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Evi Zuraida
Dengan adanya permasalahan tentang masih dikontrolnya ruang udara Indonesia
oleh FIR asing khususnya di atas kepulauan Riau dan Natuna oleh FIR Singapura
berdasarkan perjanjian yang dibuat oleh Indonesia dan Singapura tahun 1995,
dimana kemudian dengan telah dimilikinya kemampuan baik di bidang teknologi
maupun SDM maka Indonesia berkeinginan untuk mengambil alih kontrol FIR
tersebut sebagai bangsa yang berdaulat dan juga sbg pelaksanaan dari undangundang.
Terkait dengan hal itu, perlu ditinjau lebih lanjut mengapa Indonesia
memandang perlu untuk mengambil alih kontrol FIR di atas kepulauan Riau dan
Natuna dari pihak Singapura serta hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi pihak
Indonesia dalam mewujudkan kehendaknya tersebut. Namun sesuai dengan
salah satu klausul dalam perjanjian (Article 6) bahwa selama pihak Singapura
melakukan pengontrolan di wilayah Indonesia maka Pemerintah Singapura atas
nama Pemerintah Indonesia memungut Route Air Navigation Services (RANS)
Charges, dan hasilnya akan diserahkan ke pemerintah Indonesia. Dari adanya
pendapatan yang diperoleh Negara tersebut maka hal ini menjadi salah satu
sumber pendapatan Negara berupa PNBP. Namun demikian, dengan adanya
RANS Charges tersebut.menimbulkan implikasi terhadap Indonesia terkait upaya
pengambilalihan pelayanan navigasi penerbangan pada FIR Singapura di atas
kepulauan Riau dan Natuna berdasarkan perjanjian Indonesia Singapura Tahun

With the problems about still is still uncontrollable air space Indonesia by foreign
FIR, especially above the Riau Islands and Natuna by the Singapore FIR based
on agreements made by Indonesia and Singapore in 1995, which then has the
ability to have both in the field of technology and human resources, Indonesia
desirous to take over FIR control as a sovereign nation and also as the
implementation of the Act. Related to this matter, need to be reviewed further,
Indonesia necessary to take over control FIR above Riau Islands and Natuna from
the Singapore and the obstacles faced by Indonesia in realizing against his will.
However according to one clause in the agreement (Article 6) that during the
Singapore authorities in the area of controlling in Indonesia, the Government of
Singapore on behalf of the Government of Indonesia picked up Route Air
Navigation Services (RANS) Charges, and the results will be submitted to the
government of Indonesia. Of the State earned income it becomes a source of
State revenue in the form of non-tax revenues. However, with the existence of
RANS , give rise to that implication charges against Indonesia?s takeover
attempts on the air navigation services in the Singapore FIR above Riau islands
and Natuna based on agreement Indonesia Singapore 1995."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Dewayanti Kusumastining
Wilayah udara yang berada di atas sebuah negara merupakan hak negara tersebut
secara penuh dan eksklusif. Namun, ketentuan itu tidak selalu dapat diikuti. Hal
ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya pengaturan wilayah penerbangan di atas negara ?
negara di dunia, Flight Information Region (FIR), yang tidak selalu mengikuti
garis batas negara. Kondisi tersebut dialami oleh Indonesia. Sebagian wilayah
udara di kawasan Kepulauan Riau dan Natuna didelegasikan kepada Singapura
karena ketidakmampuan Indonesia konon dalam mengelola navigasi penerbangan.
Melalui pendelegasian wilayah udara tersebut, terdapat berbagai kerugian yang
diderita oleh Indonesia. Namun, pemerintah Indonesia tetap meneruskan kerja
sama pengelolaan wilayah udara tersebut walaupun perjanjian pendelegasian,
yang dibuat pada tahun 1995, telah berakhir masa berlakunya, dan kondisi
Indonesia telah memungkinkan untuk mengambil kembali kewenangannya. Hal
inilah yang menjadi anomali dari sikap negara berdaulat. Oleh sebab itu, tesis ini
menggunakan teori politik birokratik (bureaucratic politics theory) dalam
pembedahan isu untuk melihat proses pemutusan kebijakan politik luar negeri di
antara birokrasi ? birokrasi di dalam negeri. Pembedahan tesis dibagi sesuai
dengan variabel dalam teori ini, yaitu aktor/birokrasi yang terlibat, faktor yang
menentukan masing ? masing aktor, dan sikap aktor dalam menyatukan
pertimbangan untuk menghasilkan keputusan dan tindakan pemerintah. Setelah
mendapatkan ketiga variabel penelitian, langkah selanjutnya adalah memetakan
politik birokratik Indonesia terkait isu tersebut. Pada akhirnya, ditemukan adanya
masalah politik birokratik intranasional yang menyebabkan limitasi pilihan bagi
pemerintah dalam proses pemutusan kebijakan politik luar negeri menanggapi isu
pendelegasian wilayah udara nasional kepada Singapura. Masalah ini juga
merefleksikan persaingan antara Indonesia dan Singapura di beberapa aspek.

Air territory, located above a country, is exclusively and fully considered a right
owned by the subjacent state. However, this provision does not always succeed to
follow. This is indicated by the Flight Information Region (FIR) which most
unlikely follow the country demarcation line. That condition is experienced by
Indonesia with most of the air territories in Riau Islands and Natuna are delegated
to Singapore due to the country?s inability in managing air navigation. By
delegating the air territory, Indonesia suffers various losses. However, Indonesian
government still continues the air territory management cooperation although the
delegation agreement in 1995 has expired, and the condition of Indonesia has
made it possible to take back the authority. This is considered an anomaly of the
sovereign state?s attitude. Therefore, this thesis applies the bureaucratic politics
theory in dissecting issues to look at the foreign policy decision making process
among bureaucracies in the country. Thesis dissection is divided according to the
variables in this theory, the actor/bureaucracy involved, the factors that determine
each actor, and the attitude of each actor in aggregating to yield governmental
decisions and actions. After obtaining three variables of the study, Indonesian
bureaucratic politic, related to the issue, is mapped. In the end, the identified
problems of intra-national bureaucratic politics cause choices of limitation in the
governmental foreign policy decision making process in response to the issue of
national air territory delegation to Singapore. Furthermore, this issue also reflects
the competition between Indonesia and Singapore in several aspects.;Air territory, located above a country, is exclusively and fully considered a right
owned by the subjacent state. However, this provision does not always succeed to
follow. This is indicated by the Flight Information Region (FIR) which most
unlikely follow the country demarcation line. That condition is experienced by
Indonesia with most of the air territories in Riau Islands and Natuna are delegated
to Singapore due to the country?s inability in managing air navigation. By
delegating the air territory, Indonesia suffers various losses. However, Indonesian
government still continues the air territory management cooperation although the
delegation agreement in 1995 has expired, and the condition of Indonesia has
made it possible to take back the authority. This is considered an anomaly of the
sovereign state?s attitude. Therefore, this thesis applies the bureaucratic politics
theory in dissecting issues to look at the foreign policy decision making process
among bureaucracies in the country. Thesis dissection is divided according to the
variables in this theory, the actor/bureaucracy involved, the factors that determine
each actor, and the attitude of each actor in aggregating to yield governmental
decisions and actions. After obtaining three variables of the study, Indonesian
bureaucratic politic, related to the issue, is mapped. In the end, the identified
problems of intra-national bureaucratic politics cause choices of limitation in the
governmental foreign policy decision making process in response to the issue of
national air territory delegation to Singapore. Furthermore, this issue also reflects
the competition between Indonesia and Singapore in several aspects., Air territory, located above a country, is exclusively and fully considered a right
owned by the subjacent state. However, this provision does not always succeed to
follow. This is indicated by the Flight Information Region (FIR) which most
unlikely follow the country demarcation line. That condition is experienced by
Indonesia with most of the air territories in Riau Islands and Natuna are delegated
to Singapore due to the country’s inability in managing air navigation. By
delegating the air territory, Indonesia suffers various losses. However, Indonesian
government still continues the air territory management cooperation although the
delegation agreement in 1995 has expired, and the condition of Indonesia has
made it possible to take back the authority. This is considered an anomaly of the
sovereign state’s attitude. Therefore, this thesis applies the bureaucratic politics
theory in dissecting issues to look at the foreign policy decision making process
among bureaucracies in the country. Thesis dissection is divided according to the
variables in this theory, the actor/bureaucracy involved, the factors that determine
each actor, and the attitude of each actor in aggregating to yield governmental
decisions and actions. After obtaining three variables of the study, Indonesian
bureaucratic politic, related to the issue, is mapped. In the end, the identified
problems of intra-national bureaucratic politics cause choices of limitation in the
governmental foreign policy decision making process in response to the issue of
national air territory delegation to Singapore. Furthermore, this issue also reflects
the competition between Indonesia and Singapore in several aspects.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vivi Tri Handayani
"Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2022 pemerintah Indonesia bersama dengan Singapura menyetujui kesepakatan penyesuaian Flight Information Region (FIR) Indonesia-Singapura yang di ratifikasi melalui Peraturan Presiden No 109 Tahun 2023. Adanya perjanjian realignment FIR penting untuk dikaji terutama dilihat melalui pertahanan dan keamanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggambarkan objek yang diteliti berdasarkan fakta di lapangan dengan menggunakan key informan sebagai sumber data dan data sekunder. Pada penelitian ini juga digunakan teori Kedaulatan dari Kranser dan Teori Keamanan Kompleks dari Barry Buzzan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa Indonesia belum sepenuhnya mengelola ruang udara yang semula di delegasikan kepada Singapura khususnya di sebagian sektor A dan B. Tetapi Indonesia tetap memiliki kontrol dan pengawasan melalui Civil-Military Cooperation In Air Traffic Control (CMAC), dimana CMAC tersebut dapat menjadi solusi dalam isu kedaulatan, pertahanan, dan keamanan. Di sisi lain perjanjian tersebut dianggap dapat menabrak UU No 1 Tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan yang menyatakan bahwa Indonesia harus sudah melakukan pengelolaan secara penuh selambat-lambatnya pada tahun 2024. Pada penelitian ini juga dihasilkan bahwa Indonesia masih dihadapkan dengan kendala pengambilalihan ruang udara tersebut, diantaranya: (1) kepercayaan; (2) diplomasi.

On January 25, 2022, the Indonesian government together with Singapore approved the realignment Flight Information Region (FIR) Indonesia-Singapore agreement which was ratified through Presidential Regulation Number 109 Year 2023. The existence of an FIR realignment agreement is important to be reviewed, especially seen through defense and security. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods by describing the object under study based on facts in the field using key informants as data sources and secondary data. In this study also used the theory of sovereignty from Kranser and the theory of security the complex of Barry Buzzan. This research results that Indonesia has not fully managed the airspace originally delegated to Singapore, especially in some sectors A and B. But Indonesia still has control and supervision through Civil-Military Cooperation In Air Traffic Control (CMAC), where the CMAC can be a solution in sovereignty, defense, and security issues. On the other hand, the agreement is considered to be able to violate Law of the Republic Indonesia Number 1 Year 2009 concerning Aviation which states that Indonesia must have carried out full management no later than 2024. In this study, it was also found that Indonesia is still faced with obstacles to the takeover of airspace, including: (1) trust; (2) diplomacy."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hari Sabarno
"Pembukaan Undang-undang Dasar 1945 telah mengamanatkan sebagaimana tersurat dalam alenia keempat yang juga merupakan visi dan cita-cita bangsa Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke, yaitu : "...Untuk membentuk suatu pemerintahan Negara Indonesia yang melindungi segenap Bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, dan ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi,dan keadilan sosial....".
Untuk mewujudkan visi dan cita-cita bangsa tersebut, perlu didukung oleh adanya kejelasan fisik dari wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dan adanya kejelasan ruang lingkup pengolahan perbatasan agar nantinya dapat meminimalkan terjadinya konflik perbatasan dengan negara tetangga. Apabila ditinjau secara fisik Indonesia merupakan negara terbesar kelima di dunia yang dibatasi dua matra, yaitu di laut dengan sepuluh ( 10 ) negara (Australia, Malaysi, Singapura, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Filipina, Papua New Guinea, dan Timor Leste).dan di darat dengan tiga (3) negara tetangga (malaysia, Papua New Guinea,dan Timor Leste). Karakteristik sosial dalam pendefinisian batas negara di kedua matra tersebut sangat berbeda, demikian pula sifat permasalahany."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Immaculatus Djoko Marihandono
Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, 2019
959.81 DJO s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Otoritas kontrol ruang udara atau FIR terkait keamanan dan keselamatan penerbangan sipil memiliki pengaruh yang sangat signifikan terhadap berlaku penuh dan ekslusifnya suatu Negara atas kedaulatan ruang udaranya. Pada Rapat Terbatas Tingkat Menteri tanggal 8 September 2015, Presiden RI menginstrusikan kepada Menteri Perhubungan dan Panglima TNI untuk mengambil alih kontrol ruang udara sektor ABC di Kepuluan Riau dari FIR Singapura dalam tiga atau empat tahun kedepan. Dampak pendelegasian kontrol ruang udara ini adalah kerugian pada tiga gatra dari panca gatra ketahanan nasional yaitu ekonomi, politik, dan pertahanan keamanan di kedaulatan udara Indonesia. Sejak tahun 2007 telah dilaksanakan audit kepatuhan keamanan dan keselamatan penerbangan oleh ICAO kepada Indonesia serta kesiapan-kesiapan dan rapat koordinasi antar kementerian dan Lembaga yang terlibat kebijakan FIR. Beberapa hal tersebut dijadikan acuan dalam penelitian ini untuk melihat sejauh mana penerapan strategi perencanaan dan analisis kebijakan dari kementerian dan lembaga terkait dengan metode penilitian kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan sumber daya penerbangan Indonesia masih berada di bawah standar rata-rata dunia serta masih adanya ego sektoral dan perbedaan persepsi antar Kementerian dan Lembaga pada urgensi kebijakan ini. Sedangkan pada strategi perencanaan dan analisis kebijakan terlihat belum adanya pelaksanaan roadmap yang komprensif dalam mengimplementasikan Instruksi Presiden tersebut.

The airspace control authority or FIR of civil aviation security and safety has a significant role on the exclusiveness of a State especially on it airspace sovereignty. On September 8, 2015, the President of the Republic Indonesia instructed the Minister of Transport and the TNI Commander to take control of the ABC sector air space in Riau Islands from the Singapore FIR within three or four years. The impact of this delegation of airspace control is the loss of three aspects of the national security resilience such as economic, political, and defense of security in air sovereignty of Indonesia. From 2007 ICAO has conducted compliance audits on aspects of aviation safety and security in Indonesia, as well as coordination readiness and coordination meetings between Ministries and Agencies involved in this FIR policy. It`s to analyze how far the implementation of strategic planning and policy analysis. This research uses a qualitative research method. The result of this research shows that the ability of aviation resources in Indonesia is still below the world average standard as well as the existence of sectoral ego and the difference of perception. For planning strategy and policy analysis, there is no comprehensive roadmap to manifestation President`s instruction."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendri Kurniawan
Potensi kawasan pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil Indonesia sangat menarik bagi
investor asing untuk menanamkan modalnya di Indonesia. UU No. 1 Tahun 2014
tentang Perubahan Atas UU No. 27 Tahun 2007 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah
Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil membuka kesempatan penanaman modal asing di
pulau-pulau kecil dan pemanfaatan perairan di sekitarnya dengan persyaratan
tertentu dan izin Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan. Tesis ini membahas kepastian
hukum penanaman modal asing di pulau-pulau kecil berdasarkan UU No. 1 Tahun
2014. Penelitian yang menggunakan metode yuridis normatif ini, menyimpulkan
bahwa, dibukanya kesempatan penanaman modal asing di pulau-pulau kecil
berdasarkan UU No. 1 Tahun 2014 perlu dukungan aturan pelaksana undangundang
tersebut khususnya terkait perizinan, karena implementasi perizinan PMA
di pulau-pulau kecil belum optimal. Sebelum berlakunya UU No. 1 Tahun 2014,
sudah terdapat investor asing yang menjalankan usahan pemanfaatan pulau-pulau
kecil dengan hanya memiliki izin prinsip dan izin usaha, ataupun perjanjian
dengan pemerintah daerah. Di sisi lain, adanya calon-calon investor asing yang
berminat berinvestasi di pulau-pulau kecil, memerlukan kepastian hukum untuk
melaksanakan ketentuan penanaman modal asing di pulau-pulau kecil
sebagaimana dipersyaratkan dalam UU No. 1 Tahun 2014.

Indonesian coastal areas and small islands are very potential assets to attract
foreign investors to make investment in Indonesia. Law of The Republic of
Indonesia Number 1 of 2014 about The Changes to The Law Number 27 of 2007
on Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands gives opportunities to foreign
direct investment on small islands and their surrounding waters, with certain
requirements and permits from the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. This
Thesis elaborates the legal certainty of foreign direct investment on small islands
governed by Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2014. The study
which used a normative juridical method suggested that the emerging
opportunities of foreign direct investment on small islands governed by Act 1 of
2014 needs to be supported by the implementing rules of the Law, particularly
those related to the licensing, since the implementation of foreign direct
investment licensing on small islands is not yet optimal. Prior to the enactment of
The Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2014, there had already been
foreign investors doing their business on the utilization of small islands using only
?principle licenses‟ and ?business licenses‟, or agreements with local governments.
On the other hand, the emerging interest of prospective foreign investors to invest
on small islands needs a legal certainty for their continuing process to comply
with the provisions of foreign direct investment on small islands as required by
the Law Number 1 of 2014."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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