"Asmadi / NPM: 6399060079, Tingkat Kebutuhan dan Pemanfaatan Tanah Untuk Pembangunan Peruniahan di Kabupaten Tangerang Tahun 1993-1999, di bawah bimbmgan Dr. IT. S. B. Silalahi, MS, dan Drs. Hari Kartono, MS.
(xv + 124 halaman), (20 label), (16 gambar), (12 peta), (20 lampiran), (pustaka: 1960-2000)
The aim of this research is to study: (1). the level of the land need area for housing development in accordance with growth of population in Tangerang Regency in the years of 1993-1999; (2). the execution present of the location permit to the housing developers in the years of 1993-1999, i.e. the land total area and land utilization as the land acquisition, land use and factors influencing the level of land acquisition and land use; and (3). the effect of the housing development to the land use change of farm and the negleted land.
Growth rate of population that rapid in Tangerang Regency has been logical consequence to the development of housing, there for necessary to the supply of land, which executed either by self society or developers. The present of the location permit has been utilitarian in the land supplies of housing, but also have negative effect as the land area in the location permit that so largest, the level of land acquisition and land use which still low, etc.
The result of the survey shows that in the years of 1993-1999 in Tangerang Regency for the housing development still necessaries to the amount of land area that to spread in all district (kecamatan).
The result of the analyze concerning the present of the location permit during 1993-1999 in Tangerang Regency is indicate that it has been very large on account of the need real land area The average of the land acquisition is shows that the level of lower or about 56,28 percent from land total area of the location permit. Factors affecting the degree of the function land acquisition, that there is four factors which support (positive) comprising variables the area of wet rice fields Ix (wetlands Ix), the area of mixed garden, population density, and density of the roads, whereas factors which limit (negative) to the function comprising seven variables i.e. the area of the location permit, population, interest rates on credit of Bank, distance to (Jakarta, TOL and center of government Tangerang City), and the area of wastelands.
The average level of the land use too indicate that the lowest or about 28,82 percent from area of land acquisition. Factors affecting the degree of the function land use, that there is one factor which support (positive) i.e. variable population density, whereas factors which limit (negative) to the function comprising seven variables via area of land acquisition, interest rates on credit of Bank, distance to (Jakarta, TOL and center of government Tangerang City), density of the roads, and population.
The present of the location permit to the housing during 1993-1999 was causing the land use changes of farm to the land housing, i.e. that largest from the wastelands, then the land mixed garden and the wet rice fields Ix. Whereas the negleted land is indicate that about 71,18 percent from area of land acquisition was estimated to the negleted land.
Key words: land need, location permit, housing development, developer, land acquisition, land
use, land use change of farm, negleted land