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Fanny Anggraeni Octoviani
"Giardiasis adalah infeksi parasit yang disebabkan oleh Giardia intestinalis, yang pada umumnya dialami oleh anak-anak. Giardia intestinalis merupakan penyebab infeksi terbanyak di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia yang berdampak pada tumbuh kembang anak dan fungsi kognitifnya serta dapat menjadi sumber infeksi (carrier) bagi lingkungannya. Pemeriksaan yang dipakai pada penelitian ini dengan mikroskopik langsung dan pemeriksaan coproantigen, untuk mendiagnosis Giardiasis. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pemeriksaan coproantigen pada anak-anak dengan stunting dengan dan tanpa gejala dibandingkan dengan pemeriksaan mikroskopik. Penelitian ini bersifat uji diagnosis pada coproantigen dengan mikroskopik sebagai standar baku pemeriksaan Giardiasis dengan desain potong lintang. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel koleksi pada populasi anak stunting di Bandung yang dikumpulkan pada bulan Januari-Maret 2020 kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan di Departemen Parasitologi FKUI. Pada pemeriksaan mikroskopik langsung pada 99 sampel anak dengan stunting didapatkan hasil positif Giardia intestinalis 9,1% (9 sampel), Blastocyst hominis 3% (3 sampel), Entamoeba coli 1% (1 sampel) sedangkan pemeriksaan coproantigen didapatkan 6 sampel positif (6,1%), dan negatif ada 93 sampel (93,9%). Nilai sensitivitas coproantigen 55,5%, sedangkan spesifisitasnya 98,8%, PPV 83,33%, NPV 95,7%. Kesimpulannya pada alat tersebut memiliki spesifisitas tinggi, namun sensitivitas masih rendah sehingga diperlukan alat diagnostik yang lain, namun bisa dipakai sebagai alat skrining pada anak-anak sehingga dapat mencegah kejadian kurang gizi (stunting), karena paling cepat dan bisa dalam jumlah sampel yang besar. Penggunaan alat ini masih perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan. Untuk saat ini alat diagnostik yang tepat sebagai standar baku menggunakan pemeriksaan mikroskopik karena lebih murah dan dapat mendeteksi tidak hanya satu parasit saja, namun bisa pada beberapa parasit, namun membutuhkan keahlian dari individu.

Giardiasis is a parasitic infection caused by Giardia intestinalis, which is commonly experienced by children. Giardia intestinalis is the most common cause of infection in developing countries, including Indonesia, which has an impact on children's growth and development and cognitive function and can be a source of infection (carrier) for the environment. The examination used in this study was direct microscopy and coproantigen examination, to diagnose Giardiasis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate coproantigen examination in stunted children with and without symptoms compared with microscopic examination. This study is a diagnostic test on coproantigen with a microscope as the standard for Giardiasis examination with a cross-sectional design. This study uses a sample collection of the stunting child population in Bandung which was collected in January-March 2020 and then examined at the Department of Parasitology FKUI. On direct microscopic examination of 99 samples of children with stunting, the positive results were Giardia intestinalis 9.1% (9 samples), Blastocyst hominis 3% (3 samples), Entamoeba coli 1% (1 sample) while the coproantigen examination found 6 positive samples 6 samples. (6,1%), and negative there were 93 samples (93.9%). The sensitivity value of coproantigen was 55.5%, while the specificity was 98.8%, PPV 83.33%, NPV 95.7%. The conclusion is that this tool has high specificity, but its sensitivity is still low, so another diagnostic tool is needed, but it can be used as a screening tool in children so that it can prevent stunting, because it is the fastest and can be in a large number of samples. The use of this tool still needs further research. For now, the right diagnostic tool as a standard is using microscopic examination because it is cheaper and can detect not only one parasite, but can be in several parasites, but requires expertise from the individual."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laras Budiyani
"Giardia lamblia adalah protozoa parasit usus pada manusia yang umum terdapat di seluruh dunia, dominan pada iklim lembab, dan lebih sering terjadi di negara berkembang. Pada sebagian besar negara berkembang, prevalens giardiasis paling tinggi terjadi pada anak usia di bawah 5 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan infeksi Giardia lamblia dengan status nutrisi balita.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain cross-sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder hasil survei pemeriksaan parasit usus dan pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan pada balita di kecamatan Jatinegara, Jakarta Pusat tahun 2006. Sejumlah 467 anak di bawah lima tahun dipilih secara acak sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Prevalens infeksi parasit usus pada populasi ini mencapai 65.7%, dengan persentase giardiasis sebesar 4.1%. Sembilan belas orang dengan giardiasis telah dibandingkan dengan 160 orang tanpa infeksi parasit usus untuk melihat adanya perbedaan bermakna pada indikator malnutrisi. Z score dengan nilai -2SD digunakan sebagai cut off point indikator malnutrisi. Sebanyak delapan (42.1%) anak yang terinfeksi dan 53 (33.1%) anak yang bebas infeksi parasit usus mengalami berat badan kurang (underweight). Delapan (42.1%) anak dari kelompok yang terinfeksi dan 60 (37.5%) anak dari kelompok tanpa infeksi parasit usus mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan linear (stunting). 10.5% anak dengan giardiasis dan 26.8% anak tanpa infeksi parasit mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan dalam proporsi tubuh (wasting).
Analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan signifikan pada berat badan dan tinggi badan antara kelompok yang terinfeksi dengan kelompok kelompok tanpa infeksi parasit (p<0.05). Namun, tidak terdapat perbedaan indikator antropometri untuk status nutrisi (WAZ, HAZ, WHZ) yang bermakna antara kedua kelompok. Sebagai kesimpulan, studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa status nutrisi anak balita pada area ini tidak dipengaruhi oleh infeksi Giardia lamblia.

Giardia lamblia is a common intestinal parasite in human worldwide, dominant in humid climate, especially in developing countries. The prevalence of giardiasis in some of the developing countries is highest in children under five years old. The objective of this cross sectional study is to access the association between giardiasis and nutritional status among children.
This study utilized secondary data aquired from a survey for stool analysis of intestinal parasites and measurement of height and weight, which was carried out among children in Jatinegara district in 2006. A total of 467 children under five years old were randomly selected for this study. The prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection reached 65.7%, with 4.1% infected by Giardia lamblia. Nineteen people with giardiasis were compared with 160 people without infection to observe any significant differentiation on the malnutrition indicators. Z score of -2SD was used as cut off point of malnutrition. A total of eight (42.1%) infected children and 53 (33.1%) children without parasitic infection had underweight. Eight (42.1%) children from infected group and 60 (37.5%) children in control group were stunted. 10.5% children with giardiasis and 26.8% individuals from the noninfected group were wasted.
Statisical analysis revealed a significant differentiation for age, weight, and height between the infected group and the noninfected group (p<0.05). However, the antropometric indicator for nutritional status (WAZ,HAZ, and WHZ) did not differ significantly between the infected group non-infected group. In conclusion, this study revealed that nutritional status among under five children in this region is not associated with G. lamblia infection.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Ayu Puspita Anggarsari
Infeksi parasit usus merupakan infeksi yang banyak terjadi di daerah tropis dan subtropis terutama daerah dengan fasilitas sanitasi, air dan kebersihan yang tidak adekuat. Terbatasnya sumber air konsumsi diperkirakan menjadi penyebab tingginya infeksi. Anak-anak merupakan populasi yang rentan terhadap infeksi parasit usus. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak dan hubungannya dengan sumber air konsumsi. Penelitian dilakukan di TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, Jawa Barat tahun 2012. Metode penelitian yaitu Cross-Sectional. Pengambilan data melalui kuesioner dan pemeriksaan feses yang melibatkan 139 anak usia 0-15 tahun. Pemeriksaan feses menggunakan metode Kato Katz dan teknik identifikasi protozoa usus dengan larutan lugol atau eosin.
Data yang diperoleh diproses dengan SPSS versi 16.0 dan dianalisis dengan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan prevalensi infeksi parasit usus 72,7%. Infeksi disebabkan oleh Blastocystis hominis 53,5%, Giardia lamblia 30,9%, Trichuris trichura 20,9%, Ascaris lumbricoides 4,3% dan Entamoeba histolytica 2%. Uji Chi-square tidak menunjukan perbedaan bermakna antara prevalensi infeksi parasit usus yang dihubungkan dengan sumber air konsumsi (p>0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang tinggi dengan Blastocystis hominis merupakan parasit yang paling banyak menginfeksi. Selain itu, sumber air konsumsi tidak berhubungan dengan infeksi parasit usus.

Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection. Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis (53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.;Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection.
Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis
(53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris
lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.;Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection.
Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis
(53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris
lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection., Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection.
Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis
(53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris
lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kharisma Sulistya
Antena mikrostrip saat ini banyak diaplikasikan dalam dunia telekomunikasi. Antena mikrostrip sendiri memiliki beberapa kelebihan jika dibandingkan dengan antena jenis lain, yaitu bentuknya yang tipis dan kecil, memiliki bobot yang ringan, mudah untuk difabrikasi, serta harga yang relatif murah. Berangkat dari keperluan untuk melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan mengetahui tingkat kematangan buah-buahan dengan menggunakan antena, maka dilakukan uji coba menggunakan antena mikrostrip serta melakukan pengujian terhadap nilai koefisien transmisi dan refleksi untuk memperoleh data yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan alat serta teknologi lebih lanjut.
Koefisien transmisi dan refleksi ini bisa terjadi ketika propagasi gelombang elektromagnetik mengenai yang sebuah benda. Data hasil pengukuran nilai koefisien transmisi dan refleksi akan diperoleh dengan menggunakan antena mikrostrip serta Network Analyzer (NA) di dalam alat berwujud waveguide. Dengan parameter pengukuran meliputi jarak, posisi, nilai parameter S11, S21 permitivitas dan jenis bahan.
Pada skripsi ini telah dilakukan pengukuran data dengan membandingkan parameter S21 pada antena mikrostrip dengan beberapa variasi jenis benda yaitu, buah labu, buah semangka, balon garam dan balon gula. Dari hasil pengukuran diketahui bahwa nilai S21 yang paling tinggi dimiliki oleh buah labu matang nilai S21 sebesar -32,9 dB, pada buah semangka matang nilai S21 sebesar -39,7 dB, balon air garam S21 sebesar -43,52 dB, balon gula S21 sebesar -48,56 dB, labu mentah -50.09 dB dan semangka mentah -52.22 dB. Dari beberapa data pengukuran diatas, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa semakin rendah nilai kepadatan dan kerapatan benda uji, semakin kecil nilai koefisien transmisi dan refleksi. Dari hasil penelitian berikut ini diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan alat pada masa yang akan datang, serta metode alternatif untuk mendeteksi tingkat kematangan buah dengan memanfaatkan antena mikrostrip serta nilai koefisien transmisi dan refleksi.

ABSTRACT Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit?s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value?s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit?s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
;Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit?s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value?s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit?s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
;Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit?s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value?s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit?s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
;Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit?s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value?s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit?s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
, Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit’s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value’s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit’s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismoyo Suro Waskito
"MoS2 nanosheet-microsphere telah berhasil disintesis melalui metode hidrotermal dengan prekursor amonium heptamolibdat dan tiourea yang konsentrasinya campuran bervariasi 0,25 M, 0,5 M, 1,0 M dan 1,5 M. Struktur kristal, morfologi, ukuran partikel dan koefisien gesekan dan pembentukan tribofilm diamati sebagai pengaruh dari konsentrasi prekursor. Pola difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan struktur kristal heksagonal 2H-MoS2 dengan perbedaan kristalinitas medan (002) dan tidak ditemukan fase lain. Pengukuran Spektrometer Raman menunjukkan pergeseran frekuensi E1 2g dan A1g bersama dengan perubahan konsentrasi prekursor di mana MoS2 adalah dengan
konsentrasi prekursor dari frekuensi 0,25 M mendekati frekuensi massal MoS2 menunjukkan semakin banyak lapisan dan kristalinitas yang lebih baik. Pengamatan dengan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) yang menunjukkan morfologi partikel lembar nano dengan puluhan ketebalan nanometer berkumpul untuk membentuk microsphere dengan diameter 1-3 μm. Pengukuran koefisien gesek dan pembentukan lapisan film menunjukkan efek kristalinitas partikel pada koefisien gesekan dan pembentukan lapisan film di mana partikel dengan kristalinitas lebih rendah menghasilkan nilai koefisien gesekan yang lebih kecil dan pembentukan lapisan film lebih cepat. Menguji koefisien gesekan dengan Rig Reciprocating Frekuensi Tinggi (HFRR) juga menunjukkan penambahan 2% berat dan 3% berat MoS2-1,5M mengurangi koefisien gesekan pelumasan Yubase 8 sebesar 30% dan 37,5%

MoS2 nanosheet microsphere has been successfully synthesized through the hydrothermal method with precursors of ammonium heptamolybdate and thiourea whose concentrations the mixture is varied 0.25 M, 0.5 M, 1.0 M and 1.5 M. Crystal structure, morphology, particle size and friction coefficient and tribofilm formation were observed as influences from precursor concentration. X-ray diffraction pattern shows the crystal structure hexagonal 2H-MoS2 with a difference in field crystallinity (002) and not found another phase. Raman Spectrometer measurements show E1 frequency shifts 2g and A1g along with changes in precursor concentration where MoS2 is with the precursor concentration of 0.25 M frequency approaches the bulk MoS2 frequency indicates more and more layers and better crystallinity. Observation with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) showing particle morphology nanosheets with tens of nanometer thickness gathered to form microsphere with a diameter of 1-3 μm. Measurement of coefficient of friction and formation film layer shows the effect of particle crystallinity on the coefficient of friction and the formation of a film layer where particles with lower crystallinity resulting in smaller friction coefficient values ​​and film layer formation faster. Testing the coefficient of friction with the High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR) also shows the addition of 2 wt% and 3 wt% MoS2-1.5 M can decreases the coefficient of lubrication friction Yubase 8 by 30% and 37.5%."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neysa Sheliza Putri Dharma
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsistensi penerjemahan dalam majalah NADI vol. 28 tahun 2021 pada artikel berjudul "Digitalisasi, Solusi Pemulihan Ekonomi?" dengan menggunakan unsur makro dan mikro melalui skema W-Frage oleh Christiane Nord. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang konsistensi penerjemahan dalam konteks media komunikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat 7 alasan yang menyebabkan ketidakkonsistenan antara TSu (teks sumber) dan TSa (teks sasaran). Setelah diteliti secara keseluruhan, ketidakkonsistenan pada teks terjadi karena penerjemah memperhatikan konvensi budaya sasaran dan menggunakan metode komunikatif guna memperjelas maksud dari kalimat.

This study aims to analyze the consistency of translation in NADI magazine vol. 28 of 2021 in the article titled "Digitalisation, Solution for Economic Recovery?" by using macro and micro elements through Christiane Nord's W-Frage scheme. The research aims to provide a better understanding of translation consistency in the context of communication media. Based on the research results, there are 7 reasons that cause inconsistency between TSu (source text) and TSa (target text). After an overall study, the inconsistency in the text occurs because the translator pays attention to the conventions of the target culture and uses communicative methods to clarify the meaning of the sentence."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tutik Setianingsih, 1969-
Malang: UB Press, 2017
620.1 TUT m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisa Fauziah
"Stunting merupakan manifestasi kondisi gizi buruk atau malnutrisi yang parah dan berisiko tertularnya penyakit infeksi protozoa. Infeksi Blastocystis hominis dan Giardia duodenalis pada kondisi immunokompromis dapat menimbulkan morbiditas lebih tinggi, termasuk pada keadaan stunting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik infeksi B.hominis dan G.duodenalis usus pada populasi anak stunting di Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional yang dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Maret 2020 Sampel penelitian berupa sampel feses dengan preservasi formalin dan RNA later. Data mengenai faktor risiko dan demografis didapatkan melalui wawancara. Total sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 230 sampel. Metode pemeriksaan dilakukan menggunakan metode mikroskopik untuk sampel dengan preservasi formalin, dan metode molekuler (PCR) untuk sampel dengan preservasi RNA later. Analisis data dilakukan uji bivariat dan multivariat. Terdapat 13 sampel positif G. duodenalis dan 128 sampel positif B. hominis dari jumlah total 230 sampel. Variabel jenis kelamin, pendidikan ayah tamat SD dan SMP, pendidikan ibu tidak sekolah, penghasilan di bawah UMR, sumber air menggunakan sumur pompa tangan, jarak sumber air dengan septic tank dan ketidaktersediaan septic tank memiliki nilai risk ratio >1 terhadap infeksi G. duodenalis dan B. hominis. Variabel umur (p-value 0,033), gejala lemas (p-value 0,018), dan keberadaan septic tank (p-value 0,013) memiliki korelasi signifikan terhadap kejadian infeksi G.duodenalis berdasarkan uji m ultivariat. Variabel jenis kelamin memiliki (p-value 0,037) korelasi signifikan terhadap kejadian infeksi B. hominis berdasarkan uji multivariat. Usia, jenis kelamin, dan keberadaan septic tank di rumah merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap infeksi B. hominis dan G. duodenalis. Diperlukan penelitian lanjutan menggunakan kontrol balita non-stunting untuk melihat perbandingan dan korelasi lebih dalam antara stunting dan kejadian infeksi.

Stunting is a manifestation of poor nutritional conditions or severe malnutrition and risk infection of protozoa. Blastocystis hominis and Giardia duodenalis infections in immunocompromised conditions can cause higher morbidity, including stunting. This study aims to determine the characteristics of intestinal protozoan parasite infections in the stunting child population in Bandung Regency. This study is a cross-sectional study in Bandung Regency which was carried out in January-March 2020 and the sample was examined at the Parasitology Laboratory of RSP Unpad. The research samples were feces samples with preservation of formalin and RNA later. Data regarding risk factors and demographic data were obtained through interviews. The total sample in this study was 230 samples. The examination method was carried out using a microscopic method for samples with formalin preservation, and molecular methods (PCR) for samples with later RNA preservation. Data analysis was carried out by bivariate and multivariate tests. There were 13 positive samples for G. duodenalis and 128 positive samples for B. hominis out of a total of 230 samples. The variables of gender, father's education graduated from elementary and junior high school, mother's education is not in school, income below the minimum wage, water source using hand pump wells, distance from water source to septic tank and unavailability of septic tank has a risk ratio value >1 for G.duodenalis and B. hominis infections. Variable age (p-value 0.033), symptoms of weakness (p-value 0.018), and the presence of a septic tank (p-value 0.013) had a significant correlation to the incidence of G. duodenalis infection based on multivariate tests. The gender variable (p-value 0.037) was significantly correlated with the incidence of B. hominis infection based on a multivariate test. Age, gender, and the presence of a septic tank at home are factors that influence B. hominis and G. duodenalis infections. Further research is needed using control of non-stunting toddlers to see deeper comparisons and correlations between stunting and the incidence of infection."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI, 2009
616.9 GIA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982
578 ELE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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