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Tejo P. Wibowo
"Influence of Inspection & Maintenance System Implementation to the Building Asset Protection in Preventing Fire Damage on High Rise Office Building in Jakarta High rise office buildings are an asset which have high economics value, because investation in building construction is high enough. Because of that it would be natural if maintenance and protection of building toward one of disturbances is fire damage must have big awareness.
Observation of fire occurement shows that utility which is perfectly unfunetional when fire happens. Protection system realibility is installed Iike detector and fire alarm, automatic sprinkler, hydrant and also portable extinguisher or known as active fire protection is really influenced by quality of system design. One of activities which contribute in building protection in a part of Fire Safety Management is Inspection & Maintenance of all fire protections. Inspection & Maintenance activity is important part to ensure protection system and equipment reliability when fire occurs.
This research toward inspection & maintenance of protection system as a part of Fire Safety Management could be one of parameters in protecting building asset caused by fire at operational stage of high rise office building in Jakarta.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various high rise office building in Jakarta, 22 responses were received to be viable for in depth analysis. The result of the analysis shows clearly that the inspection & maintenance system implementation as a part of Fire Safety Management is positively correlated in a linear manner to two of the key Inspection & Maintenance System variables.
The two key variables influencing building asset protection from fire damage on operational phase in life cycle construction are performance of detection and fire alarm system after inspection & maintenance and inspection & maintenance schedule. This research can then be used to grow up awareness that importance of inspection & maintenance implementation to protect building asset on high rise building in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Irawan
"The tire damage occurs in unpredictable time can caused property losses and life losses. Research from several countries show that tire damage can caused big loss. Statistical studies has done by public protection in every city and town in the United State and Canada. The tire department is one of the most important factors caused increasing the loss of tire damage. The criteria for measuring its eifectiveness rigidly schedule and cover the organization, membership, apparatus and equipment. In Indonesia, especially in Jakarta the level of tire damage at high rise building has an increasing tendency since 1981. From various of tire damage show that still low appreciation to Fire Safety Design and also Fire Safety Management. The Public Fire Department as public facility 63111101 be totally expected to overcome the tire damage. Facts that effort has only handle tire suppression mean while the tire prevention has rarely done. At operational stage , a team who can give responses quickly is known as Emergency Response Team that need to be established to anticipate emergency condition, so tire suppression could run elfectively and efficiently. Building has to be able to handle initial fire damage by protection system and Emergency Response Team skill. From 50 questionnaires sent to various high rise office buildings in Jakarta, 25 responses were received to be viable for in depth analysis using SPSS 10.1 version The result of the analysis shows clearly that Emergency Response Team is positively correlated in a linear manner to two of the Emergency Response Team variables. The two key variables influencing building the protection of building property in preventing fire damage carried out by building management and owner in high rise buildings are : The initial extinguishing of fire contributed 74,5 % in model, Inspection and Maintenance protection system contributed 13,3 % in model. This research can then be used to control and measure the quality of the protection of building property by Fire Safety Management theory on high rise oflice building in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setio Wibowo
"Bahaya kebakaran yang timbul pada bangunan tinggi akan menyebabkan kerugian baik kehilangan aset (bangunan itu sendiri), jiwa dan kegiatan bisnis dimasa depan. Hal ini terjadi karena Fire Safety Design yang ada tidak mampu bertahan terhadap bahaya kebakaran tersebut. Dalam rangka mengatasi hal tersebut diatas maka dimulai dari tahap perencanaan maka pihak yang terkait dalam hal ini pihak Konsultan Perancang dapat memahami dan melakukan perencanaan terutama Fire Safety Design dengan efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat meminimalkan resiko kebakaran serendah mungkin. Walaupun telah dilakukan perencanaan sistem Fire Safety Design, namun resiko terhadap terjadinya kebakaran tetap ada, yang nantinya akan menimbulkan kerugian. Untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut diatas maka kerugian tersebut dapat dialihkan kepada pihak asuransi.
Penelitian ini akan menganalisa model konsultan perancang yang mampu melakukan perencanaan bangunan tinggi khususnya dalam bidang Fire Safety Design sehingga nantinya bangunan tinggi tersebut akan mampu bertahan terhadap bahaya kebakaran.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini didapat faktor penentu yang berpengaruh pada score kehandalan bangunan adalah 81.5% dipengaruhi oleh kursus/pelatihan/seminar tenaga ahli mengenai fire safety design dan 6% dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman konsultan secara umum. d. Variabel lain yang berpengaruh diluar variabel penentu yang masuk kedalam variabel dummy adalah kesesuaian dengan tuntutan proyek dalam hal jadwal, biaya dan mutu.
Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi terhadap upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kehandalan bangunan tinggi perkantoran terhadap bahaya kebakaran, memberikan masukan terhadap owner dalam menentukan konsultan perancang yang dapat menghasilkan rancangan yang handal, memberikan informasi pada kontraktor agar dapat mengetahui cara-cara/nmetode yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kehandalan bangunan, memberikan informasi bagi konsultan perancang sebagai obyek penelitian, agar selalu melaksanakan prosedur/metode untuk menghasilkan rancangan yang handal, dengan mengetahui factor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kehandalan bangunan maka pihak asuransi dapat memperkirakan tingkat risiko yang harus ditanggungnya."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pattipeiluhu, Georgy M.G.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.R. Ratri Anggita Dewi
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samosir, Christofprus Imam
"Tesis ini adalah penelitian yang bertujuan menyusun atau membentuk suatu model kompetensi keselamatan terhadap risiko kebakaran atas pekelja di objek pertanggungan asuransi. Peneritian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pemikiran agar kompetensi dijadikan kriteria dalam mempertimbangkan tlngkat risiko kebakaran atas objek pertanggungan oleh underwriter asuransi. Peneiitlan ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metodologi anallsa materi, dengan mernadukan teori atau konsep tentang kompetensi dengan teori atau konsep kesela.matan terhadap risiko kebakaran. Model Kompetensi yang dihasilkan tersusun oleh 3(tiga) kelompok (cluster), 16 unit kompetensi, 43 elemen kompetensi, 114 indikator dan 3(tiga) mctode penitaian atas sctiap unit kompetensi.

This thesis is research with aim to compile or form a competency model of fire safety on workers at insured interest. The background of research is an idea that the fire safety competency its an important criterion in considering of level of fire risk on insured interest by insurance underwriter. This research is qualitative research with content analysis methodology, which is allying concept or theory about competency with concept or theory fire safety. The Competency Model that is funned, consist of 3(three) clusters, 16 competency units, 43 competency elements, ll6 indicators and 3(three) assessment methods on every competency unit."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardian Rinaldi Akmal
Kebakaran gedung bertingkat bisa memakan korban jiwa yang banyak jika tidak
diantisipasi sejak dini dengan memfasilitasi gedung tersebut dengan fasilitas
keselamatan dan pelatihan kebakaran. Evaluasi keselamatan kebakaran adalah salah
satu cara untuk mengetahui kesiapan sebuah gedung dalam menghadapi kejadian
Tesis ini membahas evaluasi keselamatan kebakaran digedung Menara Karya dengan
bantuan perangkat lunak Computerised Fire Safety Evaluation System (CFSES).
Perangkat Lunak CFSES membantu memberikan perhitungan hasil observasi peneliti
terhadap 12 parameter safety berdasarkan NFPA 101A Alternate Approaches to Life
Safety yaitu Fire Safety Evaluation System.
Dari hasil evaluasi terhadap 12 parameter akan didapatkan nilai kontrol penyebaran
api (fire control), nilai jalur keselamatan keluar gedung (egress) dan nilai keselamatan
umum (general safety) di gedung tersebut. Kemudian nilai hasil penelitian
dibandingkan dengan nilai yang telah ditetapkan oleh NFPA 101 A untuk klasifikasi
gedung tersebut. Jika nilai yang didapat dari hasil evaluasi berada dibawah nilai
persyaratan maka perlu tindak lanjut untuk memperbaiki parameter safety yang
melekat pada gedung tersebut untuk meningkatkan kesiapan gedung dalam
menghadapi kebakaran.
Hasil penelitian ini memberikan saran kepada pihak gedung untuk memperbaiki
parameter vertical opening pada shaft kabel yang ada pada gedung tersebut untuk
dilengkapi segera denga fire stop sehingga perambatan api kelantai atas dan
penyebaran asap bisa dihambat.

In case of fire in high rise building able to make a lot of victims if it is not anticipated
early through provide firefighting equipment on that building and enhance knowledge
of occupancies related to fire drill training.Fire safety evaluation is a way to get
information how the building ready to face in case of fire.
This thesis discusses the evaluation of fire safety in the Menara Karya building using
software Computerised Fire Safety Evaluation System (CFSES). The software CFSES
help to provide the calculation of the 12 observations researcher safety parameters
based on NFPA 101A Alternate Approaches to Life Safety is Fire Safety Evaluation
From the results of an evaluation of 12 parameters which fire control, egress and
general safety in the building. Then the value of the results of the study compared
with the value set by the NFPA 101 A for the classification of its building. If the value
obtained from the results of the evaluation are below from mandatory requirement it
is necessary to improve safety parameters attached to the building to improve the
building's readiness in the face of fire.
The results provide advice to the building to improve the parameters of vertical shaft
opening on the existing wiring in the building to include premises immediately stop
making fire onto the floor above the fire propagation and spread of smoke could be
Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sahlur Hamzah Muksin
Spherical tank yang berisi Butana merupakan subjek berpotensi hazard (kebocoran, kebakaran dan ledakan) yang dapat memberikan konsekuensi terhadap fasilitas dan manusia sebagai obyek penerima yang berada pada radius pajanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pemodelan dengan input data primer dan sekunder yang diaplikasikan dalam perangkat lunak ALOHA, Area Locations of Hazardous Atmosphere. Hasil penelitian terhadap skenario kejadian kebocoran, kebakaran dan ledakan di fasilitas pengolahan minyak dan Gas PT Z mendapatkan nilai konsukeuensi zona bahaya sampai radius satu kilometer. Zona aman setelah radius satu kilometer.

Spherical tanks containing Butane is subject of potentially hazard (leak, fire and explosion) which can bring facility and human consequences as the recipient objects which are in the radius of exposure. This research uses input modeling with primary and secondary data which applied in the Area Locations of Hazardous Atmosphere (ALOHA) software. The study of the leak, fire and explosion incidence scenario at oil and gas processing facilities of PT Z scores shows threat zone to a radius of one kilometer. Safety zone distance after radius kilometer.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mona Yulinda
Bencana merupakan sesuatu hal yang datang tanpa diduga, dimana dan kapan akan terjadinya. Ciri khas yang umum terjadi pada saat bencana datang adalah kepanikan yang dialami manusia, hingga akhirnya memakan korban jiwa dan kerusakan yang lebih besar. Salah satu risiko terbesar bagi pekerja di gedung bertingkat yaitu terjadinya kebakaran, risiko tersebut bisa datang dari berbagai hal. Namun, risiko terjadinya kebakaran sebenarnya dapat dikurangi ataupun dihindarkan dengan memperhatikan aspek pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran. Penelitian ini mengenai kajian tingkat pemenuhan sarana penyelamatan jiwa, sistem proteksi aktif dan sistem manajemen kebakaran di gedung XYZ tahun 2016. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kesiapan dari gedung dan perusahaan dalam mencegah dan mengurangi dampak dari risiko kebakaran. Desain penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan melakukan perbandingan kesesuaian keadaan pada lokasi penelitian dan regulasi yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pengamatan dilakukan pada beberapa lantai dan area parkir gedung XYZ, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat pemenuhan sarana penyelamatan jiwa sebesar 94,6%, tingkat pemenuhan pada sistem proteksi aktif sebesar 92% dan sistem manajemen kebakaran sebesar 100%.

A disaster can come unexpectedly, when and where it will happen. A common characteristic at the time of the disaster coming is the panic experienced by human beings, to finally take some casualties and greater damage. One of the biggest risks for workers in high-rise building. the occurrence of fires, the risk can come from a variety of things. However, the risk of fires can actually be reduced or avoided by considering the aspects of prevention and mitigation of fires. This research study regarding the level of fulfillment of the means of save lives facility, active protection system and fire management system at XYZ building in 2016. The purpose of research to know preparedness of the building in the scope of the means of salvation, active protection systems, and fire management system in preventing and reducing the impact of the fire risk. The design research was an observational approach to compare study between XYZ Building and regulation applicable in Indonesia. Observations carried out on several floors and parking area XYZ building, research results show that percentage and the level of fulfillment of the means of salvation 94,6% percentage rate on active protection system of 92% and the percentage of fire management system got 100%."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Anggraeni
"Hingga saat ini kebakaran masih sering terjadi terutama pada bangunan gedung bertingkat. Laboratorium merupakan bangunan yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus mengenai sistem proteksi kebakaran. Penelitian ini membahas tentang evaluasi sistem proteksi kebakaran aktif berupa sprinkler, alarm kebakaran, detektor kebakaran, hidran, dan APAR, sistem proteksi kebakaran pasif berupa kompartemenisasi, sarana jalan keluar, pintu kebakaran, tangga kebakaran, pencahayaan darurat, tanda penunjuk arah, dan tempat berkumpul sementara.
Dengan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia berupa Permen PU No.26/PRT/M/2008, Standar Nasional Indonesia SNI maupun peraturan yang berlaku di internasional berupa standar National Fire Protection Assosiation NFPA, serta membahas tentang kesesuaian laboratorium menggunakan bahan kimia terhadap standar National Fire Protection Assosiation 45 tentang Laboratories Using Chemicals. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Aktif memenuhi peraturan sebesar 61, Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Pasif memenuhi peraturan sebesar 57,5 dan Laboratories Using Chemicals memenuhi standar sebesar 75, namun masih diperlukan beberapa perbaikan serta peningkatan dari kelengkapan sarana pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran yang telah tersedia.

Fires still occur mainly in high rise buildings. The laboratory is a building that needs to get special attention on fire protection system.This study discusses the evaluation of active fire protection system in the form of sprinkler, fire alarm, fire detector, hydrant, and fire extinguisher, and passive fire protection system in form compartment, exit facility, fire door, fire ladder, emergency lighting, signpost, and temporary gathering places. All this element is evaluated with regulations that applied in Indonesia.
The regulation are Permen PU No.26 PRT M 2008, Indonesian National Standard SNI and international regulation that is National Fire Protection Association NFPA standard. This study also discusses the compatibility of laboratory using chemicals against National Fire Protection Association 45 standard about Laboratories Using Chemicals. The research design used was observational research with qualitative approach.
The results showed that the Active Fire Protection System meets the regulation of 61, The Passive Fire Protection System meets the regulation of 57.5, and Laboratories Using Chemicals meets regulation of 75. However there are still needed some improvement and enhancement of the completeness of prevention and fire protection facilities.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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