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Offit, Paula
New York: Macmillan Press , 1998
615.372 OFF w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulfah Aulia Defandra
"Cepatnya penyebaran Virus Covid-19 menyebabkan Indonesia mengalami Kedaruratan Kesehatan Masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, untuk melindungi masyarakat Indonesia, Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan pengadaan Vaksin Covid-19 dan pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Program. Dalam pendistribusian Vaksin Covid-19, wajib memenuhi standar dan/atau persyaratan: (1) Keamanan (safety); (2) Mutu (quality); dan (3) Khasiat (efficacy)/imunogenisitas. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tipe deskriptif. Penulis mengkaji norma hukum tertulis, yaitu Pedoman Teknis CDOB sebagaimana yang diatur dalam PerBPOM 6/2020, Perpres 99/2020 beserta perubahannya, dan peraturan pelaksana Perpres 99/2020, yaitu: (1) PerMenkes 10/2021 beserta perubahannya; (2) PerMenkes 16/2021; dan (3) Juknis Vaksinasi Covid-19. Dari norma hukum di atas, Penulis menjelaskan mengenai prosedur pendistribusian Vaksin Covid-19 pada Vaksinasi Program dan menganalisis tanggung jawab Pemerintah Indonesia dalam pendistribusian Vaksin Covid-19 pada Vaksinasi Program mulai dari perencanaan sampai dengan Vaksin Covid-19 tersebut digunakan oleh masyarakat.

The rapid spread of the Covid-19 Virus has caused Indonesia to experience a Public Health Emergency. Therefore, to protect the Indonesian people, the Indonesian Government has procured a Covid-19 Vaccine and implemented a Vaccination Program. In distributing the Covid-19 Vaccine, it is obligatory to meet the following standards and or requirements: (1) Safety, (2) Quality, and (3) efficacy/immunogenicity. The form of research used in this research is a normative juridical research method with a descriptive type. The author examines written legal norms, namely the Good Distribution Practices Technical Guidelines as regulated in Regulation of the Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency Number 6 of 2020, Regulation of The President Number 99 of 2020 and their amendments, and implementing regulations for Regulation of The President Number 99 of 2020, namely (1) Regulation of The Minister of Health Number 10 of 2021 and its amendments, (2) Regulation of The Minister of Health Number 16 of 2021, and (3) Covid-19 Technical Guidelines. From the legal norms above, the author explains the procedure for distributing the Covid-19 Vaccine in the Vaccination Program and analyzes the responsibility of the Indonesian Government in distributing the Covid-19 Vaccine in the Vaccination Program from planning to the Covid-19 Vaccine used by the community."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Meilani
Nama : Dwi MeilaniProgram Studi : Magister Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatJudul Tesis : Analisis Perilaku Penolakan Vaksinasi Pada KomunitasAnti Vaksin di Media Sosial Facebook di Indonesia Tahun2016xvi 132 halaman, 6 tabel, 10 gambar, 4 lampiranMenurunnya cakupan vaksinasi di Indonesia diantaranya disebabkan oleh adanyakelompok yang menolak vaksinasi Kemkes, 2014 . Belum banyak penellitiantentang penolakan vaksin pada komunitas media sosial, karenanya penelitian inidilakukan pada dua komunitas anti vaksin di facebook group. Dengan tujuanmengetahui faktor determinan perilaku penolakan vaksin untuk dapat dijadikandasar merumuskan strategi program yang efektif. Penelitian menggunakanmetode kualitatif dan teori Health Belief Model. Hasil penelitian menemukandeterminan sosio demography yang membentuk persepsi informan terhadapvaksin dan risiko penyakit serta faktor penghambat dan faktor pencetus yangmendorong perilaku penolakan vaksin. Peneliti menyarankan kepada KementerianKesehatan untuk meningkatkan kampanye vaksinasi melalui media termasukmedia sosial, melakukan riset berkelanjutan untuk pengembangan vaksin, bagitenaga kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan terkaitvaksin dan teknik komunikasi efektif.Kata Kunci : Perilaku, Penolakan Vaksin, Health Belief Model, Anti Vaksin,Media Sosial

Name Dwi MeilaniStudy Program Public Health ScienceTitle Vaccination Refusal Behavior Analysis On Anti VaccinesCommunities on Social Media Facebook In Indonesia 2016xvi 132 pages, 6 tables, 10 pictures, 4 attachmentsOne of the causes of declining vaccination coverage in Indonesia is the group thatrefused immunization MoH, 2014 . Not many studies on vaccine refusal onsocial media community that has been done, so this study was conducted on twoanti vaccine communities on facebook group. With the aim of knowing thedeterminant factor rejection behavior of vaccines, that can be used as a basis toformulate an effective program strategies. Research using qualitative methodsand theoretical Health Belief Model. The results of the study found, thedeterminants of socio demography that shape perceptions of informants to thevaccine and the risk of disease and inhibiting factors and precipitating factors thatdrive behavior vaccine refusal. Researchers suggested to the Ministry of Health toincrease the vaccination campaign through the media, including social media,conduct ongoing research on vaccine development, for health personnel toimprove their knowledge and skills related to vaccines and effectivecommunication techniques.Keywords Behavior, Vaccine Refusal, Health Belief Model, Anti vaccine.Social Media"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kozlowski, Pamela A., editor
"This volume is focused on the development of vaccines which generate immune effectors capable of blocking mucosal entry or peripheral pathogen spread. Other chapters describe strategies for enhancing uptake of mucosal vaccines, for instance through targeted delivery to antigen-sampling M cells, construction of virus-like particles which mimic natural pathogens, addition of mucoadhesives or formulation as nanoparticles. Topics include edible vaccines as well as plant-based production of subunit or particulate vaccines that could be administered by any route. Dry powder vaccines that could be insufflated or directly applied to mucosal surfaces may be particularly ideal for mass vaccination in developing countries. The manufacture, stability and efficacy of powder formulations is comprehensively reviewed. We conclude with chapters on two of the greatest challenges facing mucosal vaccine development : human immunodeficiency virus and bioterrorist agents. This monograph highlights progress and information that should prove invaluable for the development of contemporary vaccines that prevent infection by these and other mucosal pathogens."
Berlin: [Springer-Verlag, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Plotkin, Stanley A.
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1994
615.372 PLO v
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ummu Habibah
Latar Belakang: Influenza masih merupakan ancaman infeksi serius di dunia terutama pada populasi usia lanjut. Meskipun kejadian influenza dapat ditekan dengan pemberian vaksinasi, namun efikasi vaksin influenza masih diragukan pada usia lanjut, terutama individu yang frail. Hal ini dikarenakan immunosenescence yang menyebabkan sistem imun kurang mampu mengatasi stres berupa infeksi termasuk memberikan respon yang adekuat terhadap pemberian vaksin.Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan status frailty dengan respon imun pasca vaksinasi influenza pada populasi usia lanjutMetode: Studi kohort retrospektif ini mengambil data dari penelitian induk dengan subjek usia lanjut berusia 60 tahun keatas yang tergabung dalam Posyandu Lansia di 4 kelurahan di Kecamatan Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur. Status frailty ditentukan berdasarkan kuisoner Frailty Index 40 Items FI-40 . Vaksin Influenza yang dievaluasi adalah vaksin influenza trivalen inaktif. Serokonversi didefinisikan sebagai peningkatan titer inhibisi hemagglutinin sebanyak 4x lipat. Seroproteksi didefinisikan sebagai titer inhibisi hemagglutinin ge; 1:40.Hasil: Terdapat 140 subjek penelitian. Tingkat serokonversi vaksin influenza pada kelompok frail, pre-frail, dan sehat adalah 37,9 , 39 , 60 . Tingkat seroproteksi vaksin influenza pada kelompok frail, pre-frail dan sehat adalah 80 , 92,2 , 94,8 . Risiko relatif RR kelompok pre-frail/frail untuk kejadian tidak serokonversi adalah 0,93 IK 95 0,72-1,02 , dan RR untuk kejadian tidak seroproteksi adalah 1,7x IK 95 0,5-6,2 .Kesimpulan: Tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara status frailty dengan serokonversi dan seroproteksi vaksin influenza pada populasi usia lanjut.

Background Influenza still become serious illness in this world especially in elderly population. Despite the prevalence of this disease has been decreased by vaccination, the efficacy of the vaccine still doubt full in frail elderly people. Immunosenescence is the underlying process in immune defect and cause the immune system become less capable to cope the stress like an infection, and also give an adequate response to vaccination.Objective To determine association between frailty status and immune response after influenza vaccination in elderly.Method This Retrospective cohort study was conducted using secondary data from the parent study of elderly subjects age ge 60 years who live in the community of Posyandu lansia in Pulo Gadung Region, East Jakarta. Frailty status was stated by Frailty Index 40 Items FI 40 . The influenza vaccine evaluated was the Trivalent Inactivated Vaccine. Seroconversion defined as four fold increase hemagglutinin inhibition titre. Seroprotection defined as Hemagglutinin Inhibition titer ge 1 40.Result There are 140 subject included in this study. Seroconversion influenza vaccine rate in frail, pre frail, and robust group are 37,9 , 39 , 60 . Seroprotection rate in frail, pre frail, and robust group are 80 , 92,2 , 94,8 . Relative Risk RR pre frail frail group for not seroconverted is 0,93 CI 95 0,72 1,02 , and RR for not seroprotected is 1,7 CI 95 0,5 6,2 .Conclussions There is no statistically significant association between frailty status and seroconversion nor seroprotection of influenza vaccine. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kishore, Swapna
New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 1991
005 KIS w
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josef Thalhamer, editor
"The present book gives an update of the “world of naked gene vaccines”, namely DNA and RNA vaccines. Its content ranges from general mechanisms, inherent immunostimulatory properties and the vast potential to modulate immune responses, to recent successful clinical studies and approved veterinary gene vaccines. Beyond the state-of-the-art of genetic immunization, the reader will be stimulated with a chapter addressing “burning questions”."
Wien: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisa Perikani
Anak usia 1-5 tahun atau biasa disebut Balita Bawah Lima Tahun memiliki sistem imun yang rendah dan cukup rentan terhadap serangan penyakit, oleh karena itu anak memerlukan serangkaian imunisasi untuk membangun kekebalan dasar pada tubuhnya. Adanya KLB Difteri dapat meningkatkan resiko balita mengalami kecacatan, kesakitan dan kematian. Pengetahuan ibu berperan penting dalam memenuhi kelengkapan imunisasi difteri sebagai tindakan pencegahan penyakit difteri, hal ini kaitannya dengan kepatuhan ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu dengan kepatuhan imunisasi difteri anak usia 1-5 tahun. Desain penelitian cross sectional menggunakan metode convinience sampling. Sampel penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki anak usia 1-5 tahun, jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 95 responden. Hasil analisa data menunjukan ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan ibu dengan kepatuhan imunisasi difteri anak usia 1-5 tahun p le; p = 0.001, =0.5. Tenaga kesehatan keperawatan dapat meningkatkan upaya preventif dan promosi kesehatan tentang imunisasi dan difteri agar kepatuhan terhadap imunisasi difteri dapat ditingkatkan.

Children aged 1 5 years or commonly called Toddlers Under Five Years have a low immune system and are quite susceptible to disease attacks, therefore children need a series of immunizations to build basic immunity in the body. The presence of Diphtheria Outbreak may increase the risk of todlers experiencing disability, illness and death. Mother 39 s knowledge plays an important role in fulfilling the completeness of diphtheria immunization as a preventive measure of diphtheria disease, this is related to mother 39 s compliance. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between mother 39 s knowledge level and compliance diphtheria immunization in children 1 5 years old. The research design used cross sectional with convinience sampling method. Sample in this research is a mother have children aged 1 5 years old, the number of research samples were 95 respondents. The result of data analysis showed that there was a correlation between mother 39 s knowledge level and diphtheria immunization of children 1 5 years old p le p 0.001, 0.5 Nursing health can improve preventive and health promotion about immunization and diphtheria, so that adherence to diphtheria immunization can be improved."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reihani Zaida
"Vaksinasi COVID-19 pada anak di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari orang tua yang menyetujui dan tidak menyetujui vaksinasi COVID-19 pada anak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan kesediaan orang tua menyetujui vaksinasi COVID-19 pada anak di Indonesia. Responden merupakan orang tua yang memiliki anak berusia 6-18 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif, korelasi dan cross-sectional dengan sampel 428 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner karakteristik orang tua dan anak, serta kuesioner pengetahuan terkait vaksin COVID-19.
Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya faktor yang berhubungan dengan kesediaan orang tua menyetujui vaksin COVID-19 pada anak meliputi keterkaitan dengan anak (p = 0.003, α = 0.05), riwayat pengobatan anak (p = 0.008, α = 0.05), status vaksin influenza, dan status vaksinasi COVID-19 anak, khawatir keparahan COVID-19, penjelasan ilmiah, akses ke pelayanan kesehatan, dan pengetahuan orang tua/wali (p=0.000, α = 0.05). Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan untuk meneliti faktor lain yang berkaitan dengan kesediaan orang tua menyetujui vaksin COVID-19 pada anak.

Vaccination against COVID-19 in children in Indonesia is inseparable from parents agreeing and not agreeing to vaccination of COVID-19 in children. The study aims to determine the factors associated with the willingness of parents to agree to vaccination against COVID-19 in children in Indonesia. Respondents are parents who have children aged 6-18 years. This study used a descriptive, correlation and cross-sectional research design with a sample of 428 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire on the characteristics of parents and children, as well as a knowledge questionnaire related to the COVID-19 vaccine.
This study showed that there were factors associated with the willingness of parents to agree to the COVID-19 vaccine in children including association with the child (p = 0.003, α = 0.05), history of child medication (p = 0.008, α = 0.05), influenza vaccine status, and children's COVID-19 vaccination status, concern about the severity of COVID-19, scientific explanation, access to health services, and knowledge of parents/guardians (p=0.000, α = 0.05). Future research is expected to examine other factors related to the willingness of parents to approve the COVID-19 vaccine for children.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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