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Marchand, Trevor H. J.
"The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were adopted by the United Nations in September 2015 are universally applicable in all 193 UN Member States and connect the big challenges of our time, such as hunger and poverty, climate change, health in an urbanised environment, sustainable energy, mobility, economic development and environmental degradation. Sustainability has the characteristics of a ‘wicked problem’, for which there are no one-size-fits-all solutions.
This book tests the hypothesis that the implementation of sustainable development, and in particular the 2015 SDGs, requires tailor-made metagovernance or ‘governance of governance’. This is necessary to develop effective governance and high quality and inclusive public administration and to foster policy and institutional coherence to support implementing the SDGs. Based on the growing literature on governance and metagovernance, and taking into account the specificities of societal factors such as different values and traditions in different countries, the book presents a framework for the design and management of SDG implementation. It shows how hierarchical, network and market governance styles can be combined and how governance failure can be prevented or dealt with. The book presents an overview of fifty ‘shades of governance’ which differ for each governance style, and a sketch of a concrete method to apply sustainability metagovernance.
Metagovernance for Sustainability is relevant to academic and practitioner fields across many disciplines and problem areas. It will be of particular interest to scholars, students and policy-makers studying Sustainable Development, Governance and Metagovernance, Public Management and Capacity Building."
London: Routledge, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mortaza A Syafinuddin Hammada
"Kajian Penerapan Konsep Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan pada Sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri di DKI Jakarta Konsep Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Education for Sustainable Development sejak Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi KTT Bumi, Rio De Jeneiro, 1992 belum menunjukkan kemajuan sesuai harapan. Materi pendidikan lingkungan dan program sekolah berwawasan lingkungan juga sudah diluncurkan pemerintah karena pendidikan dipandang sebagai pengungkit kesadaran lingkungan yang lebih maju. Konsep yang terakhir dilaksanakan adalah Adiwiyata, sebuah penghargaan yang diberikan pemerintah kepada sekolah berbudaya lingkungan dengan harapan budaya lingkungan akan terbentuk di sekolah dan dapat berpengaruh kemasyarakat luas. Sejak pertama kali dilaksanakan tahun 2006, kini telah tercatat 290 sekolah yang memperoleh penghargaan nasional Adiwiyata, namun kenyataannya kesadaran dan budaya lingkungan di sekitar sekolah belum terwujud sesuai harapan, bahkan ada sekolah Adiwiyata yang mengalami penurunan kualitas.
Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun model pendidikan berbudaya lingkungan dengan memanfaatkan modal sosial, sebuah modal yang merupakan bagian dari konsep Daya Dukung Lingkungan Carrying Capacity. Berdasarkan analisis kualitatif, ditemukan bahwa program Adiwiyata mengandung modal sosial yang dapat digunakan untuk menerapkan pendidikan berbudaya lingkungan. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, ditemukan bahwa sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri telah memanfaatkan modal sosialnya dalam penerapan konsep ESD Education for Sustainable Development . Berdasarkan kedua analisis tersebut maka konsep Adiwiyata dikembangkan menjadi sebuah model pendidikan berbudaya lingkungan yang optimal melalui pemanfaatan modal sosial.

A Study on Implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development Concept at AdiwiyataMandiri School in DKI Jakarta The Education for Sustainable Development is a concept which declared by Rio De Jeneiro Earth Summit in 1992. Since it declaration the expectation of the concept is not rich optimally yet. The enviromental education curriculum and all enviromental program of view also was launched as a leverage of environmental awareness. Adiwiyata is the government program to make an environmental culture of daily activity both in the school and community anrround it. Since the first of the launching until now there are 290 school are awarded national level of Adiwiyata, but in fact the expectation is not realized yet, even many school were quality degraded.
The objective of the research is to develop a model for environmental consciousness education with implementation of Social Capital. Social capital is one of the part of the concept of carrying capacity. According to the descriptive qualitative analysis the research found that the Adiwiyata program has been adopted criteria of the Education for SustanableDevelupment ESD to implement the environmental conscious eduacation. The research also found that the social capital of AdiwiyataMandiri school have been used to develop the environmental conscious and culture eduacation. According to all analysis the result of the research can develop The Adiwiyata Concept to be a model to optimalized an environmental education culture through application of social capital.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Falkenmark, Malin
"Balancing Water for Humans and Nature, authored by two of the world's leading experts on water management, examines water flows - the 'blood stream' of both nature and society - in terms of the crucial links, balances, conflicts and trade-offs between human and environmental needs. The authors argue that a sustainable future depends fundamentally on our ability to manage these trade-offs and encourage long-term resilience. They advocate an ecohydrological approach to land/water/environmental problems and advance a strong, reasoned argument for viewing precipitation as the gross fresh water resource, ultimately responsible for sustaining all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem services. This book makes the most coherent and holistic argument to date for a new ecological approach to understanding and managing water resources for the benefit of all. Basing their analysis on per capita needs for an acceptable nutritional diet, the authors analyse predictions of the amounts of water needed for global food production by 2050 and identify potential sources. Drawing on small-scale experiences in Africa and Asia, they also cover the vulnerability of the semi-arid tropics through a simplified model of green and blue water scarcity components."
New York: Taylor & Francis, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wulf, Christoph
"This book examines the concepts of the Anthropocene and globalisation in our society and the changes that these are bringing about in education and human learning.
The book argues that there needs to be reflexive approach to issues that affect the fate of the planet and the future of humans, brought about by an education that looks to the future. Wulf argues that a change in education and socialization can only succeed based on an understanding of previous educational ideas, and considers the significance of Confucianism and spiritual education that emerged in the East. The book traces key educational ideas throughout history to show how education and human knowledge are closely linked, highlighting the need for us to pay careful attention to repetition, mimesis and the imagination in learning. It shows how a future-oriented education must engage with issues of peace and violence, global citizenship and sustainable development.
This timely and compelling book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and students in the fields of philosophy of education, the history and anthropology of education, sustainability education and global citizenship education"
London: Routledge, 2022
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wongkaren, Vannya Istarinda
The planet earth we inhabit is frankly one that is not permanent. Its well-being and deterioration corresponds to our daily actions, decisions and how we take care of our surrounding environment. The earth will eventually become unstable when it is stripped away from its natural resources and polluted by activities caused by humanity.  Climate change and natural disasters signals an urgency to act upon it by preserving its natural resources, reducing energy consumption, reusing and recycling materials. The condition of the environment reflects our quality of living , thus  affecting our health and eventually the economy. Architects have been designing with the idea of sustainability and ecological design that minimises damage on the environment and integrates the design with living processes, connecting green architecture, sustainable agriculture, ecological engineering, ecological restoration and other fields. From the study of sustainable practices and theories, research of precedents and case studies and direct observation this report will incorporate sustainable and ecological design ideas to maximise efficiency in the mixed-use project portrayed through diagrammatic sketches applied to the site.

Bumi yang kita huni adalah dengan terus terang planet yang tidak permanen. Kesejahteraan dan kemerosotannya mencerminkan tindakan dan keputusan kita sehari-hari dan cara kita menjaga lingkungan sekitar kita. Bumi pada akhirnya akan menjadi tidak stabil ketika dilucuti dari sumber daya alamnya dan tercemar oleh kegiatan manusia yang merusak alam. Perubahan iklim dan bencana alam menandakan urgensi untuk bertindak atasnya dengan melestarikan sumber daya alamnya, mengurangi konsumsi energi, menggunakan kembali dan mendaur ulang bahan. Kondisi lingkungan mencerminkan kualitas hidup kita, sehingga mempengaruhi kesehatan kita dan akhirnya berdampak kepada ekonomi. Arsitek telah merancang dengan gagasan keberlanjutan dan desain yang meminimalkan kerusakan pada lingkungan dan mengintegrasikan desain dengan memikirkan proses hidup, menghubungkan arsitektur hijau, pertanian berkelanjutan, rekayasa ekologi, restorasi ekologi dan bidang lainnya. Dari studi tentang praktik dan teori yang berkelanjutan, penelitian preseden dan studi kasus dan pengamatan langsung, laporan ini akan menggabungkan ide-ide desain yang berkelanjutan dan ekologis untuk memaksimalkan efisiensi dalam proyek mixed-use yang digambarkan melalui sketsa diagram yang diterapkan ke proyek."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book entitled Advancements in Smart City and Intelligent Building is the Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart City and Intelligent Building (ICSCIB 2018) held in Hefei, China, September 15-16, 2018. It contains 58 papers in total categorized into 8 different tracks, on Building Energy Efficiency, Construction Robot and Automation, Intelligent Community and Urban Safety, Intelligentialization of Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning System, Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems, New Generation Intelligent Building Platform Techniques, Smart Home and Utility, and Smart Underground Space, which cover a wide range areas of smart cities and intelligent buildings.
ICSCIB2018 provided an international forum for professionals, academics, and researchers to present the latest developments from interdisciplinary theoretical studies, computational algorithm developments and engineering applications in smart cities and smart buildings. This academic event featured many opportunities to network with colleagues from around the world in a wonderful environment. Its program covered invitation and presentations from scientists, researchers, and practitioners who have been working in the related areas to establish platforms for collaborative research projects in these fields. The conference invited leaders from industry and academia to exchange and share their experiences, present research results, explore collaborations and to spark new ideas, with the aim of developing new projects and exploiting new technology in these fields, and bridge theoretical studies and emerging applications in various science and engineering branches."
Singapore: Springer Nature , 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uqaili, Mohammad Aslam, editor
"This volume presents new information and strategies for managing the energy crisis from the perspective of growing economies. It includes numerous case studies that illustrate the particular challenges encountered by developing countries."
Wien: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danu Patria
"Usaha industri tradisional telah menjadi perhatian nasional dan internasional dengan perkembangan wacana industri sustainability (berkelanjutan). Akan tetapi, dalam kenyataannya perkembangan usaha ini tidak selalu mengarah pada model usaha berkelanjutan yang lebih baik dari para pelaku yang ada di dalamnya. Riset ini menampilkan gambaran dilema livelihood pada industri tradisional furnitur Jepara – Indonesia. Fenomena khusus yang terjadi di Jepara adalah kemampuannya untuk bertahan dalam kompetisi dunia usaha modern, dan juga secara menakjubkan menggapai pasar furnitur global. Di lain hal, Jepara secara mayoritas tetap bertahan dengan metode produksi tradisional. Dalam perhatian ini, studi kualitatif phenomenology dilaksanakan di kota Jepara, Jawa Tengah – Indonesia. Studi dilakukan pada industri tradisional furnitur rumah tangga, dengan para pelaku usaha dan pekerja didalamnya yang terdiri dari 12 orang partisipan, dan terbagi dalam 4 kategori usaha. Investigasi dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan teknik semi structured interview. Riset ini mendeskripsikan tekanan (pressure) lokal, regional dan internasional yang berakibat implikasi unsustainable yang cukup besar. Implikasi berkisar dari kurangnya campur tangan pemerintah, pendapatan yang tidak memadai, persaingan yang tidak sehat dengan sebagian perusahaan asing yang secara legal dan ilegal berdiri di Jepara, dan yang paling substansial adalah hilangnya karakter keterampilan seni ukir di Jepara sendiri. Industri furnitur ukir tradisional Jepara di satu sisi, memiliki warisan sejarah keterampilan budaya ukir, bersama dengan ribuan orang yang bergantung pada jenis mata pencaharian ini (livelihood), dan harus tetap bertahan baik dalam skala pasar lokal ataupun global. Pada akhirnya, industry furniture tradisional Jepara ini menerapkan model perkembangan industri “Low Road” untuk menahan pengaruh tekanan (pressure) lokal dan internasional, yang kemudian secara bertahap berubah, dan melakukan manuver strategis untuk menyesuaikan prosedur dan peraturan kebijakan yang ada guna mempertahankan mayoritas praktik informal dari para pelaku usaha, dan utamanya untuk mempertahankan mata pencaharian produksi furnitur tradisional yang sudah berlangsung secara turun temurun

Traditional industry sustainability has been the focus and interest of local and international study. However, current traditional industry developments may not always indicate better progressive sustainable achievements. This research presenting an epic rural traditional industry dilemma of livelihood, focusing at traditional industry Jepara – Indonesia. Distinct significance phenomenon at Indonesian - Jepara traditional rural furniture industry is in its ability to survive current modern business competition while remarkably prosper for global furniture market. Meanwhile, this industry and its people have been largely remains with traditional method of production. In concern to this, a qualitative phenomenology study had been conducted at Jepara city, Central Java- Indonesia, in a range of home-based furniture, adjoining with business owners and workers involved. A total of 12 participants and 4 main categories of business are investigated. This research deployed in-depth interview using a semi-structured interview. The study depicting pressure of local, regional and international which further result major unsustainable implications. Implications span from the absence of government assistance, income insufficiencies, unfair rivalries with partial foreign firms legally and illegally stands at Jepara, and in most substantial is the loss of carving craftmanship skills character within. The pressures at Jepara is related to the main feature of historical carving craftmanship inheritance, which determined to many thousands of livelihood reliance people contained. This rural furniture cluster industry is obviously needed to sustain both domestically and internationally, despite this research reveals many problems and implications. Eventually, Jepara furniture industry people have to undertake "low road" survival to withstand pressures, and at the same time transform and maneuvering current international rules and regulations on timber trade products. Inevitably, Jepara small furniture firms need to operate informally, in order to continue their cultural industry legacy which formerly passed for many generations."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Luar Negeri , 1985
338.95 IND p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramedia, 1988
338.9 OUR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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