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Agung Citra Purnama
"Indo-Pacific region is an area of concern for the world today, because of the power in politics, economics and military of the countries that are in this region. Security problems that occur in this region become the attention of the world and Indonesia felt it necessary to play an active role in establishing peace and security in the region. Therefore, through the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa, Indonesia proposed the idea of establishment an Indo-Pacific Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation for maintaining regional security. This article intends to determine the meaning and purpose of the idea of this treaty, as well as the prospects and problems in realizing them. In conclusion, the idea and the purpose of the establishment of Indo-Pacific Treaty is to create mechanisms to promote peaceful means and mutual trust without deployment of military force and harming other parties in the region. Although for now the prospect of realizing this idea is still small due to a number of problems facing, but this idea can still be realized in the future by using a strategy that has the support of other countries in the region."
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Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, 2017
345 JPUPI 7:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Triono Pamungkas
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memahami status Indonesia sebagai ‘kekuatan di Indo-Pasifik’ melalui peran-peran yang dikonsepsikan melalui visi Indo-Pacific Cooperation. Penelitian ini berawal dari munculnya sikap Indonesia dalam menghadapi tantangan pergeseran gravitasi (perekonomian dan militer) dunia ke arah Samudera Hindia dan Samudera Pasifik atau kawasan Indo-Pasifik. Sikap tersebut ditunjukkan dalam pidato Menteri Luar Negeri Indonesia, Retno Marsudi pada Januari 2018 tentang Indo-Pacific Cooperation yang berisi gagasan Indonesia untuk menciptakan arsitektur kerja sama di Indo-Pasifik yang inklusif, bebas dan terbuka, dan mengedepankan sentralitas ASEAN. Gagasan ini muncul setelah tahun 2016 Jepang mengeluarkan strategi Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) dan diadopsi oleh Amerika Serikat, India, dan Australia tahun 2017. Strategi FOIP dinilai sebagai upaya membendung strategi Indo-Pasifik Tiongkok, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Dengan menggunakan kerangka analisis teori peran, penulis mencoba memahami status kekuatan Indo-Pasifik Indonesia yang belum dijelaskan secara komprehensif oleh peneliti sebelumnya. Penulis menggunakan tiga konsep peran Indonesia dari Santikajaya, yakni sebagai soft revisionist, normative bridge-builder, dan interlokutor ASEAN untuk menganalisis peran yang dikonsepsikan Indonesia melalui usulan visi Indo-Pacific Cooperation. Penulis berpendapat bahwa status Indonesia sebagai kekuatan di Indo-Pasifik tidak memiliki kekuatan sebesar Tiongkok, AS, India, dan Jepang. Namun Indonesia telah menunjukkan kehadiran yang signifikan dalam wacana Indo-Pasifik
This thesis aims to understand Indonesia’s status as ‘Indo-Pacific Power’ through it’s roles conception in the Indo-Pacific Cooperation vision. This research began with the emergence of Indonesia's attitude in facing the challenges of world's gravity (economy and military) shifting towards the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean or the Indo-Pacific region. This attitude was shown in a speech by the Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi in January 2018 about the Indo-Pacific Cooperation which contained Indonesia’s idea to create anc inclusive, free and open, and prioritized ASEAN centrality cooperation architecture in the Indo-Pacific. This idea emerged after in 2016 Japan issued the Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) strategy and was adopted by United States, India and Australia in 2017. The FOIP strategy was assessed as an effort to stem China's Indo-Pacific strategy, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Using the role theory framework, the author tries to understand Indonesia’s Indo-Pacific Power status which has not been comprehensively explained by previous researchers. The author uses three concepts of Indonesia's role from Santikajaya, namely as a soft revisionist, normative bridge builder, and ASEAN interlocutor to analyze Indonesia’s roles conception in the Indo-Pacific Cooperation vision proposal. The author argues that Indonesia's status as an Indo-Pacific power does not as large as China, the US, India and Japan. However, Indonesia has shown a significant presence in the Indo-Pacific discourse.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Butarbutar, Russel
"PT. Indo Sawita Group merupala!n salah satu perusahaan yang merencanakan untuk membangun sebuah perkebunan yang terintegrasi dengan industri pengolahan kelapa sawitnya. Adapun kegiatan pembangunan yang direncanakan adalah perkebunan seluas 10.000 Ha dengan pembukaan lahan bertahap dimulai dengan 3.000 Ha, 3.000 Ha, dan 4.000 Ha. Tesis ini secara khusus difokuskan untuk menganalisis kelayakan business plan pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Oleh karena itu analisis yang akan dilakukan akan tebih menekankan pada aspek telmis, aspek sumber daya manusia, aspek lingkungan, dan aspek finansial.
Dari analisis teknis, teknik budidaya mempengaruhi produksi TBS yang tentunya mempengaruhi pendapatan perusahaan. Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk operasional perkebunan kelapa sawit : cara dan teknik penanaman sawit dilapangan, keterlambatan pemindahan bibit di pembibitan yang berakibat pada hasil panen tahun ke-1 dan 2, keterlambatan penanaman bibit di lapangan, kekurangan air dan pengelolaan air yang kurang baik, aplikasi pemupukan sawit, kesalahan pemupukan di lapangan, pengendalian hama tikus dan sejenisnya, jadwal pemanenan sawit .
Dari aspek sumber daya manusia, peranan sumber daya manusia sangat diperlukan dalam peleksanaan operasional perusahaan ini, karena bisnis ini merupakan bisnis padat karya dan padat modal. Untuk itu diperlukan sistem dan manajer yang dapat mengatur dan mengorganisasikan kekuatan sumber daya manusia perusahaan untuk menunjang keberhasilan dan pencapaian target kerja dilapangan sehingga efisiensi kerja dapat tereapai
Dari aspek finansial pabrik dapat dikatakan layak dilihat NPV sebesar 155,764,968 (NPV tebih besar dari 0), IRR 27% diatas discount rate (lebih besar dari 17 ,32%) dan payback period 7,48 tahun (90 bulan). Jadi proyek ini sangat menjanjikan atau memiliki prospek tinggi untuk dileksanakan karena memberikan waktu pengembalian investasi yang relalif lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan investasi di sektor ril asset seperti investasi jalan tol yang rnta-rata memberikan waktu pengemhalian Jebih lama ( diatas 20 tahun) .
Secara keseluruhan dari berhagai aspek yang ditinjau dapat dikatakan baltwa perkebunan kelapa sawit ini layak untuk diimplementasikan.

PT. Indo Sawita Group is one of tire comparry plan to develop a palm plantation integrated with palm all refinery. As for activity of development the planned is plantation for the width of 10.000 Ha with opening of from in phases started with 3.000 Ha, 3.000 Ha. and 4.000 Ha. This thesis peculiarly focussed to analyse feasibility of business plan to development of palm plantation. Therefore analysis to be done will be more emphasize at tire technical aspect, human resource aspect, environmental aspect, and financial aspect.
From technical analysis, conducting technique influence tire prodoction TBS which it is of couse influence earnings of company. Is things required to paid attention for tire operational of palm plantation : cultivation technique and way to plant a palm in tire field. delay of evacuation of seed in tire field causing a decreasing production in tire first year first and second year, delay of cultivation of seed in field, water insuffierwy and management of unfavourable water. fertilisation application, mistake of fertilization in field, operation of mouse pest and a kind of it and palm cropping schedule .
From human resource aspect role of human resource is very needed in execution of this comporry operational, because this business is high labour and capital intensive business. It's needed a system and manager which able to arrange and organization strength of human resource to support efficiency and attainment of goals.
From finansial aspect, we can say feasible to develop it because NPV equal to 155,764,968 ( NPV bigger than 0), IRR 27% (bigger than discount rate, 17,32%) and payback period 7, 48 year ( 90 months). Become this project very promise or have tire high prospect is achieved because giving the time return of the invesment is quicker relative compared to the invesment in ril asset sector like a turnpike invesment which give the longer return time (more than 20 year).
As a whale from various evaluated aspect can be said that palm plantation is competent for implementation
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Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
T 25366
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shekhar, Vibhanshu
"This book examines the changes in Indonesian foreign policy during the 21st century as it seeks to position itself as a great power in the Indo-Pacific region.
The rise of 21st-century Indonesia is becoming a permanent fixture in both the domestic and global discourses. Though there has been an increasing level of discussion on Indonesia’s emerging power status, there has been little discussion on how the country is debating and signalling its new-found status. This book combines the insights of both neo-classical realism and social identity theory to discuss a reset in an emerging Indonesia’s foreign policy during the 21st century while emphasizing domestic drivers and constraints of its international behaviour. There are three key organizing components of the book – emerging power, status signalling and the Indo-Pacific region. The Indo-Pacific region constitutes a spatial framing of the book; the emerging power provides an analytical category to explain Indonesia’s changing international status; and status signalling explains multiple facets of international behaviour through which the country is projecting its new status. Though leaders are adding different styles and characteristics to the rising Indonesia narrative, there are a few unmistakable overarching trends that highlight an increasing correlation
between the country’s rising power and growing ambition in international behaviour. This book is built around four key signalling strategies of Indonesia as an emerging power – expanded regional canvas, power projection, leadership projection, and quest for great power parity. They represent Indonesia’s growing desire for a status-consistent behaviour, its response to the prevailing strategic uncertainty in the Indo-Pacific region and its attempt to advance its strategic interests.
This book will be of much interest to students of South-East Asian politics, strategic studies, international diplomacy, security studies and IR in general."
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London: Routledge, 2018
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Citra Purnama
"Kawasan Indo-Pasifik merupakan kawasan yang menjadi perhatian dunia saat ini, karena kekuatan di bidang politik, ekonomi dan militer dari negara-negara yang ada didalam kawasan tersebut. Permasalahan keamanan yang terjadi di kawasan tersebut menjadi perhatian dunia dan Indonesia merasa perlu berperan aktif dalam menciptakan perdamaian dan keamanan di kawasan. Oleh karena itu, melalui mantan Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa, Indonesia mengajukan sebuah gagasan pembentukan Indo-Pacific Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation untuk menjaga keamanan kawasan. Artikel ini bermaksud mengetahui makna dan tujuan gagasan pembentukan traktat ini, serta prospek dan masalah dalam mewujudkannya. Di akhir penelitian ditemukan simpulan bahwa gagasan dan tujuan dari pembentukan Indo-Pacific Treaty ini adalah menciptakan mekanisme untuk mempromosikan cara damai dan saling percaya dengan tidak menggunakan cara pengerahan kekuatan militer dan tidak merugikan pihak-pihak lain di dalam kawasan. Walaupun untuk saat ini prospek mewujudkan gagasan ini masih kecil dikarenakan adanya sejumlah masalah yang menghadang, namun gagasan ini tetap dapat diwujudkan di masa depan dengan menggunakan strategi yang mendapat dukungan dari negara-negara lain di kawasan."
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Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, 2017
345 JPUPI 7:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Port of Bitung area has a number of potentials that can impact the structure of national security and national defense, because it has a strategic concept for the Indo-Pacific Region. The Bitung Port area as an international hub port, stated in the Minister of Transportation Decree Number 54 of 2002 concerning the Implementation of Sea Ports. The method in this study used a qualitative descriptive approach and data analysis techniques used an interactive of model analysis. This study analyzes the Geostrategy concept for the Port of Bitung Region as part of a national security strategy to strengthen national defense based on the maritime security side and the economic implications of the Indo-Pacific Region. The results show that in general the analysis of the strategy of the Bitung port area in maritime security studies for national national security and national defense shows several things: 1) the strategic conditions of the Bitung Port area need to be supported by strategic and integrated policies between the Central government and the North Sulawesi Province Bitung City; 2) the development of special economic zones (KEK) requires accelerated implementation of policies in a sustainable manner with full support from the budget side, this is to strengthen the territorial basis in the geostrategic concept; and 3) there needs to be an approach towards the community in supporting the realization of the strategic area of Bitung City, North Sulawesi. The fulfillment of these requirements has made the Bitung Port area capable of supporting geostrategy through strategic maritime security studies and economic implications, because it is located in the Indo-Pacific Region as a center for political and economic defense so as to strengthen national security and national defense."
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Bogor: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2020
355 JDSD 10:3 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bellwood, Peter
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2000
959 Bil p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bellwood, Peter
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2000
959.01 BIL pt
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Janse, Olov R.T.
Bruges: St-Catherine Press, 1958
913.598 JAN a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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