"Implementasi keilmuan farmasi terutama pada bidang profesional harus
dilaksanakan dimana pada hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan sebuah
praktik kerja lapangan. Seorang calon apoteker harus mengalami langsung
penerapan profesi apoteker di ranah profesional. Dalam hal ini, calon apoteker
harus berpartisipasi langsung dalam penerapan pelayanan dan pekerjaan
kefarmasian. Praktik kerja lapangan bagi profesi apoteker dapat dilakukan di
berbagai bidang, diantaranya adalah di rumah sakit, di apotek, di industri farmasi,
di pemerintahan dan hukum, serta distribusi. Pada praktik kerja profesi kali ini
dilaksanakan di bidang industri dan apotek, yang berlokasi di PT. Harsen
Laboratories periode Januari 2022 – Februari 2022 dan Apotek Roxy Sawangan
periode Maret 2022. Melalui pelaksanaan praktik kerja profesi apoteker ini, calon
apoteker diharapkan untuk mampu memahami kompetensi yang diperlukan,
memperoleh wawasan serta mampu mengimplementasikan praktik kerja di bidang
The implementation of pharmaceutical science, particularly in the professional field,must be carried out where in this case it can be done by doing a field work practice.Future pharmacist must experience the application of the pharmacist profession inthe professional realm. In this case, the future pharmacists must participate directlyin the application of pharmaceutical services and work. Field work practices for thepharmacist profession can be done in various fields, including in hospitals, inpharmacies, in the pharmaceutical industry, in government and law, and distribution.In this opportunity, the pharmacist professional work practice was carried out in theindustrial and pharmacy fields, located at PT. Harsen Laboratories for the period ofJanuary 2022 - February 2022 and Roxy Sawangan Pharmacy for March 2022.Through the implementation of this pharmacist professional work practice, thefuture pharmacists are expected to be able to understand the competencies needed,gain insight and be able to implement work practices in the field of pharmacy."