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Singapore: APEC Secretariat, 1998
R 337.1 ASI s
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat, 1999,
R 337.1 Asi s
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The multilateral trading system as it now applies is o rule-
bated system comprising a complex set of rules as articulated
in various WTO agreements. The .system is the ultimate choice
for nations if they were to establish trade relations among
nations in a good order and to more enhance the stability and
predictability and to better suit the interests of least developed
and developing countries. Nevertheless, the substantive rules
that have been "mutually agreed" have deficiencies and
imbalances especially looking from the interest of developing
countries. The implementations of those rules have been more
advantageous to developed countries. while the developing
countries do not have the capability to implement those rules.
The concessions that have been given away do not meet with
the expected benefit out of their participation in this
multilateral regime. Such situation greatly effects developing
countries in the implementation and the effectiveness of WTO
rules. The current round of trade negotiations needs to make
correction to this legitimacy gap to ensure affair a fair gain from the
multilateral trading system.
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 2 Januari 2004 : 229-244, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Achmad Zen Umar
"The World Trade Organization Agreement is an International Legal Document which one of its main issues concerns the TRlPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). TRIPs is an International Agreement in the field of intellectual property rights which also plays a role in smoothing _,flow of global trade. The acceptances of TRlPs by the International community still needs further discussions especially in connection with developing countries as well as developed countries specifically those relevant to patents. This matter is mainly connected to technology, which basically is focused on the interests of developing countries. that is an obligation of transJ@r of technology, as one of the basic principles of TRlPs. This due to the fact that investors which have grown in numbers in developed countries need protection for their inventions, which if noted are enjoyed by the global society. On the other hand the potential for creativity in the _,field of technology in developing countries is very low. It is expected that all member states will be consistent in implementing the TRIP.: system. By then. the investment sector will be greatly accelerated in the developing countries. which is very much needed."
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Two issues leading to the collapse of the 5th WTO ministerial
meeting in Cancun, Mexico, are agricultural issue and Singapore
Issues. There are four sub-issues on Singapore issues, which are
Trade and Competition- Policy, Trade and Investment,
Transparency on Government Procurement and Trade
Facilitation. The issues on competition policy are some
ambiguities such as the coverage of hardcore cartel provisions
and the differences on the articles or business practices which
can be considered as per se illegal and which one wilt be
considered as rule of reason. The most crucial on handling
competition case is analyzing relevant market consisting product
market and geographical market. Related to the Indonesian
competition law, unfortunately' the definition on the relevant
market is not clear enough Besides that, Indonesian competition
law does not give authority to the Indonesian Competition
Institution to enact some guidelines issued by OECD, UNCTAD
or countries which having wide experience in handling
competition cases. Up to now, the Indonesian competition low
has not been completed with the government regulation on
merger and acquisition. To invite the government people in the
ministry of industry and trade who are responsible to prepare the
said government regulation, this paper is ended with the case of
merger between Boeing and MDC suffering injury for Airbus
company and the practice of exclusive dealing done by Boeing-
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 2 Januari 2004 : 269-294, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Raedy
"Dalam menegakan peraturan domestik dan menghindari pajak berganda, peran dilakukannya pertukaran informasi penting dalam hal administrasi informasi otoritas pajak negara yang berkepentingan, Pada tanggal 1 April 2014, Menteri Keuangan menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor: 60/PMK.03/2014 tahun 2014 tentang Tata Cara Pertukaran Informasi sebagai aturan pelaksanaan pertukaran Informasi (PMK 60). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dasar pemikiran dilengkapinya peraturan sebelumnya dengan PMK 60 dan menjelaskan pelaksanaan pertukaran informasi untuk tujuan pajak sebelum dan sesudah diterbitkannya PMK 60. Penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah yang mendasari diterbitkannya PMK 60 adalah masuknya Indonesia ke dalam Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes yang memberikan dorongan negaranegara anggota untuk melakukan perjanjian pertukaran informasi, serta adanya ketentuan-ketentuan baru yang perlu diakomodir dalam peraturan domestik. Pelaksanaan sebelum diterbitkannya PMK 60 adalah Otoritas Pajak Indonesia menggunakan dasar Peraturan Direktur Jendral Pajak nomor PER 67/PJ/2009 (PER 67) sebagai aturan teknis pelaksanaan yang ditetapkan sebelumnya, dan dalam pelaksanaan sesudah diterbitkannya PMK 60 Otoritas Pajak menggunakan PER 67 dalam hal teknis namun tetap menggunakan PMK 60 sebagai lex genralis peraturan pertukaran informasi. Diharapkan Otoritas pajak Indonesia dapat meningkatkan sistem informasi perpajakan Indonesia dan dapat menerbitkan aturan pelaksanaan dari PMK 60.

In order to enforce domestic regulation and to avoid double taxation, uses exchange of information for tax purpose is essential for administration of tax authority database. On 1st April 2014, Indonesia Minister of Finance issuing Minister of Finance Regulation Number: 60/PMK.03/2014 regarding for Indonesia Exchange of Information Procedures (PMK 60). This research aimed to analyze rationale of issuing PMK 60 as completed previous regulation and to explain before and after implementation of PMK 60 as regulation on exchange of information for tax purpose. The research uses qualitative method and descriptive purpose to analyze and process data.
Result of this research are Indonesia is join as member of Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes which member of Global Forum use this convention to created Tax Information Exchange Agreement between member’s. As implications of newer Tax Information Exchange Agreement’s raises new provisions which are not regulated in previous regulation. The implementation before PMK 60 issued is Indonesia Tax Authority use Director General Taxation number: 67/PJ/2009 (PER 67) as previous regulation that regulated Exchange of Information Procedure and the implementation after PMK 60 issued is Indonesia Tax Authority constantly use PER 67 as technical previous regulation, however use PMK 60 as lex generalis of Indonesia Exchange of Information procedure. Researcer expacted Indonesia Tax Authorty may increase information system database and may issued adminstrative regulation from PMK 60.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emilia Kurniasari
"Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, multilateralisme menghadapi tantangan karena berbagai krisis global, unilateralisme negara-negara Barat, dan tidak efektifnya institusi multilateral yang ada. Di tengah tantangan tersebut, Tiongkok justru semakin mendorong multilateralisme. Keaktifan multilateral Tiongkok yang semakin meningkat awalnya dipandang sebagai bentuk integrasi dan dukungan Tiongkok multilateral global yang dominan saat ini, namun ada pula pandangan bahwa partisipasi multilateral Tiongkok merupakan ancaman karena karakteristiknya yang berbeda. Dalam mendorong multilateralisme, Tiongkok sering kali menyerukan reformasi tata kelola global dengan berbagai narasinya, salah satunya dengan wacana mewujudkan community of shared future for mankind (人类命运共同体 renlei mingyun gongtong ti). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana Tiongkok memaknai multilateralisme melalui pendirian AIIB. Data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah 25 pidato tentang multilateralisme dan AIIB oleh otoritas Tiongkok dari tahun 2013 hingga 2021. Dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Wacana Kritis dari Norman Fairclough, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada dasarnya konsep multilateralisme Tiongkok tidak berbeda dengan konsep multilateralisme yang dipahami secara umum. Tiongkok menggambarkan AIIB setara dengan MDB yang sudah ada. Tiongkok hanya tidak dapat melepaskan “karakteristik Tiongkok”-nya yang disebut “multilateralisme sejati”, yaitu multilateralisme yang berbasis pada konsultasi dan tidak melindungi kepentingan kelompok tertentu. Menurut Tiongkok, multilateralisme merupakan bagian dari tujuan besar untuk membangun tatanan global yang disebut community of shared future for mankind dan dapat diwujudkan melalui pembangunan.

In recent decades, multilateralism has faced challenges due to various global crises, the unilateralism of Western countries, and the ineffectiveness of existing multilateral institutions. In the midst of these challenges, China encourages multilateralism. China's increasing multilateral activity was initially considered as China’s integration and support towards the current dominant multilateral global order, but there was also another view that China's multilateral participation was a threat because of its different characteristics. In promoting multilateralism, China has often been calling for global governance reform with various narratives, one of which is by creating a community of a shared future for mankind (人类命运共同体 renlei mingyun gongtong ti. This study aims to understand the process that shaped China's view of multilateralism through the establishment of the AIIB. The primary data in this study are 25 speeches about multilateralism and AIIB by the Chinese authorities from 2013 to 2021. By employing the Critical Discourse Analysis method from Norman Fairclough, this study concludes that essentially the Chinese concept of multilateralism is no different from the concept of multilateralism that is generally understood. China simply cannot give up its “Chinese characteristics” which is called “real multilateralism”, means multilateralism which is based on consultation and does not safeguard interests of particular groups. According to China, multilateralism is part of the great goal of building a global order called the community of shared future for mankind and can be realized through development."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gladys Berlyana
"Kehadiran CSCAP dan ARF telah menjadi titik awal munculnya berbagai inisiatif kerja sama keamanan multilateral di Asia-Pasifik pasca Perang Dingin. Pada tataran empiris, kehadiran inisiatif ini turut diikuti dengan perkembangan pembahasannya dalam literatur. Oleh karenanya, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meninjau perkembangan literatur mengenai inisiatif kerja sama keamanan multilateral di Asia-Pasifik pasca Perang Dingin dengan menganalisis 47 literatur terakreditasi internasional yang membahas topik ini. Berdasarkan pada metode taksonomi, literatur tersebut dibagi ke dalam enam kategori, yaitu: (1) inisiatif dan karakteristik kerja sama keamanan multilateral di Asia-Pasifik pasca Perang Dingin, (2) motif kehadiran aktor non-Asia Tenggara dalam inisiatif (3) persepsi aktor non-Asia Tenggara terhadap kepemimpinan ASEAN dalam mayoritas inisiatif keamanan di AsiaPasifik, (4) motif keterlibatan negara-negara Asia Tenggara dalam inisiatif, (5) persepsi negara-negara Asia Tenggara terhadap inisiatif, dan (6) pandangan akademisi terhadap inisiatif tersebut. Tinjauan pustaka ini berupaya untuk menyingkap konsensus, perdebatan, kesenjangan literatur, dan menunjukkan sejumlah tren, seperti persebaran tema, persebaran asal penulis, serta persebaran perspektif atas topik ini. Tinjauan pustaka ini mengidentifikasi bahwa inisiatif dan karakteristik kerja sama keamanan multilateral di Asia-Pasifik pasca Perang Dingin merupakan tema paling dominan dalam pengkajian topik ini, sementara Realisme merupakan perspektif yang paling dominan digunakan dalam literatur. Tinjauan pustaka ini turut merekomendasikan sejumlah agenda untuk penulisan lanjutan.

The presence of CSCAP and ARF has become the starting point for the formation of postCold War multilateral security cooperation initiatives in Asia-Pacific. At the empirical level, the presence of the initiatives were followed by its development in literatures. Therefore, this paper aims to review this topic by analyzing 47 internationally accredited literatures. Based on taxonomy method, the literatures will be divided into six theme-based categories which consist of: (1) initiatives and characteristics of security cooperation in Asia-Pacific, (2) motives behind the presence of non-Southeast Asian actors, (3) perceptions of non-Southeast Asian actors towards ASEAN leadership in the majority of initiatives, (4) motives behind the involvement of Southeast Asian countries, and (5) their perceptions towards the initiatives, (6) academic views on the initiatives. This literature review seeks to unveil the consensus, debates, and gaps of this topic. Besides, it also seeks to show some trends in the writing of this topic such as the distribution of its themes, authors' origin, and the paradigmatic trend. This literature review identifies that initiatives and characteristics of Post-Cold War Multilateral Security Cooperation in Asia-Pacific is the most dominant theme in the literatures, while Realism is the most dominant perspective used by the literatures. It then recommends some proposed further researches

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Bank Indonesia, 2001
330.9 PER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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