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Penelitian yang meneliti mengenai strategi memperkuat ketahanan pangan
di wilayah kepulauan belum banyak dilakukan. Padahal sebagian besar kawasan
Indonesia adalah wilayah kepulauan. Ketahanan pangan bagi Kabupaten Simeulue
sangat penting untuk dilakukan pengkajian mengingat Kabupaten Simeulue
merupakan daerah kepulauan terluar di Indonesia. Masalah Ketahanan pangan
terkait erat dengan masalah sosial ekonomi, politik dan budaya yang lebih besar,
sehingga terus dilakukan pengkajian secara bersama dengan pengambil keputusan
di berbagai bidang lainya. Permasalahan ketersediaan pangan memerlukan
penanganan yang serius dan terencana.
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah dijabarkan di atas maka
permasalahan utama penelitian ini adalah bagaimana persepsi ketahanan pangan
penduduk di Kabupaten Simeulue yang berbentuk kepulauan dan strategi
ketahanan pangan yang dapat digunakan pemerintah Kabupaten Simeulue untuk
menunjang ketahanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi
penduduk terhadap ketahanan pangan dan gambaran umum ketahanan pangan
Kabupaten Simeulue dan mengetahui strategi apa yang di gunakan Pemerintah
Kabupaten Simeulue untuk menunjang Ketahanan Pangan.
Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan skala linkert dengan
sampel berjumlah 100 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan
adalah simple random sampling. Sedangkan analisis SWOT dan penentuan
strategi menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan in depth interview pejabat daerah
di Kabupaten Simeulue. Triangulasi data dilakukan melalui hasil survey persepsi,
hasil statistik dari Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Simeulue, dan hasil in-dept
Penduduk Simeulue yang menjadi responden memiliki persepsi bahwa
dalam aspek ketersedian pangan,hasil produksi padi di Simeulue tidak mencukupi
kebutuhan penduduk. Hal tersebut berimplikasi pada tergantungnya Kabupaten
Simeulue terhadap hasil produksi padi di Sumatera daratan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan penduduk.permasalahan mengenai aspek keterjangkauan pangan
terletak pada masalah transportasi. Sebagian penduduk Simeulue berpersepsi
bahwa sulit menjangkau pangan karena masalah transportasi. Penduduk juga
kesulitan membeli bahan pangan jika harga naik akibat masalah transportasi.
Kondisi sarana prasarana secara umum belum mendukung kinerja subsistem
distribusi pangan Simeulue. Dalam hal konsumsi pangan, penduduk berpandangan
bahwa diversifikasi atau keragaman pangan masih kurang. Hal tersebut dapat
dilihat dari pilihan makan dari responden. Sebagian responden tidak selalu
memilih asupan protein. Sumber karbohidrat utama adalah beras.
Strategi pembangunan ketahanan pangan Kabupaten Simeulue adalah
dengan memaksimalkan kekuatan untuk menanggulangi ancaman yang mungkin
timbul, yaitu: a) melaksanakan diversifikasi, revitalisasi pertanian perikanan,
kehutanan dengan potensi sumberdaya lahan yang ada dalam rangka pengentasan
kemiskinan; b) mewujudkan koordinasi, advokasi dan sosialisasi ketahanan
pangan dalam rangka mengatasi masalah penduduk, kemiskinan, harga sarana
produksi, masalah gizi dan kesehatan. Rekomendasi kebijakan opersional
ketahanan pangan adalah: a) pengembangan transportasi laut, b) pengembangan sumber daya manusia, c) pengembangan sarana prasarana pertanian, d)
pengembangan teknologi pengolahan pangan, e) kompetensi aparatur daerah, f)
pengembangan lumbung pangan dan cadangan pangan.

The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns;The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns;The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns, The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ketahanan pangan rumah tangga berhubungan dengan berbagai macam gangguan kesehatan seperti malnutrisi, stunting, overweight, obesitas, dan gangguan kesehatan mental. Indonesia adalah satu-satunya negara di dunia dengan prevalensi tinggi terhadap tiga jenis malnutrisi, wasting, stunting, and overweight. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari apakah terdapat perbedaan ketahanan pangan pada rumah tangga yang dikepalai laki-laki dan perempuan di Indonesia sepanjang kurun waktu 1993-2018. Data yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah data pooled-crossection yang berasal dari Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) dan Sensus Potensi Desa (Podes). Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi logistik multinomial. Rumah tangga yang dikepalai perempuan cenderung tidak lebih rawan pangan dibandingkan dengan rumah tangga yang dikepalai laki-laki. Faktor sosial ekonomi, keragaman konsumsi, bencana alam, akses infrastruktur, kewilayahan, dan tekanan ekonomi, secara statistik signifikan memengaruhi ketahanan pangan rumah tangga.

Household food security correlates to a variety of health problems such as malnutrition, stunting, overweight, obesity, and mental health. Indonesia is the only country in the world with a high prevalence of three types of malnutrition wasting, stunting, and overweightThis study aims to analyze the food security of male and female-headed households in Indonesia during 1993-2018. This study uses a nationally representative survey in Indonesia, also known as Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) and Village Census (Potensi Desa). The analytical method uses multinomial logistic regression analysis. This study finds that female headed-household found to be more food secure than male at counterpart. Many socio-demographic variables, socio-economic, road infrastructure and economic shock have a significant association with food security status."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berita tentang masih perlunya impor beras,adanya konsep raskin operasi pasar,dijumpainya anak-anak kurang gizi dan kejadian keracunan makanan pada sekelompok orang setelah mendapat pembagian makanan atau hidangan di berbagai daerah di tanah air merupakan bukti adanya hal yang kurang beres dalam masalah pangan
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Tulus
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2010
363.192 TAM p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nur Fahruqi
"Penelitianl inil bertujuan untuk mengetahuil kearifanf lokal yang menjadi faktor penentu ketahanan pangan Urang Kanekes (suku Baduy), serta kontribusinya terhadap ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Lebak dan Provinsi Banten. Menggunakan mix-method, untuk pendekatan kualitatif kearifan lokal masyarakat Kanekes, menghasilkan padi yang disimpan di leuit (lumbung padi) merupakan bukti dari kearifan lokal yang berperan dalam ketahanan pangan. Padi tersebut dihasilkan dari bertani dengan sistem (huma) ladang yang merupakan sistem pertanian utama masyarakat Kenekes, disamping berjualan hasil bumi lainnya yang tidak dilarang oleh adat, seperti madu, duren, gula merah, dan menjadi tour guide tamu yang berkunjung ke Kanekes. Pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan regresi dengan data tingkat kabupaten lebak dan data tingkat provinsi. Pertama, regresi panel data sebanyak 28 kecamatan di kabupaten Lebak selama 12 bulan dari tahun 2020-2021, menghasilkan bahwa kecamatan Leuwidamar dimana Urang- Kanekes berada memiliki stok beras yang lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata kecamatan lain di Lebak untuk setiap bulan sepanjang tahun. Kedua, regresi berganda diterapkan untuk 4 indeks pangan (indeks ketahanan, indeks ketersediaan, indeks keterjangkauan, dan indeks keberlanjutan) dengan data 8 kabupaten/kota di provinsi Banten antara tahun 2018-2021 (4 tahun). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal dengan berladang, dan disimpan di lumbung merupakan pilar ketersediaan pangan yang penting bagi suatu komunitas dalam hal ini komunitas Urang Kanekes, dimana ketahanan pangan ditingkat komunitas akan berkontribusi ke tingkat-tingkat selanjutnya hingga tingkat Nasional

This study aims to determine local wisdom which is a determining factor for Urang Kanekes (Baduy tribe) food security, as well as its contribution to food security in Lebak Regency and Banten Province. Using a mix-method, for a qualitative approach to the local wisdom of the Kanekes people, producing rice stored in a leuit (rice barn) is evidence of local wisdom which plays a role in food security. The rice is produced from farming with the (huma) field system which is the main agricultural system of the Kenekes community, in addition to selling other agricultural products that are not prohibited by custom, such as honey, durian, brown sugar, and being a guest tour guide visiting Kanekes. The quantitative approach uses regression with Lebak district level data and provincial level data. First, the regression panel data of 28 sub-districts in Lebak district for 12 months from 2020-2021, results that the Leuwidamar sub-district where Urang-Kanekes is located has higher rice stocks than the average of other sub-districts in Lebak for every month of the year. Second, multiple regression is applied to 4 food indices (resilience index, availability index, affordability index, and sustainability index) with data from 8 districts/cities in Banten province between 2018-2021 (4 years). The results of the study show that local wisdom with farming and storing it in barns is an important pillar of food availability for a community, in this case the Urang Kanekes community, where food security at the community level will contribute to the next levels up to the national level. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2017
631.8 DIN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
PANGAN 18:55 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Food security development can be used as one way to reduce poverty in Indonesia. This is because the conditions of poverty in Indonesia is dominantly available in rural areas. The characteristic of rural area in Indonesia is making the agricultural sector as main source of income for the communities. In order to accelerate poverty reduction through the food security development, it is necessary to shift paradigm of agricultural development to create a conducive climate of farming and to increase farmer's welfare. The shift of paradigm is important as foundation in creating synergies between stakeholders. Strengthening the food security aspects (production, distribution, and consumption) with concern to small-scale farming activities and the empowerment of the rural population are expected to improve the rural community's welfare."
JEP 20:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanan Nugroho
"Pangan, energi, dan air memiliki keterkaitan (nexus) yang kuat, termasuk dampaknya terhadap Perubahan iklim dan pembangunan berkelanjutan.  Perhatian terhadap keterkaitan ini semakin berkembang di dunia Internasional.  Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2020-2024 masih menerapkan perencanaan pembangunan ketahanan pangan, energi, dan air secara sendiri-sendiri, belum menekankan keterkaitan antar mereka. Makalah ini mengusulkan agar dilakukan kajian mengenai keterkaitan antara ketahanan pangan, ketahanan energi, dan ketahanan air serta mengembangkan kebijakan pembangunan mengenai keterkaitan tersebut untuk kasus Indonesia   Selanjutnya perencanaan pembangunan yang didasarkan pada keterkaitan antara ketiga sumber utama kehidupan tersebut (pangan, energi, air) dapat disusun dan secara eksplisit diperlihatkan dalam Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP)  tahun-tahun berikutnya dalam kurun RPJMN 2020-2024 dan ke depan."
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2020
330 BAP 3:2 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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