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Tuapattinaja, Maureen A.
"Penelitian mengenai Polychaeta di hutan mangrove, perairan Teluk Kotania, Seram Barat telah dilakukan pada bulan Februari 1996. Dari sampel yang telah dikumpulkan diketahui bahwa di lokasi Teluk Kotania terdapat 40 jenis Polychaeta yang digolongkan ke dalam 36 marga dan 13 suku. Dua jenis di antaranya mempunyai frekwensi kehadiran yang tinggi yaitu Pulliella sp dan Armandia intermedia masing-masing (89%). Rata-rata kepadatan individu Polychaeta di lima lokasi berkisar antara 12.102 individu/m3 - 21.307 individu/m3 , keanekaragaman jenis berkisar antara 2,44 - 3,78 dan kemerataan jenis berkisar antara 0,56 - 0,78. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman dan kemerataan jenis di lima lokasi penelitian sangat ditentukan oleh kontribusi Pulliella sp dan Armandia intermedia. Hasil pengukuran terhadap faktor fisik lingkungan diperoleh kisaran nilai rata-rata salinitas 22,50/00 - 27°loo; suhu 29,5°C - 31°C dan pH 7,8 - 8,4. Sedangkan hasil analisis terhadap tekstur sedimen menunjukkan bahwa umumnya lokasi penelitian bersubstrat pasir sangat kasar, kecuali Pulau Burung didominasi oleh pasir sedang. Hasil analisis cluster dan analisis diskriminan di lima lokasi membentuk dua kelompok. Kelompok I terdiri atas Pulau Tatumbu dan Pulau Burung, sedangkan kelompok II terdiri dari Pelita Jaya 2, Pulau Buntal, dan Pelita Jaya I. Pengelompokan tersebut berdasarkan kepadatan jenis dan substrat. Janis Polychaeta yang menyebar pada jarak 0 - 45 m adalah Armandia intermedia, Pulliella sp dan Aphelia sp. Hasil analisis koresponden mendapatkan bahwa pengelompokan terbentuk berdasarkan kepadatan dan spesifikasi jenis di lokasi tertentu.

Polychaeta is a group of invertebrates which is important in the marine food chain, particularly for demersal fishes, shrimps, and crabs. Polychaeta lives in various habitats, in muddy, sandy, and stony bottoms. Information about Polychaeta in Indonesian waters, especially in Maluku waters, has not yet been known well. Based on those fact, a research on the community structure and distribution of Polychaeta of mangrove forest in the waters of Kotania Bay was conducted in February 1996. Samples were collected from five stations using a transect method. The aim of the study was to find out the relationship of Polychaeta community structure with the environmental factors in Kotania Bay. The distribution of Polychaeta of mangrove forest in Kotania Bay was also studied. Hopefully, the results of this study can be used as basic information for futher research. During the study, 40 species of Polychaeta belonging to 36 genera of 13 families were collected from the locality. Two species showed high frequency of occurrence (89%), i.e. Pa/lie/la sp and Armandia infermedia. This indicated that the two species were common and distributed more widely than the others. The highest' density of Polychaeta was in Burung Island (21.307 indlm3) and the lowest was in Pelita Jaya 1 (12.102.ind/m3). The highest density of Polychaeta in Burung Island was mainly due to the highest density of Pulliella sp, Armandia intermedia, and A. lepfocirrus. The highest diversity and evenness indeces of Polychaeta species were found in Buntal island. Tatumbu Island and Burung Island had the highest similarity index. The water conditions of Kotania Bay showed that salinity ranged from 22,5°100 to 27°1°0, temperature ranged from 29,5°C to 31°C, and pH varied between 7,8 and 8,4. Substrates mostly contained sand with the very high percentage of very coarse sand. Cluster analysis divided the five station into two groups : Group 1, defined by Tatumbu Island and Burung Island, and Group II, defined by Pelita Jaya 2, Buntal Island, and Pelita Jaya 1. Discriminant analysis also divided the stations into two groups. Medium sand in the substrat was responsible in separating the five stations into two different communities. Factorial Correspondence Analysis (CA) classified the species of Polychaeta into four group based on species densities and specification of species in the location."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boen Sri Oemarjati
Untuk memperkenalkan jenis-jenis Polychaeta Sedentaria yang hidup di rataan terumbu ujung Timur Pulau Pari (Kepulauan Seribu, Teluk Jakarta), telah dilakukan suatu penelitian kulitatif-deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah koleksi dan deskripsi tujuh jenis Polychaeta Sedentaria (4 suku, 6 marga), yaitu: Dodecaceria laddi Hartman, 1954 (Cirratulidae); Hypsicomus phaeotaenia (Schmarda, 1861), Potamilla ehlersi Gravier, 1906, dan Sabellastarte sanctijosephi (Gravier, 1906) (Sabellidae); Spirobranchus giganteus (Pallas, 1766) (Serpulidae); Pista fasciata (Grube, 1869) dan P.foliigera Caullery, 1915 (Terebellidae). Kesimpulan yang dapat dirumuskan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Deskripsi jenis perlu dicocokkan dengan deskripsi asli spesies tipe untuk memantapkan identifikasi; (2) Ukuran panjang Polychaeta Sedentaria perlu dilengkapi data jumlah segmen hewan; (3) Keterangan tentang biologi serta manfaat dan mudarat Polychaeta Sedentaria akan melengkapi pengenalan dan pengetahuan kita tentang hewan tersebut."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1987
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ana Jauhara
"Penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas Polychaeta di lima muara sungai Teluk Jakarta (Muara Karang, Muara Baru, Muara Sunda Kelapa, Muara Tiram, dan Muara Tawar) telah dilakukan. Sampel diambil menggunakan Peterson Grab Sampler dari tiga stasiun di masing-masing lokasi pengambilan sampel. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi dan pencacahan sampel diperoleh 29 marga yang terdiri dari 16 marga berasal dari subkelas Errantia dan 13 marga lainnya berasal dari subkelas Sedentaria. Kapadatan Polychaeta di perairan Teluk Jakarta berkisar antara 194,22?296,30 individu/m2. Terdapat dominasi marga Capitella di Muara Tawar, dan dominasi marga Nereis di Muara Karang. Indeks keanekaragaman Polychaeta berkisar antara 0,69--2,71 dan indeks kemerataan berkisar antara 0,09- -0,97. Kesamaan marga Polychaeta antar muara bervariasi yang berkisar antara 0- -1. Sebaran Polychaeta di perairan Teluk Jakarta menunjukkan pola mengelompok.

Research on community structure of Polychaeta in five rivermouths of Jakarta Bay (Muara Karang, Muara Baru, Muara Sunda Kelapa, Muara Tiram, and Muara Tawar) have been performed. Samples were taken by Peterson Grab Sampler from three stations at each sampling sites. Based on the identification and enumeration of samples obtained, there were 29 genera comprising, 16 genera from subclasses Errantia and 13 other genera from subclasses Sedentaria. Density of Polychaeta in Jakarta Bay ranged from 194,22 to 296,30 individu/m2. Polychaeta in Muara Tawar are dominated by the Capitella, and then Polychaeta in Muara Karang are dominated by the Nereis. Polychaeta diversity index ranged from 0,69 to 2,71 and evenness index ranged from 0,09 to 0, 97. The similarity index at Jakarta Bay ranged from 0--1. Distribution of Polychaeta in Jakarta Bay waters showed clumped patterns."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mamesah, Juliaeta A.B.
"Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas dan sebaran spasial Bivalvia serta hubungannya dengan karakteristik lingkungan di Teluk Katania, Seram Barat, Maluku Tengah. Ada 5 stasiun penelitian yaitu : Pelita Jaya 1, Pelita Jaya 2, Pulau Buntal, Pulau Tatumbu, dan Pulau Burung. Anadara maculafa merupakan jenis Bivalvia yang kepadatannya tertinggi (2,5 individu/m2). Nilai H' (indeks keanekaragaman) Bivalvia tertinggi ada di Pulau Burung (H' = 0,958) dan terendah di Pulau Buntal (H' = 0,624). Indeks kemerataan J' tertinggi (J' = 0,843) terdapat di Pelita Jaya 1. indeks kesamaan Morisita C tertinggi adalah antara Pelita Jaya 2 dan Pulau Buntal (C = 0,92). Kondisi substrat di Pelita Jaya 2 dan Pulau Buntal mempunyai persentase Lumpur yang tinggi. Dengan analisis cluster, 5 stasiun penelitian terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok. Kelompok I terdiri atas stasiun Pelita Jaya 2 dan Pulau Buntal kemudian kelompok II terdiri atas Pelita Jayal, Pulau Tatumbu, dan Pulau Burung. Analisis diskriminan dengan faktor lingkungan substrat pasir halus dan lumpur juga membagi kelima stasiun menjadi dua kelompok yang sama seperti pada analisis cluster. Substrat lumpur mempunyai kontribusi yang tinggi (96,3 %). Tellina sp merupakan jenis yang penyebarannya luas sebab selalu hadir di setiap stasiun penelitian. Hasil analisis faktorial koresponden membentuk enam kelompok. Penyebaran spasial jenis jenis Bivalvia di 5 stasiun dari hasil analisis tersebut berdasarkan pada kepadatan tertinggi dari jenis jenis tertentu (lima kelompok) dan berdasarkan jenis-jenis yang selalu hadir di setiap stasiun (satu kelompok).

Bivalvia, also known as Pelecypoda, is the second largest class in phylum Mollusca. This group has 28.000 species (Barth & Broshear, 1982) and about 1000 species of Bivalvia live in Indonesian waters (Nontji, 1987). Information about Bivalvia in Kotania Bay has not been known well. Based on those fact, a research on the community structure and spatial distribution of Bivalve in the waters of Kotania Bay was conducted in February 1996. The aim of study was to find out the relationship between Bivalvia community structure with environmental factors in the waters of Kotania Bay. The spatial distribution of Bivalvia in several small islands in Kotania Bay was also studied. Hopefully, the results can be used as basic information for father research.
The research was conducted in five stations, i.e. Pelita Jaya 1, Pelita Jaya 2, Buntal Island, Tatumbu Island, and Burung Island. The sampling method used in the study was belt transact. The water conditions measured were water temperature, salinity, and pH. The substrates were characterized by the sediment fractions. Temperatures in the research stations ranged between 29.5°C and 31 °C, the range of pH is between 7 and 8.4. Water salinities in the research stations varied between 22 % and 30 %. Substrates in the research stations mostly contained sand with the very high percentage of very coarse sand. Silt was the smallest fraction found in the substrate.
In five research stations, 32 species of Bivalvia belonging to 15 families were collected. Anadara maculata had the highest density (2.5 individulm2) of all Bivalvia species found. The highest H' value (diversity index) of Bivalvia was in Burung Island (H' = 0.958) and the lowest was in Buntal Island (H' = 0.624). The highest evenness index J' = 0.843 was found in Pelita Jaya 1. The highest similarity index was shown by Pelita Jaya 2 and Buntal Island. Substrates in Pelita Jaya 2 and Buntal Island were dominated by silt.
Cluster analysis at five research stations divided the stations into two groups. Group I, defined by Pelita Jaya 2 and Buntal Island. Group ii, defined by Pelita Jaya 1, Tatumbu Island, and Burung Island. Discriminant analysis based on two environmental factors, i.e. very fine sand and silts, also divided the stations into two similar groups as cluster analysis did. The silt factor had high contribution (96.3%) in separating the stations.
Factorial correspondence analysis classified the species of Bivalvia into six groups. Based on the highest density of the certain species (five groups) and on the common species found in all stations (one group). Among the species collected Tellina sp was the common species found in the five stations. Spondylus squamosus, Trachydarium subrugosum, and Vulsella vulsella were found only in Pelita Jaya 2. Pitar subpellucidus, Septifer hi/ocular-is, Fimbria fmbriata and Chama pacifica were found only in Burung island. The species of Bivalvia only found in Pelita Jaya 1 were Atrina vexillum, Tellina staurella, Chama ruderalis, Limaria fragilis, and Clycymeris pectunculus.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Euis Tresna
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mangrove merupakan vegetasi yang hidup di daerah pesisir dan berhubungan langsung dengan keadaan dan kondisi perairan laut. Umumnya, tumbuh di daerah tepi pantai, muara, dan sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami sebaran mangrove berdasarkan kondisi fisik perairan dan melihat luasan mangrove, serta mengaitkannya dengan kondisi hutan mangrove. Penelitian ini menggunakan Landsat 8 dengan software ArcMap 10.1 untuk mengindetifikasi sebaran mangrove dan metode yang digunakan adalah Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) untuk melihat kerapatan vegetasi mangrove. Kondisi fisik perairan yang digunakan antara lain: salinitas, suhu permukaan air laut, pH air, substrat tanah, dan pasang surut, sedangkan kondisi hutan mangrove yang diteliti antara lain: kerapatan, ketebalan, dan spesies mangrove. Sehingga dengan demikian, penelitian ini dapat mengaitkan kondisi fisik perairan dan kondisi hutan mangrove dengan sebarannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hutan mangrove Bojongsalawe memiliki suhu permukaan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hutan mangrove di Batukaras dan Nusawiru karena populasi mangrove yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan kedua hutan mangrove lainnya, namun hutan mangrove Bojongsalawe dan Nusawiru memiliki pH yang lebih tinggi dengan nilai kisaran antara 6,6-6,9 dibandingkan dengan hutan mangrove Batukaras yang memiliki nilai kisaran antara 6,3-6,6. Hal ini dikarenakan hutan mangrove Bojongsalawe dan hutan mangrove Nusawiru berada di muara yang mengalir menuju Sungai Cijulang dan anak sungai Cialit.

Mangrove is a vegetation that live in the coastal region and directly related to the circumstances and condition of the waters of the sea. Generally, growing in coastal areas, estuaries, and rivers. This research aims to understand the distribution of mangroves on the basis of the physical condition of waters and view the mangrove area, as well as associated it with the conditions of the mangrove forests. This research uses Landsat 8 with ArcMap software 10.1 for mangrove and distribution mengindetifikasi method used is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to see mangrove vegetation density. The physical condition of waters which are used, among others: salinity, surface temperature of sea water, the pH of the water, the soil substrate, and ups and downs, while the condition of the mangrove forests that are examined include: density, thickness, and mangrove species. This study can relate the physical condition of the waters and the condition of the mangrove forest to its distribution. The results of this study indicate that Bojongsalawe mangrove forest has a higher surface temperature compared to mangrove forests in Batukaras and Nusawiru because the mangrove population is less than the other two mangrove forests, but the mangrove forests of Bojongsalawe and Nusawiru have a higher pH with a range between 6,6-6,9 compared to Batukaras mangrove forest which has a range between 6.3-6.6. This is because the mangrove forests of Bojongsalawe and Nusawiru mangrove forests are in the estuary which flows towards the Cijulang River and the Cialit tributary."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dharma Fajar Utama
"Penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas dan kandungan logam berat timbal pada Polychaeta di Teluk Jakarta telah dilakukan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas dan kandungan logam berat timbal pada Polychaeta pada bulan Februari 2010. Sampel diambil menggunakan Petersen grab bersamaan dengan pengukuran faktor fisika dan kimia lingkungan. Sampel diidentifikasi, serta dihitung indeks keanekaragaman, kemerataan, dominasi dan dianalisis kandungan logam timbalnya menggunakan AAS dan ICP-AES.
Polychaeta yang ditemukan sebanyak 29 genus, 16 diantaranya merupakan Polychaeta subkelas Errantia dan 13 diantaranya merupakan Polychaeta subkelas Sedentaria. Keanekaragaman Polychaeta di lokasi pengambilan sampel termasuk kategori rendah hingga sedang. Kandungan rata-rata logam timbal pada Polychaeta di muara tempat pengambilan berkisar antara 0,058 ppm hingga 29,8995 ppm dan masih tergolong dalam kisaran yang cukup rendah, kecuali pada genus tertentu menunjukkan kandungan logam timbal yang berbeda signifikan."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Sediadi
Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi lingkungan terhadap struktur komunitas fitoplankton pada musim kemarau di perairan Teluk Ambon telah dilakukan sampling harian selama 30 had dan bulan Januari-Februari 1996 dengan waktu yang tetap, yaitu antara 08.00-10.00 WIT di tiga titik stasiun pengamatan. Parameter lingkungan yang diamati adalah kandungan klorofil-a, suhu perairan, salinitas, fosfat, nitrat, nitrit, oksigen, pH dan turbiditas. Sampling pertama ini diambil pada kedalaman 5 m. Sampling kedua di lima titik pengamatan di perairan Teluk Ambon Dalam, sebanyak empat kali pengamatan dari permukaan sampai kedalaman 20 m.
Analisis data menggunakan statistik multivariabel, yaitu berdasarkan analisis komponen utama (Principal Component Analysis) dan analisis faktorial koresponden (Correspondent Analysis). Data sekunder diperoleh dari Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, a.l. curah hujan dan prosentase intensitas penyinaran matahari.
Pada saat pengamatan, faktor lingkungan yang sangat mempengaruhi struktur komunitas fitoplankton di perairan Teluk Ambon adalah curah hujan. Fitoplankton yang mendominasi adalah dari kelompok diatom marga Chaetoceros. Struktur komunitas fitoplankton baik sebaran secara mendatar (horizontal distribution) dan sebaran tegak (vertical distribution) mempunyai keanekaragaman yang tinggi akibat dinamisnya pergerakan massa air karena pengaruh pasang-surut harian dari Laut Banda. Perairan Teluk Ambon Dalam sangat peka terhadap pengaruh sedimentasi dan pencemaran, untuk itu diperlukan suatu pencegahan pembuangan limbah dan pembukaan lahan secara rasional.

Ambon Bay is located in the Island of Ambon in the Molluccas. The Bay has a unique oceanographic environment. It has a shallow nentic inner bay (IAB) and a deep oceanic outer bay (0AB), which is strongly influenced by the Banda Sea. The OAB and The lAB are separated by a narrow sill of 15 m depth.
Multivariate Analysis of Community Structure of Phytoplankton And Related Environmental Factors in Ambon Bay. Daily sampling of phytoplankton and enviromental data were carried out at three stations from January to February 1996, between 08.00 to 10.00 p.m., at 5 m depth. The environmental parameters were observed, such as temperature, salinity, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity. In dry season, the community structure of phytoplankton in the Ambon Bay water was dominated by diatoms, such as the genera of Chaetoceros, Nifszchia, Rhisozolenia and Bacteriastrum. The abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 1.0 x 102 to 61.350 x 103 cell L-'. Daily fluctuations of phytoplankton diversities were high and diversities among stations were significantly different (p<0.05).
Hydrological conditions in The Ambon Bay were varied. Water temperature ranged from 27.60 to 30.50 °C, salinity ranged from 30 to 32 %, dissolved oxygen ranged from 4.28 to 4.37 ml concentration of phosphate ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 µg at. P04 ?P concentration of nitrate ranged from 0.1 to 1.5 µg at. N03-N L', concentration of nitrite ranged from 0.1 to 0.7 µg at. N02 -N L'', and pH ranged from 6.2 to 7.2. The highest rain fall was recorded at first observation (43.1 mm). The percentage of sun shine ranged from 8 to 100 %. The turbidities ranged from 0.12 to 1.98 NTU. Multivariate analysis shows that rain, turbidity and temperature influenced the community structure of phytoplankton.
Spatial Distribution of Chlorophyll-a And Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Inner Ambon Bay. Weekly sampling of phytoplankton and chlorophyll-a were carried out from January to February 1996, from the surface, 5, 10, 15 and 20 m depth at five stations. The abundance of phytoplankton from the surface to 20 m depth, ranged from 4.5 x 102 to 40.140 x 103 cell Six species of phytoplankton were identified, namely Chaetoceros diversum, Dytilum sot, Liptocylidricus danicus, Nitszchia pacifrca, Plantoniella so! and Noctiluca scinti/ans. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton diversities were heterogeneous. Concentration of chlorophyll-a from the surface to subsurface ranged from 0.196 to 5.044 mg m'. It seems that vertical distribution of chlorophyll-a did not correspond with the abundance of phytoplankton. The abundance of phytoplankton in the Inner Ambon Bay was strongly influenced by the daily tide.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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