ABSTRAKMeskipun fakta memperlihatkan bahwa pertukaran people-to-people dalam
hubungan antar-selat yang terus meningkat secara signifikan nyatanya tidak juga
mengakhiri kebuntuan politik diantara Cina dan Taiwan. Diplomasi koersif Cina
dalam kebijakan antar-selat digunakan sebagai alat diplomasi Cina untuk
memaksa Taiwan menerima prinsip one-China dan melakukan reunifikasi
melalui formula one country, two systems. Dalam prakteknya, diplomasi koersif
yang dilakukan Cina tidak selalu mengalami kesuksesan. Tesis ini membahas
kegagalan diplomasi koersif Cina terhadap Taiwan pada periode pemerintahan
Lee Teng-hui (1995-2000) melalui analisa studi kasus komparasi yang
difokuskan pada kegagalan diplomasi koersif Cina pada kasus krisis antar-selat
1995-96 dan keberhasilan penggunaan diplomasi koersif Cina terhadap Taiwan
pada masa pemerintahan Chen Shui-bian pada kasus reformasi pro-kemerdekaan
ABSTRACTDespite the fact showed that people-to-people exchanges on Cross-strait relation
improved significantly it doesn?t easily end the political stalemate between China
(PRC) and Taiwan (ROC). PRC?s coercive diplomacy on Cross-strait relation
policy used as a diplomatic tool to coerce Taiwan to accept the one-China
principle and agree to unify with China through one country, two systems
formula. In practice, China?s use of coercive diplomacy not always experiencing
a full success. This Thesis discuss about the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy
towards Taiwan on Lee Teng-hui administration period (1995-2000) through an
analysis of comparative case study that focused on the failure of PRC?s coercive
diplomacy towards Taiwan in Cross-strait Crisis 1995-96 and the success of
PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Chen Shui-bian administration in
pro-independence reform 2003-04.;Despite the fact showed that people-to-people exchanges on Cross-strait relation
improved significantly it doesn?t easily end the political stalemate between China
(PRC) and Taiwan (ROC). PRC?s coercive diplomacy on Cross-strait relation
policy used as a diplomatic tool to coerce Taiwan to accept the one-China
principle and agree to unify with China through one country, two systems
formula. In practice, China?s use of coercive diplomacy not always experiencing
a full success. This Thesis discuss about the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy
towards Taiwan on Lee Teng-hui administration period (1995-2000) through an
analysis of comparative case study that focused on the failure of PRC?s coercive
diplomacy towards Taiwan in Cross-strait Crisis 1995-96 and the success of
PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Chen Shui-bian administration in
pro-independence reform 2003-04.;Despite the fact showed that people-to-people exchanges on Cross-strait relation
improved significantly it doesn?t easily end the political stalemate between China
(PRC) and Taiwan (ROC). PRC?s coercive diplomacy on Cross-strait relation
policy used as a diplomatic tool to coerce Taiwan to accept the one-China
principle and agree to unify with China through one country, two systems
formula. In practice, China?s use of coercive diplomacy not always experiencing
a full success. This Thesis discuss about the failure of PRC?s coercive diplomacy
towards Taiwan on Lee Teng-hui administration period (1995-2000) through an
analysis of comparative case study that focused on the failure of PRC?s coercive
diplomacy towards Taiwan in Cross-strait Crisis 1995-96 and the success of
PRC?s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Chen Shui-bian administration in
pro-independence reform 2003-04., Despite the fact showed that people-to-people exchanges on Cross-strait relation
improved significantly it doesn’t easily end the political stalemate between China
(PRC) and Taiwan (ROC). PRC’s coercive diplomacy on Cross-strait relation
policy used as a diplomatic tool to coerce Taiwan to accept the one-China
principle and agree to unify with China through one country, two systems
formula. In practice, China’s use of coercive diplomacy not always experiencing
a full success. This Thesis discuss about the failure of PRC’s coercive diplomacy
towards Taiwan on Lee Teng-hui administration period (1995-2000) through an
analysis of comparative case study that focused on the failure of PRC’s coercive
diplomacy towards Taiwan in Cross-strait Crisis 1995-96 and the success of
PRC’s coercive diplomacy towards Taiwan on Chen Shui-bian administration in
pro-independence reform 2003-04.]"