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Muhammad Fadhlan Harits
"Perangkat Internet of Things (IoT) telah mengalami peningkatan signifikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pada tahun 2020 diketahui bahwa terdapat sekitar 11.3 miliar perangkat IoT yang terhubung di seluruh dunia dan akan terus berkembang setiap tahun. Salah satu tantangan yang dapat timbul pada penggunaan perangkat IoT adalah pada aspek keamanan dimana terdapat beberapa pendekatan untuk melakukan peningkatan keamanan, salah satunya adalah pada sisi kode sumber yang digunakan untuk menjalankan perangkat IoT. Penelitian ini akan melakukan analisis terhadap efektivitas peningkatan keamanan melalui metode shifting left security yaitu kode sumber atau hasil kompilasi kode sumber akan dianalisis sebelum dirilis pada perangkat IoT serta pengujian perangkat IoT dalam lingkungan internal sebelum dirilis ke publik. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan percobaan terhadap serangan SQL Injection, Broken Authentication, dan Denial of Service serta diketahui bahwa terdapat peningkatan sebesar 66% pada implementasi metode shifting left security dalam pengembangan perangkat IoT yaitu terdapat serangan SQL Injection dan Broken Authentication yang dapat dicegah serta serangan Denial of Service yang masih ditemukan setelah metode shifting left security diterapkan.

Internet of Things (IoT) devices have had significant increase during the last few years, in 2020 it is known that there were approximately 11.3 billion connected devices around the world and is continuing to develop throughout each year. One of the challenges that may occur when implementing IoT devices is security in which there are several approaches that can be taken for increasing security, one of the approaches is through analyzing the source code that is used for running the device. This research will conduct an analysis upon the effectiveness of shifting left security where the source code or the binary will be analyzed before it is deployed onto the IoT device as well as testing the IoT device in an internal environment prior to public release. Based on the tests conducted in this research through several attacks such as SQL Injection, Broken Authentication, and Denial of Service it is known that the security of IoT devices can be improved by 66% when implementing the shifting left security method in which SQL Injection and Broken Authentication are two of the attacks that can be mitigated while Denial of Service attack still persists after the shifting left security method had been implemented.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valya Sandria Akiela

Internet of Things (IoT) tidak hanya mengubah cara perangkat berinteraksi dan terhubung, tetapi juga membawa risiko keamanan serius, seperti kebocoran data. Penelitian ini mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan menggabungkan Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dan shift left security. AES digunakan untuk mengenkripsi data yang ditransmisikan melalui perangkat IoT dengan mempertimbangkan keterbatasan sumber daya komputasi, khususnya pada perangkat Smart Fan System, yang bekerja dengan mengaktifkan mini fan berdasarkan threshold suhu tertentu yang dapat dimonitor melalui web app. Pada penelitian ini, shift left security diterapkan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi kerentanan sejak tahap awal pengembangan. Efektivitas integrasi AES dan shift left security diuji dengan membandingkan waktu eksekusi dan kerentanan keamanan. Penetration testing dilakukan terhadap SQL injection, Man in the Middle (MITM) attack, dan Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan keamanan sebesar 66.67% dengan waktu eksekusi 485.51 ms pada sistem IoT yang mengintegrasikan AES dan shift left security, tanpa penurunan performa signifikan. Meskipun efektif terhadap SQL injection dan MITM attack, sistem masih rentan terhadap DDoS attack, sehingga diperlukan strategi tambahan yang lebih komprehensif. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi penting dalam desain perangkat IoT yang lebih aman dan andal di masa depan.

The Internet of Things (IoT) not only transforms how devices interact and connect but also brings serious security risks, such as data breaches. This study addresses these issues by combining Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and shift left security. AES is used to encrypt data transmitted through IoT devices, considering computational resource limitations, particularly in the Smart Fan System, which operates by activating a mini fan based on specific temperature threshold that can be monitored via a web app. In this research, shift left security is applied to identify and address vulnerabilities from the early stages of development. The effectiveness of integrating AES and shift left security is tested by comparing execution time and security vulnerabilities. Penetration testing is conducted against SQL injection, Man in the Middle (MITM) attack, and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The results show a 66.67% increase in security with an execution time of 485.51 ms in the IoT system integrating AES and shift left security, without significant performance degradation. Although effective against SQL injection and MITM attacks, the system remains vulnerable to DDoS attacks, indicating the need for more comprehensive strategies. This research is expected to make a significant contribution to the design of more secure and reliable IoT devices in the future.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrianto Adi Wibowo
"AEC (Asean Economic Community) 2015 menimbulkan beberapa tantangan dalam industri logistik. Oleh karenanya diperlukan peranan dan penerapan layanan IoT (Internet of Things) untuk meningkatkan daya saing, yaitu berupa implementasi layanan smart logistic transport. Tesis ini mengusulkan model implementasi smart logistic transport di Indonesia yang berfokus pada sistem cold supply chain.
Tesis ini bertujuan melakukan analisis ekonomi teknik dalam bentuk analisis komparatif layanan smart logistic transport terkait pemilihan teknologi jaringan 2G/3G/4G dan fitur MDVR yang dibedakan menjadi Skenario 1-2-3. Sedangkan pengembangan model implementasi didapatkan setelah melakukan wawancara dengan application customers,technological vendors,regulator & network provider.
Berdasarkan trial implementasi smart logistic transport bulan September-Oktober 2015 dengan analisis ekonomi teknik, didapatkan layanan not feasible hanya pada skenario 3 untuk unit "CD6", di jaringan 4G. Hal ini terkait masih mahal dan belum banyak tersedianya modul m2m gateway dan MDVR teknologi jaringan 4G. Sehingga diperlukan jumlah minimum truk "CD6" dan "Fuso" pada tiap skenario agar implementasi menjadi feasible. Untuk model implementasi layanan terdiri atas 11 fitur, yaitu 2 fitur basic dan 9 fitur ad.

Asean Economic Community 2015 has been creating more challenges in logistics industries in Indonesia. The implementation of IoT in logistic services is needed for increasing competitiveness leading to the establishment of so-called "smart logistic transport". We propose the implementation model of the Indonesian Smart Logistic Transport, by focusing on cold supply chain system.
We have conducted an engineering economic analysis of the smart logistics transport, in relation with the mobile network platform of 2G, 3G, 4G. Development of the implementation model is completed by conducting in-depth interviews with the application customers, technological vendors, regulator and network provider. Based on implementation trial in September-October 2015 and engineering economic analysis, we have found that Smart Logistic Transport is not feasible only on scenario 3 for "CD6" at 4G network. Such condition is caused by the expensive price of 4G’s M2M gateway module and MDVR.
Therefore, it requires the minimum amount of implemented truck to make implementation feasible. Our proposed model has signified 11 features, i.e. 2 basic feature and 9 advanced features, formulating the Indonesian smart logistics transport system. Due to the dynamic business process, customers may need specific advanced features in the future. By taking such opportunity, Indonesian local content developer can work to develop any relevant application features, which is needed by the logistic companies in the near future.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angywa Nadhira
"Perkembangan teknologi diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi tingkat kelelahan para tenaga medis ICU dengan mempermudah mereka dalam memberikan pelayanan yang lebih efektif dan efisien kepada pasien di ICU. Internet of Things (IoT) sebagai suatu tren baru dalam teknologi dapat membantu tenaga medis dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan. Penerapan IoT khususnya di ICU memberikan kemudahan untuk melakukan pengamatan pasien berkelanjutan, mengurangi terjadinya error, dan meningkatkan komunikasi antar tenaga medis yang lebih efisien. Penerapan IoT di ICU membutuhkan beberapa pertimbangan yang dilakukan oleh pihak rumah sakit seperti dari segi kemampuan teknologi, keamanan, kemampuan organisasi, dan lingkungan pendukung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ANP (Analytical Network Process) berbasis DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratoy)
\ untuk melihat secara lebih jelas pengaruh dan prioritas dari faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan Internet of Thing (IoT) di ICU pada rumah sakit di Jakarta dan Depok. Selain itu, metode COPRAS (Complex Proportional Asessment) digunakan untuk mengetahui prioritas teknologi yang dapat diterapkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa teknologi pemantauan infus pintar berbasis IoT merupakan prioritas teknologi pertama untuk diterapkan di ICU rumah sakit di Jakarta dan Depok.

The development of technology is expected to give a solution to reduce the level of difficulty on medical staff in the ICU by facilitating them in providing more effective and efficient services for patients in the ICU. Internet of Things (IoT) as a new trend in technology can help medical staff in providing health services. The application of IoT especially in the ICU makes it easy to conduct continuous patient observation, reduce
the occurrence of errors, and improve communication between medical staff more efficiently. The implementation of IoT in ICU requires several considerations carried out by the hospital such as in terms of technological capability, security, organizational capability, and supporting environment. This study uses DEMATEL (Decision-Making
Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) based ANP (Analytical Network Process) method to see more clearly the influence and priority of the factors considering the implementation of the Internet of Thing (IoT) in hospital ICUs at Jakarta and Depok. In addition, the COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment) method is used to determine technological priorities that can be applied. The results of this study found that IoTbased smart infusion monitoring technology is the first technology priority to be applied in hospital ICUs at Jakarta and Depok.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvin Yudistriansyah
"Operator telekomunikasi kini telah mulai mengubah arah bisnis yang tidak lagi bergantung pada pendapatan dari layanan legacy seperti SMS dan voice, mereka mulai beralih ke layanan digital. Dengan kemampuan operator dalam hal konektivitas, mereka menaruh harapan pada layanan digital seperti Internet of Things (IoT). Banyak akademisi dan konsultan memprediksi bahwa IoT dapat meningkatkan pendapatan bagi operator telekomunikasi. Namun di balik potensi besar IoT, ada masalah penting dalam IoT yaitu masalah keamanan yang bisa menurunkan kepercayaan terhadap adopsi IoT. Melihat fakta-fakta ini, evaluasi tingkat kematangan pada sistem keamanan operator telekomunikasi perlu dilakukan untuk meminimalkan risiko dan ancaman keamanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kematangan keamanan dan memberikan rekomendasi peningkatan keamanan di satu operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Metode penilaian yang digunakan penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka kerja IoT Security Maturity Model yang dikeluarkan oleh IIC. Hasil dari assessment maturity level yang dilakukan menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan pada maturity level untuk supply chain, incident dan event handling and recovery, identity access management, patch management, dan monitoring.

Telco operators have now begun to shift the direction of the business, which no longer relies on revenues from legacy services such as SMS and voice, they now shift to digital services. With its capabilities in terms of connectivity, the operator put hope to digital service such as the Internet of Things (IoT). Many academics and consultants predict IoT could boost revenue streams for telco operators. But behind the huge potential of IoT, there is a crucial issue in IoT which is security issues that could bring down confidence in the adoption of IoT. Looking at these facts, the evaluation of the maturity level on the telco operators security system needs to be done to minimize risks and security threats. This study aims to evaluate the security maturity level and give recommendation security improvement of one telco operator in Indonesia. The method for assessment which this study uses is the IoT Security Maturity Model framework issued by IIC. The results of the assessment maturity level indicate a gap in the maturity level for supply chain, incident, and event handling and recovery, identity access management, patch management, and monitoring."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ervin Halimsurya
"Generator Set yang sering di singkat menjadi genset, merupakan sebuah alat yang berfungsi untuk menghasilkan energi listrik dari beragam jenis bahan bakar. Penggunaan genset biasanya diperlukan ketika terjadinya pemadaman saluran listrik atau ketika ada kebutuhan listrik di tempat terpencil yang tidak terjangkau distribusi listrik negara. Kemampuan untuk mengawasi kondisi genset serta mengoperasikan genset dari jarak jauh dapat menjadi hal yang penting dan memudahkan pengoperasian genset terebut. Pada skripsi ini, telah dilakukan rancang bangun sistem untuk mengendalikan genset dan mengawasi parameter genset yang berupa suhu, level bahan bakar, tegangan aki, serta tegangan yang dihasilkan genset. Dari hasil penelitian telah didapatkan bahwa sistem dapat menyalakan dan mematikan genset melalui protokol komunikasi LoRaWAN melalui antares. Dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa sensor AC memiliki persentase kesalahan sebesar 7,9%, sensor DC sebesar 9,02%, sensor suhu sebesar 11,11%, dan sensor ultrasonik sebesar 13,79%. Dari penelitian didapatkan juga parameter transmisi SNR dan juga RSSI telah bernilai di dalam batas rentang yang dapat diterima LoRa dengan nilai SNR terkecil sebesar -18,5 dB dan terbesar 5 dB dan nilai RSSI terkecil sebesar -120 dB dan tertinggi -106 dB. Diperoleh juga delay dengan rata-rata sebesar 0.248 detik.

A generator set which is also known as a genset is a device that can produce electricity by consuming various kinds of fuel. Genset is commonly used in places where there is no access to electricity, be that because of a power outage or because of an isolated location that has no access to electricity. The ability to monitor and operate genset from afar might be a useful tool to simplify the maintenance and usage of genset over a distance. In this thesis, the writer has designed and implemented a prototype of a device that can monitor and operate genset from afar using Internet of Things (IoT) with LoRaWAN and Antares as its method of communication. The device was tested and connected with a genset and has the capability to turn a genset on and off again through a phone application connected to the internet. The device also has the capability of observing several parameters which are temperature, fuel level, genset’s battery voltage, and the genset’s output voltage itself. From the measured data it is obtained that the AC voltage sensor has an inaccuracy of 7,9%, the DC voltage sensor has an inaccuracy of 9,02%, the temperature sensor has an inaccuracy of 11,11%, and the ultrasonic sensor has an inaccuracy of 13,79%. The result from measurement shows that SNR has a minimum of -18,5 dB and maximum value of 5 dB and that RSSI has a minimum value of -120 dBm and maximum value of -106 dB, both of those parameters barely fulfill the threshold range required by LoRa. The delay also has an average of 0.248 seconds.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides an overview of the most recent developments in Internet of Things (IoT) security and data protection. It presents the results of several international research projects addressing this topic from complementary angles. It starts by analyzing the main privacy and security threats on IoT, as well as the evolution of data protection norms, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and their impact on IoT. Through a comprehensive and systematic approach, the contributors present new perspectives on IoT & Cloud Computing security requirements. They discuss the most recent approach to support trusted IoT, including new models of privacy risk assessment, labeling and certification, and contractual tools (such as Privacy PACT). Practical implementations, such as in the European Large Scale Pilots on IoT for Smart Cities (Synchronicity), are presented, explaining how they address security, privacy and data protection. Finally, innovative models to secure IoT systems are presented for the network and end-nodes security, including network threats analysis.
Shares results from several international research projects on IoT, cybersecurity, and privacy;
Combines complementary expertise from top experts in IoT, security, and data protection;
Provides a comprehensive view on how to protect IoT deployments and make them comply with the GDPR."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Kusumawati
"Peningkatan trafik mobile data di Indonesia diprediksi oleh CISCO akan meningkat sebesar 12 kali lipat pada tahun 2020. Trafik tersebut diprediksi akan terus bertambah dengan meluasnya pemanfaatan teknologi IoT secara masif sebagai salah satu tren teknologi masa depan. Pemanfaatan teknologi IoT di Indonesia digunakan untuk mendukung program smart city di berbagai kota dan diperkirakan akan berimplikasi pada kenaikan trafik. Sementara itu, Indonesia diperkirakan akan kekurangan spektrum mobile broadband sebesar 500 MHz pada tahun 2020. Implementasi teknologi IoT untuk mendukung smart city diperkirakan akan memperbesar defisiensi spektrum tersebut. Hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menghitung prediksi jumlah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT di Indonesia. Forum bersama industri elektronik di India IESA TIE IoT Forum telah melakukan prediksi jumlah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT. Dalam rangka mendukung program pengembangan smart city di India, IESA TIE IoT Forum merekomendasikan alokasi spektrum tambahan sebesar 10 ndash; 20 MHz spesifik untuk layanan IoT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung prediksi kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT dengan studi kasus Jakarta Smart City menggunakan metode perhitungan yang digunakan oleh IESA TIE IoT Forum. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT meningkat 17,27 dalam kurun waktu 2016-2021 dengan kebutuhan spektrum sebesar 18,67 MHz untuk skenario 1 dan 19,91 MHz untuk skenario 2. Kebutuhan spektrum tersebut dapat diantisipasi oleh regulator dengan memperhatikan ketersediaan alternatif spektrum saat ini, peluang industri dan inovasi IoT dalam negeri serta kebutuhan regulasi terkait IoT seperti standarisasi perangkat, harmonisasi spektrum dan sistem keamanan data.

In Indonesia, mobile data traffic is predicted by CISCO will increase significantly by 12 times in the period of 2015 ndash 2020. The traffic is predicted will grow continuously by widespread utilization of IoT technologies on a massive scale as one of the future technology. IoT is used to support the smart city program in various cities in Indonesia and expected to have implications in traffic growth. Meanwhile, Indonesia is expected to experience deficiency of 500 MHz spectrum for mobile broadband services in 2020. IoT implementation to support smart city is predicted to enlarge spectrum deficiency. There has been no study which calculates spectrum needs for IoT services in Indonesia. Electronics industrial collaboration forum in India IESA TIE IOT Forum has made predictions of spectrum need for IoT services. In order to support smart city in India, IESA TIE IoT forum proposed to allocate additional spectrum of 10 ndash 20 MHz specific for IoT services. This research aims to calculate spectrum need for IoT services in case of Jakarta Smart City. The results are spectrum need for IoT services increase by 17.27 in the period of 2016 ndash 2021 with the spectrum needs of 18.67 MHz for scenarios 1 and 19.91 MHz for scenarios 2. The spectrum needs should be anticipated by regulator to consider the availability alternative spectrum, opportunity and innovation IoT industry in Indonesia and the needs of regulations related to IoT for instance standardization of devices, spectrum harmonization and data security systems."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jihar Mayangsari
PT. XYZ sebagai salah satu perusahaan telekomunikasi sedang mengembangkan model bisnis baru, yaitu Internet of Things (IoT). Koneksi perangkat IoT ke Internet dapat menjadi ancaman bagi pengguna dan penyedia layanan karena tantangan keamanan. Namun, ditengah potensi ancaman keamanan IoT, PT. XYZ sendiri belum fokus terhadap keamanan dan tidak adanya kerangka kerja tata kelola yang digunakan untuk layanan IoT mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko yang terkait dengan manajemen keamanan layanan IoT di PT. XYZ. Penelitian ini menggunakan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) sebagai metode untuk mengidentifikasi risiko keamanan potensial pada layanan IoT dengan rekomendasi berdasarkan ISO 27002:2013 dan COBIT 2019. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, observasi, studi literatur, dan kuesioner dengan total sembilan penilaian ahli. Dalam studi ini, layanan IoT dibagi menjadi tujuh domain: IoT Device dan Sensor, IoT Network, IoT Platform dan Aplikasi, People, Operations, Asset Management, dan Supplier Management. Kontribusi utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk berkontribusi pada peningkatan kontrol keamanan dan manajemen risiko dalam layanan IoT. Hasil analisis risiko didapatkan kemungkinan 31 potensial risiko pada layanan IoT dengan 23 risiko yang membutuhkan tindakan korektif.

XYZ agency as one of the telecommunications companies is developing a new business model, namely the Internet of Things (IoT). The connection of IoT devices to the Internet can be a threat to users and service providers due to security challenges. However, XYZ agency has not yet implemented a security framework for their IoT service. This study aims to identify the risks associated with IoT service security management at XYZ agency. This study uses Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) as a method to identify potential security risks in IoT services with recommendations based on ISO 27002: 2013 and COBIT 2019. Data were collected by interview, observation, literature studies, and questionnaire with total 9 experts' judgement. In this study, IoT services are divided into seven domains: IoT Devices and Sensors, IoT Networks, Platforms and Applications, People, Operations, Asset Management, and Suppliers. The major contribution of this study is to contribute the improvement of security controls risk management in IoT services. The results of the risk analysis show that there are 31 potential risks in IoT services with 23 risks that require corrective action."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Insan Laksana Pribadi
Internet of Things IoT merupakan salah satu teknologi yang sedang berkembang dimana memungkinkan setiap benda seperti alat kesehatan, mesin produksi, mobil, TV, benda lainnya dapat saling terhubung melalui internet. Namun, terdapat beberapa tantangan yang perlu menjadi perhatian semua pihak, salah satunya adalah potensi ancaman terhadap keamanan data dan privasi.Di Indonesia sendiri, sudah ada regulasi yang mengatur keamanan data dan transaksi elektronik. Regulasi tersebut antara lain PP No. 82 Tahun 2012, UU No. 11 Tahun 2008, dan Permen Kominfo No. 4 Tahun 2016. Namun ketiga regulasi tersebut tidak secara spesifik mengatur masalah keamanan data dan privasi pada layanan Internet of Things IoT . Sehingga di perlukan sebuah regulasi yang khusus mengatur masalah keamanan data dan privasi pada layanan IoT.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Privacy Impact Assessment PIA dan mengambil salah satu domain IoT, yakni Smart Healthcare. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian, di dapat 5 faktor yang perlu di atur dalam regulasi terkait aspek keamanan data dan privasi pada layanan Internet of Things Smart Heathcare , yakni security compliance, device security, secure communication, virtualization security, dan application security. Untuk security compliance, di rekomendasikan untuk menerapkan sertifikasi ISO/TC 215 Health Informatics. Untuk aspek device security, direkomendasikan untuk menerapkan Trusted Computing Base TCB . Untuk aspek secure communication di haruskan menggunakan Virtual Private Network VPN . Untuk aspek virtualization security, di haruskan menerapkan beberapa mitigasi seperti provisioning, hardening, firewall, access control, dan IDPS. Dan untuk aspek application security, di haruskan untuk menerapkan beberapa mitigasi seperti secure programming, static code analysis, automated pentest, dan web application firewall.

Internet of Things IoT is one of the emerging technologies which allow any objects such as medical equipment, production machinery, cars, TVs, and other objects can be interconnected through the Internet. However, there are several challenges that need to be considerate of all parties, one of which is a potential threat to data security and privacy.In Indonesia, there are some existing regulations governing the security of data and electronic transactions. PP No. 82 Tahun 2012, UU No. 11 Tahun 2008, and Permen Kominfo No. 4 Tahun 2016 about Information Security Management System ISMS . However, these three regulations are not specifically control the issue of data security and privacy on the services of Internet of Things IoT . Thus, required a special regulation governing the data security and privacy on services of Internet of Things IoT .This research using Privacy Impact Assessment PIA methods and take one of the IoT domain, Smart Healthcare. As a result, there are 5 factors that need to be set in regulations related aspects of data security and privacy on the Internet of Things services Smart Heathcare security compliance, device security, secure communications, virtualization security, and application security. For security compliance, it 39 s recommended to apply ISO TC 215 Health Informatics. For the aspects of security devices, it is recommended to implement the Trusted Computing Base TCB . For secure communication aspects in required to use a Virtual Private Network VPN . For security aspects of virtualization, in required to apply some mitigation such as provisioning, hardening, firewalls, access control, and IDPS. And for aspects of application security, be required to implement some mitigation such as secure programming, static code analysis, automated pentest, and web application firewall."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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