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"At a time when even much of the political left seems to believe that transnational capitalism is here to stay, Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies refuses to accept the inevitability of the so-called 'New World Order'. By giving substantial attention to topics such as globalisation, racism, and modernity, it provides a specifically Marxist intervention into postcolonial and cultural studies. An international team of contributors locate a common ground of issues engaging Marxist and postcolonial critics alike. Arguing that Marxism is not the inflexible, monolithic irrelevance some critics assume it to be, this collection aims to open avenues of debate - especially on the crucial concept of 'modernity' - which have been closed off by the widespread neglect of Marxist analysis in postcolonial studies. Politically focused, at times polemical and always provocative, this book is a major contribution to contemporary debates on literary theory, cultural studies, and the definition of postcolonial studies."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Talitha Khalisya
"Kemerdekaan Kongo pada tahun 1960 tidak berarti kebebasan bagi bangsa Kongo dari pengaruh Prancis sepenuhnya. Di Kongo, kebudayaan Prancis masih menjadi rujukan untuk cara berpakaian yang necis dan gaya hidup yang mewah. Keberadaan komunitas La Sape menjadi sebuah tren untuk mengekspresikan diri melalui cara berbusana bagi masyarakat Kongo. Novel Tais-Toi et Meurs (2012) karya Alain Mabanckou menceritakan tokoh Julien Makambo, orang Kongo yang hidup di Paris dengan mengubah identitasnya menjadi José Monfort demi menjadi seorang Sapeur sejati. Lewat novel ini, disajikan potret mengenai gaya hidup mewah diaspora Kongo yang dengan titel Sapeur yang mereka miliki beserta cara mereka bertahan hidup di sana, meski harus menjadi kriminal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kedok La Sape yang telah menjadi budaya bangsa Kongo dan cara Sapeur bertahan hidup melalui perspektif wacana poskolonial dalam novel Tais-Toi et Meurs (2012). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan tekstual dan didukung oleh model fungsional dan skema aktan milik A. J. Greimas (1983). Teori identitas Stuart Hall (1994) dan teori mimikri Homi Bhabha (1994) juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai dasar dari wacana poskolonial. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa La Sape yang dianggap sebagai simbol kebebasan dari penjajahan justru merupakan peneguhan kolonialisme dan inferioritas yang menyebabkan para Sapeur terus melakukan mimikri pada gaya hidup bangsa penjajah.

Congo's independence in 1960 did not mean complete freedom for the Congolese nation from French influence. In the Congo, French culture is still a reference for dapper outfit and a luxurious lifestyle. The existence of the La Sape community has become a trend for self-expression through the attire of Congolese people. The novel Tais-Toi et Meurs (2012) by Alain Mabanckou tells of the character Julien Makambo, a Congolese living in Paris, by changing his identity to become José Monfort to become a true Sapeur. Through this novel, a portrait is presented of the luxurious lifestyle of the Congo diaspora with the title Sapeur that they have and how they survive there, even though they have to become criminals. This study aims to reveal the guise of La Sape, which has become the culture of the Congo people, and how Sapeur survives through the perspective of postcolonial discourse in the novel Tais-Toi et Meurs (2012). The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a textual approach and is supported by functional models and actan schemes belonging to A. J. Greimas (1983). Stuart Hall's (1994) identity theory and Homi Bhabha's (1994) mimicry theory are also used in this research as the basis of postcolonial discourse. The results of this study indicate that La Sape, considered a symbol of freedom from colonialism, is an affirmation of colonialism and inferiority which causes the Sapeurs to continue to mimic the lifestyle of the colonizers. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
"What is the relationship between Marxism and postcolonial thought? Can a revolutionary European ideology be an emancipatory intellectual tool in the post-imperial world? Or, in sites where European thought is often treated with suspicion, does it repeat distrusted legacies and epistemologies? This collection is the first systematic attempt to provide an overview of this collision. An international cast of contributors challenge the elision of Marxist thought in the debate on what the term "postcolonial" actually entails. The volume is essential reading for all engaged in postcolonial and cultural studies."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The importance of Antonio Gramsci’s work for postcolonial studies can hardly be exaggerated, and in this volume, contributors situate Gramsci's work in the vast and complex oeuvre of postcolonial studies. Specifically, this book endeavors to reassess the impact on postcolonial studies of the central role assigned by Gramsci to culture and literature in the formation of a truly revolutionary idea of the national—a notion that has profoundly shaped the thinking of both Frantz Fanon and Edward Said. Gramsci, as Iain Chambers has argued, has been instrumental in helping scholars rethink their understanding of historical, political, and cultural struggle by substituting the relationship between tradition and modernity with that of subaltern versus hegemonic parts of the world. Combining theoretical reflections and re-interpretations of Gramsci, the scholars in this collection present comparative geo-cultural perspectives on the meaning of the subaltern, passive revolution, hegemony, and the concept of national-popular culture in order to chart out a political map of the postcolonial through the central focus on Gramsci."
New York: Routledge, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Hakim
"Dari pengalaman saya dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris di Universitas saya, saya melihat banyak sifat dan kekhasan dalam bagaimana kelas mengaplikasikan pembelajaran Inggris. Tiap guru menggunakan approach pembelajaran dan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris secara berbeda, dengan banyak variasi dan tidak ada standar untuk semua kelas. Tiap approach berbeda dan tergantung terhadap sifat pengajar dan ketertarikan mahasiswa dalam topik kelas. Menurut saya, hal ini membuat proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi tidak efektif. Harus ada study yang didedikasikan untuk mencari approach yang paling efektif untuk pembelajaran dan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris; yang sekaligus efektif dan bisa diterima oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. Untuk mencari solusi atas masalah ini, artikel ini mempresentasikan hasil literature review tentang approach pembelejaran dan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris yang efektif, serta hasil survei yang meneliti topik ini. Survey ini dilakukan dengan mengirimkan kuestioner ke mahasiswa dan dosen Program Sastra Inggris di Universitas X Depok. Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan konklusi yang baru dan menarik. Mahasiswa dan dosen tidak memiliki preferensi kuat untuk approach yang spesifik. Mereka lebih tertarik dengan approach campuran yang menggunakan elemen dari berbagai approach yang berbeda. Mereka juga ingin approach ini terbuka, tidak dibatasi oleh kurikulum yang ketat dan dapat beradaptasi berdasarkan kebutuhan dosen dan mahasiswa. Hasilnya, masih banyak perhatian yang perlu diberikan untuk meningkatkan standar kelas Bahasa Inggris supaya approach pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang baru dapat diimplementasikan secara efektif dan meluas.

rom my experiences when learning English at my University, I noticed some peculiarities in how the class approach English learning. The way each teacher used English learning and teaching approaches was very different, with a lot of variations and no clear standard for each class. The approach used depended on individual teacher and the interest of learners on each topic. In my opinion, the different approaches that were used often resulted in learning and teaching processes that were not as effective as they should be. There needs to be a study dedicated on finding the most effective approach to English learning and teaching; one that is effective and well-received by both students and teachers. To find a solution to this problem, this paper presents the results of a literature review on effective English learning and teaching approaches and the results of a survey about this particular topic. The survey was conducted by sending a questionnaire to the students and teachers of the English Studies Program at University X in Depok. The results of the analysis show new & interesting conclusions. Students and teachers have no strong preference for any specific approaches. Instead, they are more interested in mixed approaches that have many elements from different approaches. They also want these approaches to be open, not limited to a rigid curriculum and are able to adapt based on students’ or teacher’s needs. More care and attention are needed to improve English classroom standard as a whole to make sure that these new approaches to learning & teaching are implemented in as many classes as possible."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indira Thalia Cader
"Penelitian ini untuk mengkaji peran dan dampak NGO lingkungan di Indonesia, khusnya NGO JATAM dan Trend Asia dengan menggunakan perspektif poskolonialisme, khususnya perspektif yang diungkapkan oleh Gayatri Spivak. Dengan mengajukan pertanyaan penelitian “Dari segi apakah NGO lingkungan di Indonesia merupakan perpanjangan tangan Barat?”, penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi dari data primer dan sekunder, yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Naratif. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengungkapkan dinamika hubungan antara NGO lingkungan di Indonesia dengan Barat, dan dalam segi apakah peran mereka sejalan dengan konstruksi kekuasaan kolonialisme. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan dua jawaban, yaitu framework asimetris yang diberikan oleh Barat terhadap NGO dan imaginary creation tentang peran NGO yang 'memberdayakan'. Pertama, NGO terjebak dalam framework asimetris yang diberikan oleh Barat, melalui skema pendanaan yang mereka terima, NGO akhirnya tunduk pada agenda yang didominasi oleh kepentingan Barat. Kedua, Barat berhasil menciptakan imaginary creation terhadap NGO melalui ‘pemberdayaan’, narasi yang diciptakan oleh Barat untuk melanggengkan dominasinya ini akhirnya membuat NGO menyederhanakan representasi terhadap masyarakat masyarakat termarjinalkan dan gagal meruntuhkan struktur kolonialisme. Terakhir, berbeda dengan klaim Spivak bahwa NGO menjadi agen colonizers yang merampas suara masyarakat, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa respon NGO terhadap dominasi Barat dapat bervariasi, dengan bargaining power yang kuat, maka NGO memiliki kemampuan untuk lepas dari dominasi Barat. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam memahami kompleksitas hubungan antara NGO lingkungan di Indonesia dengan Barat dalam konteks poskolonial.

This research aims to examine the role and impact of environmental NGOs in Indonesia, specifically  JATAM and Trend Asia, using a postcolonial perspective, particularly the perspective articulated by Gayatri Spivak. By posing the research question "To what extent are environmental NGOs in Indonesia an extension of the West?", this thesis used triangulation of primary and secondary data, which were then analyzed using narrative analysis. The research seeks to uncover the dynamics of the relationship between environmental NGOs in Indonesia and the West, and whether their roles align with the construction of colonial power. The findings of this research reveal two answers. Firstly, NGOs are trapped in the asymmetric framework imposed by the West, as they become reliant on the funding schemes they receive, ultimately yielding to agendas dominated by Western interests. Secondly, the West successfully creates an imaginary creation of NGOs through "empowerment," a narrative crafted to perpetuate its dominance. This results in NGOs simplifying the representation of marginalized communities and failing to dismantle colonial structures. Contrary to Spivak's claim that NGOs become agents of colonizers who usurp the voices of the people, this research finds that NGOs' responses to Western domination can vary. With strong bargaining power, NGOs have the ability to break free from Western domination. This research contributes to understanding the complexity of the relationship between environmental NGOs in Indonesia and the West within the postcolonial context."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mush`ab Abdu Asy Syahid
"Bandar udara internasional Soekarno-Hatta yang berlokasi di Tangerang, Banten menjadi arsitektur transport hub utama di Indonesia yang mengadakan interaksi global-lokal antardaerah lokal dan internasional. Kekeliruan berulang mengenai letak tapak bandara yang dianggap berada di Jakarta menjadi awal isu penelitian ini. Tesis ini berusaha menggali fenomena sejarah pembangunan arsitektur di Tangerang dengan menggunakan model kerangka teori pusat-pinggir dalam lingkup studi pascakolonialisme. Fokus studinya mencakup bagaimana relasi kuasa pada negara kolonial colonial state dan negara pascakolonial postcolonial state membentuk mekanisme ruang dan identitas melalui pembangunan arsitektur dan teknologi modern.Dengan menggunakan model pusat-pinggir, penelitian ini memaparkan bahwa pembangunan terminal keberangkatan I II bandara Soekarno-Hatta bertendensi untuk merepresentasikan budaya dan identitas nasional, serta menampilkan posisi Tangerang sebagai margin. Hal ini diperkuat dengan hadirnya oposisi biner pada pembentukan ruang kota dan arsitektur di Tangerang, seperti jalinan wacana dan praktik kolonial-pascakolonial, regulasi pusat-daerah yang menempatkan Tangerang sebagai pinggir ibukota Jakarta. Didukung oleh penggalian arsip dan studi kartografi masa kolonial-pascakolonial, tesis ini juga menunjukkan keterkaitan paradigma pembangunan ldquo;modern rdquo; di Tangerang masa kolonial dengan masa Indonesia pascakolonial. Adanya teknologi bandara di daerah juga menghadirkan fenomena ldquo;pusat baru rdquo;, di sisi lain berdampingan dengan ldquo;pinggir lama rdquo;. Pertemuan arus global dan peran lokal selama pembangunan-pembangunan di wilayah pinggir mengaburkan teritorialitas.Tesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa bandara Soekarno-Hatta menjadi representasi dari kecenderungan Orde Baru sebagai pusat untuk membentuk tradisi nasional di wilayah pinggir. Di sisi lain, dengan hadirnya teknologi transportasi dan arsitektur modern umumnya mampu menjadi alat yang turut memengaruhi perkembangan dan dinamika konfigurasi pusat-pinggir di dunia yang semakin cair, meleburkan yang global dan yang lokal. Hal ini terkait dengan bagaimana pembentukan paradigma berpikir pemerintah, arsitek dan masyarakat dalam merancang dan merencanakan pembangunan arsitektur dan ruang kota secara umum di negara pascakolonial.
Soekarno Hatta international airport which is located in Tangerang, Banten is the Indonesia rsquo s main transport hub architecture that provides global local interactions locally and internationally. The initial research issue begins with the case of repetitive misspelling about the airport site location which often emerges as it was perceived located in Jakarta. This thesis is trying to offer fresh view to dismantle the phenomena of history of architecture and urban space development as built environment in Tangerang by the framework of center periphery in postcolonial study. This research focuses on how power relations in colonial state and postcolonial state work to produce spatial mechanism and national identity through the development of modern infrastructure and technology.By concerning centre periphery model configuration, I describe and analyze the planning and desgin development of departure and arrival terminal I II of Soekarno Hatta to represent national identity and culture to display Tangerang as margin. Binary opposition had existed within history of colonialism and political construction of archtiecture and urban space in Tangerang, the discourse and practices of colonial postcolonial, center core region relationship, and global nexus force local agency. Archival and cartography throughout the colonial and postcolonial history, I show the interrelationship of ldquo developmental rdquo paradigm in Tangerang within colonial and postcolonial era. The presence of airport infrastructure in region also provides as catalyst to develop new ldquo centre rdquo , surrounding with the ldquo old periphery rdquo . Modern development and global local intermingling also blur the territoriality and duality of centre and periphery.This thesis conclude that Soekarno Hatta airport becomes a cultural representation from New Order tendency as a centre to create national identity through cultural tradition in space of periphery. The presence of transportation technoloty and modern architecture generally become significance tools in empasizing and developing the relationship of centre periphery configuration and melt between the global and the local. This is also related with how the paradigm of power relation between government, architect and society are constructed in designing and planning their architectural and urban space in the postcolonial state."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donals, Michael F. Bernard
"The language theory of Mikhail Bakhtin does not fall neatly under any single rubric - 'dialogism,' 'marxism,' 'prosaics,' 'authorship' - because the philosophic foundation of his writing rests ambivalently between phenomenology and Marxism. The theoretical tension of these positions creates philosophical impasses in Bakhtin's work, which have been neglected or ignored partly because these impasses are themselves mirrored by the problems of antifoundationalist and materialist tendencies in literary scholarship. In Mikhail Bakhtin: Between Phenomenology and Marxism Michael Bernard-Donals examines various incarnations of phenomenological and materialist theory - including the work of Jauss, Fish, Rorty, Althusser, and Pecheux - and places them beside Bakhtin's work, providing a contextualised study of Bakhtin, a critique of the problems of contemporary critics, and an original contribution to literary theory"
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yane Andini
"Dalam novel Bilangan Fu karya Ayu Utami, dogmatisme menjadi tema utama yang digambarkan melalui tokoh Sandi Yuda atau Yuda dan Parang Jati atau Jati. Kedua tokoh tersebut dihadapkan pada dilema dan konflik batin, yaitu mempertanyakan norma-norma yang ada, mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai pribadi mereka, dan menghadapi konsekuensi dari keputusan yang mereka ambil. Dalam konteks itu, mereka harus berhadapan dengan dogmatisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dogmatisme yang ada pada novel Bilangan Fu. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan intrinsik dan sosiologi sastra. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa tokoh Yuda memiliki karakteristik rasionalis, skeptis, dan memiliki idealisme terhadap maskulinitas. Tokoh ini bersahabat dengan tokoh utama lain, yaitu Jati, yang digambarkan sebagai seorang spiritualis yang karismatik. Penelitian ini juga menyoroti dogmatisme terhadap beberapa idealisme dalam novel tersebut, termasuk dogmatisme pada rasionalisme, idealisme maskulinitas tokoh Jati, dan spiritualisme tokoh Jati. Dalam menghadapi dogmatisme, tokoh-tokoh ini menunjukkan keterbukaan, toleransi, dan spiritualisme kritis. Jati memiliki peran penting dalam menghadapi dogmatisme, yaitu mengajak untuk berdialog, saling menghormati, dan memandang keberagaman sebagai hal yang alami. Tokoh ini juga memperjuangkan keadilan sosial dan membebaskan diri dari belenggu tradisi dan norma yang menyempitkan. Melalui karakter Jati, Ayu Utami mengajak pembaca untuk merenungkan pentingnya memahami dan menghormati perbedaan serta berjuang menciptakan masyarakat yang inklusif dan adil.

In Ayu Utami's novel Bilangan Fu, dogmatism is the main theme depicted through the characters of Sandi Yuda or Yuda and Parang Jati or Jati. These two characters are faced with dilemmas and inner conflicts, questioning existing norms, considering their personal values, and facing the consequences of their decisions. In this context, they have to confront dogmatism. This research aims to examine the presence of dogmatism in the novel Bilangan Fu. The approach used is an intrinsic and sociological approach to literature. In this study, it was found that the character Yuda exhibits characteristics of being rational, skeptical, and having idealism towards masculinity. This character befriends another main character, Jati, who is portrayed as a charismatic spiritualist. This research also highlights dogmatism towards various idealisms in the novel, including dogmatism towards rationalism, the idealism of Jati's masculinity, and Jati's spiritualism. In facing dogmatism, these characters show openness, tolerance, and critical spiritualism. Jati plays an important role in confronting dogmatism by advocating for dialogue, mutual respect, and viewing diversity as natural. This character also fights for social justice and frees oneself from the shackles of limiting traditions and norms. Through the character of Jati, Ayu Utami invites readers to reflect on the importance of understanding and respecting differences and to strive for an inclusive and fair society. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kellner, Douglas
Oxford Polity Press 1989,
301.01 Kel c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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