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Tri Ratnaningsih
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan antara hasil pemeriksaan hematologi rutin dan morfologi darah tepi eritrosit pada sampel darah dengan berbagai konsentrasi antikoagulan Na2EDTA yang berbeda. Penditian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang. Bahan penelitian berupa 33 sampel darah vena mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UGM Yogyakarta. Dua ml darah dibagi ke datum 4 tabling Na2EDTA yang masing-masing berisi antikoagulan dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda. Tabung pertama berisi Na2EDTA konsentrasi standar, 2 mg/dl, tabung yang lain secara berurutan berisi Na2EDTA dengan konsentrasi 4 mg/dl, 6 mg/dl, and 8 mg/dl. Sebelumnya dibuat sediaan hapus langsung dari setetes darah tanpa antikoagulan (sebagai kontrol) untuk pemeriksaan morfologi darah tepi (MDT). Darah dalam keempat tabung tersebut segera dilakukan pembuatan sediaan hapus dan diperiksa profit hematologi eritrositnya menggunakan SYSMEX SE-9500 automatic analyzer. Terdapat penurunan yang bermakna dari hitung eritrosit, hemoglobin, hematokrit, dan MCHC serta peningkatan yang bermakna dari nilai MCV dan RDW antara konsentrasi Na2EDTA yang berlebihan, sedangkan nilai MCH tidak ada perbedaan. Pemeriksaan MDT menunjukkan perubahan yang bermakna pada bentuk echinocytes serta ditemukan gambaran ghost cells pada sampel darah dengan Na2EDTA yang berlebihan. Disimpulkan bahwa antikoagulan Na2EDTA yang berlebihan akan berpengaruh terhadap morfologi dan beberapa parameter hematologi eritrosit. (Med J Indones 2006; 15:157-64)

The purpose of this study is to know whether there are differences between hematology profile and morphology of erythrocyles of blood specimens which are prepared with excessive Na2EDTA anticoagulant in different concentration. This study was conducted in Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University. The criteria of subject were male, age from 18 until 22 years old and healthy, ascertained from history taking and vital sign examination. Blood samples from 33 subjects were taken using vein puncture. Two millimeters blood was divided into 4 Na2EDTA-containing tube's. Before that, one drop of blood without Na2EDTA anticoagulant was used for making control blood film right after vein puncture. Each tubes contained different concentration of anticoagulant. The first tube contained Na2EDTA in standard concentration 2 mg/dl; the remaining tubes contained consecutively, 4 mg/dl, 6 mg/dl, and 8 mg/dl. Those samples were immediately examined using SYSMEX SE-9500 automatic analyzer for measuring erythrocytes hematological profile and were stained with Wright staining far morphological examination. These procedures were done before 20 minutes of vein puncture. There were significant decrease ofRBC count, HGB, HCT, and MCHC and also significant increase of MCV and RDW between different concentrations of excessive Na2EDTA anticoagulant. MCH did not have significant result. Morphological examination showed significant morphological changes in the form of echinocytes and appearance of ghost cells in the sample treated with excessive Na2EDTA anticoagulant concentration. In conclusion, there are differences in hematological profile and morphology of erythrocytes among blood specimen which are prepared with excessive Na2EDTA anticoagulant in different concentration, except for MCH. Excessive Na2EDTA anticoagulant concentration will affect the blood specimen for peripheral blood examination of erythrocytes by interfering morphology and some of hematological parameters. (Med J Indones 2006; J 5:157-64)"
[place of publication not identified]: Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Aulia
"Pemeriksaan hematologi banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat hitung sel darah otomatis yang mencakup parameter pemeriksaan seperti jumlah leukosit, jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit, volume eritrosit rata-rata (VER), hemoglobin eritrosit rata-rata (HER), konsentrasi hemoglobin eritrosit rata-rata (KHER), red distribution width (RDW), jumlah trombosit, mean platelet volume (MPV) dan platelet distribution width (PDW). Untuk pemeriksaan tersebut perlu diperhatikan beberapa hal, seperti persiapan penderita, cara pengambilan bahan dan pengiriman bahan bila bahan tersebut dirujuk serta antikoagulan yang dipakai. Kesalahan yang terjadi pada hal-hal tersebut di atas dapat mempengaruhi hasil pemeriksaan.
Untuk pemeriksaan hematologi tersebut, biasanya dipakai darah vena yang dicampur dengan antikoagulan, agar bahan darah tersebut tidak menggumpal. Antikoagulan yang sering dipakai antara lain garam EDTA seperti tripotassium EDTA (K3EDTA). Beberapa kepustakaan menyebutkan bahwa penggunaan garam EDTA yang berbeda dan atau konsentrasinya yang berbeda dapat menyebabkan perbedaan kuantitas maupun kualitas hasil pemeriksaan. Lamanya penundaan pemeriksaan juga dapat memberikan hasil yang berbeda untuk parameter tertentu.
Saat ini banyak penelitian yang memerlukan pemeriksaan hematologi dilakukan di lapangan sehingga ada kecenderungan untuk melakukan penundaan pemeriksaan hematologi yang dibutuhkan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas, ingin diketahui batas waktu lamanya penyimpanan darah dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA dalam tabung vacuette pada suhu kamar dan lemari es sebelum terjadinya perubahan kuantitas maupun kualitas yang minimal pada beberapa pemeriksaan hematologi serta pengaruh perbedaan suhu penyimpanan bahan tersebut.
Behan penelitian : Behan penelitian berasal dari 27 orang yang memerlukan pemeriksaan hematologi di laboratorium Patologi Klinik Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta (RSUPN CM) antara tanggal 1 Maret 1998 sampai dengan tanggal 10 April. 1998. Diharapkan bahan penelititan mewakili kadar hemoglobin tinggi, normal dan rendah masing-masing 3 orang, jumlah leukosit tinggi, normal dan rendah masing-masing 3 orang, jumlah trombosit tinggi, normal clan rendah masing-masing 3 orang. Bahan penelitian tersebut berupa darah vena sebanyak 6 mL, yang diambil dengan menggunakan semprit 10 mL, dimasukkan ke dalam dua tabung vacuette 3 mL dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA (selanjutnya disebut darah K3EDTA) dan dibuat sediaan hapus langsung tanpa antikoagulan. Preparat sediaan hapus langsung dikeringkan pada suhu kamar (21 - 30 ° C), setelah kering {kira - kira 30 menit) difiksasi dengan metanol kemudian diberi pulasan Wright. Darah dalam tabung vacuette pertama (3mL) segera diperiksa parameter hematologinya menggunakan alat hitung sel darah otomatis Sysmex K-1000, sisa darah disimpan pada suhu kamar . Darah dalam tabung vacuette yang kedua (3mL) segera dimasukkan ke dalam lemari es pada suhu 40 C. Selanjutnya darah dalam tabung vacuette yang disimpan pada suhu kamar dan lemari es tersebut diperiksa parameter hematologinya secara serial pada menit ke dua puluh, jam pertama, jam ke dua, jam ke empat, jam ke enam, jam ke duabelas dan jam ke dua puluh empat.
Kriteria masukan untuk bahan penelitian ini adalah bahan pemeriksaan darah yang mempunyai jumlah leukosit, jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, nilai hematokrit dan jumlah trombosit masih dalam batas linearitas alat hitung sel darah otomatis Sysmex K ? 1000."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrianus Jonathan Sugiharta
"Perubahan iklim telah menjadi isu global dan diyakini disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia yang berhubungan dengan produksi gas rumah kaca (greenhouse gases), salah satunya adalah karbon dioksida. Peningkatan konsentrasi karbon dioksida memberikan efek tidak hanya pada lingkungan sekitar, tetapi juga sistem tubuh. Kejadian ini dihubungkan dengan kemunculan berbagai penyakit akibat kondisi hiperkapnia yang menimbulkan efek merusak pada sel dan jaringan tubuh, termasuk sistem imun. PBMC merupakan salah satu komponen penting sistem imun yang berperan sebagai lini pertama tubuh dalam menghadapi berbagai perubahan lingkungan, termasuk peningkatan karbon dioksida. Tingkat karbon dioksida tinggi dapat menimbulkan perubahan pada ekspresi berbagai gen yang berperan dalam meregulasi respon seluler terhadap perubahan yang ada. Salah satu gen yang dimaksud adalah HIF-1α. HIF-1α merupakan salah satu protein faktor transkripsi utama dalam tubuh yang berfungsi untuk mengatur berbagai macam mekanisme seluler terhadap keadaan hipoksia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai efek peningkatan karbon dioksida terhadap ekspresi HIF-1α pada PBMC. PBMC dipisahkan teknik sentrifugasi, kemudian dikultur dan disimpan dalam empat keadaan yang berbeda (5% CO2 24 jam, 15% CO2 24 jam, 5% CO2 48 jam, dan 15% CO2 48 jam). Kemudian, RNA diisolasi dan dicek dengan teknik reverse transcriptase real-time PCR. Hasil dari kelompok sampel 24 jam menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam hal tingkat ekspresinya. Sedangkan pada kelompok sampel 48 jam, hasil menunjukkan perbedaan ekspresi yang tidak signifikan. Dari penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya penurunan ekspresi HIF-1α ketika peningkatan karbon dioksida terjadi. Akan tetapi, ekspresi HIF-1α menunjukkan sedikit peningkatan setelah perlakuan selama 48 jam.

Climate change has become a major global issue since the past few years, and it is caused by human activities related to the emissions of greenhouse gases, one of which is carbon dioxide. Elevated level of carbon dioxide has been found to affect not only our environment, but also our body system. It is linked to many adverse clinical outcomes due to the hypercapnic condition towards many cells and tissues, including our immune system. PBMCs, a major components of immune system, are the first-line defence against various environmental changes, including increased carbon dioxide level. High carbon dioxide are thought to cause alterations of numerous genes expression, including HIF-1α, resulting in defective cellular response. HIF-1α is one of the most important transcription factor proteins for numerous cellular mechanisms related to hypoxia. Therefore, this research is aimed to study about the effects of increased carbon dioxide towards HIF-1α expression in PBMCs. PBMCs are separated from the blood by centrifugation, cultured, and treated under four different conditions (5% CO2 24 hours, 15% CO2 24 hours, 5% CO2 48 hours, and 15% CO2 48 hours. The RNA are then isolated and tested by reverse transcriptase real-time PCR. The result of 24-hour group showed a significant difference in the mRNA expression, unlike the difference in expression showed by the result of 48-hour group. In conclusion, the result showed that the expression of HIF-1α was decreased upon treated with increased carbon dioxide level. The expression, however, slightly increase after 48-hour period."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azma Rosida
"Defisiensi besi merupakan keadaan dimana jumlah total besi tubuh berkurang yang bila berlanjut menyebabkan anemia defisiensi besi. Saat ini tersedia parameter immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) yang menunjukkan fraksi retikulosit muda di sirkulasi yang bermanfaat menilai aktivitas eritropoiesis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui korelasi IRF dengan kadar besi dan feritin serum, dan saturasi transferin, serta korelasi feritin dan hepsidin serum. Penelitian dengan desain penelitian potong lintang ini melibatkan 77 subyek remaja putri sekolah yang telah haid dan mendapat suplementasi besi oral 2 kali seminggu selama 12 minggu. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin, hitung retikulosit absolut, IRF, kadar besi, feritin, dan hepsidin serum serta saturasi transferin. Didapatkan korelasi bermakna dengan kekuatan sedang antara IRF dan kadar besi dan feritin serum, serta saturasi transferin (berturut-turut p<0,0001, r = -0,443; p = <0,0001, r = -0,439, dan p<0,0001, r = -0,423), dan antara kadar feritin dan hepsidin serum (p<0,001, r = 0,371). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa IRF memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan status besi tubuh.

Decreased total body iron will cause iron deficiency, which could end up to iron deficiency anemia. Currently, immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) was introduced as a parameter to show young reticulocyte fraction in the circulation, as a useful tool to evaluate erythropoiesis activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between IRF with serum iron and ferritin concentrations, and with transferin saturation, and between serum ferritin with hepcidin concentration. A cross sectional study was conducted in Pramuka island involving 77 post-menarchal adolescent school girls, who had received twice weekly iron supplementation for 12 weeks. Serum concentrations of iron, ferritin, and hepsidin, haemoglobin concentration, transferin saturation, absolute reticulocyte count, and IRF were determined. There were significance correlations between IRF with serum iron and ferritin, concentrations, and with transferin saturation (p<0.0001, r = - 0.443; p<0.0001, r = -0.439 ; and p = <0.0001, r = -0.423, respectively), and between serum hepsidin and ferritin concentrations (p<0.001, r = 0.371). It can be concluded that IRF had significant correlation with iron status.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Usi Sukorini
"Akurasi pemeriksaan profil lekosit dipengaruhi beberapa faktor preanalitik diantaranya konsentrasi antiokoagulan. Antikoagulan yang paling sering dipakai pada pemeriksaan darah rutin adalah EDTA. Ketidaksesuaian perbandingan konsentrasi EDTA dengan bahan darah berefek terhadap hasil pemeriksaan darah tepi diantaranya parameter lekosit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan antara hasil pemeriksaan profil lekosit pada bahan darah dengan berbagai konsentrasi antikoagulan Na2EDTA yang berbeda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang. Bahan penelitian berupa 33 sampel darah vena mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UGM Yogyakarta. Dua mL darah dibagi ke dalam 4 tabung Na2EDTA. Tabung pertama berisi Na2EDTA konsentrasi standar, 2 mg/dl, tabung yang lain secara berurutan berisi Na2EDTA dengan konsentrasi 4 mg/dl, 6 mg/dl, and 8 mg/dl. Sebelumnya dibuat sediaan hapus langsung dari setetes darah tanpa antikoagulan (sebagai kontrol). Darah dalam keempat tabung tersebut segera dilakukan pembuatan sediaan hapus dan diperiksa profil hematologi lekositnya menggunakan SYSMEX SE-9500 automatic analyzer. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna dari hitung lekosit, hitung jenis lekosit absolut dan prosentase monosit pada konsentrasi Na2EDTA yang berlebihan. Prosentase netrofil relatif meningkat dan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna. Prosentase limfosit, eosinofil dan basofil tidak berbeda secara bermakna. Pemeriksaan morfologi lekosit menunjukkan perubahan yang bermakna berupa tepi sitoplasma yang irreguler, vakuolisasi, dan lobus nukleus yang irreguler akibat pengaruh konsentrasi Na2EDTA yang belebihan. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan konsentrasi Na2EDTA yang berlebihan pada preparasi spesimen darah menyebabkan perubahan profil lekosit sesuai peningkatan konsentrasinya. Konsentrasi standar tidak mempengaruhi hitung lekosit dan hitung jenis lekosit serta morfologinya, kecuali berpengaruh terhadap tepi sitoplasma yang irreguler dan lobus nukleus yang irreguler. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:168-75)

Accuracy of leukocytes profile assessment is influenced by several pre analytical factors, among others, the anticoagulant concentration. EDTA is one of the most frequently used anticoagulant in peripheral blood examination. Several references stated that inappropriate concentration of EDTA anticoagulant in blood sample may affect the result of leukocytes profile in peripheral blood examination. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether there are differences among leukocytes profile in peripheral blood examination specimens, which were prepared with excessive Na2EDTA anticoagulant in different concentration. This study was conducted in Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University. Blood samples from 30 subjects were taken using vein puncture. Two millimeters blood was divided into 4 Na2EDTA-containing tubes. Before that, one drop of blood without Na2EDTA anticoagulant was used to make blood film right after vein puncture, as control. Each tubes contained different concentration of anticoagulant. The first tube contained Na2EDTA in standard concentration 2 mg/ml; the remaining tubes contained 4 mg/ml, 6 mg/ml, and 8 mg/ml respectively. These samples were immediately examined using SYSMEX SE-9500 automatic cell counter to measure the total and differential leukocytes count; and were stained with Wright staining for morphological examination under the microscope. These procedures were done before 20 minutes of vein puncture. There were significant decrement of total leukocytes count, absolute differential leukocytes count and monocyte percentage following excessive Na2EDTA administration. Neutrophil percentage was found to be relatively increased and the difference was significant. Lymphocyte, eosinophil and basophil percentages were not significantly different. Morphological examination showed significant increment in irregular cytoplasm margin, vacoulation and irregular nuclei lobes following excessive Na2EDTA administration. It is concluded that excessive concentration of Na2EDTA used in blood specimen preparation, will lead to changes in leukocytes profile as the concentration increased. Standard Na2EDTA anticoagulant concentration did not alter any leukocytes count and morphology, except for irregular cytoplasm margin and irregular nuclei lobes. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:168-75)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michelle Audrey Darmadi
"Latar Belakang: Retinoblastoma adalah keganasan intraokular paling sering dan juga salah satu tumor padat tersering pada anak-anak. Di negara berkembang dimana terdapat perawatan dan deteksi dini yang baik, prognosis umumnya baik dengan tingkat kesintasan tinggi. Sayangnya, di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia diagnosis umumnya tertunda dan kesintasan masih rendah. Hitung darah lengkap merupakan uji yang secara relative mudah dan murah serta dikatakan dapat memberikan informasi prognostik yang bernilai dan membantu menilai kesintasan pada berbagai jenis kanker. Namun, studi mengenai hal tersebut masih sangat sedikit pada kasus retinoblastoma.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara profil darah tepi pada presentasi awal dan kesintasan pada retinoblastoma.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang retrospektif dengan cara mengumpulkan rekam medis pasien retinoblastoma yang didiagnosis sejak Januari 2011 sampai Desember 2013 di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Cipto Mangunkusumo 'Kiara'. Demografi dan profil klinis pasien dikumpulkan dan keluaran dikategorikan menjadi event mati dan censored tidak mati . Analisis kesintasan dilakukan menggunakan metode Kaplan Meier dengan SPSS.
Hasil: Analsis survival dengan metode Kaplan-Meier dan log-rank test menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antar kesintasan pasien, baik berdasarkan status hemoglobin p=0,219 , status leukosit p=0,903 , dan status trombosit p=0,649 sebelum menerima terapi sistemik. Namun demikian, terlihat ada trend kesintasan.

Background: Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular malignancy and is also one of the most common solid tumors in children. In developed countries where treatment is good and early detection is available, the prognosis and survival is good. Unfortunately, in developing countries including Indonesia diagnosis is still often delayed and survival is still low. Complete blood count as a relatively accessible and affordable test has been studied to provide valuable prognostic information and help in assessing the survival in various types of cancers. However, such studies is still very limited in retinoblastoma cases.
Objectives: This study aims to identify the relation between peripheral blood profile on first presentation and survival in retinoblastoma.
Methods: This study uses retrospective cross sectional study design by collecting medical records of retinoblastoma patients diagnosed from January 2011 to December 2013 in Cipto Mangunkusumo Children and Maternal Hospital 'Kiara'. The demography and clinical profile of patients is collected and outcome is categorized into event dead and censored not dead. Survival analysis is done using Kaplan Meier with SPSS.
Results: Survival analysis using Kaplan Meier method and log rank test shows no significant difference in survival between patients, either according to hemoglobin status p 0,219 , leukocyte status p 0,903 , and thrombocyte status p 0,649 before receiving systemic therapy. Nevertheless, there seem to be a trend of lower mean survival in group with abnormal Hb and leukocyte, although such relation is not seen in thrombocyte.Conclusion Although there is no significant relation, there seem to be a trend in which patients with worse peripheral blood profile has worse survival.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan antara hasil pemeriksaan hematologi rutin dan morfologi darah tepi eritrosit pada sampel darah dengan berbagai konsentrasi antikoagulan Na2-EDTA yang berbeda."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bain, Barbara J.
"This book contain : * Enables both the haematologist and laboratory scientist to identify blood cell features, from the most common to the more obscure * Provides essential information on methods of collection, blood film preparation and staining, together with the principles of manual and automated blood counts * Completely revised and updated, incorporating much newly published information: now includes advice on further tests when a specific diagnosis is suspected *400 high quality photographs to aid with blood cell identification * Highlights the purpose and clinical relevance of haematology laboratory tests throughout."
Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015
616.15 BAI b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Widiyanti Rahayu Hilia
Penelitian telah dilakukan untuk menganalisis kromosom ikan koi Kohaku (Cyprinus carpio L.) dengan teknik kultur sel darah. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai jumlah dan karakter morfologi kromosom ikan koi Kohaku (Cyprinus carpio L.). Preparat kromosom diperoleh dari sel darah ikan koi Kohaku yang dikultur dengan menggunakan medium RPMI 1640, mitogen PHA-M, faktor tumbuh FBS, dan antibiotic antimycotic pada suhu 37°C selama 72 jam dalam inkubator dengan 5% CO2. Perlakuan penghambatan pembentukkan spindel untuk mendapatkan sebaran kromosom metafase dilakukan dengan pemberian 10µg/mL kolsemid kemudian di inkubasi selama dua jam. Sampel kemudian diberi perlakuan hipotonis dengan larutan KCl 0,075 M di inkubasi selama 8 menit, dan perlakuan fiksatif dengan larutan metanol dan asam asetat glasial dalam perbandingan 3: 1 selama 10 menit. Sampel diwarnai dengan Giemsa 5%, dan diamati di bawah mikroskop Leica dengan perbesaran 10x100. Jumlah kromosom dihitung dengan bantuan software ImageJ. Pengamatan sebaran kromosom metafase yang didapatkan menunjukkan ikan koi Kohaku memiliki kromosom yang berjumlah berkisar 2n= ca. 100--102. Hasil yang diperoleh diharapkan dapat menjadi informasi dasar kromosom spesies, melihat kekerabatan spesies, dan pengembangan sitogenetik di Indonesia.

Research to analyze chromosomes Kohaku koi (Cyprinus carpio L.) using blood cell culture techniques has been conducted. The aim of the research was to obtain information about the number and size of chromosome of the Kohaku koi (Cyprinus carpio L.) chromosome. Chromosomes were obtained from Kohaku koi fish blood cell culture. The cells were cultured using RPMI 1640 medium, mitogen from PHA-M, FBS growing factor, and antibiotic antimycotic at a temperature of 37°C for 72 hours in a 5% CO2 incubator. The inhibition of spindle formation to obtain chromosomal metaphase distribution was carried out by two-hours colcemid treatment at a dosage of 10 µg/mL. The samples were subjected to 0.075 M KCl hypotonic solution for 8 minutes, and fixed with a solution of methanol and glacial acetic acid in a 3: 1 ratio for 10 minutes. Samples were tinged with 5% Giemsa and observed under a Leica microscope software with 10 x 100 magnification. The number of chromosomes has been calculated by using ImageJ software. According to the data obtained, Kohaku koi fish chromosome numbers ranged from 2n=ca. 100 to 2n=ca.102. The results were expected to be the basic of chromosome information that would be beneficial for predicting the kinship of species as well as the development of cytogenetics in Indonesia."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheila Kadir
Latar belakang. Pemberian transfusi darah merupakan salah satu tindakan medis untuk penyelamatan nyawa (live saving) dan penyembuhan penyakit, tetapi disisi lain tindakan ini juga memiliki risiko atau komplikasi. Salah satu komplikasiyang dikenal adalah Transfusion-Associated Graft-vs-Host Disease (TAGVHD). TAGVHD ini akan menyebabkan berproliferasinya limfosit T yangkemudian akan diikuti oleh proses engraft (tertanam) didalam tubuh resipien yang umumnya berada dalam kondisi imunokompeten. Kondisi ini umumnya dialami oleh pasien-pasien dengan gangguan sistem imunologi seperti pada pasien kanker atau penyakit-penyakit autoimun. Saat ini, satu ? satunya metode yang dapat diterima untuk mencegah komplikasi itu dengan cara melakukan iradiasi darah. Bervariasinya rekomendasi tentang dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran untukmenurunkan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ sebagai penyebab terjadinya TAGVHD, menjadi latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini akan dijadikan rekomendasi untuk prosedur iradiasi terhadap komponen sel darah merah pekatyang akan diberikan pada pasien-pasien imunokompeten di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta.
Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain penelitian eksperimental dengan pemeriksaan time series yang dilakukan terhadap 54 kantong komponen sel darah merah pekat yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti. Dilakukan pengujian terhadap jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ dalam tiga dosis dengan tiga serial waktu berbeda.
Hasil. Terjadi penurunan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ pada komponen sel darah merah pekat yang dilakukan iradiasi pada dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran yang berbeda.
Simpulan. Penurunan jumlah CD 3+ bermakna atau signifikan pada dosis 2500 pada waktu 5 jam setelah penyinaran.

Background Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation., ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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