"[Begitu banyaknya kegiatan komunikasi di program pencegahan HIV Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional yang belum dievaluasi secara menyeluruh melatarbelakangi penelitian ini. Oleh karena itu, peneliti tertarik menganalisa lebih jauh tingkatan pemahaman dan tanggapan kelompok sasaran terhadap lembar promosi yang diberikan dalam kampanye komunikasi perubahan perilaku.
Dengan mengaplikasikan kerangka strategis P-Process dan tahapan Steps to Behavioural Change, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi enam elemen sebagai instrumen evaluasi tingkat pemahaman kelompok sasaran yaitu: pengetahuan, persetujuan, maksud, praktik, advokasi dan masukan.
Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus, dan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi informasi sembilan narasumber yang berasal dari kelompok wanita pekerja seks, petugas lapangan, pejabat KPA Nasional dan FHI360 sebagai mitra kerja. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kelompok sasaran terhadap lembar promosi HIV Counseling Test (HCT) sudah terpenuhi namun perencanaan dan proses pengembangan materi lembar promosi belum terlaksana optimal.;The background of this research is based on the limited qualitative evaluation of HIV prevention campaign conducted by the Indonesia National AIDS Commission. This thesis demonstrates the importance of conducting evaluation in any communication campaigns. Drawing on P-Process framework and Steps to Behavioural Change, this study examines impact of HIV Counseling Test brochure towards female sex workers in Jakarta province. Five elements are administered to evaluate the expected changes: knowledge, approval, intention, practice and adcovacy. In addition, the element feedback is aimed to accommodate considerations. The research applies qualitative approach, study case method and in depth interviews towards 9 sources to gather information. The result of this research suggests that despite of the positive acceptance from the key affected population, Indonesia National AIDS Commission requires to strengthen planning management, development and testing communication materials., The background of this research is based on the limited qualitative evaluation of HIV prevention campaign conducted by the Indonesia National AIDS Commission. This thesis demonstrates the importance of conducting evaluation in any communication campaigns. Drawing on P-Process framework and Steps to Behavioural Change, this study examines impact of HIV Counseling Test brochure towards female sex workers in Jakarta province. Five elements are administered to evaluate the expected changes: knowledge, approval, intention, practice and adcovacy. In addition, the element feedback is aimed to accommodate considerations. The research applies qualitative approach, study case method and in depth interviews towards 9 sources to gather information. The result of this research suggests that despite of the positive acceptance from the key affected population, Indonesia National AIDS Commission requires to strengthen planning management, development and testing communication materials.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015