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"The research was aimed to study the effect of stearict acid on physical and mwchanical prperies of edible film from janggelan leaf extract (Mesona palustris Bi)....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Orpa Diana Suek
Salah satu intervensi terapeutik untuk anak yang menggunakan ventilasi mekanik
adalah posisi pronasi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ventilasi dan
mengurangi shunt intrapulmonal. Tesis ini membahas pengaruh posisi pronasi
terhadap status hemodinamik anak yang menggunakan ventilasi mekanik di ruang
PICU sebanyak 15 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi experiment onegroup
pretest-posttest design. Pengukuran dengan lembar observasi untuk
menilai frekuensi napas, saturasi oksigen, tekanan darah, mean arterial pressure,
dan frekuensi denyut jantung. Hasil analisis bivariat didapatkan ada perbedaan
yang bermakna antara saturasi oksigen sebelum dan sesudah intervensi dengan
p value 0,004 (p< 0,005; α: 0,05). Hasil penelitian ini adalah menyarankan
pemberian posisi pronasi untuk meningkatkan saturasi oksigen.

One of therapeutic interventions to children receiving mechanical ventilation is
pronation position that is aimed to improve the distribution of ventilation and
reduce shunt intrapulmonary. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect
of pronation position on the hemodynamic status of pediatric in the Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit with 15 sample. The study used quasi experiment one-group
pretest-posttest design. Measurement of hemodynamic status used the
observation sheet to assess the respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure,
mean arterial pressure, and heart rate. The results of bivariate analysis were
significant differences between oxygen saturation before and after the
intervention with p value of 0.004 (p < 0.005, α: 0.05). In conclusion, pronation
position effectively increases oxygen saturation."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Tri Harsunu
"Kulit udang selama ini di Indonesia hanya dianggap sebagai limbah yang pemanfaatannya masih terbatas. Salah satu alternatif daur ulang limbah kulit udang adalah sebagai sumber khitosan. Melalui proses lanjutan, khitosan dapat dibuat menjadi edible film. Edible film khitosan sedang dikembangkan sebagai pengemas modern yang ramah lingkungan karena dapat langsung dimakan dan terurai oleh alam. Untuk membuat edible film, khitosan dilarutkan dalam pelarut asam asetat glasial 1%. Pembuatan edible film harus melalui proses pengadukan dan pemanasan pada suhu 50°C. Selanjutnya larutan khitosan dituang diatas media cetak akrilik untuk dapat membentuk edible film. Plasticizer dapat ditambahkan untuk mengurangi kerapuhan dan meningkatkan fleksibilitas dan ketahanan film. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan gliserol sebagai plasticizer.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan untuk analisis ketebalan edible film, diperoleh nilai ratarata berkisar antara 0,018 mm &plusmm; 0,0011 % sampai dengan 0,097 mm &plusmm; 0,0029 %, ketebalan meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi plasticizer gliserol dan komposisi khitosan. Untuk analisis kekuatan tarik, nilai kuat tarik menurun seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi gliserol. Dapat terlihat pada sampel IA sampai dengan ID. Sampel IA (2 gr khitosan, 0,2 ml/gr gliserol), sampel IB (2 gr khitosan, 0,4 ml/gr gliserol), sampel IC (2 gr khitosan, 0,6 ml/gr gliserol), sampel ID (2 gr khitosan, 0,8 ml/gr gliserol), diperoleh nilai rata-rata kuat tarik sebesar 111,130 kgf/cm² &plusmm; 18,378 % makin menurun sampai dengan 18,696 kgf/cm² &plusmm; 2,085 %. Pada analisis uji elongasi, nilai terendah sebesar 5,2000% &plusmm; 0,8367% pada sampel IA dan tertinggi sebesar 32,800% &plusmm; 3,5637% pada sampel IVD (5 gr khitosan, 0,8 ml/gr gliserol).
Pemanjangan edible film meningkat dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi gliserol dan komposisi khitosan yang digunakan. Untuk hasil analisis uji WVTR, diperoleh nilai terendah 165,56 g/m²/24jam &plusmm; 0,14% dan tertinggi 559,48 g/m²/24jam &plusmm; 2,47%. Laju transmisi uap air cenderung meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi gliserol dan komposisi khitosan. Sedangkan pada analisis uji O&sub2;TR, diperoleh nilai yang terendah sebesar 0,32 cc/m²/24jam &plusmm; 0,0004% dan tertinggi sebesar 1, 3 cc/m²/24jam &plusmm; 0,74%. Nilai laju transmisi oksigen yang didapat pada penelitian ini cenderung semakin menurun seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi gliserol dan komposisi khitosan.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, terlihat bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi gliserol dan komposisi khitosan dapat meningkatkan ketebalan, persentase pemanjangan, dan laju transmisi uap air edible film khitosan, namun dapat juga menurunkan nilai laju transmisi oksigen. Untuk uji kuat tarik, nilainya semakin menurun dengan peningkatan konsentrasi gliserol, namun semakin meningkat dengan peningkatan komposisi khitosan.

The shrimp skin in Indonesia is widely known as waste with limited advantages. One of the alternatives is by recycling the shrimp skin as the source of chitosan. In the next process the chitosan can be transformed into edible film. The chitosan edible film is being developed as a modern package which is friendly to our environment because it can be eaten directly and it also can easily absorb by nature. To make the edible film, the chitosan is mixed with the acetat glacial acid 1 %. The making of edible film has to pass the process of stiring and heating on the temperature of 50°C. Next, the chitosan is poured on an acrylic media to be able to form the edible film. Plasticizer can be added to reduce the fragillity and to increase the flexibility and the strength of the film. In this research, the glicerol is used as plasticizer.
The result of the research shows that the thickness of the edible film is between 0,018 mm &plusmm; 0,0011 % to 0,097 mm &plusmm; 0,0029 %, the thickness increases along with the increasing of the concentrate of plasticizer glicerol and the compotition of chitosan. The result of the tensile strength test is that the tensile strength is decreases along with the increasing of the concentrate of plasticizer glicerol. This can be seen from the sample of IA to ID. The IA sample (2 gr chitosan, 0,2 ml/gr glicerol), the IB sample (2 gr chitosan, 0,4 ml/gr glicerol), the IC sample (2 gr chitosan, 0,6 ml/gr glicerol), the ID sample (2 gr chitosan, 0,8 ml/gr glicerol), the average of the tensile strength is 111,130 kgf/cm² &plusmm; 18,378 % decrease until to 18,696 kgf/cm² &plusmm; 2,085 %. On the analysist of elongation, the lowest score is 5,000% &plusmm 0,8367% on sample IA and the highest is 32,800% &plusmm; 3,5637% on the IVD sample (5 gr chitosan, 0,8 ml/gr glicerol).
The length of the edible film increases by the increasing of the concentrate of plasticizer glicerol and the compotition of chitosan being used. For the result of WVTR, the lowest score is 165,56 g/m²/24 hours &plusmm; 0,14% and the highest is 559,48 g/m²/24 hours &plusmm; 2,47%. The water vapor transmission rate tends to increase along with the increasing of the concentrate of plasticizer glicerol and the compotition of chitosan. Meanwhile, on the analysist test of O&sub2;TR, the lowest score is 0,32 cc/m²/24 hours &plusmm; 0,0004% and the highest is 1,33 cc/m²/24 hours &plusmm; 0,74%. The score of oxygen transmission rate which shown in this research tends to decrease along with increasing of the concentrate of plasticizer glicerol and the compotition of chitosan.
Based on these result, to be seen that the increasing of the concentrate of plasticizer glicerol and the compotition of chitosan can increases thickness, percentage of elongation, and water vapor transmission rate chitosan edible film, but it can be decreases score of oxygen transmission rate. For tensile strength test, the score is decreases along with the increasing of the concentrate of plasticizer glicerol but increases along with the increasing of the compotition of chitosan.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suryo Irawan
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gian Varian Setyadi
"Kebutuhan akan media pengemas makanan yang semakin meningkat seiring dengan era disrupsi teknologi, selaras dengan meningkatnya tindakan pencemaran lingkungan yang terbilang tidak terkendali. Salah satu solusinya adalah menggunakan bioplastik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pati kulit pisang tanduk dan cavendish sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan bioplastik. Pati terlebih dahulu diekstrak dari kulit pisang tanduk dan cavendish, lalu dicampur dengan zat aditif lainnya seperti gliserol dan sorbitol yang bertindak sebagai pemlastis. Penelitian ini dilakukan bermula dari permasalahan terkait pemberian pemlastis gliserol dan sorbitol serta pemanfaatan pati dengan kadar tertentu agar didapatkan formulasi terbaik dalam meningkatkan sifat fisik dan mekanik bioplastik. Pencampuran antara kedua pemlastis tersebut dilakukan dengan rasio konsentrasi 2:1 (v/v) serta perlakuan yang sama dalam mengekstraksi pati dari kulit pisang. Besar konsentrasi pemlastis yang digunakan sebesar 35% (v/v) dan 70% (v/v) sebanyak 2 ml, serta komposisi massa pati sebesar 3 gram. Hasil uji kadar pati dengan metode Luff Schoorl menunjukkan kadar pati kulit pisang tanduk lebih besar 3% dibandingkan pati kulit pisang cavendish pada usia yang diperkirakan serupa berdasarkan warna kulitnya. Dari uji FTIR ditunjukkan bahwa tiap sampel memiliki gugus fungsi yang terbilang cukup serupa satu sama lain. Sifat fisik diukur dengan beberapa parameter yang saling berkaitan satu sama lain, antara lain ketebalan, daya serap terhadap air, serta biodegradabilitas, dimana sifat fisik terbaik dimiliki oleh sampel S70C. Meskipun hasil ketebalan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan, namun sifat daya serap air menunjukkan sampel S70C serta S70T adalah yang paling rendah, serta biodegradabilitas sampel S70C merupakan yang paling baik, dinilai dari konsistensi kehilangan massanya saat dilalui proses penguburan dalam tanah kompos. Sifat mekanik diukur dengan parameter kekuatan tarik dan elongasi saat putus, dimana nilai kuat tarik terendah pada sampel S35T (0,09 N/mm2) serta yang tertinggi pada sampel S35C (0,23 N/mm2), diikuti oleh S70T (0,21 N/mm2) dan S70C (0,19 N/mm2). Persen elongasi tertinggi pada sampel S70C sebesar 12,83% dan terendah pada S35T sebesar 6,99%. Hasil uji SEM menunjukkan adanya tekstur yang halus hingga sama sekali kasar atau kurangnya kemerataan bahan pembentuk sampel
The need for food packaging media is increasing along with the era of technological disruption, in line with the increasing acts of environmental pollution that are fairly uncontrolled. One solution is to use bioplastics. This study used banana peel starch and cavendish as the main raw materials for making bioplastics. Starch is first extracted from tanduk and cavendish banana peel, then mixed with other additives such as glycerol and sorbitol which act as a plasticizer. This research was conducted starting from problems related to the provision of glycerol and sorbitol plasticizers as well as the use of starch with certain levels in order to obtain the best formulation in improving the physical and mechanical properties of bioplastics. The mixing between the two plasticizers was carried out with a concentration ratio of 2:1 (v/v) as well as the same treatment in extracting starch from banana peels. The concentration of plasticizer used was 35% (v/v) and 70% (v/v) of 2 ml, as well as a starch mass composition of 3 grams. The results of the starch content test with the Luff Schoorl method showed that the starch content of the tanduk banana peel was 3% greater than that of cavendish banana peel starch at a similar age based on the skin color. From the FTIR test, it is shown that each sample has functional groups that are quite similar to each other. Physical properties are measured by several parameters that are interrelated with each other, including thickness, absorption of water, and biodegradability, where the best physical properties are possessed by the S70C sample. Although the thickness results did not show a significant difference, the nature of water absorption showed that S70C and S70T samples were the lowest, and the biodegradability of S70C samples was the best, judged by the consistency of losing mass when going through the burial process in compost soils. Mechanical properties are measured by the parameters of tensile strength and elongation at break, where the lowest tensile strength value in the S35T sample (0,09 N/mm2) and the highest in the S35C sample (0,23 N/mm2), followed by S70T (0,21 N/mm2) and S70C (0,19 N/mm2). Percent of elongation was highest in the S70C sample at 12,83% and lowest in the S35T at 6,99%. SEM test results show the presence of a smooth to completely rough texture or lack of evenness of the sample forming material."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
P. Setiawan Halim
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Honorius Rachmantio
Yogyakarta: Tabernakelindo, 2004
620.11 HON p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Halitosis (bad breath) is the most complained problem among mouth and teeth health. The source of halitosis are volatile sulfur compounds produced by Streptococcus mutatn from degradation of food debris. Sirih leaves (Piper betle L.) are trditionally used as mouth antiseptic for its volatile oil. The aim of this research was to formulate sirih extract into an extract with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) with 96% ethanol for 24 hours, resulting to an extract with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), on Streptococcus mutans of 8.49 x 10 g/ml. The extract with streng quadrupele of the MIC, or equel to 0.92% provide iodine, was formulate using 2 factorial design. Corn starch, hydroxypropyl methycellulose (HPMC) and sorbitol were independent variables and drying time ,moisture, film hicknes, desintegrating time, and film streng were the dependent ones.The results showed that HPMC significantly fastened the drying time, decreased the moisture, and lengthened the desintegrating time. Sorbitol significantly fastened he drying time, increased the moisture, and strengthened the film, while corn stach decreased the moisture and lengthened the disintegrating time. Optimation of the formula ingredients using contour plot superimposed cannot be determinetd due to edible film disintegrating time that was out of comparative interval."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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