"[Kinerja pelabuhan menjadi salah satu unsur yang penting dalam dunia
perdagangan internasional mengingat sebagian besar perdagangan melalui jalur
laut. Maka dari itu diperlukan efisiensi dalam pelayanan kinerja kepelabuhanan
untuk nantinya bisa mengurangi biaya ekonomi yang tinggi dari mulai waktu
tunggu kapal, hingga proses kepabeanan barang. Dengan menggunakan analisis
regresi 2SLS, penulis mendapatkan bagaimana penurunan rata-rata persentase
yard to occupancy ratio sebesar 10% secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan
ekspor sebesar 0.34%. Peningkatan efisiensi kegiatan bongkar muat di dermaga
sebesar 10% juga secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan ekspor sebesar 1.17%.;Port performance has been a key role for international trade due to high
significant share for goods transported in sea. For that reason, efficiency needed
necessarily for port performance and services that hopefully later could reduce
high economic cost that consist of waiting time until custom process. With 2SLS
method of analysis, the writer found that reducing yard to occupancy ratio by 10%
on average, could significantly increase the export by 0.34%. Moreover,
increasing effective time for loading/unloading at dock could also bring higher
export by 1.17%.;Port performance has been a key role for international trade due to high
significant share for goods transported in sea. For that reason, efficiency needed
necessarily for port performance and services that hopefully later could reduce
high economic cost that consist of waiting time until custom process. With 2SLS
method of analysis, the writer found that reducing yard to occupancy ratio by 10%
on average, could significantly increase the export by 0.34%. Moreover,
increasing effective time for loading/unloading at dock could also bring higher
export by 1.17%., Port performance has been a key role for international trade due to high
significant share for goods transported in sea. For that reason, efficiency needed
necessarily for port performance and services that hopefully later could reduce
high economic cost that consist of waiting time until custom process. With 2SLS
method of analysis, the writer found that reducing yard to occupancy ratio by 10%
on average, could significantly increase the export by 0.34%. Moreover,
increasing effective time for loading/unloading at dock could also bring higher
export by 1.17%.]"