ABSTRAKResearch on the community structure of earthworm has been carried out on the edge area of the Gunung Halimun National Park. This research emphasizes on the population of earthworm, density, association, and the environmental effect.
Three species of earthworm were found ; Allolobophora rosea, Pheretima javanica, and P. capensis , A. rosea belongs namely to Megascolecidae family, while both species of P. jacanica and P. capensis belongs to the Lumbricidae family.
P. javanica was well distributed and found five research locations ; Citalahap, Cisarua 1, Cisarua I , Legokheulang and Cipongkor. P. capensis was not found in Cisarua I while A. rosea was not found in Citalahap.
Population of these three species were Relatively high A. rosea (60591100m2), followed by P. javanica (1191 I. 100m2), and P. capensis (863 1 100m2). Distribution patterns of the earthworm at five locations seem to be clumped together into one species group. The association of the three species at five different locations were only found in Legokheulang; between P. javanica and P. capensis, and in Cipongkor between P. javanica and A. rosea.
Beside pH and humidity of soil, other environmental factors such as air temperature, ground surface temperature, air pressure, light intensity, and thickness of mulch affect the earthworm populations.
Observation on cocoa production showed that within 90 days, A. rosea produced three pea of cocon containing one egg as an embryo. This condition leds us to believe that A. rosea production is low, it means that this species is not commercially feasible. But, from the protein point of view that the content o1 A. rosea (38.63%) can be very useful as a source protein for animal chew, human food, and medicine."