sedangkan pada limbah industri diperoleh persamaan Y = 2,779 + (-0,046) X1+ (-0,528)X2 + (-0,132)X3+ 0,098X4+ 0,418X5+ (-0,695)X6, yang menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh adalah pembuangan limbah (90% langsung dibuang ke badan air), kapasitas industri dalam membayar layanan fasilitas pengolahan limbah dan peran kelembagaan masyarakat.
Melalui analisis SWOT dapat diketahui bahwa permasalahan pengendalian pencemaran Sungai Ciliwung berada dalam kuadran IV (Weakness-Threat) sehingga strategi yang diusulkan adalah pendataan ulang industri kecil di bantaran sungai, penyuluhan dan penertiban buangan limbah domestik dan limbah industri, serta penerapan rancangan pola pengelolaan sumber daya air.

Ciliwung watershed degradation continues, resulting in the inability to use the Ciliwung river according to its function. Poor domestic wastewater treatment systems and small industries that dump their waste directly into the Ciliwung River, take a role in exacerbating the water quality of the river. Identification and determination of factors that affect the water quality of the river Ciliwung Jakarta, needs to be done in order to obtain referrals strategies to overcome these problems.
The method of research is done by determining the water quality status based on STORET method and Pollutant Index, and then to determine the factors that affect the quality of the river water used method of SPSS version 17. Based on survey, revealed that the condition of Jakarta Ciliwung River pollution classified in the category of moderate to severe blackened by Pollutant Index method, while through STORET method can be seen that the condition of the water quality status are in a bad category.
Based on the results of SPSS processing with 95% of confidence level, from domestic waste derived equation Y = 0,496 + 0,129 X1+ 0,030X2 + 0,021X3+ 0,175X4+ 0,129X5+ (-0,081)X6+ 0,013X7, which suggests that the factors that affect the water quality of the Ciliwung river is the type of latrine (90.9% latrines goose neck), effluent quality and capability of households / communities for pay service domestic wastewater treatment facility. While the industrial waste derived equation Y = 2,779 + (-0,046) X1+ (-0,528)X2 + (-0,132)X3+ 0,098X4+ 0,418X5+ (-0,695)X6, which suggests that the factors that influence the disposal of waste (90% directly discharged into a body of water), the capability to pay the service industry in waste treatment facilities and the role of community institutions.
Through the SWOT analysis, can be seen that the problem of pollution control Ciliwung River is in quadrant IV (Weakness-Threat) so that the proposed strategy is the data collection of small industries along the river, counseling and enforcement of domestic sewage and industrial waste, as well as the application of design patterns for resource management water.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Epifani Satiti
"The purposes of this research are to identify & characterize the wastewater, discharged from a traditional market and also to evaluate its Sewage Treatment Plant performance. Case study is done in Glodok Traditional Market from November until December 2010. Wastewater identification and characterization took place in wet lot, which consist of fish lot, chicken lot, and meat lot. The source of fish lot wastewater are fish washing and rinsing, shrimp shell and squid cleaning, melting ice cube from fish storage, and hand washing from the seller itself; in chicken lot, wastewater is discharge from chicken slaughter; while in meat lot, the wastewater is released from washing cow stomach wall activities (in the making of tripe).
Result of the research in identification showed that the discharge of waste water can be identified using flow rate based on selling volume. Meanwhile, the result of characterization are: Fish lot : pH = 6.153, TSS = 786.667 mg/L, Total N = 123.330, Ammonia = 101.333, Total P = 24.981, BOD = 1109.388, COD = 2037.248, Oil and grease = 1004.5 ; Chicken lot : pH = 5.893, TSS = 666.667 mg/L, Total N = 75.557 mg/L, Ammonia = 54 mg/L, Total P = 16.247 mg/L, BOD = 598.963 mg/L, COD = 1392.304 mg/L, oil and grease = 518 mg/L; Meat lot : pH = 10.553 mg/L, TSS = 460 mg/L, Total N = 32.720 mg/L, Ammonia = 12 mg/L, Total P = 9.43 mg/L, BOD = 100.031 mg/L, COD = 1536.240 mg/L, oil and grease = 668 mg/L.
Result of STP evaluation showed that STP plan which is made based on office and hotel biological loading causing the performance of STP is not optimum. It can be displayed from the value of TSS and oil & grease of the effluent, whose not meet by the quality standard of Kepmenlh 112 tahun 2003. The low performance of STP also can be seen from high amount of ammonia in effluent because the process itself only can remove BOD without followed by nitrification."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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