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Ditemukan 50107 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Budi Rachmat
Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita, 2005
658.15 RAC m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia, 1982
657 IKA d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elsy Shafira Anindya
"Penelitian ini membandingkan pengaruh afiliasi grup bisnis dengan cash holding perusahaan terafiliasi pada periode krisis dengan periode non-krisis. Dengan menggunakan sampel perusahaan publik yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2008-2012, penelitian menunjukan bukti empiris bahwa hubungan afiliasi grup bisnis dengan cash holding mengalami penguatan pada periode krisis 2008-2009 jika dibandingkan dengan periode non-krisis. Hal ini sesuai dengan anggapan bahwa perusahaan bergantung pada pendanaan internal, yang salah satunya bisa didapatkan dari pasar modal internal grup bisnis, pada saat terjadi tekanan finansial yang menyebabkan kelangkaan pendanaan ekternal. Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan sampel perusahaan publik terafiliasi grup bisnis tahun 2008-2014, penelitian menginvestigasi pengaruh kesulitan keuangan grup bisnis terhadap cash holding perusahaan terafiliasi. Perusahaan terafiliasi grup bisnis yang mengalami kesulitan finansial terbukti mengalami penurunan cash holding karena terjadi penurunan terhadap dana internal grup. Namun perusahaan yang mendominasi penjualan grup tidak mengalami perubahan cash holding yang signifikan jika dibanding dengan perusahaan yang tidak mendominasi penjualan grup. Hal ini membuktikan anggapan bahwa grup bisnis memiliki kecenderungan untuk memberikan bantuan finansial kepada perusahaan yang lebih penting bagi grup bisnis.

This article contrasts the effect of business group affiliation on firm rsquo s cash holding in the crisis period as opposed to non crisis period. Using samples of firms listed in IDX from 2008 2012, studies show empirical evidence of strengthening relation between business group affiliation and firm rsquo s cash holding in crisis period compared to non crisis period. This is consistent with previous studies that external funding scarcity induced by crisis forced firm to seek different source of funding, one of which provided by business group internal capital market. Furthermore, using sample of affiliated public firms in 2008 2014, firms affiliated with business group in financial distress show a decrease in cash holding because of a decline in group rsquo s internal funding. However, firm that contribute to a significant portion of business group sales did not experience significant change in cash holding, while firm that do not dominate business group sales were affected by the financial distress and showed a decline in cash holding. This support notion that business group has a tendency to provide support for important business group member."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rausyan Fikri
Hampir dua puluh tahun semenjak penelitian di bidang modal intelektual pertama kali berkembang, modal intelektual telah terbukti berperan penting dalam kinerja perusahaan. Namun penelitian modal intelektual cenderung dilakukan pada negara maju dan industri yang bersifat padat modal intelektual. Studi ini dilakukan untuk memenuhi dua tujuan. Pertama, penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pemanfaatan modal intelektual dan komponenya pada proses penciptaan nilai tambah yang diukur dari sisi finansial atau moneter bagi perusahaan di industri sektor nonfinansial Indonesia. Kedua, penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi pengaruh modal intelektual lintas industri melalui bukti empiris perusahaan di pasar Bursa Efek Indonesia BEI . Analisis dilakukan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 123 perusahaan dari 24 industri di pasar BEI selama periode 2013-2016. Modified Value Added Intellectual Coefficient MVAIC digunakan untuk mengukur kontribusi modal intelektual pada proses penciptaan nilai tambah. Nilai tambah diukur pada aspek moneter atau kinerja finansial perusahaan, seperti profitabilitas dan tingkat pengembalian perusahaan menggunakan proksi earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, net profit margin, return on asset, dan return on equity. Hasil penelitian studi disimpulkan ke dalam beberapa point penting. Pertama modal intelektual berpengaruh terhadap kinerja finansial perusahaan di Indonesia meskipun pengaruh komponen modal intelektual bervariasi. Kedua, modal manusia dan modal relasi adalah komponen yang paling bermanfaat dan signifikan mempengaruhi profitabilitas dan tingkat pengembalian perusahaan. Tiga, industri padat modal dan rendah modal intelektual tidak memiliki perbedaan pada konteks penggunaan dan pemanfaatan modal intelektual. Keterbatasan penelitian ini terletak pada kekurangan pengukuran kontribusi modal intelektual menggunakan MVAIC dan penggunaan database Thomson Reuters Datastream. Studi ini mengisi kekosongan penelitian modal intelektual lintas industri di Indonesia serta memperkaya penelitian modal intelektual dengan menggunakan MVAIC dan variabel lagged.

For almost twenty years since the first time intellectual capital research been developed, intellectual capital has proven to play a significant role in corporate performance. However, intellectual capital research tend to be done in developed countries and in intellectual capital intensive industries only. The purpose of this research is twofold. First, this research is purposed to analyse the utilization of intellectual capital and its components on the process of creating value added which is measured from the monetary or financial aspect for firm in Indonesian non financial sector industry. Second, the purpose of this study is to explore the effect of cross industry to intellectual capital through empirical evidence of the company in Indonesian Stock Exchange IDX market. The analysis is conducted using a sample of 123 companies from 24 industries in the IDX market during the period 2013 2016. Modified Value Added Intellectual Coefficient MVAIC is used to measure the contribution of intellectual capital to the value creation process. The value added is measured on the monetary or financial performance aspects of the firm, such as profitability and corporate rate of return using proxy earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, net profit margin, return on assets, and return on equity. The result entails several important points. First, intellectual capital affects significantly the financial performance of firms in Indonesia although the influence of intellectual capital components varies. Second, human capital and relational capital are the most useful and significant components affecting the profitability and corporate rate of return. Third, intellectual capital intensive industries and low intellectual capital industries have no distinction in the context of the use and utilization of intellectual capital. The limitations of this study lie in the lack of measurement of intellectual capital contribution using MVAIC and the use of Thomson Reuters Datastream database. This study fills a gap of cross industry intellectual capital research in Indonesia and enriches intellectual capital research using MVAIC and lagged variables.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Listianie
"Tesis ini meneliti tentang pengaruh penggunaan foreign currency derivative dan variabel penelitian lainnya dalam meningkatkan nilai kekayaan pemegang saham. Berdasarkan data panel dari perusahaan dalam industri manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Effek Indonesia, tahun 2009 hingga 2012 dan dengan menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square Common Effect diperoleh hasil bahwa foreign currency derivative secara statistik tidak signifikan mempengaruhi nilai kekayaan pemegang saham pada alpha 5 persen. Namun demikian, jenis hedging yang digunakan yaitu strategi symmetric hedging memiliki koefisien regresi yang positif sesuai dengan harapan. Variabel independen lainnya yang secara statistik signifikan mempengaruhi nilai kekayaan pemegang saham adalah quick ratio, profit ratio, size, dan sales growth. Selain itu, dalam penelitian ini juga diidentifikasi beberapa faktor yang dapat meningkatkan penggunaan strategi symmetric hedging.

This thesis analyzes the impact of foreign currency exposure and other research variables in creating shareholders? value. Based on the panel data of firms in the manufacturing industry on year 2009 up to 2012 and uses Common Effect Ordinary Least Square method, the result of the research shows that foreign currency derivative does not statistically significant influence the shareholders? value at 5 percent alpha. However, the type of hedging used, the symmetric hedging strategy, has a positive coefficient value as expected. The other independent variables that statistically significant are quick ratio, profitability ratio, size, and sales growth. In addition, several factors are identified as to improve the optimality of the using symmetric hedging strategy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2012
657.48 ADV II (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, E.B.
London: Pitman, 1972
658.15 JON f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Ali Asy`ari
"[Pelaksanaan sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah (SPIP) yang baik akan berdampak pada pengelolaan keuangan negara yang transparan dan akuntabel sehingga terwujud good governance dalam penyelenggaran pemerintahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat kualitas sistem pengendalian intern di Biro Keuangan Sekretariat Utama Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui penyebaran angket, observasi, wawancara serta studi pustaka dan dokumen peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas sistem pengendalian intern di Biro Keuangan Sekretariat Utama BPS yang mengacu pada unsur-unsur SPIP yang terdapat dalam PP Nomor 60 Tahun 2008 telah berjalan dengan baik.

A good implementation of the government internal control system (SPIP) will have an impact on a transparent and an accountable management of state finance to realize a good governance in the delivery of government services. This study aims to assess the quality of internal control systems in Finance Department of the Main Secretariat of Statistics Indonesia (BPS). The research uses questionnaire method, observation, interview and literature study and document the legislation. The research concludes that the quality of the internal control system in Finance Department of the Main Secretariat of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) refering to the SPIP elements contained in The Regulation Number 60 of 2008 has run well.;A good implementation of the government internal control system (SPIP) will have an impact on a transparent and an accountable management of state finance to realize a good governance in the delivery of government services. This study aims to assess the quality of internal control systems in Finance Department of the Main Secretariat of Statistics Indonesia (BPS). The research uses questionnaire method, observation, interview and literature study and document the legislation. The research concludes that the quality of the internal control system in Finance Department of the Main Secretariat of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) refering to the SPIP elements contained in The Regulation Number 60 of 2008 has run well., A good implementation of the government internal control system (SPIP) will have an impact on a transparent and an accountable management of state finance to realize a good governance in the delivery of government services. This study aims to assess the quality of internal control systems in Finance Department of the Main Secretariat of Statistics Indonesia (BPS). The research uses questionnaire method, observation, interview and literature study and document the legislation. The research concludes that the quality of the internal control system in Finance Department of the Main Secretariat of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) refering to the SPIP elements contained in The Regulation Number 60 of 2008 has run well.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Nurhayati
Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2017
657 SRI a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2014
657 ACC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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