"Artikel ini membahas operasi Angkatan Udara Revolusioner (AUREV) PRRI di Indonesia timur pada April hingga Mei 1958. Didirikan pada 18 Maret 1958, AUREV didukung Amerika Serikat melalui Operasi HAIK dengan pesawat, pilot, serta krunya. Selain AS, AUREV juga didukung pemerintah Filipina dan Taiwan. Dengan bantuan ini, pada April-Mei 1958, AUREV gencar melakukan pengeboman ke Ambon, Balikpapan, Donggala, Jailolo, Palu, Ternate, Makassar, dan Morotai. Pengeboman menyasar berbagai target vital, antara lain kapal pengangkut dan tanker, landasan udara, pesawat, dan berbagai infrastruktur milik Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia (APRI). Operasi AUREV kemudian terhenti mendadak setelah satu bulan berjalan. Hasil penelitian artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab singkatnya operasi AUREV adalah terhentinya bantuan AS yang dilatarbelakangi tiga faktor utama, yakni serangan balik APRI, tertangkapnya Allen Pope, dan perubahan kebijakan AS itu sendiri. Serangan balik APRI pada 15 Mei 1958 menghancurkan nyaris seluruh armada AUREV. Tiga hari setelahnya, pada 18 Mei 1958, pilot sewaan asal AS, Allen Pope, berhasil ditangkap kala pesawatnya ditembak jatuh. Di saat yang bersamaan, ada perubahan kebijakan AS yang muncul seiring dengan kedua faktor sebelumnya dan faktor lainnya, seperti kegagalan meredam pengaruh komunisme. Akibat kombinasi ketiga faktor ini, AS memutuskan untuk menghentikan bantuan kepada PRRI, dan AUREV. Artikel ditulis dengan metode sejarah dengan sumber berupa surat kabar sezaman, buku, skripsi, tesis, dan artikel jurnal.
This article discusses the operations of the PRRI’s Revolutionary Air Force (AUREV) in eastern Indonesia from April to May 1958. Founded on March 18, 1958, AUREV was supported by the United States through Operation HAIK with aircrafts, pilots and crews. Apart from the US, AUREV was also supported by the governments of the Philippines and Taiwan. With this assistance, in April-May 1958, AUREV intensively bombed Ambon, Balikpapan, Donggala, Jailolo, Palu, Ternate, Makassar, dan Morotai. The bombings targeted various vital targets, including transport ships and tankers, airfields, aircrafts and various infrastructure belonging to the Republic of Indonesia War Forces (APRI). AUREV's operation was then suddenly stopped after one month. The results of this research indicates that the factor causing the short period of AUREV’s operation was the cessation of American aid due to three main factors, namely APRI's counterattack, the capture of Allen Pope, and changes in American policy to PRRI. An APRI counterattack on 15 May 1958 nearly destroyed all of AUREV’s fleet. Three days later, on May 18, 1958, a chartered pilot from the US, Allen Pope, was caught by the Indonesian Army after his plane was shot down over Ambon. And at that time, there were major changes in American policy to PRRI due to the previous two factors and failure to curb communist influence. With these factors, the US decided to entirely abandon PRRI, with AUREV included. This article is written using the historical method with sources in the form of newspapers, books, theses, and article."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023