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Martin, Georges
"EU is Switzerland's most important partner, intern of politic, cultural and economic. By far, economic integration has been achieved through sector by sector bilateral negotiations. This happens since Swiss particular system, such as direct democracy system, refrains Switzerland for fall economic and politic integration. Regarding the EU enlargement, Switzerland believes this will promote positive impact in Europe. Furthermore, bilateral agreement II is aimed to extend corporation with EU in various sector, such as economic and politics, ft is a long term goal of Switzerland for full accession as full EU member."
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah Eropa, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Ariaputra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali dinamika hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Swiss dari tahun 1949-1965. Sejak pernyataan kemerdekaan, eksistensi republik mendapat tantangan dari Belanda. Hal ini turut berdampak kepada konsepsi perjuangan Kementrian Luar Negeri Periode (1945-1949) yang diamanatkan untuk memperoleh dukungan pengakuan internasional guna mencegah kembalinya kekuasaan kolonial. Dalam hal ini Swiss mempunyai peran yang signifikan dan esensial bagi Indonesia. Dukungan moral dan material Swiss bagi Indonesia tiada duanya sebagai salah satu negara Eropa Barat yang tidak dijamah oleh Perang Dunia Kedua. Akan tetapi seperti halnya hubungan secara umum terdapat pasang dan surut (ebb and flow) yang turut mewarnai hubungan bilateral mereka. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut penelitian ini mencoba untuk menjawab beberapa rumusan masalah seperti (1) Politik luar negeri Indonesia dan Swiss, (2) dinamika hubungan Indonesia-Swiss dari tahun (1949-1965) dan (3) dampak dari dinamika hubungan Indonesia-Swiss. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang di dalamnya termasuk proses menggali sumber, mengkritik, serta menafsirkan arsip-arsip kementrian baik itu dari Kementrian Luar Negeri Swiss maupun Kementrian Penerangan Indonesia untuk kemudian dapat dianalisis dan ditarik sebuah kesimpulan mengenai arsip tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kehadiran Swiss ditengah krisis eksistensial Indonesia telah secara langsung membantu dengan membangun kapabilitas dan kapasitas Republik muda ini dalam menjalankan fungsi pemerintahannya. Adapun hubungan kedua negara tersebut juga diwarnai dengan beberapa ‘turbulensi’ di beberapa kejadian dengan kasus yang paling banyak di penghujung masa Orde Lama dan transisi menuju Orde Baru.
This research aims to explore the dynamics of Indonesia-Switzerland bilateral relations from 1949-1965. On August 17, 1945, Indonesia's independence was proclaimed after Japan surrendered to the Allies. Since the declaration of independence, the existence of the republic has been challenged by the Dutch who demanded a military and diplomatic response from Indonesia. This had an impact on the conception of the struggle of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1945-1949), which was mandated to gain support for international recognition to prevent the return of colonial rule. In this regard, Switzerland played a significant and essential role for Indonesia. Switzerland's moral and material support for Indonesia was second to none as one of the Western European countries not touched by the Second World War. However, as with relationships in general, there are ebbs and flows that color their bilateral relations. Based on this background, this research tries to answer several problem formulations such as (1) Indonesia and Switzerland's foreign policy, (2) the dynamics of Indonesia-Switzerland relations from 1949-1965 and (3) the impact of the dynamics of Indonesia-Switzerland relations. This research uses the historical method which includes the process of digging up sources, critic, and interpreting ministerial archives from both the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Indonesian Ministry of Information to then be analyzed and interpreted. This research found that the presence of Switzerland during Indonesia's existential crisis as one of has directly helped by building the capabilities and capacity of the young Republic in carrying out its government functions. The relationship between the two countries was also characterized by some 'turbulence' on several occasions with the most cases at the end of the Old Order and the transition to the New Order."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Klip, Andre
Antwerp: Intersentia, 2009
345.24 KLI e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York, N.Y. , Prentice Hall 1994
174.4 BUS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jarsey Roba
"Tesis ini membahas perubahan kebijakan FTA Uni Eropa di ASEAN dari pendekatan antar-kawasan menjadi pendekatan bilateral. Perubahan kebijakan tersebut terjadi pada tahun 2009 saat negosiasi dengan pendekatan region-toregion dihentikan untuk sementara dan dilanjutkan dengan negosiasi bilateral dengan negara-negara anggota ASEAN secara individual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menganalisa faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang kemudian membentuk pilihan rasional EU untuk memilih preferensi kerjasama bilateral dari alternatif yang tersedia. Analisa tersebut menggunakan rational choice theory dan teori pembuatan keputusan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa EU mengubah kebijakan FTAnya karena dorongan kondisi internal EU dengan krisis yang sedang terjadi, kondisi ASEAN dan juga pengaruh hadirnya aktor-aktor dominan lain di Asia, khususnya ASEAN. Kegagalan sistem multilateral dalam perdagangan internasional juga mendorong EU untuk memilih pendekatan bilateral dalam kerjasama FTA dengan ASEAN.

This thesis examines the changes of the European Union?s FTA policy toward ASEAN from inter-regional becomes bilateral approach. The changes of the policy occurred in 2009 when the negotiations with region-to-region approach had been postponed and followed by bilateral negotiations with the individual ASEAN countries. This research uses qualitative method to analyze internal and external factors which shape European Union's rational choice to choose bilateral approach. The analysis uses rational choice theory and decision making theory. The study found that the European Union changed it's free trade policy as a boost to the EU internal conditions of the current crisis, ASEAN conditions, and also the presence of other dominant actors in Asia, especially in ASEAN. The failure of the multilateral system of international trade also encourages the European Union to choose bilateral cooperation in the FTA with ASEAN.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rieke Cahyo Budi Utami
"Pelayanan pre operatif anestesi merupakan tahap pertama dari seluruh tindakan anestesi. Dikatakan bahwa 40% risiko kematian atau komplikasi akibat tindakan anestesi yang berkaitan dengan masalah gangguan jalan nafas dapat dicegah dengan pengkajian pre operatif anestesi. Namun hingga saat ini pelaksanaan pre operatif anestesi yang tidak pernah mencapai 100% menjadi masalah yang dihadapi hampir semua rumah sakit tidak terkecuali Rumah Sakit Myria Palembang. Sebuah kerangka berpikir keselamatan pasien “swiss cheese model” yang lebih mengutamakan pendekatan sistem digunakan untuk analisis pre operatif anestesi. Identifikasi celah dalam setiap proses pelayanan pre operatif anestesi digunakan sebagai dasar untuk melakukan perbaikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis pelayanan pre operatif anestesi dengan pendekatan mixed method. Analisis deskriptif dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 106 responden. Data kualitatif didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam, fokus group discussion, telaah literatur dan dokumen terkait untuk mendapatkan analisis yang lebih komprehensif terhadap pengaruh organisasi, supervisi, teknologi, prekondisi dan perilaku individu pada pre operatif anestesi. Hasil analisis deskriptif didapatkan capaian pre operatif anestesi sebesar 61.3%; keseluruhan pre operatif anestesi dilakukan di hari yang sama dengan hari operasi; terdapat ketidaksesuaian regulasi yang ditetapkan manajemen rumah sakit; lemahnya supervisi pelaksanaan pre operatif anestesi; kurangnya pemanfaatan teknologi; sikap pasif pasien terhadap pelaksanaan pre operatif anestesi tergambar dari tanggapan responden terhadap variabel prekondisi termasuk dalam kategori rendah; operasi tetap berjalan meskipun tidak dilakukan pre operatif anestesi; budaya keselamatan pasien yang rendah pada perawat dan penata anestesi; proses admisi dan pelaporan pasien yang terlalu malam; perilaku individu tidak aman dokter spesialis anestesi dengan tidak melakukan pre operatif anestesi. Strategi rumah sakit sebagai pemecahan masalah rendahnya pelaksanaan pre operatif anestesi antara lain perbaikan regulasi; peningkatan supervisi; optimalisasi pemanfaatan sistem informasi rumah sakit; memperbaiki proses admisi pasien dan pelaporan pasien; meningkatkan kerja sama dengan operator bedah untuk kemudahan pelaksanaan pre operatif anestesi serta meningkatkan komitmen dokter spesialis anestesi untuk melakukan pre operatif anestesi.

Preoperative anesthesia is the first stage of any anesthetic procedure. It is said that the 40% risk of death or complications from anesthesia related to airway obstruction can be prevented by recovering from preoperative anesthesia. However, until now the implementation of preoperative anesthesia which has never reached 100% is a problem faced by almost all hospitals, Myria Palembang Hospital is no exception. A “Swiss cheese model” patient safety framework supporting the systems approach was used to analyze preoperative anesthesia. Identification of gaps in each process of preoperative anesthesia services is used as a basis for making improvements. This study aims to analyze preoperative anesthesia services using a mixed methods approach. Statistical tests were carried out using a questionnaire which was distributed to 106 respondents. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, literature review and related documents to obtain a more comprehensive analysis of the influence of organization, supervision, technology, conditions and individual behavior on preoperative anesthesia. The results showed that the preoperative anesthetic performance was 61.3%; Overall preoperative anesthesia was carried out on the same day as the day of surgery; there is a non-compliance with the regulations set by the hospital management; weak supervision of the implementation of preoperative anesthesia; lack of utilization of technology; the patient's passive attitude towards the implementation of preoperative anesthesia is reflected in the respondents' responses to the precondition variables included in the low category; the operation continues even though preoperative anesthesia is not performed; low patient safety culture among nurses and anesthesiologists; late admission process and patient reporting; Unsafe individual behavior of anesthesiologists by not performing preoperative anesthesia. The hospital's strategy as a solution to the problem of low implementation of preoperative anesthesia includes regulatory improvements; increased supervision; optimizing the utilization of hospital information systems; improve admission and patient reporting processes; increase cooperation with surgical operators to facilitate the implementation of preoperative anesthesia and increase the commitment of anesthesiologists to perform preoperative anesthesia."
Depok: 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Febriyantie Puspita Rany
"Penelitian ini membahas prospek realisasi kerjasama penerbangan dalam ASEAN-European Union Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement (ASEAN-EU CATA), serta melihat implikasinya pada kerjasama bilateral maskapai penerbangan Indonesia dan Belanda. Teori scenario building menganalisa serangkaian kondisi di masa depan dari perjanjian multilateral ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma structure-conduct-performance dalam menganalisa industri transportasi udara di Uni Eropa dan ASEAN kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif. Penelitian ini juga melihat manfaat dari perjanjian tersebut terhadap kerjasama penerbangan bilateral Belanda dengan Indonesia dalam hal ini dilihat dari maskapai penerbangan kedua negara dan dianalisis menggunakan keunggulan kompetitif.

This study critically discusses the prospect of realizing aviation sector cooperation in the ASEAN-European Union Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement (ASEAN-EU CATA) multilateral agreement, as well as looking at the implications of bilateral cooperation between Indonesian and Dutch airlines. Scenario building theory analyzes a series of conditions in the future of this multilateral agreement. This study uses the structure-conduct-performance paradigm in analyzing the air transportation industry in the European Union and ASEAN and then analyzed using the theory of comparative and competitive advantage. This study looks at the benefits of the agreement on bilateral aviation cooperation between the Netherlands and Indonesia, in this case seen from the airlines of the two countries and analyzed using competitive advantage."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Strategik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia, 1987
349.494 KON
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Ramedhan
"The article examines the current political development of the integration process of the EU. The author takes a closer look at the electoral voles of three very important EU members of the EU. The result of the EU referendum in three EU member countries shows a different opinion and ideology of the European citizen. Spain's weak and meek "yes" to the EU constitution obtained through a massive campaign by the political establishment and jointly by government and opposition alike. The result "no " in the Netherlands has shown signs nationalistic backlash towards EU constitution. A part from Holland social decline, the "no "from the left was this time based on the ELI lack of appeal. And the French "no" with high electoral participation was based on the excesses of the free market system within the EU constitution., necessarily implying a lessening of the French social welfare system, increased unemployment, and lowering of living standards. The author concludes with the questions: what the EU will be to the European Union? and where the process of the EU integration or disintegration will lead"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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