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Ditemukan 180354 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"The Fire damage occurs in unpredictable time and can cause losses to the owner because of the damage. It can occur in buildings that do not have Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System in the building. By detecting and preventing against fire damage, which arise in unpredictable times will prevent loss of lives and assets of the buildings.
There has been considerable research into the fire damage such as at the Polo Condominium in Colorado. The Polo Condominium that was built in 1967 caught fire on October 31' because it did not have the Fire Protection System in each floor. When the fire came and burned the building interior, the building could not extinguish the fire because it did not have fire detector and sprinklers in place.
To solve the problem, in Jakarta there are a lot of guidelines such as the Minister Of Public Works Decree # 02IKPTSI1985 for Fire Safety in building. But from many fire damages, the guidelines could not accommodate the problem because the buildings did not incorporate Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System. Relevant research indicated that Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System are very important to detect and prevent against fire damage. In this research, the Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System are defined as Fire Safety Design which have been taken from many relevant theories and journals.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various high rise office buildings in Jakarta, 30 responses were received to be viable for in depth analysis. The result of the analysis shows clearly that the Fire Safety Design is positively correlated in a linear manner to four of the key Fire Safety Design variables. The four key variables influencing building reliability in design carried out by the consultant and controlled by the construction manager in the projects are : detection and fire alarm, building architecture, the designer's fire certificate and special equipment to stop fire_ This research can then be used to control and measure the quality of Future Fire Safety Design of the high rise building reliability in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakutlas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
MGS A. Rachman Putra
"The paper reviews the standard ot' design and installation of the Active Fire Protection
Systems for hotel buildings to minimize tire risk. When a tire occurs, active
protection system is necessary that pinpoints its location. Once detected, the first line
of defense against tire is a sprinkler system or other active tire protection systems.
Active Fire Protection Systems are detectors & alarm systems, automatic sprinkler
systems, risers, extinguishing systems, and smoke control, all of which is aimed to
solve the problem of fire damage.
ln major cities around the world especially in Jakarta, hotel buildings have been, are
and will be designed and built to provide safe and comfortable space for human life
and various activities. The fire risk is inherent in the building itself and it is of utmost
importance to eliminate or keep this risk and its consequences as small as possible.
On December 3 lst, 1986 a tire occurred in the Dupont Plaza Hotel and Casino, San
Juan, Puerto Rico, lt happened because The Hotel did not have dispensary ot`the tire
protection system in each floor. When thc iirc came and burncd, the building could
not extinguish the tire because it did not have the needed tire detector and sprinklers
in place.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various hotel buildings in Jakarta, 30 responses were
received to be viable for in dept analysis. The result of analysis shows clearly that the
active fire protection .tyvtents are positively correlated in a linear manner to three of
the key active fire protection variables. The key variables influencing building
reliability in good design and 'installation standard. The threc variables are heat
detector, portable exting-uis/ter, and rzulomatic sprinkler. This research can bc used t0
control and measure the standard design and installation of the hotel buildings."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setio Wibowo
"Bahaya kebakaran yang timbul pada bangunan tinggi akan menyebabkan kerugian baik kehilangan aset (bangunan itu sendiri), jiwa dan kegiatan bisnis dimasa depan. Hal ini terjadi karena Fire Safety Design yang ada tidak mampu bertahan terhadap bahaya kebakaran tersebut. Dalam rangka mengatasi hal tersebut diatas maka dimulai dari tahap perencanaan maka pihak yang terkait dalam hal ini pihak Konsultan Perancang dapat memahami dan melakukan perencanaan terutama Fire Safety Design dengan efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat meminimalkan resiko kebakaran serendah mungkin. Walaupun telah dilakukan perencanaan sistem Fire Safety Design, namun resiko terhadap terjadinya kebakaran tetap ada, yang nantinya akan menimbulkan kerugian. Untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut diatas maka kerugian tersebut dapat dialihkan kepada pihak asuransi.
Penelitian ini akan menganalisa model konsultan perancang yang mampu melakukan perencanaan bangunan tinggi khususnya dalam bidang Fire Safety Design sehingga nantinya bangunan tinggi tersebut akan mampu bertahan terhadap bahaya kebakaran.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini didapat faktor penentu yang berpengaruh pada score kehandalan bangunan adalah 81.5% dipengaruhi oleh kursus/pelatihan/seminar tenaga ahli mengenai fire safety design dan 6% dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman konsultan secara umum. d. Variabel lain yang berpengaruh diluar variabel penentu yang masuk kedalam variabel dummy adalah kesesuaian dengan tuntutan proyek dalam hal jadwal, biaya dan mutu.
Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi terhadap upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kehandalan bangunan tinggi perkantoran terhadap bahaya kebakaran, memberikan masukan terhadap owner dalam menentukan konsultan perancang yang dapat menghasilkan rancangan yang handal, memberikan informasi pada kontraktor agar dapat mengetahui cara-cara/nmetode yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kehandalan bangunan, memberikan informasi bagi konsultan perancang sebagai obyek penelitian, agar selalu melaksanakan prosedur/metode untuk menghasilkan rancangan yang handal, dengan mengetahui factor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kehandalan bangunan maka pihak asuransi dapat memperkirakan tingkat risiko yang harus ditanggungnya."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahlia Suryani
"Influence of Fire Safety Management (FSM) to Building Reliability in Preventing Fire Damage at Hotel Buildings in JakartaJakarta is the center of economic, politic, cultural activities and also the center of the state defense. Along with development in many sectors, numbers of building development grows accordingly with numerous functions: hotel, office, apartment, shop, amusement center, restaurant or a mix at the aforementioned functions. A commercially managed hotel should meet certain standards; one of them is fire prevention through a system that called Fire Safety Manage, rent. The existence of Fire Safety Management is important as most hotel guests have no or little knowledge at how to respond in case of fire.
This research on hotel Fire Safety Management is used to observe the correlation between application of Fire Safety Management and reliability of building in preventing and controling the damages caused by fire at hotels in Jakarta.
This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data is gathered by distributing questioners to hotel building managers, data gathered is then analyzed by using statistic program SPSS 10.0 to obtain measurable and relevant indicators to improve reliability at a hotel building.
Data analysis shows same parameters in Fire Safety Management, Which are: Pre-estinguishment at fire : 50,0 %, Response to alarm and signal : 33,6 % , other variable from dummy analysis is : Identification potential at fire : 12, 3 %. The result at this research can be used to improve role of Fire Safety Management in building reliability in general and hotel building in specific."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Budiyanto
"Kasus terjadinya kebakaran mengakibatkan kerugian baik secara material maupun kematian. Dampak kerugian semakin terasa apabila objek yang mengalami kebakaran merupakan bangunan vital yang secara langsung berhubungan dengan kesinambungan berputamya perekonomian baik secara mikro maupun makro. Bangunan Industri adalah sarana yang mempunyai fungsi tempat mengelola bahan baku menjadi bahan jadi (kegiatan kerja untuk produksi), sarana perakitan dan kegiatan lain sejenis. Kegiatan dalam Bangunan Industri akan mengalami hambatan bahkan dapat terhenti sama sekali jika terjadi kasus kebakaran. Kerugian yang terjadi dapat meluas sarnpai tingkat keinginan investor baik dalam negeri maupun penanam modal asing dalam melakukan investasinya.
Berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kebakaran DKI Jakarta frekwensi terjadinya kebakaran dalam lima tahun belakang hampir 1000 kali pertahunya, khusus untuk Bangunan Industri yang terbakar sebanyak 443 bangunan. Fakta ini tentunya perlu mendapat perhatian terutama yang menyangkut Fire Safety Desain (FSD). Kepekaan perencanaan oleh Manajemen Konstruksi profesional terhadap FSD terutama Sistim Proteksi Pasif pada bangunan industri akan mempengaruhi kehandalan bangunan dalam mencegah terjadinya bahaya kebakaran.
Berdasarkan 35 sampel di Kawasan Industri Pulogadung yang ditabulasikan dari 46 yang disebarkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Sistem Proteksi Pasif disain jalan lingkungan memberikan kontribusi sebesar 53,4 % terhadap kehandalan bangunan dan kapasitas akses jalan masuk sebesar 28,7 % terhadap kehandalan bangunan dalam mencegah terjadinya kebakaran."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulyo Darminto
"Menurut regulasi yang ada ( UU No.28 Tahun 2002 Tentang BANGUNAN GEDUNG ) bangunan gedung bertingkat harus memenuhi persyaratan keandalan yang meliputi : keselamatan, kesehatan, kenyamanan, dan kemudahan. Salah satu faktor keselamatan adalah masalah antisipasi dari adanya bahaya kebakaran, oleh sebab itu disamping masalah sistem proteksi aktif & sistem proteksi pasif masalah fire safety management harus pula diimplementasikan secara baik di gedung bertingkat.
Fire safety management menekankan pada pengelolaan aktivitas pengelola beserta penghuni gedung untuk mengantisipasi adanya bahaya kebakaran sehingga bisa dicegah / diminimalkan timbulnya kebakaran dengan jalan mengoptimalkan semua fasilitas proteksi kebakaran yang ada serta memberdayakan seluruh penghuni untuk aktif berperilaku yang aman terhadap bahaya api.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran hubungan antara Fire Safety Management dengan tingkat Keandalan Bangunan Gedung Tinggi Perkantoran, sampel diambil dari Bangunan Gedung Tinggi Perkantoran di DKI Jakarta.
Hasi1 yang diperoleh dari penelilian ini adalah adanya hubungan yang positif antara lmplementasi Fire Safety Management yang baik dengan tingkat Keandalan Bangunan terhadap bahaya kebakaran Gedung Tinggi Perkantoran, dengan variabel yang dominan adalah Inspection & Maintenance Kondisi Sistem Pompa & Persediaan Air Setelah Beroperasi, System Komunikasi dan Control facilities, & Sosialisasi Pentingnya Latihan Kebakaran Gedung.

Regarding to High Rise Building regulation ( UU No.28 Tahun 2002 Tentang BANGUNAN GEDUNG ), high rise building shall fulfill reliability requirement, which consist of safety, health, conformability, and simplicity. One of safety factor is anticipation of fire, beside quality of active protection system and passive protection system, fire safety management shall he well implemented on high rise building.
Fire Safely Management is focusing on management of occupant and building operator activities against fire risks to avoid fire or minimize fire accident through optimization of active and passive protection system and also occupant fire safe works activity.
This research was done to explore correlation between Fire Safety Management and High Rise Building reliability on fire , sample was taken from High Rise Building (for office ) at DKI Jakarta.
The result from this research is the positive correlation between well implementation of Fire Safety Management and High Rise Building reliability on fire, dominant variables are Inspection & Maintenance of Pumping System and Water Storage after operation, Communication System and Control Facilities, and Socialization of Fire Drill.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Irawan
"The tire damage occurs in unpredictable time can caused property losses and life losses. Research from several countries show that tire damage can caused big loss. Statistical studies has done by public protection in every city and town in the United State and Canada. The tire department is one of the most important factors caused increasing the loss of tire damage. The criteria for measuring its eifectiveness rigidly schedule and cover the organization, membership, apparatus and equipment. In Indonesia, especially in Jakarta the level of tire damage at high rise building has an increasing tendency since 1981. From various of tire damage show that still low appreciation to Fire Safety Design and also Fire Safety Management. The Public Fire Department as public facility 63111101 be totally expected to overcome the tire damage. Facts that effort has only handle tire suppression mean while the tire prevention has rarely done. At operational stage , a team who can give responses quickly is known as Emergency Response Team that need to be established to anticipate emergency condition, so tire suppression could run elfectively and efficiently. Building has to be able to handle initial fire damage by protection system and Emergency Response Team skill. From 50 questionnaires sent to various high rise office buildings in Jakarta, 25 responses were received to be viable for in depth analysis using SPSS 10.1 version The result of the analysis shows clearly that Emergency Response Team is positively correlated in a linear manner to two of the Emergency Response Team variables. The two key variables influencing building the protection of building property in preventing fire damage carried out by building management and owner in high rise buildings are : The initial extinguishing of fire contributed 74,5 % in model, Inspection and Maintenance protection system contributed 13,3 % in model. This research can then be used to control and measure the quality of the protection of building property by Fire Safety Management theory on high rise oflice building in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tejo P. Wibowo
"Influence of Inspection & Maintenance System Implementation to the Building Asset Protection in Preventing Fire Damage on High Rise Office Building in Jakarta High rise office buildings are an asset which have high economics value, because investation in building construction is high enough. Because of that it would be natural if maintenance and protection of building toward one of disturbances is fire damage must have big awareness.
Observation of fire occurement shows that utility which is perfectly unfunetional when fire happens. Protection system realibility is installed Iike detector and fire alarm, automatic sprinkler, hydrant and also portable extinguisher or known as active fire protection is really influenced by quality of system design. One of activities which contribute in building protection in a part of Fire Safety Management is Inspection & Maintenance of all fire protections. Inspection & Maintenance activity is important part to ensure protection system and equipment reliability when fire occurs.
This research toward inspection & maintenance of protection system as a part of Fire Safety Management could be one of parameters in protecting building asset caused by fire at operational stage of high rise office building in Jakarta.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various high rise office building in Jakarta, 22 responses were received to be viable for in depth analysis. The result of the analysis shows clearly that the inspection & maintenance system implementation as a part of Fire Safety Management is positively correlated in a linear manner to two of the key Inspection & Maintenance System variables.
The two key variables influencing building asset protection from fire damage on operational phase in life cycle construction are performance of detection and fire alarm system after inspection & maintenance and inspection & maintenance schedule. This research can then be used to grow up awareness that importance of inspection & maintenance implementation to protect building asset on high rise building in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan utama penelitian ini difokuskan pada presurisasi tangga kebakaran dan pengendalian asap di ruang berukuran besar. Sebanyak 180 artikel akademik yang diterbitkan antara 1964 sampai 2022 ditinjau untuk merangkum strategi sistem presurisasi dan ekstraksi asap yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan berbasis kinerja di bangunan gedung. Dampak perbedaan tekanan dalam tangga darurat terhadap luar diteliti ada gedung perkantoran aktual 32 lantai. Pressurized-fan injeksi tunggal dipasang di atas ruang tangga. Sensor tekanan juga dipasang di lima lantai terpisah. Selanjutnya lima skenario pengujian dilakukan untuk mengukur perbedaan tekanan antar tangga dan koridor dengan beberapa pintu terbuka di berbagai lantai. Hasil pengujian menunjukan perbedaan tekanan sebesar 5-15 Pa diperoleh dari pengukuran lapangan dan perbedaan tekanan 10-20 Pa diperoleh melalui analisa numerik dengan kode FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulator). Analisa numerik juga menunjukkan distribusi tekanan di sepanjang tangga lebih merata dengan sistem presurisasi multi-injeksi. Dalam mempelajari manajemen asap di ruang berukuran besar, sebuah kompartemen berskala 1/10 berukuran 2,4m x 1,6m x 1,0m dan berlantai dua dengan sebuah lantai mezzanine dijadikan sebagai model eksperimen. Sumber asap berasal dari pembakaran sabut kelapa. Piranti lunak FDS juga digunakan untuk membandingkan hasil investigasi secara eksperimental dan analisis numerik. Analisa numerik FDS memperkirakan kenaikan obskurasi asap dan kenaikan temperatur lebih tinggi tinggi daripada yang diperoleh dari hasil pengujian. Meskipun banyak penelitian sebelumnya telah memberikan solusi untuk manajemen asap, kreativitas manusia dalam desain berkembang lebih cepat daripada regulasi atau pedoman sebelumnya sehingga diperlukan pendekatan berbasis kinerja dalam merancang sistem keselamatan kebakaran.

The primary aim of the research is focused on stairway pressurization systems and smoke control in large-volume spaces. A total of 180 academic publications published between 1964 and 2022 were included to summarize the practical applications of smoke control strategies based on pressurization or extraction systems, and potential research pertaining to performance-based safety schemes for smoke ventilation control in tall buildings. In an actual 32-story office building, the impact of a pressure differential over the stairs was studied. The single injection pressurized fan on the top of the stairwell and pressure sensors were on five separate floors to measure the pressure differential over time. Five scenarios are tested to observe the impact of differential pressure caused by an open door on various floors. The pressure difference between the stairwell and outside is 5 to 15 Pa gained in field measurements and 10 to 20 Pa in numerical studies. The numerical research also demonstrates that the pressure distribution along the stairs performed better for the multi-injection system. To explore smoke management in large volume spaces, another reduced-scale model of two levels with a mezzanine floor was developed using a 1/10 reduced-scale experimental compartment 2.4m x 1.6m x 1.0m. The smoke in the compartment was created by the combustion of coconut husks. Comparing experimental investigations to numerical analysis using FDS codes. The numerical calculations overestimate the rise in obscuration during the time of smoke accumulation. The increase in temperature simulated by FDS is also more than that observed by testing. While designing a smoke control system, it is necessary to use a performance-based approach."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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