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Grewal, Inderpal
London: McGraw-Hill, 2002
305.4 GRE i
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Griffin, Penny, 1978-
"This volume seeks to offer a critical, innovative and empirically driven interrogation of the international political economy of cultures of production and consumption in Western market societies, investigating the reproduction of Western popular and commercial culture (including its products and representations) alongside analysis of representations of and attitudes towards feminism in contemporary Western societies. Many scholars have examined the marginalisation of feminist concerns in contemporary Western societies, argued that we now live in a post-feminist age, or shown how feminist concerns have been appropriated and absorbed by institutions that contribute to the perpetuation of gender inequalities. Death of Feminism? furthers this debate by focusing on how these very arguments depend upon a cultural political economy that has gendered understandings of everyday life, gendered patterns of consumption, and gendered predominant forms of commercial capitalism that circulate at the global level. This book will provide significant insight into how cultural artefacts of the past decade in the UK, US, and Australia have made use of gendered representations for the purposes of promoting specific forms of consumption, how these artefacts can be (and have been) understood as gendered, and the political consequences of these representations and understandings. Written in an accessible fashion, analysing a broad range of commercial and popular culture artefacts (including advertising, radio, television, film and online media) and including primary data from interviews and focus groups, this work will of use to students and scholars of IR, IPE, gender, cultural and media studies"--
"This book explores the intimate connections between representation, the politics of feminism and the cultural practices of modern, Western, consumer society. It explores feminism 'made sensible' through visual imagery and popular culture representations, examining feminism's popular and commercial value. It investigates how popular culture is produced, represented and consumed to reproduce the conditions in which feminism is valued or dismissed. It asks where and how the sexualisation of cultural products is maintained and to what effect. It asks, finally, whether sufficient evidence can be marshalled to argue that antifeminism exists in commodity form and is commercially viable."
New York: Routledge, 2015
305.42 GRI p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naura Marsha Shabila
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginterpretasikan representasi perempuan dalam bidangolahraga yang masih banyak dimiliki oleh laki-laki yaitu sepak bola. Juga untuk mengetahuimakna denotasi, konotasi dan mitos dalam iklan “Iklan Piala Dunia Wanita Jerman: 'Kamibermain untuk negara yang bahkan tidak mengenal nama kami'”. Penelitian ini dilakukandengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes beserta teoriperiklanan. Analisis semiotik Roland Barthes dalam hal ini diawali dengan makna denotasiyang merupakan makna sebenarnya, kemudian makna konotatif yang bermakna ganda danpada akhirnya akan menjadi mitos. Hasil yang diperoleh dari adegan-adegan terkaitrepresentasi perempuan dalam bidang olahraga mengandung beberapa konsep yaitu perempuansebagai pengurus rumah tangga, perempuan berpakaian feminim, perempuan bergantung padasuami, dan perempuan lemah dan lambat.

This study aims to interpret the representation of women in the field of sports that are stillwidely owned by men, soccer. It is also to find out the meaning of denotation, connotation andmyth in the advertisement “Germany's Women's World Cup advert: 'We play for a nation thatdoesn't even know our names'”. This research is done by using qualitative methods andsemiotic analysis by Roland Barthes along with the theory of advertisement. Roland Barthes'semiotic analysis in this case begins with the denotation meaning, which is the real meaning,then the connotative meaning, which has a double meaning and will eventually become a myth.The results obtained from scenes related to the representation of women in the field of sportscontain several concepts, namely women as housekeepers, women dressed in feminineattributes, women dependent on their husbands, and women who are weak and slow."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Prasetiyo
"Disertasi ini membahas keterkaitan antara kehidupan Suparto Brata dengan hasil karya tulisnya serta membahas pandangan Suparto Brata berkaitan dengan peranan dan kedudukan perempuan Jawa sebagaimana terepresentasikan dalam novel Donyane Wong Culika dan Bekasi Remeng-Remeng. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra yang mengaitkan unsur intrinsik (berupa fakta kemanusiaan fiksionalitas) dengan unsur ekstrinsik (fakta kemanusiaan realitas). Temuan atas penelitian ini adalah bahwa latar belakang kehidupan Suparto Brata berupa hadirnya tiga perempuan (ibu, ibu mertua, istri) serta nilai-nilai budaya Jawa yang terkandung dalam ungkapan-ungkapan bahasa Jawa sangat mempengaruhi isi karya sastranya. Pandangan dan sikap perempuan Jawa berkaitan dengan permasalahan gender dilandasi oleh empat jenis motivasi yaitu motif biogenetis, motif sosiogenetis, motif teogenetis, serta motif psikogenetis. Berdasarkan keempat motivasi tersebut, sosok perempuan Jawa dapat dikatakan sebagai sosok perempuan yang humanis dan religius. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa peranan perempuan Jawa sangat dominan. Perempuan Jawa dapat melakukan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan masalah domestik sekaligus publik. Dikarenakan peranannya yang sangat besar tersebut, kedudukan perempuan Jawa menjadi sangat tinggi dan sangat terhormat.

This dissertation discusses the interrelationship between life of Suparto Brata with the results of his writings and discuss Suparto Brata`s view about the role of and position of Javanese women as represented in the novel Donyane Wong Culika and Bekasi Remeng-Remeng. This study uses sociology of literature approach that linked the intrinsic elements (in the form of humanitarian fact of fiction) with extrinsic elements (humanitarian facts of reality). The findings of this research is that the background of life of Suparto Brata form of the presence of three women (mother, mother-in-law, wife) and Javanese cultural values contained within the Java language expressions greatly influence the content of his literary work. The views and attitudes of Javanese women related to gender issues based on the four types of motivation that biogenetic motive, sosiogenetic motive, theogenetic motive, and the psikogenetic motive. Based on the fourth motivations, Javanese women can be regarded as the humanist and religious figure of women. The conclusion of this study is that the role of Javanese women is very dominant. Javanese women can do things that are related to domestic issues and public at once. Due to the very huge role, the position of Javanese women become very high and very respectable."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maznah Mohamad
Malaysias representation of women as parliamentarians remains one of the lowest in comparison to other Southeast Asian and global parliamentary democracies. However, when contextualized against Malaysias politics of divides and dissent starting from 1999 onward, there are some newer characteristics of womens involvement in formal politics. This paper explores the specificities of womens experience in formal politics under the one-party dominant rule of the National Front before it was defeated in the May 2018 general election. The paper questions various incidents of political transitioning from an old to a newer political regime. Processes such as the collaboration between womens civil society and formal state political actors, the cultivation of clientelist and patronage relations, and the maintenance of a cohesive multiparty coalition as a strategy for electoral advantage have all had fruitful bearings on the way the formalization of women in politics has developed. However, given the insufficiency of these developments for increasing womens representation, this paper proposes the more reliable gender quota or reserved seats mechanism as one of the considerations for gender electoral reform."
050 SEAS 7:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiara Melfaliona Shandy
Tesis ini membahas perempuan Minangkabau yang mendefinisikan kembali makna
?kuat? saat kemunculan Orde Baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif
kualitatif, sementara teori dan konteks yang digunakan teori struktural, teori gender,
serta konteks Minangkabau saat ini. Dengan tujuan untuk mengungkap proses tokoh
perempuan Minangkabau pada masa Orde Baru dalam mendefinisikan ulang makna
?kuat?, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan konsep perempuan Minangkabau yang
?kuat? adalah yang tidak meninggalkan nilai-nilai kesopanan dan keluhuran, yang
dapat bangkit dari keterpurukan dengan tidak mengerdilkan dirinya sendiri sebagai
manusia bernilai di mata Tuhan dan masyarakat, serta mampu berjuang dengan
mencari jalan keluar dengan memedulikan norma dan etika.

This research discusses the Minangkabau women who redefining the meaning of
"strong" in the New Order era. This research uses qualitative descriptive method, the
structural theory, gender theory, and current Minangkabau context. The result
indicates that the concept of "strong" Minangkabau women is those who does not
leave the values of decency and nobility, can rise from adversity with no downgrades
themselves as valuable people in God's eyes and in society, and who are capable of
looking for solutions by considering the norms and ethics"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiara Melfaliona Shandy
Tesis ini membahas perempuan Minangkabau yang mendefinisikan kembali makna ldquo;kuat rdquo; saat kemunculan Orde Baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, sementara teori dan konteks yang digunakan teori struktural, teori gender, serta konteks Minangkabau saat ini. Dengan tujuan untuk mengungkap proses tokoh perempuan Minangkabau pada masa Orde Baru dalam mendefinisikan ulang makna ldquo;kuat rdquo;, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan konsep perempuan Minangkabau yang ldquo;kuat rdquo; adalah yang tidak meninggalkan nilai-nilai kesopanan dan keluhuran, yang dapat bangkit dari keterpurukan dengan tidak mengerdilkan dirinya sendiri sebagai manusia bernilai di mata Tuhan dan masyarakat, serta mampu berjuang dengan mencari jalan keluar dengan memedulikan norma dan etika.

This research discusses the Minangkabau women who redefining the meaning of strong in the New Order era. This research uses qualitative descriptive method, the structural theory, gender theory, and current Minangkabau context. The result indicates that the concept of strong Minangkabau women is those who does not leave the values of decency and nobility, can rise from adversity with no downgrades themselves as valuable people in God 39 s eyes and in society, and who are capable of looking for solutions by considering the norms and ethics."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmi Fitrianti
"Tesis ini membahas tentang ketidaksetaraan gender dalam pendidikan di Kecamatan Majalaya Kabupaten Karawang Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksplanatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat ketidaksetaraan gender dalam pendidikan bagi perempuan yang disebabkan oleh pengaruh akses, partisipasi, kontrol, manfaat serta nilai terhadap pendidikan. Faktor penting yang mendorong terciptanya ketidaksetaraan gender dalam pendidikan adalah nilai. Nilai yang ada membentuk stereotip negatif yang menyebabkan terjadinya marjinalisasi, subordinasi dan beban kerja pada perempuan di Kecamatan Majalaya.

This thesis discusses gender inequality in education in Majalaya district, Karawang, West Java, by using an explanative qualitative approach. The result of the study shows that there is a gender inequality in women education influenced by the access, participation, control, benefits and value in the community. Value plays as an important influencing factor that creates gender inequality in education. The existing value in Majalaya district forms a negative stereotype that causes women marginalization, subordination and over-load work."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sales, Rosemary
London : Routledge, 1997
305.12 Sal w
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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