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Sinung Rahardjo
"Sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia adalah perairan laut yang letaknya sangat strategis. Perairan laut selain dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana perhubungan, juga memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang sangat kaya dan penting, di antaranya adalah terumbu karang, mangrove, dan padang lamun. Laut mempunyai arti penting bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup seperti manusia, ikan, tumbuh-tumbuhan dan biota laut lainnya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sektor kelautan mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar untuk ikut mendorong pembangunan di masa kini maupun masa depan.
Namun di balik potensi tersebut, aktivitas-aktivitas pemanfaatan sumber daya tersebut sering kali menurunkan atau merusak potensi yang ada. Hal tersebut, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, mempengaruhi kehidupan organisme di wilayah pesisir, melalui perubahan lingkungan di wilayah tersebut.
Pencemaran laut mengakibatkan terjadinya degradasi yang terus menerus yang ditandai dengan menurunnya daya dukung lingkungan, hilangnya jenis ikan dan berbagai kekerangan di estuari. Disinyalir bahwa kebanyakan organisme di estuari hidup di dekat batas-batas toleransinya, sehingga perubahan yang kecil sekalipun dari faktor-faktor lingkungan di perairan seperti perubahan panas, salinitas dan oksigen akan berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan organisme tersebut. Kerusakan ekosistem estuari seringkali disebabkan pula oleh perubahan yang terjadi di daerah hulu karena adanya erosi yang tinggi, perubahan pola aliran sungai, pencemaran dan eksploitasi sumber daya alam yang berlebihan.
Sungai Dadap adalah salah satu sungai yang bermuara di Teluk Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil pemantauan Badan Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup Daerah DKI Jakarta tahun 2002 sungai ini termasuk dalam kategori buruk. Berbagai limbah dialirkan dari Sungai Dadap menuju perairan Teluk Jakarta, sehingga disinyalir memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan terhadap kehidupan biota perairan di sekitarnya.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk : (a) Menganalisis pola sebaran kelimpahan dan keragaman fitoplankton di lokasi penelitian; (b) Menganalisis pengaruh jarak perairan terhadap kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman fitoplankton; (c) Menganalisis kondisi dan pola sebaran beberapa parameter kualitas air di perairan pantai Dadap.
Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian eksperimen, menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan metode survei. Pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan, yaitu dari bulan September sampai dengan Oktober 2003 di perairan pantai Dadap, Kecamatan Kosambi Kabupaten Tangerang Propinsi Banten. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Penentuan stasiun dilakukan secara purposive, terbagi dalam 6 stasiun, di mana jarak masing-masing stasiun adalah 0,5 mil. Posisi masing-masing stasiun terdistribusi tegak lurus dari muara Sungai Dadap menuju ke lepas pantai. Data primer dikumpulkan selama dua bulan dengan interval waktu 2 minggu sekali. Data kelimpahan fitoplankton yang diperoleh diuji homogenitas dan kenormalannya dengan uji Bartlett dan uji Chi-kuadrat, sedangkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak terhadap kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman fitoplankton digunakan uji anova sampai dengan uji BNT (Beda Nyata Terkecil). Khusus untuk baku mutu kualitas air laut digunakan Kepmen KLH No. 02/MENKLH/1988 tentang baku mutu kualitas air laut untuk biota laut (budidaya perikanan).
Kelimpahan fitoplankton di perairan Dadap pada saat pasang berkisar antara 92.768 ind/I sampai dengan 139.935 ind/I. Dengan demikian maka perairan pantai Dadap tergolong dalam perairan Eutropik yaitu perairan yang kaya dengan bahan organik (unsur hara). Jumlah taksa di setiap stasiun hampir seragam yaitu berkisar antara 10-12 taksa. Indek keanekaragaman berkisar antara 1,51-1,85. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas fitoplankton berada pada kisaran moderat, yaitu mengalami tekanan ekologis sedang. Sementara itu indeks keseragaman dan dominasi di setiap stasiun berturut-turut adalah 0,62-0,75 dan 0,24-0,32. Indeks keseragaman di atas 0,6 mengindikasikan bahwa populasi species dalam komunitas fitoplankton di pantai Dadap memiliki keseragaman yang tinggi atau dapat dikatakan kondisi ekosistem serasi untuk semua species dan tidak terjadi tekanan ekologis pada ekosistem tersebut. Sedangkan indeks dominasi mendekati nol, mengindikasikan bahwa di dalam komunitas fitoplankton tidak ada species yang secara ekstrim mendominasi. Jumlah individu masing-masing species hampir merata atau dapat dikatakan komunitas dalam keadaan stabil dan tidak ada tekanan ekologis terhadap habitat komunitas fitoplankton.
Pola sebaran kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman fitoplankton bervariasi, tidak terdistribusi secara linier mengikuti besarnya jarak perairan dari muara Sungai Dadap. Kelimpahan fitoplankton terendah terdapat pada stasiun 3 dan 4 yaitu pada jarak 1,5-2 mil dari pantai. Hal ini disebabkan oleh terkonsentrasinya tempat pemeliharaan kerang hijau di lokasi tersebut sehingga menurunkan kelimpahan fitoplankton karena sifat filter feedernya. Uji anova menunjukkan bahwa jarak perairan dari muara Sungai Dadap sangat mempengaruhi kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman fitoplankton. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman fitoplankton sangat ditentukan oleh kondisi masing-masing stasiun yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah adanya aktivitas manusia, nutrient, tingkat asimilasi dan faktor-faktor oseanografi lainnya.
Pola sebaran kualitas air laut di perairan pantai Dadap cenderung terdistribusi secara linier, berubah kualitasnya sesuai dengan besarnya jarak perairan dan muara Sungai Dadap. Parameter kualitas air laut perairan Dadap yang sudah melebihi baku mutu terdapat di muara Sungai Dadap (stasiun 1) yaitu TSS (Total Suspended Solid), Nitrit, Kekeruhan (Turbidity) dan TDS (Total Disolved Solid). Nilai rata-rata ketiga parameter tersebut berturut-turut adalah TSS = 81 mg/I, Nitrit = 0,002 mg/I, Kekeruhan = 32 NTU dan TDS = 34.923 mg/l. Sementara itu berdasarkan scoring sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 115 tahun 2003, mutu air laut perairan Dadap tergolong buruk (cemar berat).
Saran yang dapat diberikan sehubungan dengan hasil analisis di atas adalah : (a) Pemanfaatan kerang hijau sebagai biofilter alam perlu di atur sedemikian rupa, agar tidak mengandung kadar bahan pencemar yang melebihi ambang batas baku mutu dan dapat dikonsumsi secara aman; (b) Pemerintah daerah perlu melakukan pemantauan dan pengukuran kualitas lingkungan di muara-muara sungai yang rawan terhadap pencemaran secara berkala untuk mengamati perubahan-perubahan lingkungan; (c) Pengelolaan kawasan pesisir pantai Dadap perlu lebih dioptimalkan agar pencemaran lingkungan pantai dapat diminimisasi.

Most of the Indonesian territory is seawater. Indonesian waters have high potency not only for marine transportation but also have high potency of natural resources such as coral reef, mangrove and sea grass ecosystem. Beside that, oceans has also important rule for supporting some living organism i.e. human being, animal, plant, and other marine organisms. So that, marine ecosystem has high potency for supporting national development.
On the other hand, some activities in utilizing marine resources have caused negative impact to the resources. The impact would affect coastal waters organism since the changing of coastal environment.
Marine pollution causes the continuous degradation of environment indicated by decreasing carrying capacity, extinction of some fish species and bivalves in estuarine. It is supposed that most of the estuarine organism have low ability in facing environmental changing. So, the small change of environmental conditions, such as temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen, would influence living organism. The degradation of estuarine is often caused by the degradation of up stream area because of high level of erosion, changing of water catchments area, pollution as well as over exploitation of natural resources.
Dadap River is one of the rivers, which flows to the Jakarta Bay. Based on the Report of the BLHD DKI Jakarta in 2002, shown that this river was classified as low category. Many kinds of pollutants are discharged to the river and finally came to the Jakarta Bay.
The aims of the study were: (a) to analyze the affect of offshore distant to the density and diversity of phytoplankton; (b) to analyze the distribution pattern of density and diversity of phytoplankton; (c) to observe and analyze distribution pattern of some parameter of water quality of Dadap's coastal waters; (d) to analyze the water quality compared with the water quality standard.
These study applied qualitative and quantitative method and was carried out for 2 months started from. September to Oktober 2003 in Dadap's coastal waters, Kosambi District, Tangerang Regency, Banten Province. Experimental design that was used in this study was Completely Randomized Design. There were 6 sampling station that had distant of 0,5 miles to each other station. Each station position was arranged straight line from the coastal line to the offshore. Therefore, the distance of each station from Dadap's river mouth were 05 mil for station 1, 1.0 mil for station 2, 1.5 mil for station 3, 2.0 mil for station 4, 2.5 mil for station 5, and 3.0 mil for the for station 6. Collecting data were performed frequently every 2 weeks for 2 month. Homogeneity and normality distribution of data of phytoplankton density was tested by using Bartlett test and Chi-square test, mean while the effect of offshore distant to the density and diversity of phytoplankton was analyzed by using one-way ANOVA. In term of water quality standard was compare to the Kepmen KLH No.02/ MENKLH/ 1988.
Phytoplankton abundance in the Dadap's waters during high water was having range from 92,768-139,935 ind./l. So, Dadap's coastal waters were Eutrophic water that was indicated by high organic matter (nutrient) concentration. The total number of species in each sampling station was relatively similar of about 10-12 species. Based on the phytoplankton density, the diversity index was 1.51-1.85. It's mean that the water was ecologically moderate. Mean while, similarity and dominancy index of about 0,62-0,75, and 0.24-0.32, respectively. The similarity index of more than 0.6 indicated that the population of each phytoplankton species within community in Dadap coastal waters was similar. It's mean there was no ecological pressure. Furthermore, the dominancy index was very low, since there was no extremely species dominant in the ecosystem. The ecosystem was very stable and no ecological pressure.
The distribution pattern of phytoplankton density and diversity vary, and had no correlation with distant from coastal line. The lowest phytoplankton abundant was found at the station 3 and 4. It was caused by green muscle culture. Green muscle is filter feeder organism that consumes huge number of phytoplankton. Based on the Anova test revealed that the density and diversity phytoplankton had highly significant different. It means that the distant of the sampling station from Dadap's river mouth strongly affected abundant and diversity of phytoplankton. The result showed that phytoplankton abundance and diversity were determined by some factors such as human activities, nutrient, assimilation level, and oceanography factors as well.
Contrary, the distribution pattern of water quality tended to show liner distribution, which the water quality changes with the distant from the Dadap's river mouth. All stations had low water quality of which such parameters of total suspended solid (TSS), Nitrite, total dissolved solid (TDS), and turbidity. The average values of those parameters were 81 mg/I, 0.002 mg/I, 34,923 mg/I and 32 mg/I, respectively.
Based on the results mentioned above, it can be suggested as follows: (a) utilization of green muscles as natural bio-filter need to be managed in order to keep the pollutant concentration is less than threshold value the standard and save to be consumed; (b) Local government needs monitoring environmental quality of around river mouth which is most sensitive area to the pollution; (c) Dadap coastal area management need to be optimized in order to minimize environmental pollution.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Martini Restoeningsih
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Perkembangan suatu kota yang potensial berhubungan erat dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk secara alami dan migrasi sebagai daya tarik daripada kota tersebut. Dengan perkembangan jumlah penduduk yang bertempat tinggal di perkotaan, maka akan mengakibatkan bertambahnya kebutuhan berbagai fasilitas dan sarana pelayanan kehidupan kota, juga akan menimbulkan bertambah luasnya perkampungan di perkotaan dan/atau akan disertai dengan perkembangan permukiman-permukiman baru di pinggiran kota. Proses ini akan berkembang terus sampai titik tertentu, dan jika untuk beberapa kebutuhan tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh kota tersebut, maka akan timbul tendensi terbentuknya kota-kota baru atau kota-kota satelit yang masih mempunyai kaitan erat dengan kota-kota intinya tadi.
Masalah transportasi Wilayah Jakarta Selatan dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yang antara lain dapat diidentifikasikan sebagai berikut:
1. Kekeliruan dalam hal pengelolaan lalu lintas.
2. Kekeliruan dalam implementasi kebijaksanaan transportasi.
3. Kebijaksanaan transportasi tidak tepat
4. Pelanggaran perilaku berlalu lintas.
5. Prasarana dan sarana transportasi tidak memadai.
6. Gangguan dari segi non-lalu lintas, antara lain:
a. Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) di sepanjang tepi jalan beraspal, bahkan juga menempati lokasi yang diperuntukkan bagi para pedestrian.
b. Perubahan fungsi tata guna lahan, semula bangunan tempat tinggal kini berubah menjadi toko, restoran, klinik, salon, kantor, atau bisnis lain.
7. Penyimpangan/kekeliruan Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Kota (RUTRK).
8. Pembangunan terlalu bersifat horisontal.
9. Tidak lengkapnya penyediaan fasilitas umum dalam satu wilayah.
Masalah transportasi merupakan masalah yang disebabkan oleh banyak faktor dan sifatnya sangat beranekaragam. Kota Jakarta telah dipadati oleh jumlah penduduk yang laju pertumbuhannya meningkat dengan pesat yang mengakibatkan kepadatan ruang oleh bangunan sangat tinggi pula atau pola tata guna lahan yang tidak teratur lagi sesuai dengan peruntukannya, sehingga Wilayah Jakarta Selatan yang semula menurut RUTR Kota direncanakan sebagai daerah resapan air telah menyimpang dari fungsinya. Kepadatan bangunan baik sebagai tempat tinggal maupun fasilitas sosial/umum semakin meningkat, akibatnya arus lalu lintas sebagai pergerakan penduduk semakin meningkat pula. Akar masalah transportasi secara rinci dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut:
A. Aspek Sosial.
1. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk (terutama proses urbanisasi), mengakibatkan kebutuhan prasarana dan sarana kota meningkat.
2. Penyediaan fasilitas umum dalam satu wilayah tidak lengkap, sehingga manusia mencari kebutuhan hidupnya di luar wilayahnya.
3. Pola pergerakan penduduk meningkat pula.
B. Aspek Fisik.
1. Luas lahan terbatas, dengan demikian kepadatan penduduk dan bangunan meningkat pula.
2. Pembangunan yang bersifat horisontal.
3. Perubahan fungsi lahan di luar rencana sebenarnya (menyimpang RUTR Kota).
4. Efisiensi dan efektivitas penggunaan badan jalan menurun, karena dipergunakan sebagai on street parking yang dilegalkan, pedagang kaki lima, parkir liar pengguna jasa PKL tepi jalan, galian kabel, dan lain-lain.
5. Perbaikan atau perlebaran jalan masih bersifat parsial, hingga terbentuk bottle neck area.
6. Penyediaan off street parking bagi fasilitas umum tidak memadai.
7. Kualitas dan kondisi sarana atau moda transportasi semakin menurun. Kenyamanan dan keamanan moda transportasi tidak terjaga dengan baik. Akibatnya kegemaran menggunakan kendaraan pribadi meningkat.
8. Jumlah kendaraan bermotor pribadi (roda dua ataupun roda empat) meningkat.
C. Aspek Kelembagaan/Manajemen
1. Tarif retribusi off street parking lebih tinggi daripada on street parking, sehingga orang cenderung parkir di tempat liar atau di badan jalan.
2. Pelanggaran hukum, tata tertib, dan sopan santun ber lalu lintas.
Batas wilayah studi tesis ini adalah Wilayah Jakarta Selatan dengan luas 14.573 ha dan terdiri atas sepuluh kecamatan. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu tipe penelitian deskriptif. Data yang dikumpulkan akan dijabarkan berupa tabel dalam interval angka tertentu yang kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif-kualitatif dengan latar belakang kasus kemacetan lalu lintas di Wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Berdasarkan identifikasi masalah serta beberapa faktor yang berpengaruh dan tertera pada rumusan masalah di atas, maka tujuan penelitian tesis ini adalah mencari solusi bagi masalah transportasi kota. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu pihak pemerintah serta instansi yang terkait dalam usaha menciptakan transportasi kota yang menunjang lingkungan hidup kota yang berkelanjutan.
Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah diuraikan dalam tesis ini, maka penulis memperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut:
A. Aspek Sosial.
1. Perencanaan dan strategi pembangunan kota tidak hanya mencakup lingkungan dalam arti fisik, melainkan juga sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya dari segenap lapisan masyarakat.
2. Masalah yang paling berat dihadapi Kota Jakarta adalah masalah urbanisasi, karena dari pertambahan jumlah penduduk berarti terjadi perubahan terhadap segi lainnya.
3. Pemecahan masalah transportasi harus secara menyeluruh, antara lain dari segi land use kota, penyediaan fasilitas umum dalam satu wilayah harus lengkap sesuai tingkat ekonomi penduduknya, pengadaan prasarana dan sarana transportasi harus sesuai antara supply dan demand, pengurangan pemilikan kendaraan pribadi, perbaikan kualitas, kenyamanan, dan keamanan moda transportasi, dan lain-lain.
B. Aspek Fisik.
1. Perencanaan kota harus pula memikirkan ruang bagi masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah, misal dalam penyediaan lokasi tempat tinggal, lokasi lapangan pekerjaan, serta fasilitas umum lainnya.
2. Pelebaran jalan bukan pemecahan masalah kemacetan lalu lintas, cara pembuatan MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) mutlak diperlukan.
C. Aspek Kelembagaan/Manajemen.
1. Kekeliruan dan penyimpangan RUTR Kota sudah cukup besar. Pembangunan, konservasi, dan manajemen perkotaan merupakan prasyarat untuk mendptakan penataan lingkungan yang baik, dalam hal ini tata guna lahan dan transportasi.
2. Meskipun jalan terus diperlebar dan jalan Tol terus dibangun, pengguna kendaraan selalu akan menemukan kemacetan yang terus terakumulasi. Bila sebuah kota dibangun tanpa perencanaan matang, hanya penyelesaian jangka pendek yang sungguh-sungguh mentah dalam konsep, artinya setiap hal yang dilakukan hanya merupakan akibat dari yang telah terjadi, maksudnya A dilakukan karena telah terjadi masalah B, bukannya A dilakukan agar masalah B tidak terjadi.
Dalam tesis ini penulis mengajukan beberapa saran sebagai berikut:
A. Aspek Sosial.
1. Setiap perencanaan pembangunan jalan harus memikirkan bagian untuk pengguna kendaraan roda dua, pedestrian/pejalan kaki, "teluk tunggu" bagi kendaraan yang akan berputar, juga bagi kendaraan umum untuk menurunkan dan menjemput penumpang.
2. PKL dipindahkan ke lokasi yang sesuai dengan peruntukannya.
3. Menyadarkan semua lapisan masyarakat untuk berpedoman "lebih baik naik kendaraan umum," dengan cara memperbaiki sistem manajemen transportasi, memperbaiki kualitas kendaraan umum, menciptakan kenyamanan dan keamanan kendaraan umum, mengurangi jumlah pemilikan dan pemakaian kendaraan pribadi.
B. Aspek Fisik.
1. Pengembalian fungsi lahan yang sesungguhnya sesuai dengan rencana.
2. Mengembalikan efisiensi dan efektivitas pemakaian badan jalan, artinya seluruh lebar badan jalan hanya untuk arus pergerakan lalu lintas.
3. Setiap kawasan permukiman secara bertahap dilengkapi dengan sarana lingkungan yang jenis dan jumlahnya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan standar fasilitas umum/fasilitas sosial.
C. Aspek Kelembagaan/Manajemen.
1. Penegakan hukum, tata tertib, dan sanksi pelanggaran lalu lintas yang adil, kontinyu, dan konsekuen bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat.
2. Menghilangkan terminal kendaraan umum yang bersifat sementara di persimpangan jalan, dengan sanksi pelanggaran yang tinggi.
3. Memberi sanksi bagi kendaraan umum yang berhenti tidak pada tempatnya.
The Relationship Between City Transportation and The Environment (Case Study: South Jakarta City)Back Ground:
The development of a potential city is closely related to its population growth. The population growth in this city may come from natural growth and that from migration as a result of its city attraction. Because of the growth of the population who live in the city, there is an increasing in facility needs as well as spaces for housing. These housing not only occupy the space within the city but also in the city perimeter or the urban area. This process continues to grow until a certain point and if the necessity for facility doesn't meet the demands then a new city or small county's tend to born, which are closely connected to the heart of the city. The increasing of diverse activity requires a certain amount of space for the people to perform their activities. The need to perform their activities means demanded space for their activities. This space necessity is used for housing, work, education, recreation, moving/mobilization or transportation etc.
The following are the transportation problems in South Jakarta:
1. Mismanagement in traffic system.
2. Misimplementation In traffic policy.
3. Improper traffic policy.
4. Act of violation in traffic.
5. Lack of traffic infrastructure.
6. Traffic disturbance such as:
a. The existence of street vendor along the shoulder and pedestrian walkways.
b. Alteration of land use function (e.g. housing altered to offices or business).
7. Violation in city land use planning.
8. The lack of buildings that have multiple floors to save space.
9. Incompleteness of public facility.
Problems in transportation come from many factors. However a transportation problem is not difficult to solve as long as it is supported by the citizens of the community that are willing to be discipline and willing to cooperate. The city of Jakarta that is crowded by its population tends to alter its land use planning because of the need in living spaces. South Jakarta, which was supposed to be a water conservation area, was misused. The increase in density of residential and commercial buildings caused traffic in South Jakarta to be even more crowded.
The main problems in South Jakarta can be broken down to the following aspects:
A. Social Aspects.
1. Population Growth, particularly the urbanization process, eventually requires city infrastructure to support living needs.
2. Inadequate public facilities. People tend to fulfill! their needs in places that are farther away.
3. The increase in people transit.
B. Physical Aspects.
1. Limited amount of space, which causes the increase of density of buildings and population.
2. The development of buildings that take up a large amount of space.
3. Alteration in land use.
4. Deterioration of street shoulders which leads to the existence of street vendors, illegal parking cable project, etc.
5. Road repairs and rearrangements are not completely done causing roads to merge.
6. Parking areas for stores or services that are not spacious.
7. The deterioration of public transportation convenience, as a result of the escalating number of private transportation usage.
8. The escalating number of cars and motorcycles.
C. Management and Institutional Aspects.
1.The off street parking fee is higher than that of the on street parking makes parking on the side of the road more preferable.
2. Violation of traffic law, the act of reckless driving and carelessness.
The boundary of this field study is the territory of South Jakarta with an area of 14,573 hectares that consists of ten sub-districts. This is a descriptive type of research. The gathered data will be compiled in the form tables in the specified interval and then are analyzed descriptively and qualitatively with the traffic congestion in the region of South Jakarta. The objective of this investigation is to evaluate or view the relationship between transportation problems and city space organization or the planning of land use of The South Jakarta region, which is closely related to the environmental aspects.
It's expected that this research is able to help the reader, government, institution or any other parties who are concerned and are willing to make an effort to make Jakarta a more attractive, beautiful, harmonious, comfortable, safe and prosperous city, specifically South Jakarta.
According to this summary, it can be concluded that:
A. Social Aspects.
1. The planning and strategy of the city development does not only in dude physical environment development, but also socially, economically and culturally.
2. The most difficult dilemma that Jakarta faces is urbanization, because the escalation of the population demands other aspects (social, physical, economic aspects) to rise just as much.
3. The transportation problem has to be solved comprehensively, which include land use, the availability of public facilities that suits the economic levels of its citizens have to be raised, there has to be an appropriate proportion between vehicles on the road and the road itself, a decreasing amount of private transportation and better quality in public transportation therefore it would be desirable.
B. Physical Aspects.
1. City planning has to in dude space of the low-level income society, such as providing housing, job market and other public facility.
2. Road expansion is not the only solution to traffic congestion. There is also, for instance, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT).
C. Management and Institutional Aspects.
1. The violation of the city and land use planning has been enormous. Development, conservation, and city management is an absolute prerequisite to create an exceptional environmental management in land use planning and transportation.
2. Traffic expansions and the building of tolled roads must be continued, even though traffic congestion may exist.
In this thesis it is proposed several suggestions that are described below:
A. Social Aspects.
1. Every road development planning should consider multi traffic users such as motorcycles, pedestrians, U-turns, bus stops and so on.
2. Street vendors have to be relocated to a more appropriate area that would not aggravate others.
3. Campaigns for public transportation that supports the improvement of management transportation system, improvement of public transportation quality and discouragement of multi vehicle ownership and usage. The establishment of convenience and safety ness in public transportation.
B. Physical Aspects.
1. Restore land use function to its original purpose.
2. Restore efficiency and effectiveness of the use of the road.
3. Every dwelling area should be prepared with the appropriate environmental infrastructure which the quantity meets the requirements of the standard public facility, such as education, health, religious facility, sport and recreational areas, shopping centers etc.
C. Management and Institutional Aspects.
1. Restore law and order, apply fair punishment, enforcers should be consequential toward all violators without discrimination.
2. Ban temporary terminals at intersections, apply sanction persistently.
3. Give stringent sanctions to those who violate.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mayer, J. Richard
Boston: McGraw-HIll, 2001
363.7 MAY c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ambo Dai
"Bandara sebagai pusat pelayanan transportasi udara pada dasarnya merupakan lingkungan yang selalu berkembang seiring dengan kesibukan yang ada didalamnya. Operasi pesawat udara mengemisikan tingkat bising yang tinggi sehingga menurunkan kualitas lingkungan di sekitar bandar udara. Penurunan kualitas lingkungan ini diduga mempunyai dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan masyarakat, sehingga menimbulkan biaya kesehatan dan biaya fisik yang harus ditanggung oleh masyarakat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1). Mengetahui besarnya tingkat kebisingan di sekitar bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan yang telah melampaui baku mutu yang ditetapkan, (2). Mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kebisingan yang telah melampaui baku mutu yang ditetapkan terhadap gangguan kesehatan masyarakat dan kerusakan lingkungan fisik di sekitar bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan, (3). Mengetahui pengaruh kebisingan terhadap gangguan kesehatan masyarakat dan kerusakan lingkungan fisik dengan tingkat kesediaan masyarakat untuk membayar (Willingness to pay = WTP) jika tingkat bising di sekitar bandar udara dapat diturunkan sesuai baku mutu.
Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah : (1). Tingkat bising di sekitar bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan telah melewati baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan, (2). Terdapat pengaruh tingkat bising terhadap gangguan kesehatan masyarkat dan kerusakan lingkungan fisik di sekitar bandar udara Sepinggang Balikpapan, (3). Terdapat pengaruh gangguan kesehatan masyarakat dan kerusakan lingkungan fisik dengan tingkat kesediaan membayar oleh masyarakat (WTP).
Penelitian dilakukan di sekitar bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan pada bulan Agustus 2001 sampai dengan Juni 2002. Dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap kegiatan. Tahap pertama berupa pengumpulan data primer yang meliputi pengukuran tingkat bising. Tahap kedua, berupa survai sosial melalui wawancara dan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang ditunjang dengan pengumpulan data sekunder di lokasi I, II yang terletak di RT. 14 dan RT. 15 Kelurahan Sepinggan dan lokasi III yang terletak di RT.52 Kelurahan Gunung Bahagia Kota Balikpapan, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 50 responden untuk tiap-tiap lokasi sehingga total responden sebanyak 150 responden. Di dalam tahap ini juga diukur kondisi sosial ekonomi serta kesanggupan membayar (WTP) masyarakat untuk mengurangi tingkat bising. Data hasil pengukuran dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode statistik dan metode valuasi kontingensi (Contingent Valuation Method).
Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tingkat bising di lokasi I didapatkan nilai siang (Ls) sebesar 78,5 dB (A), malam (Lm) 45,3 dB (A) dan siang-malam (Lsm) 76,70 dB(A). Pengukuran di lokasi II pada siang (Ls) 66,70 dB(A), malam (Lm) 66,80 dB(A) dan siang-malam (Lsm) 69,10 dB(A). Pengukuran di lokasi III, pada siang (Ls) 69,40 dB(A), malam (Lm) 57,10 dB(A) dan siang-malam (Lsm) 68,00 dB(A). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan WECPNL pada lokasi I, rekomendasi ICAO untuk lokasi I sangat berbahaya untuk mendirikan bangunan, kecuali permukiman kedap suara. Ketiga lokasi yang telah diukur telah melampaui baku tingkat kebisingan yang ditetapkan.
Dampak bising terhadap gangguan kesehatan dan kenyamanan masyarakat di daerah penelitian dengan tingkat kedatangan pesawat yang tinggi adalah sulit tidur dan berkomunikasi (9,3%), sulit tidur, berkomunikasi dan pendengaran (32,7%), sulit berkomunikasi dan ketulian (8,7%), dan sulit berkomunikasi (16%), dan sulit berkomunikasi dan gangguan pendengaran (24,7%). Ketidaknyamanan responden terhadap tingkat kebisingan adalah sangat terganggu 30,66%, terganggu 62,66% dan cukup terganggu 6,66%.
Kesimpulan bahwa 1) tingkat pengukuran tingkat bising di sekitar lokasi bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan telah melampaui baku mutu tingkat kebisingan yang ditetapkan, 2) Tingkat bising berpengaruh terhadap gangguan kesehatan dan lingkungan fisik di sekitar bandara udara Sepinggan Balikpapan dan 3) Dampak tingkat bising berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kesediaan membayar masyarakat di sekitar bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan.
Dengan menggunakan metode langsung, rata-rata tingkat kesediaan membayar masyarakat yang bermukim di sekitar bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan dalam daerah paparan bising adalah Rp. 357.800,00 per tahun. Dengan menggunakan metode tidak langsung, rata-rata pengeluaran biaya pengganti kesehatan masyarakat dan kerusakan lingkungan fisik adalah Rp. 461.000,00 per tahun. Berdasarkan hasil survei bahwa biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh masyarakat cenderung akan meningkat pada waktu-waktu yang akan datang khususnya pada saat pelaksanaan kegiatan embarkasi jamaah haji di bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan.
Penulis menyarankan beberapa penyelesaian alternatif terhadap pengelolaan bising di bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan antara lain: 1) Penetapan jadwal penerbangan dengan jumlah frekuensi penerbangan pada siang hari lebih besar dari pada malam dan dengan tingkat bising di bawah baku mutu lingkungan, 2) Pihak pengelola bandar udara Sepinggan Balikpapan, Pemerintah Kota Balikpapan, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM), masyarakat, perguruan tinggi dan pemerhati lingkungan secara bersama-sama membahas masalah bising dan getar dengan memperhatikan tingkat kesediaan membayar (WTP) guna mengurangi dampak bising dan getar, 3) Penggunaan jalur hijau dan pertamanan untuk dapat mereduksi tingkat bising yang tinggi terhadap masyarakat sekitar bandara, 4) Memperhatikan jarak ideal antara sumber bising dengan permukiman penduduk di sekitar bandara, 5) Menerbitkan dan meimplementasikan peraturan penetapan wilayah paparan bising lewat hukum serta membatasi tingkat bising maksimum yang diperbolehkan di daerah permukiman, 6) Hasil penelitian ini dapat dianggap sebagai tanggapan dari masyarakat yang ingin mendapatkan lingkungan yang sehat (bebas dari tingkat kebisingan di atas baku mutu lingkungan).

Economic Valuation of Noise Impact on Disturbances of Society Health and Physical Environment (A case: study of Noises Impact of Aircraft Operation on Disturbance of Society Health and Physical Environment around the Sepinggan Airport Balikpapan)Airport as a center of air-borne basically is an environment which grows along with their activities. The aircraft operation emits high noises decreasing the quality of environment around the airport. This decreasing environmental quality has negative impact on the disturbances of society's health and physical environment so that results cost of health and physical of which society have to carry on.
The objectives of this research are : (1) to know the noise level which is over-limit of determination around the airport of Sepinggan Balikpapan, (2) to find out the influences of over-limit noise level on disturbances of society health and physical environment around the airport, (3) to know the willingness to pay of society for taking less of the noise.
The hypotheses of this research are: (1) the over-limit noise level in Sepinggan airport Balikpapan, (2) influences of noise level on disturbances of society health and physical environment, (3) influences of the disturbances of society health and physical environment on their willingness to pay for the noise they carry on.
This research had occurred around the airport of Sepinggan Balikpapan in August 2001 until June 2002. It was performed in two steps of activities. First, it was collecting primary data including measuring the noise level. The second one is a social survey including interview and collecting data through in questioners supported by collecting secondary data. In this step it was not only measured economic society but also their willingness to pay for taking less noise they carry on. The result data were analyzed by using statistical and contingent valuation methods.
Based on the measurements of noise level was gained at midday (Ls) 78.5 dB (A) and night (Lm) 45.3 dB (A). On site I was resulted at midday (Ls) 78.5 dB (A), night (Lm) 45.3 and day-night (Lsm) 76.70 dB (A). On site II it is gained at midday (Ls) 66.70 dB (A), night (Lm) 66.80 and day-night (Lsm) 69.10 dB (A). On site III it is gained at midday 69.40 dB (A), night (Lm) 57.10 dB (A) and day-night (Lsm) 68.00 dB (A). Based on the WECPNL calculation followed by recommending ICAO that on site I was very dangerous for building structure without any support by noise reduction structure.
The influences of noise level upon disturbances of society health living in the research area of which has highly aircraft arrivals include communication and sleeping-problem (9.3%), sleep disturbances, communication and hearing diseases (32.7%), difficult to communicate and deaf (8.7%), difficulty communication (16%), and difficulty communication and hearing disturbances (24.7%). The respondent's uncomfortable on this noise level is highly annoying (30.66%), annoying (62.66%), and annoying enough (6.66%).
This research concludes that: 1). based on measurement results shows the noise level is over-limit of determination around the airport of Sepinggan Balikpapan, 2). noise level around the airport has influences on the disturbances of society health and physical environment, 3). all around the airport of Sepinggan Balikpapan noise level has close relations with the society's willingness to pay who live in around the airport.
The average of society's willingness to pay for taking less the noise on site I is Rp. 455,000.00, site II is Rp. 325,000.00, and site III is 251, 000.00. It takes overall average of Rp. 347, 000.00. Meanwhile, in using indirect method (replacement cost) on site I is Rp. 548,000.00, site II is Rp. 434,050.00 and site III is Rp. 372,000.00 The overall average is Rp. 451,350.00.
Based on this research , writer suggests : 1). high decrease of noise on aircraft must be taken by choosing aircraft's machines and equipment which produce low noise providing a comfortable life for society live in around the airport of Sepinggan Balikpapan, 2). Exploring green-line and gardening to be able to reduce the high noise around the airport, 3). Considering an ideal distance between the noise sources and people's residence around the airport, 4). Establishing a regulation of area determination and an safety area of noise through in law followed by making a noise maximum standard which is permitted in residence area, 5). it's time to consider this research as a response of society who want get healthy environment (free of high noise which disturbs the environmental quality)."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 10659
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisah Basleman
Manusia adalah bagian dari alam bersama seluruh ekosistem makhluk hidup lainnya. Manusia dijadikan Mhaiifah di muka bumi oleh Tuhan, yang berarti bahwa manusia harus bertanggung jawab terhadap apa yang dilakukannya, termasuk lingkungannya. Karena itu manusia harus menjaga lingkungan, dan bukan merusaknya, sesuai dengan firman Tuhan pada surat AI-Qasas Ayat 77 sebagai berikut: " Dan carilah pada apa yang telah dianugerahkan Allah kepada-mu (kebahagiaan) negeri akhirat, danjangan kamu lupakan bahagianmu dari kenikmatan dunia, dan berbuat baiklah kepada orang lain, sebagaimana Allah telah berbuat baik kepadamu, dan janganlah berbuat kerusakan di muka bumi. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kerusakan".
Tersimpul di sini bahwa manusia harus menjaga keseimbangan dunia dan akhiratnya, serta keseimbangan bagi dirinya dan orang lain, berkewajiban memelihara keseimbangan aiam, dan mencegah kerusakan di muka bumi. Untuk menyadarkan manusia akan hal-hal tersebut, maka perlu ditempuh berbagai usaha, antara lain melalui pendidikan. Pengajaran ilmu lingkungan telah dimasukkan ke dalam kurikulum sekolah sejak siswa di tingkat sekolah dasar sampai perguruan tinggi, melalui berbagai metode pengajaran. Karena itu penulis meneliti pengajaran Ilmu Lingkungan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah dan metode simulasi di empat sekolah Tsanawiyah Negeri Jakarta.
Hipotesis yang diajukan pada penelitian ini ialah:
1. Ada perbedaan hasil belajar ilmu lingkungan antara pengajaran dengan metode ceramah dan pengajaran dengan metode simulasi.
2. Ada perbedaan efektivitas antara metode ceramah dan metode simulasi dalam pengajaran ilmu lingkungan.
3. Pengajaran ilmu lingkungan di tsanawiyah Negeri dikaitkan dengan ajaran agama Islam.
Untuk membuktikan ketiga hipotesis tersebut diadakan penelitian di empat sekolah Tsanawiyah Negeri Jakarta.Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara random. Untuk masing-masing sekolah diambil 20 siswa kelas I semester 2 yang dikenal metode ceramah (sebagai kontro), dan 20 siswa yang dikenai metode simulasi (metode eksperimen). Para responden dites awal untuk melihat kemampuan awal mereka. Hasil kemampuan awal mereka yang dikenai metode ceramah dan metodesimulasi adalah sama. kemudian responden yang mendapat perlakuan metode ceramah dan metode simulasi diberi pelajaran Ilmu Lingkungan dengan topik dan waktu yang sama.
Selanjutnya dilaksanakan posttest untuk setiap responden yang dikenai metode ceramah dan metode simulasi. Analisis dilakukan dengan t-test. Hasil analisisnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Rata-rata Bain score hasil belajar ilmu lingkungan dengan metode simulasi lebih tinggi daripada hasil belajar dengan metode ceramah di empat sekolah tersebut. Sehingga hipotesis yang menyatakan: Ada perbedaan antara metode ceramah dan metode simulasi pada pengajaran ilmu lingkungan di Tsanawiyah Negeri terjawab.
Efektivitas kedua metode tersebut, di empat lokasi penelitian menunjukkan data dengan rentangan sebagai berikut :
Tsanawiyah I 8,60% (UGS-UGC) < 18,40%
Tsanawiyah V 13,35% (UGS-UGC) < 32,65%
Tsanawiyah IX 8,96% (UGS-UGC) < 31,65%
Tsanawiyah VI 19,16% (UGS-UGC) < 28,34%
Sehingga hipotesis yang menyatakan: Ada perbedaan efektivitas antara metode ceramah dan metode simulasi dalam pengajaran Ilmu Lingkungan terjawab. Karena sekolah yang diteliti adalah sekolah yang bercirikan agama Islam, maka diharapkan bahwa pengajaran Ilmu Lingkungan di sekolah tersebut akan dipayungi dengan ajaran agama Islam.
3. Hasil wawancara baik terhadap siswa maupun gurunya menjelaskan bahwa pengajaran Ilmu Lingkungan belum dikaitkan dengan ajaran agama. Walaupun secara terpisah Parasiswa diberi pelajaran tentang materi agama di antaranya yang menyangkut masalah lingkungan. Dengan demikian hipotesis yang menyatakan pengajaran Ilmu Lingkungan di Tsanawiyah negeri dikaitkan dengan ajaran Islam tidak terbukti.Selain hasil pengujian hipotesis tersebut, dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil lain: Memadukan ajaran agama dengan ilmu lingkungan Merupakan proses pembelajaran yang langsung terhayati oleh siswa, dan diyakini bahwa menjaga dan melestarikan lingkungan hidup adalah bagian dari ajaran agamanya. Metode simulasi dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang ilmu lingkungan, karena mereka diajak memikirkan, mendiskusikan, dan memilih alternatif yang terbaik untuk diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Metode ceramah masih diperlukan dalam pengajaran Ilmu Lingkungan, terutama materi tentang konsep, teori dan informasi.

Man is part of nature with the entire ecosystem of other living beings. Man is created by God to be the master (khalifah) on earth, this means that man is responsible for all his actions in connection with the environment. Therefore, man must preserve the environment, and not to destroy, as written in the Holy Qur'an: But seek, with (the wealth) which God has bestowed on thee the home of the hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as God has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land : for God loves not those who do mischief". (Al-Qassas:77).
As mentioned in the verse above, man must keep the balance of the earthly world and the hereafter, the balance of himself and others, and he is responsible to keep the balance of the ecosystem and prevent destruction on earth. To make man aware of this responsibility, it is imperative to implant the sense of responsibility through education.
Environmental study has been integrated in the school curriculum from elementary till university level, through various methods. In this case, the writer did A research of the environmental study in four Government Tsanawiyah schools in Jakarta through lecture and simulation.
The hypotheses forwarded in this research are:
1. There is a difference in the result of the environmental study, between the lecture method and simulation method.
2. There is a difference in the effectiveness between the lecture method and simulation method.
3. The environmental study in government tsanawiyah schools is integrated with the teaching of Islamic religion.
To proof the three hypotheses above, a research had been done in four government tsanawiyah schools in Jakarta. The samples of the research are taken at random. From each school, 20 students of the 1st grade, in the 2nd semester, were taught by using the lecture method. This method is used as a control. Another group of 20 students of the same level were taught by using the simulation method. This method is used as an experiment. Firstly a test was administered to see that the two groups have the same or parallel knowledge and ability. The result of the test of the two groups shows that they are of the same strength. Then one group was taught environmental study with the lecture method and the other group with the simulation method at the same time. After three meetings, a posttest was administered to the two groups. An analysis of the result of the test of the two groups was done with the t- test. The analysis shows that:
1. The average gain score of the group taught with the simulation method is higher than the group taught with the lecture method in the four schools. Therefore the hypotheses stating that there is a difference in the result of teaching of Environmental study in the four government tsanawiyah schools using the lecture and simulation Methods have been proved.
2. To see the effectiveness of the two methods in four schools, the result of the research shows a range as follows:
· Tsanawiyah 18,60% (UGS-UGC) < 18,40 %
· Tsanawiyah V 13,35%(UGS-UGC) < 32,65 %
· Tsanawiyah IX 8,96%(UGS-UGC) < 31,65%
· Tsanawiyah VI 19,16% UGS-UGC < 28,34%
Therefore the hypotheses stating that there is a difference in the effectiveness between the two methods has been proved. Since the research is done in Islamic schools, it is expected that the environmental study be integrated with the teaching of Islamic religion.
The result of interviews with the students and the teachers shows that environmental study has not been integrated with the teaching of Islam. Although environmental or nature preservation is included in the teaching of Islam, it is not Environmental study. Therefore the hypotheses stating that the teaching of environmental study in government Tsanawiyah schools is integrated in the teaching of Islamic religion is not proved.
From the positive response of students taught with the lecture as well as simulation-method, the writer conclude that: Integrating the environmental study with Islamic studies will help the learning process and can give more significance to the environmental or nature preservation as taught in the Islamic religion.
The Simulation method enable the students to enhance their understanding in environmental studies, because they are encouraged to think, to discuss and to state their opinion regarding the application of the knowledge in everyday life. The lecture method is still effective in the teaching of environmental study, especially in the teaching of concepts, theory and information.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia,
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enger, Eldon D.
Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2004
R 363.7 ENG e
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ana Jauhara
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai tingkat serapan karbon dan
kandungan klorofil serta analisis sampah, sedimen, dan volume di lima situ
Kampus UI Depok. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat serapan
karbon dan kandungan klorofil, serta materi organik dalam sampah, sedimen dan
volume di lima situ Kampus UI Depok. Penelitian dilakukan di lima situ Kampus
UI Depok, yaitu Situ Agathis, Situ Mahoni, Situ Puspa, Situ Ulin, dan Situ Salam.
Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Maret--April 2014. Pengukuran
produktivitas primer perairan menggunakan metode botol gelap-terang. Botol
gelap dan botol terang diletakkan pada kedalaman 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70
cm, dan 80 cm. Pengambilan sampel fitoplankton dilakukan menggunakan
plankton net. Pengukuran kandungan klorofil-a dan klorofil-b menggunakan
spektrofotometer dengan panjang gelombang 750, 664, 647 dan 630 nm.
Perangkap sampah organik berupa kain nylon dengan ukuran pori 1 mm2
diletakkan pada inlet dan outlet secara bersamaan di lima situ Kampus UI Depok.
Pengambilan sampel sedimen dilakukan menggunakan Peterson Grab. Sampel
sedimen dianalisis kadar karbon organik dengan metode Walkley-Black. Metode
3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 digunakan untuk menghitung volume situ. Tingkat
serapan karbon di lima situ Kampus UI Depok memiliki potensi menyerap karbon
rata-rata sebesar 48,61 mgC/m3/jam. Kandungan klorofil-a dan klorofil-b di lima
situ Kampus UI Depok rata-rata sebesar 2,59 mg/l dan 0,35 mg/l. Hasil
identifikasi sampel fitoplankton diperoleh empat kelas, yaitu Chlorophyceae,
Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, dan Bacillariophyceae. Kepadatan tertinggi dan
nilai dominansi tertinggi pada sampel fitoplankton di lima situ Kampus UI Depok
terdapat pada kelas Chlorophyceae. Terjadi penumpukan sampah organik sebesar
0,55 gr/m3/jam. Tipe sedimen pasir mendominasi di perairan lima situ Kampus UI
Depok. Kandungn karbon pada sampel sedimen kerikil sebesar 19,75--26,58 ppm,
pasir sebesar 28,47--38,55 ppm, dan lumpur sebesar 36,79--42,05 ppm. Perairan
lima situ di Kampus UI Depok memiliki potensi dalam menampung volume air
sebesar 654.830 m3.

Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll
content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and
chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five
lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI
Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was
conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the
water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth
of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was
conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b
using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm.
Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2
placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok.
Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples
were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D
Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate
of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an
average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The
results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes,
namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae.
The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of
organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58
ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five
lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of
waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll
content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and
chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five
lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI
Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was
conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the
water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth
of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was
conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b
using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm.
Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2
placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok.
Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples
were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D
Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate
of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an
average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The
results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes,
namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae.
The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of
organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58
ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five
lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of
waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll
content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and
chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five
lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI
Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was
conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the
water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth
of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was
conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b
using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm.
Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2
placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok.
Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples
were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D
Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate
of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an
average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The
results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes,
namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae.
The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of
organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58
ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five
lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of
waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll
content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and
chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five
lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI
Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was
conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the
water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth
of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was
conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b
using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm.
Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2
placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok.
Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples
were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D
Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate
of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an
average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The
results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes,
namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae.
The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of
organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58
ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five
lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of
waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll
content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and
chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five
lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI
Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was
conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the
water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth
of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was
conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b
using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm.
Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2
placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok.
Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples
were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D
Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate
of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an
average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The
results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes,
namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae.
The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of
organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58
ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five
lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of
waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll
content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and
chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five
lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI
Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was
conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the
water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth
of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was
conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b
using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm.
Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2
placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok.
Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples
were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D
Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate
of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an
average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The
results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes,
namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae.
The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of
organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58
ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five
lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of
waters at 654.830 m3., Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll
content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and
chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five
lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI
Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was
conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the
water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth
of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was
conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b
using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm.
Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2
placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok.
Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples
were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D
Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate
of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an
average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The
results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes,
namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae.
The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in
five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of
organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at
Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58
ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five
lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of
waters at 654.830 m3.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Sari Kurniawati
Perkembangan wilayah Pantura Jakarta mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan, salah satunya peningkatan konsentrasi TSS. Penelitian dilakukan pada perairan Teluk Jakarta dengan melakukan simulasi sebaran TSS dengan faktor oseanografi Teluk Jakar-ta menggunakan software MIKE 21 ECOLAB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola sebaran TSS di Teluk Jakarta pada kondisi pra dan pasca reklamasi disaat musim barat dan timur. Hasilnya adalah musim barat dan musim timur mem-berikan korelasi terhadap konsentrasi TSS. TSS saat pra reklamasi pada beberapa titik telah melebihi baku mutu dan terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi saat pasca reklamasi, dengan beban TSS dari sungai 283,553.52 ton/tahun dan kecepatan arus di perairan Teluk Jakarta sebesar 0.02 ndash; 0.08 m/det maka konsentrasi TSS 38.80 ndash; 67.12 mg/l, pada titik ke arah laut konsentrasi TSS akan semakin kecil. Pulau reklamasi menyebabkan perubahan arah arus dan kecepatan arus, kecepatan arus yang kecil akan meningkatkan sedimentasi disekitar pulau reklamasi dan muara sungai, hal ini terlihat di sekitar pulau reklamasi telah melebihi baku mutu Permen LH No. 51 Tahun 2004. Kondisi antara konsentrasi TSS dengan indeks diversitas fitoplankton tidak sejalan, karena adanya faktor kecepatan arus yang memberikan peluang kepada plankton terbawa ke tempat lain, untuk memastikan kondisi tersebut maka perlu dilihat parameter DO, hara, dan khlorofil-a. Beban TSS akan menurun jika dilakukan pembangunan IPAL pada 14 zona di seluruh wilayah DKI Jakarta hingga 59.6 114,515 ton/tahun , upaya lain yang harus dilakukan adalah melakukan pengelolaan DAS terpadu untuk mengurangi erosi juga membangun sistem sanitasi yang baik disekitar DAS, selain itu juga diperlukan peran serta masyarakat dan penegakan hukum yang baik.

The expansion of the Pantura Jakarta area has had an impact of decrease in environmen tal quality, one of which is the increasing of TSS concentration. The study was conduct ed in the waters of Jakarta Bay by simulating the distribution of TSS with oceanograph ic factor of Jakarta Bay using MIKE 21 ECOLAB software. This study aims to analyze of TSS concentration distribution in Jakarta Bay in pre and post reclamation conditions during west and east seasons. The result is the west and east seasons providing a corre lation to the TSS concentration. TSS at pre reclamation at some point has exceeded the quality standard and increased concentration after reclamation, with TSS load from river 283,553.52 ton year and current velocity in Teluk Jakarta is 0.02 0.08 m s, TSS con centration is 38.80 67.12 mg l, at the point of the sea the TSS concentration will de crease. The reclaimed island causes changes in the direction of current and current ve locity, the small current velocity will increase the sedimentation around the reclaimed islands and river estuaries, it is seen that around the reclaimed island has exceeded the quality standard of Permen LH No. 51 2004. The condition between TSS concentration and phytoplankton diversity index is not aligned, due to the current velocity factor which gives chance to plankton to be brought to another place, to ensure the condition it is necessary to see the parameters of DO, nutrient, and chlorophyll a. The TSS load will decrease if IPAL is built on 14 zones across Jakarta area up to 59.6 114,515 tons year , another effort must be done is to manage the integrated watershed to reduce ero sion as well as build a good sanitation system around the DAS, also required communi ty participation and good law enforcement."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enger, Eldon D.
London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2004
304.2 ENG e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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