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Agus Herta Sumarto
"Makalah ini menganalisis persaingan antara bank kecil dan bank besar dalam menentukan net interest margin (NIM) di pasar oligopoli. Penelitian ini menerapkan kerangka Game Theory yaitu Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information untuk mengembangkan model Ho dan Saunders. Kami menggunakan data dari industri perbankan Indonesia selama sepuluh tahun yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga kelompok sampel; semua bank, bank kompetitif, dan bank spesifik, dan kemudian kami menghitung NIM optimalnya. NIM bank kecil yang optimal untuk masing-masing kelompok adalah masing-masing 7,32 persen, 8,73 persen, dan 9,16 persen; semua angka ini lebih tinggi dari NIM yang aktualnya. Untuk kelompok semua bank, NIM optimal bank besar lebih tinggi dari NIM aktualnya, sedangkan untuk kelompok bank yang kompetitif, NIM optimal bank besar selalu lebih rendah dari NIM aktualnya. Yang terakhir ini juga berlaku untuk bank-bank besar yang tidak kompetitif. NIM bank besar yang optimal pada ketiga kelompok tersebut masing-masing sebesar 6,78 persen, 4,21 persen, dan 2,75 persen; yang lebih rendah dari bank-bank kecil. Temuan ini membawa kita untuk menyimpulkan bahwa bank kecil memiliki peluang untuk meningkatkan NIM mereka ke tingkat yang optimal.

This paper analyzes the competition between small and large banks in determining the net interest margin (NIM) in the oligopoly market. This study applies the game theory dynamic games of an incomplete information framework for the Ho and Saunders model. We use data from the Indonesian banking industry for ten years, classified into three sample groups; all banks, competitive banks, and specific banks, and then we calculate the optimal NIM. The optimal NIM of small banks for each group was 7.32 percent, 8.73 percent, and 9.16 percent, respectively; all these figures are higher than the actual NIM. For all large banks, the optimal NIM is higher than the actual NIM, whereas, for the group of competitive large banks, the optimal NIM of large banks is always lower than the actual NIM. The latter also applies for the uncompetitive large banks. The optimal NIM of large banks in the three groups were 6.78 percent, 4.21 percent, and 2.75 percent, respectively; which are lower than the small banks. This finding leads us to conclude that small banks have the opportunity to increase their NIM to the optimal level."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh spesifikasi bank terhadap net interest margin NIM perbankan di Indonesia. Industri perbankan Indonesia diharuskan beroperasi secara efisien. Nilai net interest margin mencerminkan seberapa efisien bank dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya. Dengan menggunakan data panel bank umum di Indonesia yang beroperasi pada periode tahun 2011 hingga 2015 ditemukan bahwa non performing loan NPL, risk aversion, ukuran, dan biaya operasional mempengaruhi net interest margin.

The focus of study is to analyze how bank spesification affect on net interest margin of Indonesian. Indonesian banking industry have to operate efficiently. Net interest margin value represent how effective the operational process. Employing pooled data from commercial banks operating in Indonesia period 2011 2015, This research finds that net interest margin is being influenced by non performing loan, risk aversion, size, and operational cost.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akmal Rangga Putra Warganegara
"Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat determinan Net Interest Margin (NIM) di industri perbankan Indonesia pada periode 2006-2009. Industri perbankan Indonesia di nilai inefisien dibandingkan dengan perbankan di regional Asia Tenggara. Nilai NIM yang relatif tinggi menjadi beban bagi perekonomian dengan tingginya biaya intermediasi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa NIM dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan pasar, kualitas manajemen suatu bank, ukuran bank, dan kebijakan Non-Performing Loan (NPL). Penelitian ini menggunakan model yang dikembangkan dari Kannan et al (2001), Hawtrey dan Liang (2008), dan Peria dan Mody (2003).

The focus of this study is to observe deteminants of Net Interest Margin in Indonesian banking industry. Indonesian banking industry is relatively inefficient bacause of higher NIM compared to other banking industry in South East Asia region. Higher NIM rate is being a burden to the Indonesian economy through higher intermediation cost. This research finds that NIM is being influenced by market power, management quality, banks size, and Non-Performing Loan (NPL) rate policy. This research uses the model developed by Kannan et al (2001), Hawtrey and Liang (2008), and Peria and Mody (2003)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dani Bayu Angkat
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi determinan net interest marginpada perbankan Indonesia periode 2005-2014. Perbankan Indonesia di nilaiinefisien dibandingkan dengan perbankan di regional Asia Tenggara. Nilai netinterest margin yang relatif tinggi menjadi beban bagi perekonomian dengantingginya biaya intermediasi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa net interest margindipengaruhi oleh kekutan pasar, biaya operasional, risk aversion, implicit interestpayment, opportunity cost of holding reserves, risiko kredit, ukuran operasional,ukuran aset dan pendapatan non-bunga. Penelitian ini menggunakan model yangdikembangkan oleh Ho and Saunders 1981 dan dimodifikasi oleh penulis danpeneliti lainnya.

The focus of this study is to observe deteminants of net interest margin inIndonesian banking industry. Indonesian banking industry is relatively inefficientbacause of higher net interest margin compared to other banking industry in SouthEast Asia region. Higher net interest margin rate is being a burden to theIndonesian economy through higher intermediation cost. This research finds thatnet interest margin is being influenced by market power, operating costs, riskaversion, implicit interest payment, opportunity cost of holding reserves, creditrisk, size of operations, size of assets and non interest income. This research usesthe model developed by Ho and Saunders 1981 and modification by otherauthors and researchers.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Putri Pamungkas
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan net interest margin (NIM) pada bank umum konvensional Indonesia selama periode 2009 - 2014 menggunakan regresi data panel dengan Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Net interest margin (NIM) Indonesia merupakan yang tertinggi di antara beberapa negara ASEAN lainnya yang mendingikasikan inefisiensi dan tingginya biaya intermediasi perbankan Indonesia. Determinan NIM diklasifikasikan menjadi variabel bankspecific, industry-specific, dan makroekonomi.
Hasil penelitian sejalan dengan penelitian sebelumnya yaitu bahwa net interest margin (NIM) bank umum konvensional Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh tingkat risk aversion bank, likuiditas, jumlah transaksi, implicit interest payment, efisiensi operasional, efisiensi manajemen, struktur dan konsentrasi pasar perbankan, pertumbuhan GDP riil, dan volatilitas suku bunga.

This study aims to analyze the determinants of net interest margin (NIM) in Indonesian commercial banks over the period of 2009 - 2014 using panel data regression with Fixed Effect Model (FEM). NIM of Indonesian banking is the highest among some other ASEAN countries which indicates inefficiency and high intermediation cost. The determinants of NIM are classified into bank-specific, industry-specific, and macroeconomic variables.
The results show consistent findings from previous studies. It found that NIM in the Indonesian commercial banks affected by level of bank risk aversion, liquidity, transaction size, implicit interest payment, operational efficiency, management efficiency, market structure and concentration, real GDP growth, and volatility of interest rates.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Net Interest Margin (NIM) sektor perbankan Indonesia yang tinggi merupakan sebuah permasalahan inefisiensi yang terjadi pada perekonomian Indonesia. Hal ini menjadi masalah yang semakin relevan karena sektor perbankan masih mendominasi sumber pembiayaan perekonomian Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan estimasi regresi dengan model Maudos dan De Guevara untuk menentukan determinan net interest margin di tingkat bank individual di Indonesia selama tahun 2010 hingga 2015. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa net interest margin bank di Indonesia ditentukan oleh kekuatan penetapan harga, rata-rata biaya operasional, efisiensi manajemen operasional, risiko pasar uang dan pasar kredit, ukuran operasional, biaya peluang, serta status kepemilikan bank.

Net Interest Margin (NIM) of Indonesia?s banking sector which is quite high is by itself an inefficiency problem which afflicted Indonesia?s economy. It is all more relevant due to banking sector dominance in Indonesia?s economy funding source. This study use regression estimates with Maudos and De Guevara model to induce the the determinant of net interest margin using individual level banks data from 2010 to 2015. This study concludes that net interest margin of Indonesia banks is determined by pricing power, average operational cost, management efficiency, money and credit market risk, operational size, opportunity cost, and bank?s ownership status."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfanus Edmont Olsan, Author
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor - faktor yang mempengaruhi net interest margin (margin bunga bersih) dari bank - bank di Indonesia. Studi mengambil 15 bank dengan jumlah aset tertinggi di Indonesia. Di dalam studi ini, faktor-faktor penentu margin bunga bersih dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua bagian yakni mikro dan makro. Faktor mikro terdiri dari besarnya aset bank, kapitalisasi bank, beban operasi bank, kepemilikan pihak asing, serta giro wajib minimum, sedang kan untuk faktor makroekonomi, terdapat produk domestik bruto, inflasi, konsentrasi industri, perkembangan perbankan, serta krisis. Dengan menggunakan model panel disertai efek acak (random-effect) untuk melihat hasil estimasi dari persamaan regresi, dibuktikan bahwa besarnya aset bank dapat mengurangi margin bunga bersih, sedangkan kapitalisasi perbankan dan beban operasi bank berpengaruh positif pada margin bunga bersih, sedangkan kepemilikan luar negeri berpengaruh negatif terhadap margin bunga bersih. Faktor makro pun juga ikut berkontribusi dimana PDB mempengaruhi margin bunga bersih secara positif tehadap margin bunga bersih, perkembangan perbankan serta konsentrasi industri berpengaruh positif terhadap margin bunga bersih, sedangkan krisis memiliki dampak yang negatif bagi margin bunga bersih. Inflasi dan giro wajib minimum pun harus disingikirkan guna menjaga multikolinearitas.

This research aims to analyze the Determinants of NIM in Indonesian Banks. Determinants factors in this research are divided into two factors, micro and macro. Micro factors are Bank size, bank capitalization, overhead cost, foreign ownership, reserve requirement. Meanwhile for macro factors are GDP, Inflation, Industry concentration, banking development, and crisis. This research choose 15 top banks on asset-based in Indonesia.. NIM is to serve as a means to how efficiency in banking system Employing panel model with random effect to estimate the regression equation, this study proves that bank size has a negative contribution to NIM of fifteen selected banks, while bank capitalization and overhead expense affect positively to NIM, on the other hand, foreign ownership affects negative. Macro-factors also contribute fairly, where GDP affects positively to NIM, industry concentration and banking development affects positively to NIM, on the other hand, crisis affects negative on NIM. Inflation and reserve requirement are ommited due to multicollinearity problem.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christian Jonathan Sutanto
"Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh tata kelola perusahaan terhadap rasio net interest margin (NIM) perbankan di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data perbankan Indonesia pada tahun 2010 – 2014. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh langsung maupun pengaruh tidak langsung tata kelola perusahaan melalui efisiensi terhadap NIM. Berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya, penerapan tata kelola perusahaan diukur dengan menggunakan hasil evaluasi diri yang dilakukan oleh masing- masing bank sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia. Efisiensi diukur dengan menggunakan rasio CIR dan OVERHEAD, dimana CIR adalah cost to income ratio dan OVERHEAD adalah cost to total assets ratio.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan tata kelola perusahaan memiliki dampak positif terhadap efisiensi, dan efisiensi berpengaruh terhadap rasio NIM. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penerapan tata kelola perusahaan berdampak negatif terhadap NIM. Penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk lebih hati-hati dalam memakai rasio NIM sebagai proksi dari kinerja. Hasil penelitian ini juga dapat diterapkan dalam penyusunan kebijakan/peraturan yang berdampak terhadap NIM, dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran perbankan terhadap dampak tata kelola perusahaan terhadap efisiensi dan NIM.

This study investigates the effect of corporate governance on net interest margin using Indonesian banks’ data from 2010 – 2014. This study examines the effect both directly and indirectly through the effect of efficiency on NIM. In contrast to previous studies, implementation of corporate governance is measured by using the results of the self-assessment performed by each bank in accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulation. Efficiency is measured using the ratio of CIR and OVERHEAD, where CIR is cost to income ratio and OVERHEAD is cost to total assets ratio.
The results of this study show that the implementation of corporate governance has a positive impact on efficiency, and eventually affect the NIM ratio through efficiency. The study also finds that the implementation of corporate governance has a negative impact on NIM. Future studies are advised to be cautious in using NIM as a proxy of performance. The results of this study can also be applied in the policy-making related to net interest margin and also be able to increase awareness of the impact of corporate governance on efficiency and NIM in the banking industry.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berdasarkan data Bank Indonesia pendapatan bunga bank mengkontribusi 76% terhadap total pendapatan kotor operasional bank. Hal ini menunjukkan pendapatan bunga bank merupakan komponen yang penting dalam profitabilitas bank. Dikarenakan tingkat suku bunga merupakan komponen yang menghasilkan pendapatan kotor operasional bank, maka sangatlah penting mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi tingkat suku bunga bank di tahun berjalan. Tesis ini mengindentifikasi faktor internal bank dan faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi tingkat suku bunga dalam periode 2009-2013. Objek penelitian ini menggunakan 109 bank yang tercatat aktif di Bank Indonesia. Tingkat suku bunga pinjaman dan simpanan sebagai variabel dependen. BOPO (Biaya Operasional Pendapatan Operasional), Rasio NIM (Net Interest Margin), rasio NPL (Non Performing Loan), total kredit, DPK (Dana Pihak Ketiga), dan LDR(Loan Deposit Ratio) dan BI RATE sebagai variabel independen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel BOPO, NIM, dan NPL bergerak positif sementara variabel Total Kredit bergerak negatif terhadap tingkat suku bunga pinjaman. Variabel DPK dan BI Rate bergerak positif sementara variabel LDR bergerak negatif terhadap tingkat suku bunga simpanan.

Based on data from Bank Indonesia interest income contributed 76% to total gross income of the bank's operations. This shows the interest income of banks is an important component in the bank's profitability. Due to the interest rate is a component of gross revenue that result in the bank's operations, it is important to know what factors affect the level of interest rates in the current year. This thesis identifies factors the bank's internal and external factors that affect interest rate in the period 2009-2013. The object of this study using the 109 registered banks active in Bank Indonesia. The interest rates on loans and deposits as dependent variable. BOPO ratio (operasting expense to operational income), NIM ratio (Net Interest Margin), NPL ratio (Non Performing Loan), total kredit, TPF (Third Party Fund), LDR (Loan Deposit Ratio) and BI RATE as independent variables. The result: BOPO, NIM and NPL have positive effect meanwhile Credit have negative effect to loan interest rates. TPF and BI Rate have positive effect meanwhile LDR have negative effect to deposit interest rates."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Veresa Natasia
Mengacu pada studi empiris oleh G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012), penulis
mengestimasi perluasan dari model empiris original market power dan efficient
structure menggunakan kerangka data panel dinamis tidak seimbang. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisis variabilitas NIM sektor perbankan di 16 negara di
kawasan Asia-Pasifik (APAC) selama periode 2003-2012 dengan menggunakan
2800 observasi data bank dan lintas negara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
persistensi NIM di negara-negara berkembang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan
NIM di negara-negara maju. Selain itu, tingkat kapitalisasi bank terbukti
merupakan determinan yang mempengaruhi NIM di negara-negara berkembang,
sedangkan di negara-negara maju NIM paling banyak dipengaruhi oleh risiko
likuiditas bank.

Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank?s liquidity risk.;Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank?s liquidity risk.;Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank?s liquidity risk.;Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank’s liquidity risk., Following in the footsteps of G.E. Chortareas et al. (2012) on the impact of
competition and efficiency on net interest margin (NIM) in Latin America banking,
I estimated the extension of the original market power and efficient structure
empirical model using an unbalanced dynamic panel data framework. This study
aims to analyze the variability of NIM of 16 banking sectors in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region during the 2003-2012 period by using 2800 observations of bank
level and cross-countries data. The results show that the persistence of NIM in
emerging countries is higher than NIM in the developed countries. In addition, the
level of bank capitalization is shown to be a dominant determinant of NIM in
emerging countries, whereas in developed countries NIM is most affected by the
bank’s liquidity risk.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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