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Jakarta: Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, 2009
365 IND n (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Desentralisasi merupakan agenda reformasi bangsa Indonesia yang paling penting setelah pemilihan umum demokratis pada Nuji 1999. Desentralisasi menyentuh seluruh kehidupan bangsa termasuk program dan kegiatan pendidikan...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Septian Saputra
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Muhammadiyah pada era Orde Baru. Pada era Orde Baru pemerintah berupaya melakukan pembaruan pendidikan dengan mengeluarkan Rancangan Undang Undang Pendidikan Nasional (RUU PN). Muhammadiyah sebagai organisasi keagamaan yang bergerak dalam sosial dan pendidikan mengkritik Rancangan Undang Undang tersebut. Muhammadiyah menilai Rancangan Undang Undang Pendidikan Nasional tidak sesuai dengan Garis Besar Haluan Negara 1988(GBHN 1988). Untuk itu, Muhammadiyah ingin pemerintah merevisi RUU PN.

This thesis discusses about Muhammadiyah on New Order. On New Order, Goverment published The Bill of National Education (RUU PN). Muhammadiyah as religious organization in social dan education field criticized RUU PN. Muhammadiyah argued that RUU PN was not in accordance with Garis Besar Haluan Negara 1988 (GBHN 1988). For that, Muhammadiyah wanted Government to revised RUU PN.;This thesis discusses about Muhammadiyah on New Order. On New Order, Goverment published The Bill of National Education (RUU PN). Muhammadiyah as religious organization in social dan education field criticized RUU PN.
Muhammadiyah argued that RUU PN was not in accordance with Garis Besar Haluan Negara 1988 (GBHN 1988). For that, Muhammadiyah wanted Government to revised RUU PN.;This thesis discusses about Muhammadiyah on New Order. On New Order, Goverment published The Bill of National Education (RUU PN). Muhammadiyah as religious organization in social dan education field criticized RUU PN. Muhammadiyah argued that RUU PN was not in accordance with Garis Besar Haluan Negara 1988 (GBHN 1988). For that, Muhammadiyah wanted Government to revised RUU PN., This thesis discusses about Muhammadiyah on New Order. On New Order, Goverment published The Bill of National Education (RUU PN). Muhammadiyah as religious organization in social dan education field criticized RUU PN.
Muhammadiyah argued that RUU PN was not in accordance with Garis Besar Haluan Negara 1988 (GBHN 1988). For that, Muhammadiyah wanted Government to revised RUU PN.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Citra Umbara, 2003
370.026 IND u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Koentarti
"Undang-undang pada dasarnya adalah aktualisasi dari kebijakan publik keputusannya akan mengikat dan berpengaruh terhadap masyarakat. Tesis ini membahas Partisipasi Publik Dalam Pengesahan UU Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional yang merupakan Usul Inisiatif DPR RI. Penelitian ini membahas tentang Konteks Politiks sebagai faktor eksternal dan Kinerja Panitia Kerja (PANDA) DPR RI yang mempengaruhi Partisipasi Publik Dalam Pengesahan UU Sisdiknas.
Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Transisi Politik (Guillermo O'Donnell), Teori Sistem (David Easton), Teori Kebijakan Publik (Charles Lindblom), Civil Society (Adam Ferguson), Teori Partisipasi (Gabriel Almond) dan Teori Konflik (Paul Conn). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dan dokumentasi. Di dalam menganalisa menggunakan analisis data secara induktif agar dapat menemukan pengaruh hubungan nilai-nilai eksplisit sebagai struktur analistik.
Hasli penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dalam pembahasan RUU Sisdiknas terjadi suatu polarisasi antara Fraksi-fraksi di DPR RI yaitu 7 Fraksi mendukung disahkannya RUU menjadi UU Sisdiknas (F.PG, F.PPP, F.KB, F. Reformasi, F.TNI/POLRI, F. PBB, F.PDU) ditambah 1 orang Non Fraksi, sedangkan 2 Fraksi yang menolak dan menunda pengesahan RUU Sisdiknas (F.PDIP dan F.KKI). Fraksi PDIP tidak hadir dalam Rapat Paripurna Pengambilan Keputusan RUU Sisdiknas 2003 menjadi UU. Keanggotaan Panja RUU Sisdiknas didasarkan pada perimbangan fraksi-fraksi dan wakil dari Pemerintah.
Dalam mekanisme proses pembahasan dilakukan secara terbuka dengan mengakomodir masukan-masukan dari stakeholders dan masyarakat , sementara pengambilan keputusan menggunakan musyawarah dengan suara terbanyak berdasarkan Tatib DPR, lobi antar Pimpinan Fraksi apabila tidak ada titik temu.
Ada dua kelompok kepentingan dalam pengesahan RUU Sisdiknas antara lain kelompok yang mendukung RUU Sisdiknas menjadi UU adalah masyarakat dan Fraksi-fraksi di DPR yang berbasis Islam dan nasionalis, sementara kelompok yang menolak berbasis agama Kristen/Katolik dan nasionalis.
Berdasarkan kepentingan usulan perubahan UU No. 2 Tahun 1989 tentang Sisdiknas sudah tidak relevan lagi, untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) bangsa Indonesia dalam menghadapi era globalisasi yang semakin pesat. Oleh sebab itu DPR RI mengajukan Hak Usul Inisiatif tentang Perubahan UU No. 2 tahun 1989, yang sudah disahkan melalui forum tertinggi DPR yaitu Rapat Paripurna pada tanggal 11 Juni 2003 menjadi UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.

Law basically is an articulation of public policy. Its decision will be binding and has Influences to society. This thesis discusses public participation in legalization of the Law No. 20 year 2003 on The National Education System which is the Indonesian Parliament's initiative proposal. This research discusses about political context as external factors and achievement of the Working Committee (PANJA) of the Indonesian Parliament (DPR RI) as an internal factor that influences public participation in legalization of laws on The National Education System.
This research uses political transition theory (Guillermo O'Donnell), theory of system (David Easton), public policy theory (Charles Lindblom), civil society theory (Adam Ferguson), participation and interest group theory (Gabriel Almond) and conflict theory (Paul Conn). This research uses a qualitative research theory with technique of data collecting that's interview and documentation. In analyzing, it's used inductive data in order to be able to find out the influence of the relation of explicit values as an analytic structure.
The result of the research shows that the discussion of the bill on the National Education System has happened a polarization between factions in the DPR RI that's 7 factions supported the legalization of the Bill on The National Education System (FPG, FPPP, F Reformasi, F TNI/POLRI, F PBB, FPDU) plus one non-faction. Meanwhile 2 factions refused and adjourned the legalization the Bill on The National Education System that's FPDIP and FKKI. FPDIP did not attend in the Plenary Session in making the decision of the bill on The National Education System year 2003 became a law. The membership of the Working Committee of the Bill on The National Education System is based on the balancing of factions that became the members of the Commission IV and the representatives of the government.
The mechanism of discussion process was done openly by accommodating the inputs from the stakeholders and society. While the decision making uses deliberation/discussion with a majority vote based on the Rules of Conduct of The DPR RI and lobbies between the leaders of faction whenever there is no agreement.
There were two interest groups in legalization of the Bill on The National Education System among others the group that supported the bill to be legalized to be a law that's the society and factions in the DPR RI that has an Islamic Base and national. Whereas the groups that refused the bill are the group of society and factions that are based on Christian/Catholic and national.
Based on interest of the proposal of amendment of the Bill No. 2 Year 1989 on The National Education System has been not relevant anymore in improving the quality of human resources of the nation of Indonesia in facing the globalization era that is getting fast. Therefore the DPR RI proposes the Initiative Proposal Right on the amendment of the Law No. 2 Year 1989 which has been legalized by the highest forum of the DPR RI that's Plenary Session on June 11th, 2003 became Law No. 20 year 2003 on the National Education System.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aritonang, Ria Rumata
"Proses pembuatan dan pcmbahasan RUU Sisdiknas telah menimbulkan perdebatan publik yang diliputi ketegangan politik. Masyarakat terpecah ke dalam kelompok yang mendukung dan menolak RUU ini Pembahasan perundangan yang berkaitan dengan isu penting seperti pendidikan. yang menyangkut kepentingan publik secara luas, menarik untuk dicermati Terlebih ketika muatan-muatan RUU yang diperdebatkan seperti pasal 13 yang mengatur tentang pengajaran agama menjadi fokus perdebatan yang nyaris menenggelamkan esensi utama persoalan sistem pendidikan nasional, Pro-kontra terhadap substansi RUU Sisdiknas. yang menyentuh wilayah agama dan kepentingan mayoritas-minorilas masyarakat plural Indonesia, telah menampilkan tanggapan yang keras dari masing-masing pihak demi mempertahankan sikapnya. Menarik untuk meneliti bagaimana kepentingan masyarakat majemuk diolah kedalam kebijakan publik dalam bentuk perundangan, dengan memberi ruang dan pengakuan alas multikulturalisme, dimana kepentingan kelompok minoritas tcrcakup didalamnya. Dalam konteks demokrasi masa kini, pertimbangan terhadap multikulturalisme nampaknya semakin menemukan landasan, ketika struktur kemasyarakatan semakin kompleks, dan tuntutan bagi persamaan diantara warga negara semakin mengemuka.
Penulisan ini menggunakan teori tentang demokrasi yang menekankan persamaan hak, dan partisipasi yang setara bagi semua dalam pengambilan keputusan. Tinjauan terhadap masyarakat multikultural Indonesia dalam penelitian ini-berkaitan dengan proses legislasi yang dilalukan oleh DPR-dimaksudkan untuk menemukan apakah aspek kemajemukan (pluralisme) bangsa Indonesia, dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam perundangan yang mewakili semua kelompok di dalam masyarakat_ Undang-Undang No.20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional yang dilahirkan melalui Usulan Inisiatif DPR telah menimbulkan perpecahan sikap di antara kelompok-kelompok dalam masyarakat, karena proses pembahasannya mengabaikan partisipasi publik. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pengumpulan data maupun informasi melalui wawancara, observasi serta penggunaan data primer dari dokumen dan catatan DPR. Proses politik yang berlangsung dalam pembuatan dan pengesahan UU Sisdiknas, seperti yang ditunjukkan melalui penelitian ini lebih dipengaruhi oleh agenda jangka pendek partai-partai politik, daripada kepentingan jangka panjang bangsa Indonesia dalam upaya penguatan demokrasi, melalui pembuatan kebijakan publik yang mendukung upaya tersebut.

Upon the making and deliberation of the Education Bill of 2003, some contents regarding religion as compulsory in the proposed Bill has aroused public debate and political tension, especially among members in the societies whose interests are intended represented in the Bill. Education Bill as significant to every member in the pluralistic Indonesian society has stirred up the unending debate on religious teaching as part of national curriculum, and the role of state to supervise the implementation of the subject. The intention as stated in the Bill, to make every school including private schools (which in the case of Indonesia where Moslems are majority, Christian base schools are nonetheless still favored observe the provision of religious teachers for students of the same religion. During the long years of practice, private religious-base schools are not conditioned by any state regulation to do so. Much to the fact that the Indonesian societies are pluralistic, then the contents carried by article 13 in the proposed Bill, perceived by non-Moslems as a way to impose restriction on them. The reason to study legislation and its process, amidst the efforts to enhance democracy in Indonesia is deemed important. Question over political participation throughout law making process in the parliament is raised, when minority rights as recognized by democracy is felt neglected by some. However, it is far from easy just to accommodate and to try to please every single citizen in the realm of multiple challenges encountered by pluralistic Indonesia. Multiculturalism as politics of recognition is as new, contrary to the fact that for many years, the nature of pluralism is seen more as recognition for being different, rather than a pre condition to develop genuine and common ground for national goals and integration.
Theories on key elements in democracy such as: equal participation and equal rights in the making of public policy are used in this writing, to check if law making process are in line with people's demands to have their ideas and interests taken into account. This writing is based on qualitative method of research. While results of primary research found in previous findings, writings and parliamentary documents are used to approach the issues. Legislation, in conjunction with multiculturalism and larger room for `political participation is one critical factor in democracy building. The outcome shows, that law making process in the case of Education Bill, is not delivered in a better facilitated environment, where political acknowledgment upon the nature of multicultural Indonesia is too important to be overlooked.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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