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Asa Baitofa
Kondisi perekonomian saat ini yang kurang menguntungkan, sehingga banyak perusahaan yang menutup usahanya dan melakukan pemutusaii hubungan kerja. Untuk memberikan perlindungan bagi tenaga kerja dan keluarganya terhadap resiko yang berakibat berkurang atau terputusnya penghasilan, ditempuh melalui penerapan sistem jaminan sosial tenaga kerja (Jamsostek).
Penghasilan yang diperoleh dari Tabungan Hari Tua yang dibayarkan sekaligus oleh Badan Penyelenggara Jamsostek, merupakan tambahan kemampuan ekonomis yang dapat dikenakan pajak.
Pemungutan pajak hanis Adil dan bersifat Netral. Sedangkan pemungutan pajak dapat dikatakan Adil kalau ia memenuhi syarat Keadilan Horizontal, bahwa setiap Wajib Pajak diterapkan satu struktur tarif pajak yang sama, dan juga hams memenuhi syarat Keadilan Vertikal, bahwa setiap Wajib Pajak diterapkan satu struktur tarif pajak progresive yang
sama. Netralitas mengisytifatkan baiiwa dikenakaii pajak yang saina atas penghasilan taiipa melihal sumbeniya.
Adaiiya lani-tanl pajak yang bcrbuda ini iricniinbulkaii pokok permasaiahan, apakali pengenaan pajak atas Tabungan Hari Tua yang dibayaikan sekaUgus oleh Badan Penyelenggaran Jarasostek sudali sesuai dengan azas kcadilan dan azas netralitas. Kalau tidak sesuai apakali pengenaan pajak alas Tabungan I-Iari Tua dapat diupayakan lebih adil dan netral.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode diskriptif analisis. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan studi kcpustakaaii dan studi lapangan meliputi wawancara dengan pihak-piliak yang tcrkait secara sampling insidentil.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalali untuk mengetahui bagainiana peiierapan pajak atas Tabungan Ilaii Tua yang dibayarkan sekaligus oleh Badan Penyelenggara Jamsoslek memenulii prinsip-prinsip keadilaii dan bersifat netral.
Dari pembahasan diperoleh kesinipulan bahwa, pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas Tabungiui llari Tua tidak memenulii azas keadilaii dan beluiu bersifat nctral.
Agar peiigenaan pajak alas Tabungan Hari Tua dapat memenulii azas keadilaii, maka pengenaan pajakaya, diterapkaii dengan menggunakan struktur taiif uniuiu Pasal 17 Uiidang-Undang Pajak Pengliasilan yang telali diubali terakhir dengan Undang-undang No. 10 Tahun 1994.
Pemungutan Pajak atas Tabungan Haii Tua dapat bersifat lebili uetral, maka disarankan agar pengenaan pajaknya disamakan dengan pajak atas tabungan deposito atau tabungmi lain."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trisman Jaya
"Taxpayers should fulfill their tax obligatory based on tax regulations in effect. In this case taxpayers face a dilemma. In one hand they must fulfill all of their tax obligatory completely without any violation, since for every mistake they made will result in penalty. On the other hand they want to manage their tax in order to minimize the cost. In this case, tax management can play an important role to solve taxpayers' problem legally.
PT. X is a company located in Sorong, Irian Jaya operating in fish preserving activity. It has many employees even though not all of them get the salary more than Non-Taxable Income (Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak = PTKP). Up to now PT. X has never used tax management as an instrument to manage the income tax article 21 (PPh Pasal 21) of its employees. As the result, there is still a chance to reduce tax cost legally by using tax management.
The objectives of this study are to describe how a company can design its remuneration system to minimize the income tax article 21 cost of its employees, how a company can utilize tax regulations in order to minimize fiscal corrections of the income tax article 21 in case of tax auditing, and how much money can be saved through tax management.
Tax management is a comprehensive action that requires a good understanding of tax regulations in implementing it. The understanding of tax regulations is so necessary that the chances to save money can be determined. Not only that, tax management also requires that the company should have a good accounting system as a media to give the right and accurate information about the company financial condition, since the financial information is the basis of calculating tax due.
Tax management can be done through a series of systematical and well.-planned steps. These steps are: defining the goal of tax management, identifying the current situation, identifying the supporting and obstacle factors, as well as developing the plan of activities to achieve the goal.
The methodology used in this study is descriptive analysis. The result of study shows that PT. X has not utilized tax regulations yet in the best possible way to minimize the income tax article 21 cost of its employees. As the result the employees must pay much more money than they have to. This study concludes that PT. X can utilize tax management to solve this problem by developing a good remuneration system for its employees.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Melinda Grace Yosefina
"Government needed more income to raise the national budget. They issued instruments to collect income from citizen through debt and foreign currency. Government released Governmental Bonds for domestic market, which sold in retail (ORI) and for international market in foreign currency. Government also presented a law execution regulation to give certainty for the consumers or the taxpayers.
Governmental Regulation Number 6 which published in 2002 distinguished the tax procedure for the bonds which imposed only on transactions tradable and reportable to the stock exchange. Income derived or taken from obligation transaction should be based on a global taxation. While, for the international bonds were given the facilities by the government. We would assume that there was an inequality between the bonds for domestic market and for international market. In global taxation, we should not differentiate the income by the source.
This research used a quantitative descriptive as the research method. The type and data collection techniques used (1) literature research including on various taxation regulations and another related documents and (2) field research using interviews with such related parties as tax academicians, government as issuer and regulator. They gave several opinion which created differences in equity perspective.
Government figured the debt as the best instrument to raise government income. They considered that attracting foreign investor by giving them tax facility was necessary to raise the budget. They named their policy as their budgeting and regulating function. But, we should notice that domestic investor might think the inequality of the tax burden.
Therefore, it was suggested to make a comprehensive and equal policy. Based on tax principle, that tax should be fair and equal. It became fair that tax imposed on the income earned from the same source (instrument) equally. If one of them was given the facility, so the other should be given the same facility."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeni Rahmawati
"PT Nabisco Foods out for light food producer do increasing of sale of the product. For PT Nabisco Foods do promotion cooperation with a few retail company. This cooperation can be done by giving discount, giving of goods for free, year-end bonus if was abysmal of goals. Product placement in counter retail also one of form of promotion done by PT Nabisco Foods."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indry Widiyasari
"Self Assessment System yang dianut perpajakan Indonesia memberikan kepercayaan kepada Wajib Pajak untuk melaksanakan pemenuhan kewajiban perpajakannya secara mandiri. Sedangkan fiskus hanya berfungsi sebagai pembina dan pengawas jalannya pemenuhan kewajiban tersebut dan harus riemastikan bahwa setiap Wajib Pajak telah melaksanakan kewajiban perpajakannya dan mendapatkan haknya sesuai dengan Undang-Undang dan ketentuan lainnya yang berlaku.
Oleh karena itu perlu diberikan kepastian hukum bagi Wajib Pajak agar tidak ada keragu-raguan bagi Wajib Pajak untuk memenuhi kewajibannya ataupun menuntut haknya. Pajak harus diatur dalam Undang-Undang, oleh karenanya Undang-Undang Perpajakan harus mampu memberikan kepastian hukum yang dimaksudkan di atas.
Salah satu hak Wajib Pajak yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Perpajakan adalah memperoleh pengurangan atau penghapusan Sanksi Administrasi yang telah ditetapkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Hal inilah yang akan dikaji mengapa masih diperlukan upaya kepastian hukum dan keadilan dalam pelaksanaan pengurangan dan penghapusan sanksi administrasi dan bagaimana ketentuan pengurangan dan penghapusan sanksi administrasi ditinjau dari sistem self assessment.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disampaikan bahwa Upaya kepastian hukum dan keadilan masih diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan pengurangan dan penghapusan sanksi administrasi pajak, karena dapat saja terjadi pengenaan saksi administrasi kepada Wajib Pajak yang kemungkinan disebabkan ketidaktelitian petugas pajak dan Pemberian Pengurangan dan penghapusan sanksi administrasi pajak kurang tepat dalam sistem self assesment, karena kepastian hukum dan law enforcement menjadi tidak ada dan sifatnya sangat subyektif, dimana ketetapan yang telah dibuat dapat dihilangkan hanya karena alasan ketidaktelitian semata dan memberikan kewenangan Direktur Jenderal Pajak yang sangat luas."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Wajdi
"Zakat has an important position In Islam. It becomes religion obligation as well as a function for increasing the prosperity of social life. Through zakat, income of people which has more economic's ability is distributed to the people who have a right to earn. As a result, it creates the equal condition of income, wealth, and social justice in society.
For Moslem paying zakat is a must. But in Islam, besides zakat, there are another duties in the wealth which have to pay for. One of them is the obligation for paying income tax as a proof of people's obedience to the leaders and the participation in the development. This condition makes the moslem have to suffer double obligation. In order to minimize an obligation Indonesian government carried out the policy which counted zakat as the nett income deduction regarding the income tax. Different with Indonesia, in Malaysia zakat that had been paid by Moslem can deduct tax obligation as a tax credit of individual income tax. One interesting thing from it's difference is, implementation of this policy does not cause decreasing of tax revenue but increase the revenue both zakat and tax instead.
This research studied the possibility of zakat policy implementation as a tax credit of individual income tax in Indonesia based on Malaysia's implementation. It tried to describe the comparation between tax and zakat management in Malaysia and Indonesia, some justification of policy implementation in Indonesia, and the obstacle of policy. This research used qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. Besides, this research can be classified into pure and cross sectional research. The data is collected by field research through depth interview with informans and literatures from articles, books, rules, and other sources.
The result of this research shows the possibility of implementation this policy in Indonesia with some justifications. First, this policy can support the government's duty to increase citizen prosperity. Second, it can increase zakat and tax revenue. Third, it can dissappear double obligation burden. Although, there are some obstacles that must be faced to implemente this policy, such as structure of zakat collecting organization, the absence of penalty in zakat law, political will of government, self-internal factor, interreligious problem, and other administration problems."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui justifikasi pemerintah dalam menetapkan kebijakan Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 22 atas Barang Sangat Mewah. berikutnya juga membahas mengenai dasar pemikiran dalam penetapan objek dari pajak ini dan juga meninjau Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 22 atas Barang Sangat Mewah ini apabila dilihat dari konsepsi penggolongan pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif pada pertanyaan pertama dan kedua, sedangkan untuk pertanyaan ketiga menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan studi literatur, penelitian lapangan dan juga dengan wawancara mendalam.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah justifikasi pemerintah dalam kebijakan ini adalah didasari karena rendahnya kesadaran Wajib Pajak dalam memenuhi kewajiban perpajakannya. Dalam penentuan objek pajaknya yang menjadi pertimbangan pemerintah adalah efek barang tersebut terhadap pasar apabila barang tersebut dijadikan objeknya dan juga beberapa pertimbangan dari sifat barang-barang yang akan dikenakan seperti harga, konsumen barang tersebut, keberadaan barang tersebut di pasaran dan sebagainya. Sedangkan dalam pengujiannya terhadap konsepsi penggolongan pajak kebijakan ini tidak memenuhi karakteristik Pajak Langsung yang merupakan dasar dari Pajak Penghasilan dan Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 22 atas Barang Sangat Mewah ini lebih cocok dan memenuhi kriteria dari cukai (Excise).

The focus of this research is to know the justification of government in the Income Tax Policy Article 22 on Very Luxurious Goods. The next focus is to know the government consideration in determining an object of the Income Tax Article 22, and to observe this policy toward the conception of classifying tax. These researches use a qualitative approach for the first and second questions, whereas the third questions use a quantitative approach. The collecting data method which is used in this research is study literature, field research and indepth interview. Base at it?s purposive, this research includes in descriptive research.
The result from this research is, in this policy the justification of government based on the low of consciousness taxpayer to complete their tax duty. In determining the tax object which becomes the government consideration is the effect of those goods toward a market if those goods become an object and also some consideration from the goods characteristic which imposition like price, the consumer, the existence of goods in market and etc. While, the test toward classifying tax conception policy is unqualified to the direct tax which become the basic from Income Tax and Income Tax Policy Article 22 about very luxurious goods is more suitable and qualify the criteria from excise.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Dyah Pusparani
"Skripsi ini membahas perlakuan Undang-undang pajak penghasilan terhadap wajib pajak orang pribadi wanita yang bekerja hanya pada satu pemberi kerja pada tahun 2008. Undang-undang PPH Indonesia memandang laki-laki sebagai pencari penghasilan karena itu bila wanita telah menikah maka wanita tidak berhak memperoleh Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak, yang mendapatkannya adalah laki-laki sebagai suami. Pemberian PTKP ini menentukan besarnya PPh yang harus dibayar yang berarti juga mempengaruhi besar take home pay yang diperoleh. Bila wanita dan suami dalam suatu perkawinan sama-sama bekerja dan tidak pisah harta ataupun pisah harta, yang berhak memperoleh PTKP kawin dan tanggungan adalah suami. Begitupula bila telah hidup berpisah. Jika seorang wanita pekerja dan suaminya pengangguran maka untuk mendapatkan PTKP tanggungan suami, wanita tersebut harus mendapatkan keterangan dari Pemerintah Daerah setempat dan hal ini tidak berlaku untuk kebalikannya, yaitu bila wanita tidak bekerja maka suami tidak perlu mendapatkan keterangan apapun dari Pemerintah Daerah setempat.

This script is explains about the income tax treatment applied to women's individual taxpayer that only works for one employer in 2008. Viewed by the income tax treatment, man is the one who looking for money, so, married women not entitled to earn personal's exemption, the one who earn it is man as the husband. This giving of personal exemption determine how much tax income that must be paid which also determine how much take home pay that we earned. If women and husband in a marriage work together and do not split the property or split it, the one that entitled to earn the personal exemption for married status and dependents is the husband. Also the same if divorced. If a women is worker and her husband is unemployment, so, to earn a dependent husband of personal exemption, that women must get a detail from local government and this is not applicable to its reverse, such as if women is unemployment, so, husband doesn't need to get any detail from local government."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufan Andiko
"The sharp increase in oil price automatically will benefit the oil producer, in Indonesia they are production sharing contractor. They receive excess profit from the high sales price in access of increasing oil price. The excess profit usually called as windfall profit, which is an unearned, unanticipated gain in income through no additional effort. This favourable condition on the contrary cause unequal income distribution, where the fairness rationale was strongly influenced by impact of higher energy prices on poorer consumers, where there will be more money on energy expenditure. This condition indicates the declining of government's ability to do their duty in giving transfer payment for citizen, especially petroleum subsidy.
This condition had ever hapenned in Indonesia in 1974, when arising oil prices generated windfall profits for the oil company. The political climate at that time dictated that if there was a windfall, then most of that windfall should benefit the government. In order to comply it, negotiations were started through New Deal Agreement. In another country, this happened in United States of America in 1980, where the Federal Government enacted a special federal excise tax called the crude oil windfall profit tax. The tax was enacted basically to recoup much of the large increase in oil industry profits that was anticipated from the decontrol of oil price. The tax was imposed on the difference between the market price of oil, which was called as removal price and the base price that was adjusted quaterly for inflation and state severance tax.
Since the fourth generation of Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia, there has not been regulation yet accomodated windfall profit, also in the section of contract. By looking at the history and taking a look at nowaday's sitiuation, the government of Indonesia can consider to enact regulation about windfall profit received by production sharing contractor. This research try to study the windfall profit received by production sharing contractor observed from income tax regulations, especially the concept of income. This research uses qualitative approach descriptive type by using literature, in depth interview, and historical analysis. After all, it shows that windfall profit is excess income received because of the increasing of oil price. So naturally windfall profit is a kind of income according to income concept contempelated by Schainz, Haig, and Simon (SHS Concept) which also adopted by section about Income in Indonesian Income Tax Regulation. By looking at the history, it is recommended for the government of Indonesia to give special treatment in calculating the windfall profit as part of production sharing contractor's income. To calculate windfall profit, it depends on the government regulation regarding how to define windfall profit. What kind of price or threshold price will be used as the base price in determining profit which generates windfall profit.
For now, windfall profit can be resulted from the difference between realized market price and Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) multiplied by contractor share. It is caused by ICP which supposed to be a market price of Indonesian oil can not reflect it, because the fact is the ICP always stand below the realized market price, like market price determined by OPEC. This will generate loss potention for Indonesia, where the contractor pay the tax with ICP meanwhile they sell their oil from Indonesia based on realized market price. This recommended formula also to reflect the tax payment of contractor is according to arm's length price. If the windfall profit included in part of contractor's income and multiplied with 44% which is the tax rate applied for contractor, it will raise the change in production sharing, which in favor of government of Indonesia. This thing need the government's attention, calculation, and consideration about this recommended formula. Another several things needed to be considered by the government of Indonesia is the economic, law, and political aspects. So if this policy will be applied, it will reflect the equity between government of Indonesia and the contractor as foreign investor. And Indonesia will not be harmed any more by the condition of the sharp increase in oil price so it will help to enhance the prosperity of Indonesian citizen."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Reza Adriawan
"Under Law of the Republic of Indonesia No 22 of 2001 on Oil & Gas, upstream producers had a domestic market obligation (DMO), which required them to sell a specified portion of their product into the Indonesian domestic market, which is 25% of all oil and gas production. Contractors are obligated to fulfill domestic requirement from the date of commercial operation, at the first contractors are entitled to a 60-month holiday from the date of commercial operation before the DMO must be fulfilled and the prices are same to market price (ICP). The problem is, after 60-month DMO the cost for domestic oil reduce from 10% to 25% market price (ICP) depends on contract. Because the fee below the market price. For that, need to clear how the income tax treatment on the fee from DMO received by the contractors. Is the assignment considered as transaction and how to determine the price for DMO oil as the tax base.
The research method that used by researcher is descriptive. It means that the research is described accurately using facts, spoken or written words, actions, and visual images. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach. The main issue in this research is to find out that fee from domestic market requirement which is paid below the Market price are match with accretion concept and the definition of income in income tax law, so DMO fee can describe as taxable income. The data collection technique used in this research is by reading the literature which focuses on the research, and interview. The interview was done with oil and gas expert, cooperation contractor, government institution, and tax expert.
The result of this research are the tax on DMO fee which received by joint cooperation contractor has been right, because the taxation of DMO fee had been meet all general act definition of income refer to article 4 (2) Income Tax Law and accretion concept which adopted by income tax system to describe ability-to-pay. DMO fee cannot be considered as a loss, but its difference price can be reduced contractor's taxable income. DMO fee as the income tax object cannot be taxed separately from the contractor's income but it must counted as the whole accretion on contractor income and taxable at specified tariff based on contract rate."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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