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Sidiarto Kusumoputro
"Perkenankan pula saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Pemerintah Indonesia, kepada Bapak Presiden serta Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang telah memberi kepercayaan kepada saya untuk bertugas sebagai Guru Besar Tetap Ilmu Neurologi. Pada kesempatan ini saya memilrh judul pidato:
"Peranan Stimulasi yang Berdasarkan Konsep Spesialisasi Dua Belahan dan Plastisitas Otak pada Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia"
Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Tabap II berlandaskan pembangunan ekonomi dan bertumpu pada peningkatan kualitas hidup dan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Faktor-faktor peningkatan sumber daya manusia terletak antara lain pada aspek ekonomi, kesehatan, pendidikan dan iptek. Peningkatan kesehatan dan pendidikan berarti pula peningkatan kemampuan otak, baik otak yang mengalami gangguan maupun otak yang sehat dan normal.
Dua prestasi manusia yang paling menonjol dalam abad ini adalah "Quantum Cosmology" (sains tentang semesta) dan "Neuroscience" (sains tentang otak). Yang pertama adalah studi tentang awal hidup manusia dan yang kedua tentang perjalanan nasib hidup manusia. Neurosains menjadi begitu pentingnya hingga mantan Presiden Bush dari Amerika Serikat mencanangkan tahun 1990-2000 sebagai "The Decade of the Brain".
Dalam era globalisasi ini -mau tidak mau- Indonesia harus menengok ke dunia luar, antara lain terhadap dekade otak tersebut. Betapa pentingnya otak dapat disimak dari banyaknya masalah yang dapat ditimbulkannya, yaitu sekitar 650 jenis masalah, mulai dari masalah yang berat dan fatal seperti stroke, trauma susunan saraf, dan sebagainya sampai pada masalah pembelajaran dan kesulitan belajar. Semua itu menyebabkan kerugian besar secara sosial dan, ekonomis.
Para pakar neurosains dari berbagai disiplin ilmu mempelajari otak dan masalahnya karena menyadari bahwa otak manusia merupakan struktur hidup yang paling kompleks dalam jagad raya ini. Bayangkan bahwa otak dikemas oleh milyaran sel neuron dan bahwa setiap sel neuron saling berkomunikasi rata-rata dengan 10.000 sel lainnya. Komunikasi itu dilakukan melalui sinyal biolistrik dan kimiawi, dan sampai sekarang telah ditemukan paling sedikit 40 jenis zat kimiawi yang disebut sebagai neurotransmiter (3).
Teknik dan pendekatan canggih yang memungkinkan adanya penelitian langsung tentang mekanisme otak telah membuka cakrawala baru tentang hubungan di antara perilaku (behavior) dan struktur serta fungsi otak manusia. Pengetahuan yang berawal pada tahun 1910 dan disebut sebagai "behaviorism" berkembang pesat dan kini disebut dengan berbagai istilah, seperti Behavioral Neurology, Clinical Neuropsychology, dan Higher Corti-cal Functions. Dalam pada itu Bagian Neurologi FKUI/RSCM menggunakan nama Fungsi Luhur (Fungsi Kortikal Luhur)(10,14,23,25). PeriIaku dalam konteks ini mencakup fungsi bahasa, memori, visuospasial, emosi, dan kognisi (6)."
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1995
PGB 0101
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soemarmo Markam
"Otak dan Fungsinya
Otak yang saya maksud ialah otak Homo Sapiens, manusia yang sekarang hidup menguasai permukaan sebuah planet dalam salah satu tata surya galaksi Bima Sakti yang disebut bumi. Menurut teori evolusi, di bumi ini sepuluh juta tahun yang lalu telah ada, makhluk golongan Antropoid yang kemudian berkembang bercabang dua, golongan Hominoid dan golongan kera. Kurang lebih satu juta tahun yang lalu, Hominoid terpecah lagi menjadi dua golongan yaitu. Hominid dan Pongid. Dari golongan Pongid berkembang kera-kera besar seperti gorilla, simpanse, orang utan, gibon. Golongan Hominid berkembang menjadi Homo dengan cabang-cabangnya Homo Makapan, Swartkrans, Java, Peking dan lain-lain. Kira-kira 100.000 tahun yang lalu berkembang cabang Neanderthal dan Cromagnon dan kemudian Homo Sapiens.
Pengetahuan mengenai makhluk-makhluk pra Homo Sapiens ini didapat dan penelitian sisa rangkanya yang ditemukan. Tengkorak kepala makhluk-makhluk purba ini berbeda bentuknya dari tengkorak '' Homo Sapiens. Makin purba makhluknya;. makin banyak kemiripannya dengan tengkorak golongan kera, antara lain bagian dahinya lebih rendah,. Volume tengkorak pada umumnya lebih kecil, Volume tengkorak Homo Java, Homo Erectus yang didapatkan di Trinil misalnya ialah 815 cm3. Volume tengkorak Horrid-Sapiens, 1300-1500 cm3: (18).
Tengkorak berisi otak yang rnerupakan jaringan yang terurai bila makhluknya mati. Bagaimana bentuk dan besar otak makhluk purba hanya dapat diperkirakan dengan membuat cetakan isi tengkorak. Studi perbandingan otak manusia dilakukam dengan menggunakan otak hewan yang terdapat saat ini."
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1994
PGB 0128
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Taufiq Dardjat
"Kematian adalah suatu proses yang dapat dikenal secara klinis pada seseorang melalui pengamatan terhadap perubahan yang terjadi pada tubuh mayat. Perubahan itu akan terjadi dari mulai terhentinya suplai oksigen. Manifestasinya akan dapat dilihat setelah beberapa menit, jam dan seterusnya. Dalam kasus tertentu, salah satu kewajiban dokter adalah membantu penyidik menegakan keadilan. Untuk itu dokter sedapat mungkin membantu menentukan beberapa hal seperti saat kematian dan penyebab kematian tersebut. Dari kepustakaan yang ada, saat kematian seseorang belum dapat ditunjukan secara tepat karena tanda-tanda dan gejala setelah kematian sangat bervariasi. Hal ini karena tanda atau gejala yang ditunjukan sangat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal diantaranya, umur, kondisi fisik pasien, penyakit sebelumnya, keadaan lingkungan mayat, sebelumnya makanan maupun penyebab kematian itu sendiri. Dalam era ini dibutuhan penentuan saat kematian secara tepat.Untuk itu akan telah dilakukan suatu penelitian dasar untuk mendapat suatu indikator bebas. Indikator ini akan dipakai untuk dasar kerja sebuah slat banal yang mampu mendeteksi perubahan yang hanya objektif dan akurat setelah kematian terjadi. Otak sebagai organ yang relatif terlindung maksimal dengan batok kepala diperkirakan mengalami proses kimiawi yang relatif cepat dan tidak dipengaruhi lingkungan. Proses kimiawi akibat terhentinya suplai zat asam/oksigen mengakibatkan jaringan otak yang sangat sensitif terhadap kekurangan zat asam itu akan lebih cepat mengalami disintegrasi kimiawi, yang diamati melalui perubahan konduktivitas listrikyang terjadi.
Dengan penelitian ini diamati korelasi waktu dengan perubahan konduktivitas jaringan otak setelah kematian asfiksia dan perdarahan pada tikus. Telah didapatkan data bahwa konduktivitas berubah terhadap waktu dalam 24 jam pertama menurut fungsi quadratik dan atau kubik. Penurunan konduktivitas ini diperkirakan terjadi berhubungan dengan denaturasi protein atau asam aminino intra dan ekstraseluler. Mulai terjadinya pengrusakan atau perubahan semipermeabilitas dinding sel yang terdiri dari fosfo lipid yang terurai menjadi asam lemak dan protein yang bersifat elektrolit menunjukan meningkatnya larutan elektrolit secara umum sehingga akan meningkatkan konduktivitas aliran listrik tersebut. Secara sepintas tidak terdapat berbedaan yang bermakna antara cara kematian secara asfiksia atau perdarahan/potong. Konduktivitas mencapai minimum sekitar 12 - 15 jam kematian untuk kedua perlakuan. Dari data deskriptif ini perlu kiranya dilakukan analisis statistik lebih lanjut, untuk mendapatkan informasi sehingga bermanfaat untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Untuk itu penelitian ini perlu dilajutkan secara terintegrasi dengan disiplin terkait untuk memantau baik secara biokimia atau histopatologis dan lainnya, untuk menjelaskan perubahan fisika listrik yang terjadi ini."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emma Kamelia
"Terhambatnya perkembangan otak dan saraf merupakan problem kesehatan, diperkirakan mencapai 17% dari seluruh populasi. Dampaknya dapat menurunkan fungsi kognitif/daya ingat. Dasar patologi penurunan fungsi kognitif antara lain disebabkan oleh berkurangnya sinaps, neuron, neurotransmitter dan jejaring saraf. Hal ini berkaitan dengan sinyal-sinyal penting seperti faktor neurotrofik, neurotransmitter dan hormon.
Pegagan (Centella asiatica) telah lama digunakan secara empiris untuk memperbaiki daya ingat. Hasil penelitian secara in vivo pemberian pegagan dapat meningkatkan level GABA(Gamma aminobutyric acid) di otak. Pengaruh pegagan pada BDNF(Brain derived neurotrophic factor) belum pemah diteliti, namun menurut Obrietan dkk stimulasi GABA dapat meningkatkan ekspresi BDNF melalui jalur MAPK-CREB (mirogen ocrivated prorein kinase-cyclic AMP response element binding protein).
Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) merupakani salah satu substansi dalam pengaturan neurogenesis. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental untuk meneliti kadar BDNF dan jumlah sel saraf pada kultur jaringan hipokampus tikus muda. Pengukuran kadar BDNF dengan spektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 450 nm dengan kit BDNF dari Chemicon. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA (anabrsis of varions), dan sebelumnya diuji normalitas data dengan Lavene, serta post Hoc Test.
Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil (1) jumlah sel saraf lebih besar pada kultur sel jaringan hipokampus tikus muda yang diberi ekstrak pegagan 0,50 ug/ml dibandingkan 0,25 ug/ml dan kontrol sebagai pembanding (p<0,05). (2) Untuk kadar BDNF terlihat hasil kadar BDNF pada kelompok kontrol lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan ekstrak pegagan 0,25 ug/ml dan 0,50 ug/ml (p>0,05)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harsya Pradana Loeis
"Otak adalah sebuah organ yang sangat peka terhadap perubahan oksigenasi jaringan. Latihan fisik aerobik memiliki banyak manfaat, diantaranya meningkatkan cardiac output yang secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan oksigenasi jaringan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik dan detrain terhadap jumlah sel saraf normal pada gyrus dentatus tikus. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan mengamati persentase sel saraf normal pada setiap sediaan otak tikus yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu kontrol, latihan fisik (training) dan detrain.
Hasil rata-rata persentase sel normal perkelompok sebagai berikut, kontrol 24,8%, training 41,1%, dan detrain 25,2% Hasil dari uji Post Hoc LSD menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol terhadap training (p<0,001) dan training terhadap detrain (p< 0,001) namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kontrol terhadap detrain (p< 0,853). Hasil penelitian ini mendukung teori tentang peningkatan oksigenasi jaringan ke otak akan meningkatkan jumlah sel saraf yang normal pada daerah gyrus dentatus otak tikus.

Brain is an organ which is very sensitive to changes in tissue oxygenation. On the other hand, aerobic exercise has many benefits, including increased cardiac output which will indirectly increase tissue oxygenation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic exercise and detrain on the gyrus dentatus number of normal neuron. This study used experimental design to observe the percentage of normal nerve cells in each mouse brain. The mice were divided into three groups, control, physical exercise (training) and detrain.
Average percentage of normal cells per group as follows, controls 24.8%, 41.1% training and detrain 25.2% Results of Post Hoc test of LSD showed significant difference between the control group of the training (p <0.001 ) and training to detrain (p <0.001) but no significant difference between the control detrain (p <0.853). The results supported the theory of increased tissue oxygenation to the brain will increase the number of nerve cells in the area of ​​gyrus dentatus rat brain.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuyun Yueniwati PW
"buku ini membahas tentang bahaya tumor otak dan peranan pencitraan dalam otak."
Malang: Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2017
616.99 YUY p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ninik Mudjihartini
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amen, Daniel G.
Bandung: Qanita, 1998
611.81 AME c ;611.81 AME c (2)
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Marsintauli Hasudungan
Tumor otak (TO) merupakan penyebab kematian kedua dari
semua kanker yang terjadi pada anak. TO memiliki gambaran klinis, radiologis
dan histopatologis yang sangat bervariasi karena proses pengembangan sel-sel
jaringan otak masih berlanjut sampai usia 3 tahun. Data penelitian mengenai TO
pada anak masih sedikit.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran klinis, radiologis, histopatologis dan faktor
prognostik TO di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI/ RS. Dr.
Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta periode tahun 2010 - 2015.
Metode Penelitian: Kohort retrospektif dilakukan pada semua anak dengan TO
primer yang berobat/dirawat di Departemen Ilmu Kesehahatan Anak FKUI/RS
Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta.
Hasil: Didapatkan 88 pasien TO primer, terdiri dari 16 pasien berusia kurang dari
3 tahun dan 72 pasien berusia lebih dari 3 tahun, laki-laki 53% dan perempuan
47%. Anak usia kurang dari 3 tahun mengalami gejala sakit kepala (63%) dan
kejang (56%), berdasarkan radiologis letak TO yang terbanyak adalah di cerebral
ventrikel (25%) dan cerebellum (24%), berdasarkan histopatologis jenis TO yang
terbanyak adalah Astrositoma (31%) dan Medulloblastoma (25%). Anak usia
lebih dari 3 tahun mengalami gejala sakit kepala (81%) dan gangguan penglihatan
(65%), berdasarkan radiologis letak TO yang terbanyak adalah di cerebellum
(24%) dan suprasellar (10 %), berdasarkan histopatologis jenis TO yang
terbanyak adalah Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) dan Glioma (17%).
Angka kehidupan TO adalah 37 %. Tidak didapatkan faktor prognostik TO yang
Kesimpulan: Gejala TO tersering adalah sakit kepala, berdasarkan radiologis
letak tumor terbanyak adalah di cerebellum serta berdasarkan histopatologis jenis
tumor terbanyak adalah Medulloblastoma dan Astrositoma. Tidak didapatkan
faktor prognostik TO pada anak.

Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor., Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.]"
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