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Eko Polosoro
Digital signal processing is concerned with the representation of signals by sequences of number or symbols and the processing of the sequences. The purpose of such processing may be to estimate characteristic parameters of a signal or to transform a signal into a form which is in some sense more desirable. The classical numerical analysis formulas, such as those designed for interpolation, integration, and differentiation, are certainly digital signal processing algorithms.
The early work on speech and the like - topics still of considerable interest and still the object of active research began less than two decade ago. The rapid development of the subject can be appreciated by scanning the issues of the leading journals. Yet the application of digital signal processing has not been without its problems. It is a field which demands sophisticated technology. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prima Dewi Purnamasari
"Terdapat dua masalah besar yang diselesaikan dalam disertasi ini, yaitu masalah pemrosesan sinyal dan masalah aplikasi sinyal EEG dalam pengenalan keadaan emosi. Masalah tersebut diselesaikan dengan metode kecerdasan komputasional yang terdiri dari bagian utama, ekstraksi fitur dan klasifikasi. Pada bagian ekstraksi fitur, pada disertasi ini dibahas penggunaan metode konvensional ekstraksi fitur berbasis power spectrum yaitu dengan Discrete Wavelet Transform DWT , dan penggunaan metode baru ekstraksi fitur yang diajukan yaitu analisis bispektrum dengan filter piramida 3D, serta dengan Relative wavelet bispectrum RWB.
Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan penerapannya pada sistem otomatis pengenal emosi, maka classifier dengan jenis Artificial Neural Network ANN digunakan.Penggunaan DWT dalam metode ekstraksi fitur menunjukkan bahwa fitur Relative Wavelet Energy DWT RWE memberikan recognition rate terbaik, konsep energi relatif ini kemudian digunakan pada metode baru yang diajukan. Pada metode baru ekstraksi fitur menggunakan analisis bispektrum dengan filter piramida 3D, diketahui bahwa persentase mean bispektrum memberikan recognition rate yang terbaik dengan kompleksitas yang lebih rendah 74.22 untuk arousal dan 77.58 untuk valence.
Filter non-overlap dengan ukuran alas yang bervariasi memberikan recognition rate tertinggi, khususnya secara signifikan terlihat untuk jenis emosi arousal. Penurunan jumlah channel EEG sampai dengan 8 channel dapat dilakukan untuk menurunkan biaya komputasi. Metode baru ekstraksi fitur yaitu RWB telah diajukan dalam disertasi ini dan menunjukkan pengenalan yang sangat baik mencapai 90 untuk data sinyal EEG orang alkoholik. Semakin besar lag yang digunakan dalam perhitungan korelasi, semakin tinggi recognition rate yang diperoleh.
Capaian dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa RWB cocok untuk digunakan sebagai metode ekstraksi fitur untuk klasifikasi orang alkoholik, dan dapat dipertimbangkan untuk digunakan pada aplikasi lainnya. Dari keempat classifier yang diujikan, dari segi recognition rate, PNN sedikit lebih unggul daripada BPNN, namun uji sensitivity, specificity dan PPV serta grafik ROC menunjukkan bahwa BPNN merupakan classifier yang lebih baik dibanding PNN. Di sisi lain, waktu komputasi PNN untuk mencapai recognition rate maksimum adalah sekitar 3,5 kali lebih cepat dibanding BPNN.

There are two major problems resolved in this dissertation, which are signal processing problem and the problem in EEG signal in the application of recognizing human emotional states. The problems were solved by applying a computational intelligence method consists of two main parts, the feature extraction and the classification. In the feature extraction sub system, this study improved a conventional methods using power spectrum from discrete wavelet transform DWT, and proposed a new method for feature extraction by using bispectrum analysis with 3D pyramid flter, as well as using relative wavelet bispectrum RWB.
To solve the problem in the application of EEG signal for automatic emotion recognition system, the artificial neural network ANN classifier was used.The use of DWT in the feature extraction method shows that the relative wavelet energy DWT RWE feature provides the best recognition rate, the relative energy concept was then used in the proposed new feature extraction methods. In the proposed feature extraction using bispectrum analysis with 3D pyramid filters, the mean percentage of bispectrum feature gave the best recognition rate with lower complexity i.e. 74.22 for arousal and 77.58 for valence.
Non overlap filters with varied base sizes provided the highest recognition rate, and significantly seen for the arousal emotion. The selection of eight EEG channels can be conducted to lower the cost of computing. A novel feature extraction method, the RWB, showed an excellent recognition for the alcoholic person. The larger the lag used in the correlation calculation in RWB, the higher the recognition rate obtained.
The achievements of this study proved that RWB is suitable as a feature extraction method for the classification of alcoholic subjects, and may be considered for use in other applications.Of the four classifiers tested, PNN is slightly superior to BPNN in terms of recognition rate however, the sensitivity, specificity and PPV tests and ROC graph shown that BPNN is a better classifier than PNN. On the other hand, the PNN computing time to reach the maximum recognition rate was about 3.5 times faster than BPNN."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kandika Bagaskara
Emosi merupakan hasil dari aktivitas sensorik manusia baik sadar maupun tidak sadar yang dipicu oleh suatu objek atau situasi yang dialami manusia. Dalam dunia medis, emosi sangat berperan dalam kesembuhan pasien, tenaga medis sering kali mempertimbangkan emosi pasien untuk pengambilan keputusan langkah medis yang harus ditempuh. Saat ini, sistem pendeteksi emosi yang banyak digunakan adalah menggunakan raut wajah, namun sistem ini masih kurang bisa membantu tenaga medis dikarenakan ada pasien yang tidak mau atau tidak bisa memperlihatkan emosi mereka baik secara verbal maupun non-verbal. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem pendeteksi emosi yang tidak bergantung pada ekspresi emosi verbal maupun non-verbal. Penelitian ini membahas tentang perancangan sistem pendeteksi emosi menggunakan sinyal elektroensefalografi (EEG) dengan menggunakan metode ekstraksi fitur Bispectrum Wavelet. Kemudian untuk detailed coefficient akan diekstrak fiturnya menggunakan Relative Wavelet Bispectrum (RWB) dan untuk approximate coefficient akan di filter menggunakan Non-Overlap 3-D Pyramid untuk kemudian dicari mean%. Sistem pendeteksi emosi dengan menggunakan sinyal EEG dipilih karena untuk mendapatkan sinyal EEG tidak bergantung pada ekspresi emosi verbal maupun non-verbal. Dataset EEG yang digunakan didapatkan dari Database for Emotion Analysis using Physiological Signals (DEAP). Hasil mean yang didapatkan dari implementasi sistem yang diajukan pada skripsi ini adalah 76.6250% untuk valence dan 75.8594% untuk arousal. Hasil ini lebih tinggi 3.1050% untuk valence dan 2.4794% untuk arousal dibandingkan dengan hasil yang didapatkan pada paper

Emotion is a result of humans conscious or unconscious sensorics activities that is triggered by object or situation that the human experienced. In medical world, emotion can be the key for patient healing process, doctor or medical personnel often use patients emotion to make next healing process movement. Nowadays, facial recognition is the most common emotion detection system; however, this emotion detection system is unreliable because it needs patient to show their emotion in verbal or non-verbal ways. Therefore, other emotion detection system that does not depend on humans verbal or non-verbal expression is needed. In this research, emotion detection system using electroencephalography (EEG) signal with Bispectrum Wavelet for its features extraction is discussed. Relative Wavelet Bispectrum will be used to extract features from detailed coefficient, and the approximate coefficient will be filtered and then it mean% will be calculated. EEG signal-based emotion detection system was chosen because EEG signal does not depend on humans verbal or non-verbal expression. Database for Emotion Analysis using Physiological Signals (DEAP) is used in this research. The mean result of the proposed system was 76.6250% for valence and 75.8594% for arousal. This results was higher by 3.1050% for valence and 2.4794% for arousal from the previous system"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robertus Hudi
"Improvement in this experiment are done for 3 following factors: running time, memory efficiency, and speedup. The speedup result achieved is as close as 100× increase. Naïve parallelization is used on mapping each matrices data to CUDA memories, for each major operation is done in parallel behavior via self-made CUDA kernels to suits the data dimensions. This make up the improvement of 2nd factor, which is memory efficiency. Results for kernels are captured with NVIDIA profiling tools for the increasing number of random targets on 4 transmitter-receiver (PV) combinations (without any knowledge about the approximation of targets direction). All results are taken according to the average running time of kernel calls and speed up for each size of the input, compared with serial and CPU parallel version data of the previous work. Among advanced techniques for the passive radar system’s target association, several experiments have been done based on Probability Hypothetic Density (PHD) function. The complex calculation makes the computation processes a very demanding task to be done, thus, this paper is focused on PHD function performance comparison between preceding attempts to the implementation using a pure C programming language with CUDA library. A further improvement is highly possible within algorithm optimization itself or applying more advanced parallelization technique.

Peningkatan yang dilakukan pada eksperimen ini meliputi 3 faktor: running time, memory efficiency, dan speedup. Hasil pengujian speedup yang diperoleh mencapai setidaknya 100x peningkatan daripada algoritma semula. Paralelisasi naif yang digunakan untuk memetakan setiap matriks data ke dalam memori CUDA, untuk setiap operasi major dilakukan secara paralel dengan CUDA kernel yang didesain mandiri sehingga dapat menyesuaikan secara otomatis dengan dimensi data yang digunakan. Hal ini memungkinkan peningkatan pada faktor yang kedua yaitu memory efficiency. Hasil dari masing-masing kernel diukur menggunakan data yang diambil dari NVIDIA profiling tools untuk data acak yang meningkat dari segi ukuran, dan diimplementasikan pada 4 kombinasi transmitter-reveiver (PV) tanpa mengetahui aproksimasi arah target. Seluruh hasil pengujian kernel diambil berdasarkan rata-rata running time dari pemanggilan kernel dan speed up dari setiap ukuran masukan, dibandingkan dengan implementasi asosiasi target secara serial dan versi paralel pada CPU dari penelitian terdahulu. Diantara teknik tingkat lanjut yang digunakan untuk menentukan asosiasi target pada sistem radar pasif, beberapa percobaan telah dilakukan berdasarkan fungsi Probability Hypothetic Density (PHD). Kalkulasi yang kompleks menghasilkan proses komputasi yang terlalu berat untuk dilakukan, maka dari itu, percobaan ini fokus kepada komparasi performa fungsi PHD antara penelitian-penelitian terdahulu dengan impleentasi fungsi tersebut pada pustaka CUDA menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C. Peningkatan lebih lanjut sangat dimungkinkan melalui optimisasi algoritma PHD sendiri atau menggunakan teknik paralelisasi yang lebih baik.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singh, Rita
"This book is about recent research in the area of profiling humans from their voice, which seeks to deduce and describe the speaker's entire persona and their surroundings from voice alone. It covers several key aspects of this technology, describing how the human voice is unique in its ability to both capture and influence the human persona -- how, in some ways, voice is more potent and valuable then DNA and fingerprints as a metric, since it not only carries information about the speaker, but also about their current state and their surroundings at the time of speaking. It provides a comprehensive review of advances made in multiple scientific fields that now contribute to its foundations. It describes how artificial intelligence enables mechanisms of discovery that were not possible before in this context, driving the field forward in unprecedented ways. It also touches upon related and relevant challenges posed by voice disguise and other mechanisms of voice manipulation. The book acts as a good resource for academic researchers, and for professional agencies in many areas such as law enforcement, healthcare, social services, entertainment etc."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alessio, Silvia Maria
"This book is essentially a guided tour of the fundamental concepts in digital signal
processing (DSP) and analysis, in which the guide is not a theoretician of the
various algorithms involved, but a user of them; a scientist that early in her life
started studying these techniques to apply them in a proper and fruitful way in her
research work. Therefore the approach to the various topics is the approach of a
user, more concerned about the way to best exploit the possibilities they offer,
rather than their purely mathematical facets."
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajeng Diah Ayulakswi
Perkembangan bisnis dan martketing yang sangat cepat mendorong naiknya
kebutuhan akan media telekomunikasi yang reliable, menarik, dan dinamis. Metode
dalam penyebaran informasi yang populer digunakan saat ini adalah penyiaran. Dimana
penggunaan spektrum frekuensi radio untuk keperluan penyiaran mengacu pada definisi
layanan penyiaran pada peraturan radio ITU. Layanan penyiaran adalah suatu servis
komunikasi radio dimana transmisinya ditujukan untuk penerimaan langsung oleh
masyarakat umum. Penyiaran televisi lebih sering digunakan sebagai sarana penyebaran
informasi dibandingkan dengan radio, karena dapat menyampaikan informasi secara jelas
dengan suara dan gambar. Semakin luas daerah jangkauan siaran suatu stasiun TV, maka
akan semakin banyak manfaat yang dapat dirasakan karena informasi dapat diterima
dengan baik oleh masyarakat.
Terdapat dua stasiun TV swasta di Bandung yang akan melakukan perluasan
wilayah ke kota yang berdekatan, yaitu di kota Garut dan Sukabumi dengan
menambahkan repeater baru serta menaikkan daya pancarnya. Kedua stasiun TV swasta
di Bandung tersebut menempati kanal 42 dan 44. Kedua stasiun TV tersebut merupakan
pemancar TV analog dan akan menggunakan kanal yang sama pada kota Garut dan
Sukabumi. Kedua stasiun TV analog ini memiliki kanal bersebelahan dengan stasiun TV
analog dan stasiun TV digital. Penambahan repeater baru dan menaikkan daya pancarnya
dapat memungkinkan terjadinya interferensi kanal bersebelahan. Untuk mengatasi hal
tersebut, maka dibuat sebuah aturan bahwa kuat medan penerimaan televisi siaran UHF
pada lokasi titik pengujian atau pengukuran setiap wilayah layanan dibatasi paling besar
70 dBμV/m untuk band V.
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis simulasi daya pancar untuk perluasan
wilayah siaran TVdari Bandung ke Garut dan Sukabumi, dengan menentukan pola radiasi
dan menaikan daya pancar repeater baru dengan batasan rasio proteksi agar daerah
jangkauan dan populasi di kota Garut dan Sukabumi terlayani. Hasil dari simulasi
diperoleh daya pancar pada kanal 42 dan 44 di kota Garut sebesar 42 dBW dengan
antena 4-1 dan daya pancar pada kanal 42 dan 44 di kota Sukabumi sebesar 38,3 dBW
dengan antena 730 372. Dengan penggunaan daya pada masing-masing pemancar
tersebut telah memenuhi wilayah cakupan yang terlayani pada kota Garut dan Sukabumi
dan pemancar yang digunakan tidak menginterferensi kanal yang bersebelahan. Namun
terdapat beberapa wilayah yang tidak tercakup sinyal pancar karena kontur wilayah yang
Kata kunci : interferensi
The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains.;The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains.;The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains.;The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains., The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains.]"
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Hidayat Prasetyo
"Antena dengan banyak berkas pancar (multibeam) banyak dibutuhkan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti radar, pencitraan, sensor, komunikasi satelit, dan komunikasi 5G. Dalam rangka mewujudkan multibeam diperlukanlah jaringan pembentuk beam (beamforming network/ BFN). Salah satu BFN yang mempunyai banyak keunggulan adalah Rotman lens. Namun Rotman lens konvensional pada umumnya beukuran agak besar, salah satunya akibat ukuran kaki-kaki transisi antara cavity dan port transmission line yang cukup panjang. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan riset untuk mereduksi ukuran Rotman Lens pada frekuensi 2,4 GHz ISM Band dengan jumlah kaki beam port sebanyak 5 dan kaki array sebanyak 6. Ada dua metode yang diusulkan dalam penelitian ini. Metode tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan teknik Defected ground structure (DGS) dan slot dengan struktur yang sederhana dan ukuran yang sama/ seragam untuk semua port guna memangkas panjang kaki transisi Rotman lens dan meminimalkan jumlah iterasi. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa baik teknik DGS rectangular ganda maupun slot rectangular ganda berukuran sama di semua port mampu mereduksi ukuran Rotman lens. Ukuran Rotman lens dapat tereduksi menjadi 15.78 persen dibanding yang dibuat dengan metode konvensional tanpa penurunan kinerja yang berarti. Validasi dilakukan dengan memfabrikasi Rotman lens yang direduksi dengan teknik slot rectangular ganda yang terintegrasi dengan antenna array dengan elemen mikrostrip rectangular. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan hasil yang cukup mirip dengan simulasi. Struktur yang dibuat mampu membentuk lima arah beam, yaitu main beam berada di arah ±33, ±18, dan 0 derajat dengan beda maksimal 3 derajat jika dibandingkan hasil simulasi dan maksimal 6 derajat jika dibandingkan perancangan. Bandwidth bisa mencapai lebih dari 800 MHz untuk sebagian besar port kecuali port yang paling tengah.

Antennas with multibeam capability are needed for various purposes such as radar, imaging, sensors, satellite communications, and 5G communications. In order to realize multibeam, a beamforming network (BFN) is needed. One of the BFN that has many advantages is the Rotman lens. However, conventional Rotman lenses are generally rather large in size, one of which is due to the length of the transition legs between the cavity and the transmission line port. In this study, research was conducted to reduce the size of the Rotman Lens at the 2,4 GHz ISM Band with 5 beam ports and 6 array ports. There are two methods proposed in this research. They are to use the Defected ground structure (DGS) technique and slots with a simple structure and the same size/uniform for all ports in order to reduce the length of the Rotman lens transition leg and to minimize iteration process. The simulation results show that both the same double rectangular DGS technique and the same double rectangular slots in all ports are able to reduce the size of the Rotman lens. The size of the Rotman lens can be reduced to 15.78 percent compared to those made by conventional methods without significant performance degradation. Validation is done by fabricating a reduced Rotman lens with a double rectangular slot technique which is integrated with array antennas whose elements are rectangular microstrips. The measurement results are quite similar to the simulations. The structure made is able to form five beam directions. The directions of the main beams are ±33, ±18, and 0 degrees with a maximum difference of 3 degrees when compared to the simulation results and a maximum of 6 degrees when compared to the design calculation. Bandwidths are more than 800 MHz for most ports except the middle port."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Astharini
"Implementasi non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) pada komunikasi cahaya tampak atau visible light communication (VLC) memberikan akses jamak dengan membagi daya sinyal tanpa pemisahan frekuensi ataupun spektrum warna LED pemancar. Dengan konsep umum fair power, alokasi daya perlu dirancang dengan baik agar semua pengakses memiliki probabilitas kesalahan rendah dalam penerimaan sinyal. Penelitian ini memberikan kebaruan secara khusus yaitu model alokasi daya optimal dan adaptif untuk transmisi multi level downlink sistem NOMA VLC. Kontribusi keseluruhan dibagi atas tiga kategori yaitu formulasi batasan, model alokasi daya optimal, dan model dinamik untuk daya adaptif. Digunakan unilateral M-ary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) untuk memberikan modulasi orde tinggi dengan sinyal non riil non imajiner yang cocok bagi VLC. Pada kelompok kontribusi pertama, penelitian mendefinisikan batasan penerimaan sinyal dan kapasitas sistem berbasis successive interference cancellation (SIC), menggunakan sensitivitas komponen dan orde PAM. Batasan error diberikan untuk deteksi bertahap SIC sebagai fungsi pengkode konvolusi, modulasi, dan rasio daya. Batasan dasar berbasis orde modulasi diberikan untuk alokasi daya akses jamak SIC. Selanjutnya penelitian mengajukan kontribusi penentuan daya optimal melalui optimasi rasio daya berbasis throughput dengan model Lagrange. Secara analitik solusi optimal diperoleh melalui kondisi Karush-kuhn-Tucker (KKT) untuk dua tipe sistem, yaitu pada best-effort-service, dan quality of service (QoS), dalam bentuk persamaan tertutup dengan kompleksitas rendah. Dalam kontribusi ketiga, penelitian mengajukan model dinamik berbasis sudut dan jarak pengakses sesuai model kanal VLC Lambertian. Model dinamik ini menjadi dasar untuk alokasi daya adaptif dengan estimasi kanal menggunakan extended Kalman filter (EKF). Kinerja setiap skenario dan strategi dianalisis dengan parameter observasi utama adalah error rate (ER) pada simulasi Monte Carlo. Simulasi akhir dilakukan untuk 2, 4, dan 8-PAM, dengan 2-5 pengakses. ER rata-rata 3 pengakses di bawah 10-6 dicapai oleh skema 2-PAM pada SNR di atas 35, oleh skema 4-PAM pada SNR di atas 60, dan oleh skema 8-PAM pada SNR 84. Alokasi dinamik menggunakan EKF dengan parameter sudut membutuhkan waktu proses 1:5 dibandingkan model EKF referensi.

Implementation of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) on visible light communication (VLC) permits multiple access by rationing power among the signals for multiple users without splitting frequency or color spectrum on the LED transmitter. On regards to the fair power concept, power allocation needs to be carefully designed so that all users have a low probability of error. This research contributes specifically in proposing models optimal and adaptive power allocation in downlink VLC NOMA with higher order modulation. Contributions are categorized in three, the bounds of VLC NOMA, optimal power model, and dynamic model for adaptive power. Unilateral M-ary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) is used to produce real and nonnegative signals which suits the system. On the first cathegory, the research defined the bounds of signal discernibility on receiver and system capacity based on successive interference cancellation (SIC), containing components sensitivity and PAM order. Error bounds were defined for the system based on SIC, containing the convolutional code design, modulation order, and the power ratio. The bounds of power ratio allocation based on PAM order is defined. Secondly the research contributed the proposed the optimal power allocation, using Lagrangian optimization on the power ratio of throughput. Solutions are defined by using Karush-kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition in closed form low-complexity solutions for two cases, that of best effort service and that of quality of service (QoS). For the third contribution, the research proposed a dynamic model based on user angle and distance, which were parameters of Lambertian VLC channel model. The model served as the core for adaptive power allocation with channel estimation using extended Kalman filter (EKF). Completing the discussion, the research also provided an adaptive power allocation scheme by channel estimation using extended Kalman filter (EKF), based on parameters of user’s angle and distance. With error rate (ER) as the main observed parameter, Monte Carlo simulation was conducted for each observation. End simulations involved systems with 2-, 4-, and 8-PAM, serving 2-5 users. On 3 users, average ER below 10-6 was reached on 2-PAM at SNR above 35, on 4-PAM at SNR above 60, and on 8-PAM at SNR 84. Dynamic allocation using EKF with angle parameters has reduced the calculating time of 1:5 in comparison to the refered EKF."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafizh Fazha
"Voice scrambler dapat diimplementasikan secara real time dengan menggunakan prosesor DSP yang terintegrasi pada suatu stater kit, yakni DSP Starter Kit TMS320C6713. Metode voice scrambler yang digunakan dalam implementasi ini adalah dengan menggunakan frequency inversion. Frequency inversion adalah suatu metode yang mengubah frekuensi rendah menjadi frekuensi tinggi dan sebaliknya. Voice scrambler ini menghasilkan karakter output yang dapat dianalisis dengan menggunakan bantuan garfik FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). Analisis performa dilakukan dengan menggunakan frekuensi sampling pada codec, yaitu 8, 16, 32, 48, dan 96 kHz. Dalam percobaan yang dilakukan didapat hubungan pengaruh besarnya frekuensi sampling codec terhadap performa voice scrambler. Hubungannya, semakin besar frekuensi sampling codec, maka akan semakin banyak jumlah frekuensi efektif voice scrambler. Sehingga dengan semakin banyaknya jumlah frekuensi efektif scrambling tersebut, menyebabkan semakin baik performa voice scrambler tersebut.

Voice scrambler can be implemented on DSP procesor using DSP Starter Kit TMS320C6713. The scrambling method used is frequency inversion. The frequency inversion is change the low frequency to the high frequency, and vice versa. Voice scrambler generate the output character, that can be analyzed by using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method. The Performance analysis using codec frequency sampling, that is 8, 16, 32, 48, and 96 kHz. The result of the experiment is the relationship between codec frequency sampling with voice scrambler performance. The relation is if the codec frequency sampling increase, then the sum of efective scrambling frequency is increase too. This point will be make voice scrambler better."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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