"Tesis ini mendeskripsikan pengaruh Kompetensi dan hubungan Leader Member
Exchange (LMX) terhadap Kinerja pada Customer Service di perusahaan XL
Axiata. Variabel Kompetensi yang diteliti dikhususkan pada dimensi Motives and
Traits, Self Concept, dan Knowledges dan Skills. Hubungan Leader Member
Exchange (LMX) dalam penelitian ini berperan sebagai variabel Intervening dan
dilihat dari perspektif kualitas LMX dan dimensi LMX. Kinerja sebagai variabel
terikat dan diukur dari tingkat pencapaian kinerja para Customer Service di tahun
2014 sampai dengan bulan Maret. Penelitian ini melibatkan 257 responden dari 9
unit customer service yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara Kompetensi
terhadap Leader Member Exchange (LMX) secara langsung dan ada pengaruh
positif secara tidak signifikan antara Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja secara
langsung. Hubungan Leader Member Exchange (LMX) ternyata berpengaruh
negatif secara langsung dan tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja. Untuk dapat
meningkatkan kinerja, XL Axiata tidak hanya perlu meningkatkan
kompetensi tetapi juga dimensi selain LMX. Selain itu perlu dilakukan
review lebih jauh terhadap efektifitas LMX terhadap upaya peningkatan
kinerja customer service dan tingkat hubungan atasan bawahan yang ideal.
This thesis describes the impact of competence and relationship Leader Member
Exchange (LMX) on the performance of the company's Customer Service at XL
Axiata. Variables studied Competence devoted to the dimensions of Motives and
Traits, Self Concept, and Knowledge and Skills. Relationship Leader Member
Exchange (LMX) in this study serves as an intervening variable and viewed from
the perspective of the quality of LMX and LMX dimensions. Performance as the
dependent variable is measured from the Customer Service?s level of the
performance achievement in year 2014 (up to March). The study involved 257
respondents from 9 unit customer service throughout Indonesia. The analysis
showed that there was a significant positive direct impact between the
competencies and the Leader Member Exchange (LMX) and there is
insignificantly positive impact between the competencies and the performance
directly. Leader Member Exchange (LMX) has insignificantly negative direct
impact to performance. In order to improve performance, XL Axiata does not only
need to increase customer service?s competency but also LMX dimensions. In
addition it is necessary to further review of the effectiveness of LMX on
improving the performance and the ideal level of customer service leader-member
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014