Beras merupakan komoditas penting dan strategis bagi masyarakat Indonesia dalam mempertimbangkan makanan, dalam hal ini beras merupakan kebutuhan pokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fase pertumbuhan padi sawah dan perkiraan produktivitas padi di Kabupaten Jatisari, Kabupaten Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua algoritma untuk menentukan fase pertumbuhan tanaman padi, yaitu Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) dan Atmosphericically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI). Algoritma NDVI umumnya digunakan dalam beberapa penelitian yang berkaitan dengan fase pertumbuhan tanaman padi dan produktivitasnya, penggunaan algoritma ARVI dalam penelitian ini disesuaikan dengan area penelitian karena nilai ARVI menurut EOS (Earth Observing System) digunakan untuk daerah dengan kandungan aerosol atmosfer tinggi (hujan, kabut, debu, asap, dan polusi udara). Sehingga penggunaan algoritma ARVI lebih efektif daripada algoritma NDVI di daerah penelitian ini. Dalam memproses data, kami menggunakan Google Earth Engine (GEE) sebagai alat. Dan untuk uji validasi dalam penelitian ini digunakan Confussion Matrix yang mencakup akurasi keseluruhan, akurasi produsen, dan akurasi pengguna. Berdasarkan nilai NDVI dan ARVI, Kecamatan Jatisari memiliki dua fase tanam yaitu dengan satu kali panen dan dua kali panen. Dan hasil penelitian ini adalah persamaan regresi linier dengan rumus, Produktivitas (ton / ha) = 6.9513 (NDVI) + 3.3384, dengan variasi nilai koefisien (R2) = 0,898 dan Produktivitas (ton / ha) ) = 3,9849 (ARVI) + 7,3992, dengan variasi nilai koefisien (R2) = 0,6505. Dan untuk estimasi produktivitas padi di Kabupaten Jatisari memiliki rata-rata, 7,55 ton / ha dengan akurasi 93,29% untuk NDVI dan 90,43% untuk ARVI. Ditemukan bahwa algoritma NDVI lebih efektif untuk menentukan fase pertumbuhan tanaman padi dibandingkan dengan algoritma ARVI. Dan penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa faktor atmosfer tidak terlalu berpengaruh di Kabupaten Jatisari.
Rice is an important and strategic commodity for the Indonesian peoples staple food, in this case rice is a basic need. Technology-based monitoring is needed such as remote sensing for rice plants in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine the growth phase of wetland rice and estimated rice productivity in Jatisari District, Karawang Regency. This research used two algorithms to determine the growth phase of rice plants, they were Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI). NDVI algorithm was commonly used in several studies related to the growth phase of rice plants and their productivity, the use of the ARVI algorithm in this study was adjusted to the study area because the ARVI value according to EOS (Earth Observing System) is used for areas with high atmospheric aerosol content (rain, fog, dust, smoke and air pollution). So that the use of the ARVI algorithm is more effective than the NDVI algorithm in this research area. In processing data we use Google Earth Engine (GEE) as tool. And for the validation test in this study used Confussion Matrix which includes overall accuracy, producer accuracy, and user accuracy. This accuracy test is considered the most suitable because the data used are pixel and object based. Based on NDVI and ARVI values, Jatisari District has two planting phases, namely one harvest and two harvests. And the results of this research are a linear regression equation with the formula, Productivity (ton / ha) = 6,9513(NDVI ) + 3,3384, with the variation of the coefficient value (R2) = 0,898 and Productivity (ton/ha) = 3,9849(ARVI) + 7,3992, with the variation of the coefficient value (R2) = 0,6505. And for the estimation of rice productivity in Jatisari District had an average, 7,55 ton/ha with an accuracy of 83,29% for NDVI and 90,43% for ARVI. Found that the NDVI algorithm is more effective to determine the growth phase of rice plant compared to the ARVI algorithm. And this research proves that atmospheric factors are not very influential in Jatisari District.
Tanaman Padi merupakan salah satu tanaman pertanian utama di dunia. Mayoritas sekitar 98% penduduk Indonesia juga mengkonsumsi beras sebagai makanan pokoknya. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pemantauan pertumbuhan tanaman padi secara efektif untuk mengontrol ketahanan pangan nasional. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis karakteristik dan pola spasial fase tumbuh serta varietas padi secara spasial temporal di Kecamatan Ciasem, Kabupaten Subang. Data citra radar Sentinel-1A digunakan berdasarkan nilai backscatter polarisasi VH pada periode tanam 2018-2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik fase tumbuh padi menghasilkan tren nilai backscatter yang meningkat pada fase vegetatif hingga fase pematangan. Pada periode tanam I nilai rata-rata backscatter lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan periode tanam II karena terjadi anomali pengairan dan kekeringan berkepanjangan. Karakteristik varietas PB 42 memiliki variasi nilai rata-rata backscatter yang paling tinggi dan beragam dibandingkan varietas lain. Sementara itu, pola spasial fase tumbuh padi periode tanam I dimulai dari arah utara dan periode tanam II dimulai dari arah selatan. Pola spasial varietas padi periode tanam I dan II termasuk kedalam kategori random (uji z NNA = 0,68) dengan dominasi varietas Inpari 42, Ciherang, dan Mekongga. Sedangkan varietas Inpari 33 dan PB 42 hanya tersebar di beberapa bagian wilayah Kecamatan Ciasem.
Rice plants are one of the main agricultural crops in the world. The majority of about 98% of Indonesia's population also consume rice as their staple food. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the growth of rice plants effectively to control national food tenacity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial characteristics and patterns of growth phases and rice varieties in a spatially temporal in Ciasem District, Subang Regency. Sentinel-1A radar image data is used based on the VH polarization backscatter value in the 2018-2019 planting period. The results showed that the characteristics of the rice growing phase resulted in an increasing backscatter value trend in the vegetative phase to the maturation phase. In 1st period of planting the backscatter average value was higher than in the 2nd period due to irrigation anomalies and prolonged drought. The characteristics of PB 42’s variety have the highest and most average variation in the mean backscatter compared to other varieties. Meanwhile, the spatial pattern of the rice growth phase for 1st period of planting started from the north and 2nd period started from the south. The spatial patterns of rice varieties in the first and second planting periods were categorized as random (test z NNA = 0.68) with the dominance of Inpari 42, Ciherang, and Mekongga varieties. Meanwhile, the Inpari 33 and PB 42 varieties were only scattered in several parts of the Ciasem District.