ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membongkar komodifikasi dalam proses produksi komik di
Indonesia dengan menggunakan Ockto Baringbing—pemenang International
Manga Award 2013, sebagai studi kasus tunggal. Peneliti menelusuri pembuatan
komik-komik Ockto pada tiga penerbit yang mewakili struktur industri penerbitan
komik di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penerbit melakukan
komodifikasi yang mengacu pada selera, perilaku konsumsi dan gaya hidup
masyarakat modern. Komik dijadikan waralaba transmedia, direproduksi dalam
berbagai format media dan bebagai bentuk cinderamata. Penerbit juga merancang
interaksi semu dengan fan lewat komunitas fandom komik di media sosial
maupun dunia nyata untuk menjaga loyalitas pembaca. Persaingan antar penerbit
hanya melanggengkan ideologi kapitalisme.
ABSTRACTThis study exposes commodification in the production process of Indonesia
comics by using Ockto Baringbing— Winner of the 2013 International Manga
Award, as a single case study. Researcher explores the making of Ockto’s works
on three publisher which respresent the structure of comic publishing industry in
Indonesia. Results of this study indicate that publishers do commodification
according to taste, consumption behavior and lifestyle of modern society. Comics
being used as transmedia franchises, reproduced in a variety of media formats
and in the various forms of merchandise. Artificial interaction with fan
community designed to keep the loyality via social media and real world.
Competition among publishers only perpetuates the ideology of capitalism, This study exposes commodification in the production process of Indonesia
comics by using Ockto Baringbing— Winner of the 2013 International Manga
Award, as a single case study. Researcher explores the making of Ockto’s works
on three publisher which respresent the structure of comic publishing industry in
Indonesia. Results of this study indicate that publishers do commodification
according to taste, consumption behavior and lifestyle of modern society. Comics
being used as transmedia franchises, reproduced in a variety of media formats
and in the various forms of merchandise. Artificial interaction with fan
community designed to keep the loyality via social media and real world.
Competition among publishers only perpetuates the ideology of capitalism]"