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Irawan Tani
"Studying about cable stayed bridge become trend in the last few years. Since the improvement of the material technology and the need of longer bridge so the cable stayed bridge become more important in the last few years.
Since the span become longer, so the structure will become more flexible and external load such are traffic, wind, rain and earthquake become more significant to the structure. When the displacement of the deck will increase, it will make uncomforting for human. Many scientists and engineers try to make a control of cable stayed bridge, so that the response will become safety and good for human comfort also.
In this study we try to simulate the model from experiment to the behavior of the cable stayed bridge itself. We also try to control the response of the structure. This control that we have done must be realistic and easy to use.
In fact with computer simulation we can do such sophisticated control, but the main problem if it's not applicable the control that we use become useless, otherwise it will be dangerous also if we get a result in reality far from out simulation.
So in this study we do simple control to cable stayed bridge, and do some test that could be realistic in the reality. The sag of the cable is big and it will make a non linear effect. We do some analysis of cable stayed bridge in ANSYS 5.5.3 and do control simulation in SIMULINK by catching the static non linear result from ANSYS 5.5.3.
The simulation that we done here to see the effectives of the control in many cases. We can be sure that the control is good if we get a good solution with the control of the structure."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
F.X. Supartono
"In the framework of the design of Cisadane Cable Stayed Bridge, a wind tunnel testing on scaled model has been conducted lo observe its aerodynamic forces. The wind tunnel which is used for test, was a low speed wind tunnel.
The test results are the coefficient Ci, Cd and Cm. The coefficients can be used lo calculate the load of the structure, the lift Force and the pitching moment. Based on the test results, shape improvement of the proposed bridge deck is also considered."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
IGN. Irawan Wibawa
The present study deals with the static and dynamic behavior of cable-systems and cable-stayed bridge systems. In the static analysis, linear. and geometry nonlinearities such as large-deflections and stress-stiffening are evaluated. In the dynamic analysis, only linear: analysis is taken into account, the nonlinearities are disregarded.
In the cable system, there are two cable models evaluated, i.e., the horizontal cable-systems and inclined cable-systems. The cable systems are modeled as three-dimensional (3-D) structural system. The various prestressed forces in the cables are investigated, and the results show that the nonlinearity effects do not quite have an influence when the prestressed forces are between 21% - 45% fp. and 15% - 45% fpU for the horizontal cable and inclined cable-systems, respectively. The transverse (coupling effect) stiffnesses are nearly zero for the prestressed forces in the cable between 16% - 45% Cu. The dynamic characteristic of both cable-systems are quite similar, with the first mode is out-of-plane motion. The gravity acceleration does not take an important influence in the dynamic behavior of the cable-systems study herein.
In the cable-stayed bridge systems, two common types of cable-stayed bridge are investigated, namely the fan-type and the harp-type cable-stayed bridge. The bridges are modeled as two-dimensional (2-D) structural system. The comparison results of axial forces in the cables, vertical displacement in the mid-point of middle span, horizontal displacement at top of pylon, bending moment in the deck, axial forces in the deck and also vertical reaction at foundation of pylon are all investigated. The results show that the nonlinearity effects with the prestressed forces in stay cable between 16% - 45% fp? seem do not have quite important influence. The natural frequencies and mode shapes for the first 20 modes are presented and the results are quite similar for the both bridge systems. The influence of dead load multiplier to the dynamic characteristic of such bridges are also evaluated and the results show that the structure buckle under 19 DL (Dead Load) and 15 DL for the fan and harp-type, respectively. These results show that bridge models studied herein are in the safe design consideration."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferry Wijaya
Pada jembatan bentang panjang salah satunya jembatan cable stayed perlu dilakukan analisa terhadap beban gempa dengan menggunakan metode riwayat waktu Oleh karena itu pada penulisan ini akan dibandingkan hasil dari analisa respons spektrum dengan analisa riwayat waktu Pada analisa riwayat waktu memperlihatkan bahwa hasil gaya dalam terhadap variasi sudut tidak berkaitan satu sama lain sehinggaperlu dilakukan analisa terhadap beberapa variasi sudut Selain itu hasil yang ada menunjukan perbedaan antara time history dengan respons spektrum berkisar antara 2 19 hingga 51 84.

In long span bridge especially cable stayed bridge need to analysis due to seismic load with time history analtysis Because of this at this thesis will be compared the result from respons spectrum with time history analysis At time history analysis show that internal force against variation excitation angle independent each oher so it is necessary to analyze the multiple variations of angle In other hand the difference between time history and respons spectrum ranges between 2 19 to 51 84.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tahapan konstruksi ketika pembangunan jembatan cable-stayed akan berpengaruh terhadap analisis strukturnya. Respon struktur yang dihasilkan ketika analisis dilakukan secara langsung (jembatan utuh) tanpa memperhitungkan tahapan konsturksi akan berbeda dengan analisis sequential sesuai dengan tahapan konstruksinya.
Tulisan ini akan membandingkan hal tersebut. Untuk itu, analisis sequential perlu dilakukan sesuai tahapan konstruksi yang dilakukan. Gaya kabel prategang yang diberikan akan berbeda antara analisis langsung dengan analisis sequential. Gaya tersebut tergantung boundary condition yang ingin dicapai. Gaya dalam kabel prategang, gaya dalam momen lentur gelagar serta gaya dalam momen lentur pylon berubah-ubah setiap tahapan konstruksinya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat perbedaan respon struktur yang dihasilkan oleh analisis langsung dan analisis sequential. Perbedaan ini memiliki nilai maksimum sebesar 19,15% untuk gaya penarikan kabel, 3,27% untuk gaya dalam kabel pada saat jembatan utuh, dan 163,04% untuk gaya dalam momen lentur gelagar.

Applied construction stages in cable-stayed bridge construction will affect its structure analysis. The resulting structural response when the analysis is done by direct analysis (full structure) without considering the staging will be different with sequential analysis prior to its construction stage.
This paper will compare the result. Therefore, the analysis needs to be carried out according to the given sequential stages. Applied cable pretension forces will be different between direct and sequential analysis. The pretension forces depend on the boundary conditions need to be fulfilled. Cable's internal tension forces, girder's and pylon's bending moment change in every phase in construction stage.
The results show that there are differences between direct and sequential analysis. The differences have maximum value 19,15% for cable’s pretension force, 3,27% for cable's internal tension force when the member of the bridge is full, and 163,04% for bending moment at girder.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Genta Dewolono
"Definisi proyek menjadi bagian-bagian yang berhubungan secara hirarki setiap elemennya dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan proses pekerjaan pada tahap perencanaan proyek konstruksi sangat penting dilakukan untuk mencegah kerugian yang dapat terjadi pada suatu proyek konstruksi, berkaitan dengan biaya dan waktu dikarenakan tidak detail dan standarnya WBS Work Breakdown Structure yang digunakan pada proyek konstruksi.
Penelitian ini akan membahas pengembangan kamus dan checklist berbasis WBS Work Breakdown Structure berdasarkan metode Teknik Delphi dengan melakukan validasi dengan kuesioner kepada pakar yang berpengalaman pada pekerjaan jembatan cable stayed. Maka, format kamus dan checklist yang telah dikembangkan dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengurangi kerugian yang terjadi pada tahap pelaksanaan konstruksi.

Definition of project into hierarchically related parts of each element with the fulfillment necessary of the work process at construction project planning phase is very important to prevent disadvantages that can occur in construction project, related to cost and time because WBS Work Breakdown Structure is not detail and standard for construction project.
This research will discuss development of WBS Work Breakdown Structure dictionary and checklist based on delphi method to validate with questionnaire to expert in the construction works of cable stayed bridge. So, dictionary and checklist have developed, it can be applied to reduce disadvantages that occur at construction project executing phase.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afdol Pranata
"[Tulisan ini membahas perilaku struktur jembatan cable stayed dengan studi kasus A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridge. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu mengevaluasi dan membandingkan perilaku struktur pada saat konstruksi (analisa sequential) dengan analisa struktur jembatan utuh (analisa langsung). Adapun hasil yang diperoleh yaitu gaya dalam kabel pada saat konstruksi, gaya dalam gelagar, tegangan pada masing-masing elemen dan lendutan yang terjadi pada gelagar jembatan. Metode analisa yang digunakan pada saat konstruksi yaitu forward assemblage analysis. Pada saat konstruksi nilai gaya dalam dan lendutan pada gelagar akan berubah menurut tahapannya. Respon struktur juga akan berbeda pada saat konstruksi dengan analisa langsung sehingga masing-masing analisa perlu diperhatikan.

This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred.;This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred, This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Thomas Telford, 1999
624.5 CAB (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : American Society of Civil Engineers, 1988
624.5 CAB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggara Satria Perdana Putra
"Perkembangan infrastruktur di Indonesia saat ini terbilang sangat masif dan menyebar diberbagai wilayah, sesuai dengan kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam percepatan proyek infrastruktur guna menumbuhkan dan meratakan perekonomian nasional, peningkatan kualitas hidup serta kesejahteraan manusia. Indonesia merupakan negara yang terdiri dari banyak pulau, sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah jalur penghubung seperti jembatan yang menghubungkan antara sebuah pulau dengan pulau yang berdekatan. Cable Stayed merupakan salah satu teknologi yang sangat baik dalam membuat sebuah jembatan yang terbentang panjang, mengingat tampilan akhir yang berkesan sederhana tetapi mengandung unsur estetis yang tinggi serta ketangguhannya secara struktural yang tidak diragukan. Namun, seiring dengan peningkatan sektor konstruksi, kecelakaan kerja pada bidang konstruksi juga meningkat. Merujuk data Badan Penyelenggara Jasa Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan, secara nasional angka kecelakaan kerja sektor konstruksi tercatat sebagai sektor terbanyak nasional angka kecelakaan kerja. Terjadinya kecelakaan kerja dapat dicegah melalui sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang baik. Manajerial keuangan dalam hal penerapan pembiayaan SMK3 di Indonesia pada sektor konstruksi khususnya pada bangunan jembatan Cable Stayed belum diatur secara jelas dan terukur. Pada pelaksanaannya, peraturan yang adapun belum sepenuhnya diikuti oleh para pelaku konstruksi bahkan di lingkungan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat sendiri. Untuk itu perlu dibuatkan analisa struktur biaya K3 agar dapat memperkirakan biaya yang dibutuhkan dengan informasi proyek yang minimum pada tahap awal. Activity-Based Costing (ABC) atau perhitungan biaya berbasis aktivitas telah muncul sebagai pendekatan baru yang menghubungkan biaya yang terkait langsung dengan kegiatan bisnis dengan produk manufaktur. Untuk membuat perhitungan biaya berbasis aktivitas, membuat WBS dan menentukan item pekerjaan secara tepat merupakan upaya yang bermanfaat dan diperlukan untuk penilaian risiko berbasis aktivitas yang efektif. Pada dasarnya setiap jenis jembatan mempunyai komponen agar menjadi lebih kokoh, kuat maupun indah. Adapun komponen tersebut adalah sistem kabel, gelagar dan pilon. Oleh sebab itu berdasarkan informasi di atas, mengingat masih banyaknya rencana pembangunan jembatan Cable Stayed, masih tingginya angka kecelakaan kerja dan masih belum diterapkannya pembiayaan K3 secara menyeluruh di lingkungan Kementerian PUPR maka penelitian ini fokus terhadap pengembangan analisa struktur biaya K3 untuk pekerjaan komponen sistem kabel, gelagar dan pilon pada bangunan jembatan cable stayed di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat berbasis.

The development of infrastructure in Indonesia is currently quite massive and spread in various regions, in accordance with the Government of Indonesias policy in accelerating infrastructure projects to grow and level the national economy, improve the quality of life and human welfare. Indonesia is a country that consists of many islands, so we need a connecting line like a bridge that connects between an island and adjacent islands. Cable Stayed is one of the excellent technologies in making a bridge that stretches long, considering that the final appearance is impressively simple but contains high aesthetic elements and structural toughness that is not in doubt. However, along with the increase in the construction sector, work accidents in the construction sector also increased. Referring to the Manpower Social Service Provider (BPJS) data, nationally the number of occupational accidents in the construction sector is recorded as the highest national sector work accident rate. Occupational accidents can be prevented through a good occupational safety and health management system. Managerial finance in terms of the application of SMK3 financing in Indonesia in the construction sector, especially in the cable stayed bridge building has not been clearly and measurably regulated. In its implementation, the existing regulations have not yet been fully followed by the construction actors even within the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing itself. For this reason it is necessary to make an analysis of the K3 cost structure in order to estimate the costs needed with minimum project information at an early stage. Activity-Based Costing (ABC) or activity-based cost calculation has emerged as a new approach that connects costs directly related to business activities with manufactured products. To make activity-based cost calculations, making WBS and determining work items appropriately is a useful effort and is needed for effective activity-based risk assessment. Basically every type of bridge has components to be more sturdy, strong and beautiful. The components are cable, girder and pilon systems. Therefore, based on the information above, given the large number of plans for the construction of the cable stayed bridge, the high number of occupational accidents and the lack of comprehensive OHS funding within the Ministry of PUPR, this research focuses on developing the K3 cost structure analysis for cable system component work, girders and pilons in the cable stayed bridge building at the WBS-based Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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