" Setyawan AD. 2009. Effect of global warming on plant evolution and diversity; lessons from the past and its potential
recurrence in the future. Nusantara Bioscience 1: 43-52. Lessons from the past show that global warming and glaciation is a natural
cycle of repeated, the trigger factor is not always the same, but global warming is always accompanied by elevated levels of CO2 and
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which cause the other rising global temperatures. Present and destruction of various plants and other
living makhluh continue to happen from time to time. Every era has its life form, as a mirror of global environmental conditions at the
time. Biodiversity is not always the same between one period of global warming are with the next global warming or one period of
glaciation that one with the next glaciation, although new breeds always show traces the evolution of his ancestors. Human is one of the
agents of global warming that began with the development of agricultural systems since 8000 years ago. The impact of climate change
due to global warming should continue to be wary of. Based on past experience, global warming is always followed by mass extinctions,
but various forms of life will still survive even though its shape is almost certainly not the same as before. Living organisms can survive
it will evolve into new taxa that are different from its parental taxa. Men who were present at that time probably were not men who are
present at this time, given Homo sapiens may have been extinct for not being able to adapt or otherwise has evolved into a new man
who may no longer show characteristics of human wisdom."