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Hasibah Eka Rosnelly
"Di dalam masyarakat, pekerja seks masih dianggap sebagai penyandang masalah sosial, sehingga dijauhi, bahkan hams diturnpas_ Namun, sebagai manusiag mereka scharusnya dilindungi oleh hukum dan diperlakukan Sesuai dengan amran hak asasi manusia. Dalam kenyataannya., mereka bahkan meugalami berbagai bentuk kekerasan. Unruk memahami masalah itu dan rnencari jalan keluar, penelitian ini mengkaji kasus kekerasan terhadap pekezja seks di kola Banjarmasin.
Penelirizm ini, yang mengglmakan rancangan kualitatif berperspektif feminis mengungkap bahwa pekclja scks mengalami kekerasan di sepanjang hidupnya, sebelum, dan selama menjadi pekerja seks. Tiga orang peke1ja seks menceritakan pcngalaman mereka yang membeherkan bentuk kekerasan yang sangat beragam. Mereka pemah mengalami kekerasan Gsik, psikologis, verbal, seksual, spdtual, bahkan yang berdimensi finansial seperti pemerasan, pcnyckapan, penangkapan dan dimanfaatkan oleh aparat negara untuk kcpcntingan terteutu. Akibamya timbul penderitaan iisik: Iuka-Iuka dau memar, gangguan pendengaran, gangguan organ dan fungsi reproduksi. Sementara itu penderitaan psikologisz perasaan takut dan cemas, menyalahkan diri sendiri, rendah diri, perasaan terluka yang mendalam, tidak bcrdaya dan putus asa, serta ketidakmampuan menikmati hubungan seks secara wajar. Namun mereka bertahan hidup karena stralegi tertentu dalam menghadapi kekerasan: melawan, memutuskan hubungan dengau sumber kckerasan, bersikap pasrah alau lcompromistis.

In our society, sex workers are still regarded in those who cause social problems, thus they are isolated, even shall be annihilated. As human being, however, they shall have to be protected by the law and treated in accordance to principles of htunan rights. As a matter of fact, they even experience many kinds of violence. ln order to understand the matter and 'rind out the solution, this research studies the violence case against sex workers in Banjannasin city. This research which applies the feminism perspective based qualitative design reveals that sex workers experience violence dtuing their period of life, before and when making their life as sex workers. Three sex workers tell their experience specifying various types of violence. They ever experience physical, psychological, verbal, sexual, spiritual violence, and even linaneial violence such as squeezing, locking-up, arrest and made a better use by authority for cenain interest. As a result, they experience physical torture: wound and bmise, hearing defect, and reproductive health disorder. As psyeholical torture: fear and apprehensive, low self esteem, self blame, hopeless, and inability to enjoy a proper sexual intercourse. Nevertheless, they ny to survive their life because they use coping strategies: to resist their violence, to defend, to avoid the source of violence, submit their own fate or establish a compromise.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vhira Nadiandra Pratiwi
"Melalui kuasa yang dibentuk oleh budaya patriarki perempuan pekerja seks dilihat sebagai domain of power. Dalam berbagai peneltian perempuan pekerja seks kerap diposisikan sebagai korban dan digambarkan sebagai pihak yang tidak memiliki kuasa atas dirinya. Tesis ini mengkaji bagaimana perempuan pekerja seks di gang Kabar memperlihatkan kesadaran atas tubuhnya melalui pengetahuan yang mereka miliki untuk menunjukkan kuasanya terhadap pelanggan. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perempuan pekerja seks di gang Kabar memiliki kuasa untuk mengatur transaksi seksual yang terjadi antara dirinya dan pelanggan. Pengetahuan diidentikkan dengan kekuasaan. Melalui relasi kekuasaan, pengetahuan memiliki kekuatan untuk mempengaruhi yang lain. Perempuan pekerja seks dalam penelitian ini menolak diposisikan sebagai objek dan menjadikan prostitusi sebagai suatu bentuk profesi yang membebaskannya mengeksplorasi tubuhnya. Menggunakan konsep relasi kuasa Michel Foucault dapat dilihat bahwa pengalaman yang telah dilalui oleh perempuan pekerja seks membentuk pengetahuan dan kesadaran mereka atas tubuhnya serta membuat mereka berdaya untuk melakukan negosiasi dan menunjukkan kuasanya terhadap pelanggannya.

Under the power moulded by patriarchal culture, female sex workers are seen as the domain of power. In various studies, women sex workers are often portrayed as victims and described as those who do not have power over themselves. This thesis explores how female sex workers in Kabar brothel show their awareness of their bodies using the knowledge they possess to control their clients. Using a qualitative approach with a case study method, this research found that female sex workers in Kabar brothel have the power to regulate sexual transactions that occur between themselves and clients. Knowledge is identified with power. Through power relations, knowledge has the power to influence others. The female sex worker in this study resists being positioned as an object and views prostitution as a form of choice that liberates her to explore her body. Using Michel Foucault's concept about power relations, it appears that the experiences of female sex workers shape their knowledge and awareness of their bodies and empower them to negotiate and control their clients."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhani Syahputra Bukit
"Tingginya jumlah kasus HIV-AIDS di Sumatera Utara khususnya di Kota Medan yaitu sebanyak 3.780 kasus dan telah terjadi penurunan angka penggunaan kondom dari 86% menjadi 51,5% pada tahun 2011. Guna mengetahui penyebab kondisi tersebut maka perlu diketahui gambaran perilaku wanita pekerja seks dalam menawarkan kondom bagi pelanggan saat melakukan hubungan seksual.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi secara mendalam tentang perilaku wanita pekerja seks dalam menawarkan kondom pada pelanggan saat berhubungan seks di Kota Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain RAP. Data penelitian didapatkan dengan melakukan Indepth Interview (wawancara mendalam) kepada 12 informan yaitu para WPS di Kota Medan dan 8 informan kunci yang terdiri dari KPA, Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan LSM Kota Medan, mucikari serta pelanggan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan WPS tentang HIV-AIDS dan kondom sudah baik, ketersediaan kondom sudah optimal, peran teman sebaya mendukung sesama WPS untuk menawarkan kondom ke pelanggan cukup tinggi dan peran mucikari mendukung WPS untuk menawarkan kondom pada pelanggan sangat rendah. Perilaku WPS dalam menawarkan kondom ke pelanggan sudah baik akan tetapi daya tawar serta kemampuan negosiasi WPS dalam menawarkan kondom belum optimal, sehingga penggunaan kondom masih tidak konsisten dan rendah, sehingga perlu dilakukan peningkatan upaya promosi kondom secara komprehensif baik pada WPS, pelanggan dan pihak-pihak yang terkait.

The high prevalence of HIV-AIDS in Medan North Sumatra as many as 3,780 cases and there has been a decrease in condom use (86%) to (51.5%) in 2011. Order to determine the cause of the condition needs to be known picture of female Perilaku wanita pekerja seks (WPS) dalam menawarkan kondom pada pelanggan saat hubungan seks di Kota Medan tahun 2014 = Behavior of female sex workers in offering condoms to sex customers in Medan 2014 behavior in offer condom for customers during sexual intercourse.
The aim of this study was to obtain in depth information about the behavior of female sex workers in offering a condom for customers during sex in Medan. Qualitative methods had been used in this study. The research data obtained by conducting indepth interviews to 12 of sex workers and 8 key informants consisting of National AIDS Commission, Department of Health, Office of Women's Empowerment and NGO in Medan, pimps and customers of sex.
The results showed that female sex workers knowledge about HIV-AIDS and condoms is high, the availability of condoms is optimal, the role of peer support fellow sex workers to offer condoms to customers is high enough, the role of pimps supports for sex workers to offer condoms is very low. Female sex workers behavior in offering condoms to customers is good but the bargaining power of female sex workers as well as the ability to negotiate in offering condom is non optimal, therefore condom use still inconsistent and required to increase condom promotion efforts comprehensively both the WPS, customers and related parties.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Resna Anggria Putri
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai feminisasi kemiskinan yang dihadapi oleh perempuan usia produktif yang terpaksa kembali bekerja sebagai pekerja seks komersial di Kabupaten Indramayu. Data kualitatif yang diperoleh dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa feminisasi kemiskinan tersebut dapat terlihat dari subordinasi dan marginalisasi yang dihadapi perempuan usia produktif yang menyebabkan mereka terpaksa kembali bekerja sebagai PSK. Subordinasi dan marginalisasi tersebut terjadi di bidang pendidikan dan pekerjaan dalam kurun waktu tertentu.

This study was carried out to obtain the description of feminization of poverty faced by productive-aged women who are forced to return to work as commercial sex workers in Indramayu Regency. The qualitative data were collected by conducting direct observation and in-depth interview. Based on the result of this study, the feminization of poverty could be seen from subordination and marginalization faced by women that caused them to return to work as sex workers. The subordination and marginalization occured in education and work sectors within a certain time."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imma Hapsari Putri
"Pelacuran tergolong masalah sosial yang sudah lama terjadi. Di dunia pelacuran kita juga mengenal istilah Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK). PSK yang terjaring oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) kemudian dimasukkan kedalam panti rehabilitasi. Dalam masa rehabilitasi mereka diberikan berbagai kegiatan bertujuan agar tidak kembali menjadi PSK. Dalam hal ini ada proses pencarian makna hidup saat menjalani masa rehabilitasi. Makna hidup ini berkaitan dengan konsistensi akan pencapaian tujuan yang diinginkan, sehingga dapat dikatakan keinginan untuk hidup bermakna menjadikan motivasi utama bagi mereka untuk melakukan sesuatu yang positif.

Prostitution is considered as social problem that has occured for long time. The prostitution is also familiar with the term of Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs). CSW arrested by the municipal police are sent into rehabilitation centre. During the rehabilitation they obtain good knowladge in order not to go back into the prostitution world. In this case there is a process of finding the meaning of life while undergoing a period of rehabilitation. The meaning of life is related to the consistency of meeting the desired objectives. The desire to make life meaningful is primarily a motivation for them to do something positive.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Nurmalisa
"Penelitian ini berjutuan untuk menggali keberdayaan perempuan pekerja VCS dalam berelasi dengan klien dan pihak lainnya. Terdapat banyak studi yang membahas bahwa prostitusi online menyediakan ruang yang lebih aman dimana pekerja seks dianggap lebih mampu meminimalisir resiko (Jones, 2016; NSWP, 2016; Cunningham, 2019). Namun studi-studi sebelumnya lebih berfokus pada manfaat internet terhadap profesi pekerja seks ataupun alasan pekerja seks memanfaatkan media sosial. Terdapat hal menarik lain yang dapat diteliti lebih lanjut, yaitu mengenai upaya yang dilakukan oleh pekerja seks dengan memanfaatkan ruang virtual yang tersedia untuk menciptakan posisi yang berdaya selama berelasi dengan pihak lain seperti klien dan mucikari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus terhadap 4 perempuan pekerja VCS yang mempromosikan dirinya melalui media sosial Twitter. Studi ini menggunakan konsep power, otonomi tubuh, dan teori pertukaran sosial sebagai pisau analisis. Temuan studi melalui wawancara mendalam secara virtual kepada ke-4 informan menyimpulkan pekerja VCS mampu untuk memiliki kontrol pada profesinya, kontrol atas tubuhnya, hingga kemampuan menciptakan posisi tawar yang baik. Hal ini menciptakan keberdayaan yang ditunjukan pada beberapa hal, seperti 1) Kemampuan untuk menolak dan menerima klien melalui penseleksian dan penyortiran klien yang mengacu pada kriteria klien serta kesepakatan kerja dengan klien; 2) Kemampuan dalam merespon dan menciptakan strategi untuk terhindar dari resiko capping, doxing, penipuan, online sexual harassement, hingga keberadaan faker; 3) Kemampuan pekerja VCS untuk dapat benegosiasi dengan klien selama proses transaksi seksual. Kemampuan pekerja VCS untuk dapat memproduksi kekuasaan dan menciptakan relasi kerja yang sejajar dengan klien disebabkan karena adanya pengetahuan terkait kondisi kerja, kesadaran kritis, keterampilan digital yang dimiliki, serta kemampuan untuk menciptakan sumberdaya alternatif yang dibutuhkan lainnya, yaitu uang, dengan menjaga dan memperluas pasarnya. Ruang digital juga seakan menjadi tembok pembatas antara pekerja VCS dan klien sehingga memudahkan pekerja VCS untuk menciptakan dan mengunakan kekuasaanya.

This study aims to explore the empowerment of women VCS workers in relating to clients and other parties. There are many studies that discuss that online prostitution provides a safer space where sex workers are considered to be better able to minimize risk (Jones, 2016; NSWP, 2016; Cunningham, 2019). However, previous studies have focused more on the benefits of the internet for the sex worker profession or the reasons sex workers use social media. There is another interesting thing that can be investigated further, namely the efforts made by sex workers by utilizing the available virtual space to create a position of power while dealing with clients. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method on 4 female VCS workers who promote themselves through social media Twitter. This study will use the concept of power, body autonomy, and social exchange theory as an analytical knife. The study findings through virtual in-depth interviews with the 4 informants concluded that VCS workers are able to have control over their profession, control over their bodies, to the ability to create a good bargaining position. This can be shown in several things that are done by VCS workers, such as 1) The ability to reject and accept clients through the selection and sorting of clients based on client criteria and work agreements with clients; 2) Ability to respond and create strategies to avoid the risk of capping, doxing, fraud, online sexual harassment, and the presence of fakers; 3) The ability of VCS workers to be able to negotiate with clients during the sexual transaction process. The ability of VCS workers to be able to produce power and create equal working relationships with clients is due to their knowledge of working conditions, critical awareness, digital skills, and the ability to create alternative resources needed, namely money, by maintaining and expanding the market. The digital space also seems to be a dividing wall between VCS workers and clients, making it easier for VCS workers to create and use their power."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hurin Fidyafi
Penelitian ini menemukan adanya kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh negara, terhadap anak dari perempuan pekerja migran yang mengalami kekerasan seksual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap S, M dan A. Ke tiga subjek adalah anak yang lahir dari perempuan pekerja migran yang mengalami kekerasan seksual. Peneliti menggunakan teori feminis sosialis oleh Rosermarie Putnam Tong, dalam menjelaskan permasalahan perempuan pekerja migran terkait kapitalisme dan patriarki. Kemudian teori ekologi milik Bronfenbrenner, dalam menjelaskan lapisan-lapisan terjadinya kekerasan pada anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kekerasan yang terjadi pada anak dari perempuan pekerja migran, tidak dapat terpisahkan dari permasalahan yang terjadi pada ibu mereka. Sedangkan negara tidak hanya abai terhadap permasalahan kekerasan yang terjadi pada anak. Tetapi juga melakukan diskriminasi terhadap pencatatan administrasi negara dalam bentuk akta kelahiran, melihat latarbelakang anak yang dilahirkan tidak dalam status pernikahan.

It was found that there are cases of crime committed by state towards children of women migrant workers who had occurred sexual violence. This study uses qualitative method and in-depth interview technique on S, M, and A. Each subject is children who are born from women migrant workers who had occurred sexual violence. We use socialist feminist theory by Rosemarie Putnam Tong to explain the female migrant workers? issues on capitalism and patriarchy and ecological theory by Bronfenbrenner to explain some levels of violence against children. The results show that the children?s issue cannot be separated from their mother?. Meanwhile, state is not only neglects them, but also discriminates them. Especially in way of birth certificate making. State tends to problematize them, related to their ?status? as children who were not born under the marriage status."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anugrah Ratri Kusuma Wardhani
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang kriminalisasi yang dialami oleh perempuan pekerja migran domestik Indonesia yang bekerja di Timur Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melihat adanya kerentanan perempuan pekerja migran domestik Indonesia dalam menghadapi sistem hukum negara tujuan berdasarkan teori feminis sosialis dan feminis jurisprudensi dimana kelas dan gender mempengaruhi praktek hukum di Timur Tengah. Tiga orang perempuan pekerja migran yang pernah mengalami kriminalisasi menjadi subjek penelitian yang pengalamannya digunakan untuk menganalisis dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kritis untuk melihat bagaimana kriminalisasi perempuan pekerja migran domestik Indonesia di Timur Tengah adalah bentuk dari kekerasan terhadap perempuan.

This undergraduate thesis discusses about criminalization of Indonesian women migrant domestic workers in the Middle East. This research sees the vulnerability of Indonesia women migrant domestic workers in facing the countries’ law based on Socialist Feminist and Feminist Jurisprudence Theory. Three Indonesian women migrant domestic workers were interviewed as the subjects in this research due to their experienced of criminalization. Then, it all would be used for analyzing as according to the theoritical framework. Critical approach had been applied for viewing how the criminalization of Indonesian women migrant domestic workers was a form of violence against women."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Dewi Pusparini
"[Penelitian ini membahas tentang modal sosial apa saja yang dimiliki LSM Bandungwangi sekaligus melihat bagaimana peran modal sosial tersebut dalam upaya pencegahaan penularan HIV AIDS yang dilakukan di kalangan PSP. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Bandungwangi sebagai sebuah LSM memiliki modal sosial berupa jaringan sosial yang menciptakan ikatan sosial antara Bandungwangi dengan PSP lembaga donor pemerintah. LSM lain dan antar Staf dalam Bandungwangi sendiri Ikatan sosial ini nyatanya membangun nilai dan norma bersama mengenai kebiasaan sehari hari nilai bekerja sebagai PSP dan kelebihan Bandungwangi dalam menjangkau komunitas PSP. Nilai dan norma bersama ini yang kemudian membangun kepercayaan antar aktor. Bentuk modal sosial seperti ini menandakan bahwa bonding dan bridging Bandungwangi kepada aktor aktor tersebut berhasil dibangun. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa kelemahan modal sosial Bandungwangi terletak pada jaringannya dengan LSM lain yang kurang dimaksimalkan. Masing masing bentuk modal sosial yang dimiliki LSM Bandungwangi juga terbukti berperan dalam membangun komunikasi kordinasi meningkatkan reputasi hingga menciptakan tindakan kolektif upaya pencegahan penularan HIV AIDS pada tataran partisipasi kegiatan. Penelitian ini mengisi kekosongan pembahasan mengenai modal sosial LSM dalam upaya pencegahan penularan HIV AIDS di kalangan PSP yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan strategi studi kasus pada LSM Bandungwangi. Terdapat 12 informan dalam penelitian ini yang dipilih secara purposive.

This study discusses about what kind of social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers. This study also looking for how social capital influence of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS. The finding shows that Bandungwangi as an NGO has social capital there are social network who created social tie among Bandungwangi sex workers funding organizations government another NGOs and Stafs in Bandungwangi who was sex workers. This social tie builds the collective values and norms about daily habits work rsquo s point of view as sex workers. Collective values and norms build the trust between the actors This kind of social capital mark that Bandungwangi's bonding and bridging to another actors perfectly build. The finding also shows that the weakness of Bandungwangi's social capital is social network with other NGO. Each of these forms Bandungwangi's social capital also proved instrumental in building communication coordination improved reputation and creating collective action to participation activities of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS. This study fills a void a discusiion about social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers that has never been done before. This study using qualitative approach with study case strategy in Bandungwangi NGO in East Jakarta. Consist of twelfth participants they were selected by purposive sampling.;This study discusses about what kind of social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers This study also looking for how social capital influence of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS The finding shows that Bandungwangi as an NGO has social capital there are social network who created social tie among Bandungwangi sex workers funding organizations government another NGOs and Stafs in Bandungwangi who was sex workers This social tie builds the collective values and norms about daily habits work rsquo s point of view as sex workers Collective values and norms build the trust between the actors This kind of social capital mark that Bandungwangi rsquo s bonding and bridging to another actors perfectly build The finding also shows that the weakness of Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital is social network with other NGO Each of these forms Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital also proved instrumental in building communication coordination improved reputation and creating collective action to participation activities of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS This study fills a void a discusiion about social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers that has never been done before This study using qualitative approach with study case strategy in Bandungwangi NGO in East Jakarta Consist of twelfth participants they were selected by purposive sampling;This study discusses about what kind of social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers This study also looking for how social capital influence of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS The finding shows that Bandungwangi as an NGO has social capital there are social network who created social tie among Bandungwangi sex workers funding organizations government another NGOs and Stafs in Bandungwangi who was sex workers This social tie builds the collective values and norms about daily habits work rsquo s point of view as sex workers Collective values and norms build the trust between the actors This kind of social capital mark that Bandungwangi rsquo s bonding and bridging to another actors perfectly build The finding also shows that the weakness of Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital is social network with other NGO Each of these forms Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital also proved instrumental in building communication coordination improved reputation and creating collective action to participation activities of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS This study fills a void a discusiion about social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers that has never been done before This study using qualitative approach with study case strategy in Bandungwangi NGO in East Jakarta Consist of twelfth participants they were selected by purposive sampling, This study discusses about what kind of social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers This study also looking for how social capital influence of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS The finding shows that Bandungwangi as an NGO has social capital there are social network who created social tie among Bandungwangi sex workers funding organizations government another NGOs and Stafs in Bandungwangi who was sex workers This social tie builds the collective values and norms about daily habits work rsquo s point of view as sex workers Collective values and norms build the trust between the actors This kind of social capital mark that Bandungwangi rsquo s bonding and bridging to another actors perfectly build The finding also shows that the weakness of Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital is social network with other NGO Each of these forms Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital also proved instrumental in building communication coordination improved reputation and creating collective action to participation activities of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS This study fills a void a discusiion about social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers that has never been done before This study using qualitative approach with study case strategy in Bandungwangi NGO in East Jakarta Consist of twelfth participants they were selected by purposive sampling]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Sari
"[Begitu banyaknya kegiatan komunikasi di program pencegahan HIV Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional yang belum dievaluasi secara menyeluruh melatarbelakangi penelitian ini. Oleh karena itu, peneliti tertarik menganalisa lebih jauh tingkatan pemahaman dan tanggapan kelompok sasaran terhadap lembar promosi yang diberikan dalam kampanye komunikasi perubahan perilaku.
Dengan mengaplikasikan kerangka strategis P-Process dan tahapan Steps to Behavioural Change, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi enam elemen sebagai instrumen evaluasi tingkat pemahaman kelompok sasaran yaitu: pengetahuan, persetujuan, maksud, praktik, advokasi dan masukan.
Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus, dan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi informasi sembilan narasumber yang berasal dari kelompok wanita pekerja seks, petugas lapangan, pejabat KPA Nasional dan FHI360 sebagai mitra kerja. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kelompok sasaran terhadap lembar promosi HIV Counseling Test (HCT) sudah terpenuhi namun perencanaan dan proses pengembangan materi lembar promosi belum terlaksana optimal.;The background of this research is based on the limited qualitative evaluation of HIV prevention campaign conducted by the Indonesia National AIDS Commission. This thesis demonstrates the importance of conducting evaluation in any communication campaigns. Drawing on P-Process framework and Steps to Behavioural Change, this study examines impact of HIV Counseling Test brochure towards female sex workers in Jakarta province. Five elements are administered to evaluate the expected changes: knowledge, approval, intention, practice and adcovacy. In addition, the element feedback is aimed to accommodate considerations. The research applies qualitative approach, study case method and in depth interviews towards 9 sources to gather information. The result of this research suggests that despite of the positive acceptance from the key affected population, Indonesia National AIDS Commission requires to strengthen planning management, development and testing communication materials., The background of this research is based on the limited qualitative evaluation of HIV prevention campaign conducted by the Indonesia National AIDS Commission. This thesis demonstrates the importance of conducting evaluation in any communication campaigns. Drawing on P-Process framework and Steps to Behavioural Change, this study examines impact of HIV Counseling Test brochure towards female sex workers in Jakarta province. Five elements are administered to evaluate the expected changes: knowledge, approval, intention, practice and adcovacy. In addition, the element feedback is aimed to accommodate considerations. The research applies qualitative approach, study case method and in depth interviews towards 9 sources to gather information. The result of this research suggests that despite of the positive acceptance from the key affected population, Indonesia National AIDS Commission requires to strengthen planning management, development and testing communication materials.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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