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Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research aimed is to study the effect of guano organic fertilizer towards the availability of Cd on soil and the degree of plants tissue ability to absorb Cd, also to study its effect on plant's productivity which parameter is tuber's dry weight. ..."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research was intended to determine the rate of Organic Soil treatment (OST) and the interval of application of landeto Solution or their interaction on the growth of shallots grown in the regosol soil...."
502 JMSTUT 10:1 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The research was itended to determine the rate of Organic Soil Treatment (OST) and the interval of application of Landeto solution or their interaction on the growth of shallots grown in the regosol soil. This research was conducted in the green house of Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture Gadjah Mada University. A Randomized Complete Block Design, employing a factorial treatment was chosen. The first factors was rates of OST, i.e,: 3, 6, 9 and 12 ton ha. The second factors was interval of application of Landeto solution, i.e,: 3, 5 and 7 days. The combination treatments were repeated 3 times. Results of the research showed that; 1) Intermedien between rates of OST at 6 ton ha and interval of application Landeto solution at 5 days, was found in bulb number per hills (29.87 cm2) respectively, 2) Application os OST, at 6 ton ha had a significant effect on the plant fresh weight and the fresh bulb weight, 3) Application of Landeto solution at defferent intervals had no significant effect on all components and crop yield."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Cabai merupakan sayuran dari famili solanaceae yang memiliki bnyak kegunaan, antara lain sebagai bumbu masak dan bahan ramuan obat-obatan . Dalam bidang farmasi , bahan obat yang berasal dari cabai besar (Capsicum annum L), disebut Capsicum fructus, sedangkan bahan obat yang berasal dari cabai rawit (Capsicum fructescens) disebut Capsici frutescentis fructus (Pitojo 2003)...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Mashar
ABSTRAKBrebes sebagai salah satu daerah dengan lahan pertanian yang cukup luas rnempunyai potensi yang sangat besar di bidang pertanian terutama tanaman bawang merah. Sebagian besar masyarakat di Brebes adalah petani bawang merah namun tingkat pengetahuan mereka mengenai penanganan hasil panen bawang merah masih sangat terbatas. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas dari bawang merah adalah kadar air yang ada didalamnya. Agar kualitasnya tetap terjaga maka bawang merah harus mempunyai kadar air sekitar 85%. Sehingga dibutuhkan alat pengering untuk mengurangi kadar air bawang merah dari 88% menjadi 85%. Alat pengering yang dibutuhkan adalah yang ramah lingkungan, efisien, dan murah. Alat pengering yang memenuhi kriteria diatas adalah alat pengering dengan sumber energi yang berasal dari matahari Salah satu jenisnya adalah Modular Air Dryer.
Pada kesempatan kali ini peneliti ingin mengetahui besarnya efisieni Modular Air Dryer pada pengeringan bawang merah dengan parameter-parameter sebagai berikut : massa bawang merah, intensitas radiasi matahari, kelembaban relatif dalam ruang pengering, temperatur dalam collector dan ruang pengering, temperatur lingkungan (temperatur ambient), temperatur bola basah dan bola keriag pada bagian intel collector,
Penelitian dilakukan dengan.
ABSTRACTBrebes is one of the region which has quite wide agriculture land and has very big potency in agriculture field especially shallot. Most of people in Brebes is a shallot fanner. but their knowledge about handling harvest of shallot still confined. One of the factors that influence the quality of shallot is its moisture content. To make the quality of shallot protected, its moisture content should around 85%. So, a dryer is needed to reduce moisture content of shallot from 88% to 85%. The dryer that is needed should have a characteristic like intimate with environment, efficient and cheap. The suitable dryer that fulfill those criteria above is dryer that use solar as energy resources. One of them is Modular Air Dryer.In this thesis researcher wants to know the Modular Air Dryer efficiency in drying shallot As parameters are weight of shallot, intensity of solar radiation, relative humidity in drying room, temperature in collector and drying room, environment temperature (ambient temperature), wet bulb and dry bulb temperature in inlet collector. Experiment had done by drying shallot "1th weight around 5 kg, then note change of parameters that said above each 10 minutes. Noting data done by 3 times experiment. Modular Air Dryer efficiency."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library