"Fenomena metode ajar yang terus berubah selama pandemi Covid-19 mendorong para tenaga pendidik untuk terus mengadaptasikan strategi pembelajarannya, dan juga beradaptasi secara fisik dan mental dalam menghadapi situasi pandemi Covid-19. Situasi yang tidak pasti ini berdampak pada kesehatan mental tenaga pendidik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran psychological distress para tenaga pendidik, khususnya tingkat PAUD atau SD sederajat, dan hubungannya terhadap help-seeking intention dalam konsep Theory of Planned Behavior. Pengukuran menggunakan Mental Help Seeking Intention Scale (MHSIS-3), Inventory of Attitudes Towards Seeking Mental Health Services (IASMHS-24), dan General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) dilakukan pada 234 partisipan (usia 18-66 tahun, M = 31, 90.6% perempuan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan psychological distress berkorelasi negatif secara signifikan terhadap help-seeking intention (R2 = 0,023, p < 0,05). Selain itu, hasil analisis menunjukkan TPB memiliki pengaruh sebesar 35,3% terhadap varians help-seeking intention (R2 = 0,353, p < 0,05) dengan prediktor perceived behavioral control (β = 0,588, p < 0,05) dan attitudes toward the behavior (β = 0,276, p < 0,05) yang menjadi prediktor yang signifikan dalam memprediksi help-seeking intention tenaga pendidik. Maka, program preventif maupun intervensi yang berfokus pada peningkatan attitudes toward the behavior dan perceived behavioral control sangat didukung untuk meningkatkan help-seeking intention tenaga pendidik.
The phenomenon of ever-changing teaching methods during the Covid-19 pandemic urges teachers to constantly adapt their teaching strategy, and adapt physically and mentally in facing the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Such an uncertain situation affects teachers’ mental health. This research aims to understand psychological distress on teachers, particularly preschool or elementary school teachers, and its relation to help-seeking intention within Theory of Planned Behavior concept. This research utilizes Mental Help Seeking Intention Scale (MHSIS-3), Inventory of Attitudes Towards Seeking Mental Health Services (IASMHS-24), and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) on 234 participants (aged 18-66, M = 31, 90.6% female). The findings show that psychological distress correlates significantly negatively with help-seeking intention (R2 = 0,023, p < 0,05). In addition, results of the analysis reveal that TPB has a considerable influence of 35.3% on help-seeking intention variants (R2 = 0,353, p < 0,05), with perceived behavioral control (β = 0,588, p < 0,05) and attitudes toward the behavior (β = 0,276, p < 0,05) as significant predictors in figuring the help-seeking intention rate in teachers. Therefore, any prevention and intervention program that is focused on increasing attitude towards the behavior and perceived behavioral control to foster teachers’ help-seeking intention is highly encouraged."