"[Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari dukungan sosial melalui kelompok dukungan terhadap kesehatan mental pengungsi dan pencari suaka yang bertempat tinggal di akomodasi komunitas. Pendekatan kesehatan mental secara menyeluruh (complete mental health) digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu sebuah kondisi yang tidak sekedar bebas dari penyakit namun juga melibatkan hadirnya kondisi kesehatan mental positif Kelompok dukungan menggunakan disain quasi eksperimen berupa one group pre-test and post-test design dilakukan dalam tiga sesi dan diikuti oleh sembilan orang pengungsi dan pencari suaka perempuan dari Afghanistan, Iran, Palestina dan Sri Lanka yang bertempat tinggal di akomodasi komunitas Tangerang Selatan. Terdapat peningkatan kondisi kesehatan mental pada pengungsi dan pencari suaka setelah mengikuti kelompok dukungan, yang ditandai dengan penurunan nilai rata-rata gejala penyakit mental dan kenaikan nilai rata-rata kondisi kesehatan mental positif, namun perubahan yang dihasilkan pada intervensi ini tidak signifikan secara statistik;The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of social support through group support on mental health of refugees and asylum seekers. The complete mental health approach was used in this study, which is a condition that is not merely the absence of mental illness but also involving the presence of positive mental health. A support group using one group pre-test and post-test quasi experimental design was carried out in three sessions and participated by nine refugee and asylum seeker women from Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine and Sri Lanka living at community accommodation in South Tangerang. The mental health of refugees and asylum seekers improved after participating the support group which was marked by the decrease in mean score of mental illness symptoms and the increase in mean score of positive mental health, however the improvement of mental health resulted from this intervention was not
statistically significant., The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of social support through group
support on mental health of refugees and asylum seekers. The complete mental health
approach was used in this study, which is a condition that is not merely the absence
of mental illness but also involving the presence of positive mental health. A support
group using one group pre-test and post-test quasi experimental design was carried
out in three sessions and participated by nine refugee and asylum seeker women from
Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine and Sri Lanka living at community accommodation in
South Tangerang. The mental health of refugees and asylum seekers improved after
participating the support group which was marked by the decrease in mean score of
mental illness symptoms and the increase in mean score of positive mental health,
however the improvement of mental health resulted from this intervention was not
statistically significant.]"