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Amin Tjakraamidjaja
Pembangunan prasarana jalan di Jakarta oleh developer yang semakin meningkat, merupakan suatu hal yang perlu diantisipasi dengan baik mengingat hal tersebut merupakan kebutuhan masyarakat yang saat ini masih dirasakan kurang. Untuk memperlancar pembangunan prasarana jalan tersebut maka harus diupayakan peningkatan melalui pelaksanaan perbaikan prosedur pelayanan terhadap para pemohon Izin Membangun Prasarana (IMP) yang dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Pekerjaan Umum DKI Jakarta. Perbaikan pelayanan pada proses pemberian IMP bukan saja bermanfaat bagi para pemohon sebagai customer tetapi juga seluruh masyarakat akan menikinati manfaatnya.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka penulisan tesis ini secara konseptual ditujukan untuk perbaikan pelayanan proses IMP agar dapat memenuhi harapan pemohon khususnya dan masyarakat luas pada umumnya. Untuk itu dalam kerangka teori yang merupakan tinjauan pustaka pada tesis ini, dikemukakan piranti manajemen yang kiranya cocok dan dapat digunakan sekaligus dipilih untuk meningkatan proses pelayanan IMP.
Untuk memperkuat analisis dari pada tesis ini, telah dilakukan wawancara dengan para pejabat maupun staf yang menanvi langsung tugas-tugas pelayanan proses IMP serta kepada beberapa developer selaku pemohon pelayanan IMP guna mendapatkan data dan informasi yang sangat berarti. Pimpinan tunas pada umumnya menginginkan adanya suatu pelayanan yang baik bagi masyarakat sehinma dapat meningkatkan citra organisasi, para petugas mengharapkan adanya pembagian tugas yang jelas serta pihak developer menginginkan adanya kepastian dalam proses pelayanan IMP.
Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat diambil suatu kesimpulan secara umum, bahwa proses pelayanan IMP sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan kondisi lingkungannya. Untuk itu perlu diadakan suatu perubahan yang mendasar dengan mendapakan Rekayasa Ulang terhadap proses pelayanan IMP."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wasil Thaib
"Membangun merupakan tanda awal untuk meningkatkan derajat sebuah kota. Namun pembangunan tersebut harus selalu mengikuti kaidah-kaidah administrasi, teknik dan perijinan yang berlaku untuk menghindari resiko-resiko yang tidak perlu terjadi ataupun meminimalkan kalaupun tidak bisa dihindari. Salah satu resiko yang akan terjadi pada saat pembangunan adalah resiko pembangunan mendahului ijin yang berakibat pada pengeluaran biaya tambahan karena denda ataupun dilakukan tindakan pembongkaran apabila telah mendapat ijin membangun terdapat bagian-bagian bangunan melanggar dan tidak dapat diberikan ijin tambahan / perubahan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan membangun bangunan tinggi di Propinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 50% telah terjadi pelaksanaan mendahului ijin membangun. Hal ini merupakan kendala baik bagi pemerintah ataupun bagi owner atau kontraktor sebagai pelaksanaan dilapangan, karena akan mengganggu jadwal pelaksanaan kegiatan pembangunan. Dalam tesis ini akan dilakukan analisa dengan melakukan identifikasi resiko (risk identification) terhadap semua activity yang mengakibatkan terjadi resiko pelaksanaan terhadap pembangunan gedung bertingkat yang mendahului ijin membangun, dengan pendekatan risk assesment."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angki Purwanti
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The service orientation of clinical pharmacy and community have been changed from focusing only managing the medicine as commodity to comprehensive service based on pharmaceutical care. Refer to that basic, ISFI with the cooperation of Ministry of Health establish Standard of Pharmaceutical Service in Pharmacy. The standard
is aimed to ensure the service quality and shall be implemented in all Pharmacies. The purpose of the study is to have an implementation overview Standard of Pharmaceutical Service in Pharmacy and the results may used for establishing the phase of implementation Standard of Pharmaceutical Service in Pharmacy.This study is a descriptive study, the data were compiled by using a questionnaire,
as respondents. Compiled data consist of pharmacy?s basic data, pharmacist?s basic data, implementation of non prescription drug?s service (section I), KIE?s service (section II), prescription drug?s service (section III) and management of medicine (section IV).
The average score of implementation of section I is 60.18 (not good), section II is 31.84 (worse), section III is 64.22 (not good) , section IV 87.84 (good) and the overall average from section I to IV is 61.02 (not good)"
[Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suharini Eliawati
"Dinas Peternakan Perikanan dan Kelautan Propinsi DKI Jakarta mempunyai tugas berupa pelayanan masyarakat, namun dalam pelaksanaannya menghadapi berbagai kendala antara lain banyak peraturan yang mengikat, tuntutan / kebutuhan masyarakat yang selalu berubah. Selain itu sumberdaya petugas secara kuantitas dan kualitas pada tingkat pelayanan dilihat dari segi keandalan belum mencukupi, kurang mentaati aturan main yang ada, disamping itu dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan pada masyarakat masih terdapat distorsi, terdapat praktek - praktek birokratis, sehingga memperlambat pelaksanaan pelayanan dan menyebabkan ekonorni biaya tinggi.
Jenis layanan yang dimaksud adalah pelayanan pengurusan surat Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP), karena meskipun merupakan kewajiban masyarakat untuk memiliki Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP) bagi yang berusaha di bidang perikanan, tetapi kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengurusnya masih sangat kurang.
Permasalahan utama yang ingin dikaji berdasarkan ruang lingkup permasalahan adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Bagaimana tingkat kepuasan pegawai terhadap kinerja internal dalam proses pembuatan surat Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP) ?
2. Bagaimana tingkat kepuasan pengguna layanan surat Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP) berdasarkan tingkat kepentingan dan persepsi terhadap kinerja pelayanan ?
Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai pelayanan penerbitan surat Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP) di DKI Jakarta. Secara rinci tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Menilai kinerja pelayanan penerbitan Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP), berdasarkan evaluasi kinerja internal organisasi / lembaga menurut kepuasan pegawai dan evaluasi kinerja pelayanan penerbitan Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP) menurut tingkat kepentingan / harapan serta persepsi terhadap kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan pandangan masyarakat pengguna pelayanan;
2. Mengidentifikasi permasalahan atau kendala yang dijumpai dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan penerbitan Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP).
Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh J. Supranto (1997) adalah menggunakan analisis tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja / performance. Responden terdiri dad 30 prang pegawai yang bertindak sebagai pemberi pelayanan (provider) dan 45 orang yang sudah melakukan pengurusan Izin Usaha Perikanan (IUP). Untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan, baik pada pelayanan internal maupun ekstemal, maka digunakan variabel sesuai dengan dimensi SERQUAL yang dikemukakan oleh Zeithmal, Parasuraman dan Berry (1990) yaitu tangible, responsiveness, reliability, assurance dan empathy.
Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dan evaluasi dengan hasil temuan sebagai berikut :
1. Kinerja yang dicapai dalam proses penerbitan perizinan usaha perikanan (IUP) yaitu 3.00 dengan tingkat harapan / kepentingan sebesar 3.63. Kesenjangan antara keduanya adalah - 0.63 yang berarti bahwa tingkat kinerja / pelaksanaan yang dicapai belum sesuai dengan tingkat harapan / kepentingan. Sedangkan berdasarkan analisis tingkat kepuasan pegawai sebesar 79.35 % berada pada skala puas, meskipun belum mencapai kepuasan optimal (100 %)
2. Kinerja yang dicapai dalam proses penyampaian perizinan usaha perikanan (IUP) yaitu 4.30 dengan tingkat harapan / kepentingan sebesar 4.63. Kesenjangan antara keduanya adalah - 0.33 yang berarti bahwa tingkat kinerja / pelaksanaan yang dicapai belum sesuai dengan tingkat harapan / kepentingan masyarakat pengguna layanan. Sedangkan berdasarkan analisis tingkat kepuasan pelanggan sebesar 89.20 % berada pada skala sangat puas, meskipun belum mencapai kepuasan optimal (100 %)
Kesimpulan dan saran yang dapat diberikan dari temuan diatas adalah berupa faktor - faktor yang perlu mendapat perhatian dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan penilaian pegawai yaitu penataan eksterior dan interior sesuai dengan bidang kerja, kesempatan mengembangkan potensi individu, ketepatan jam kerja, kesesuaian penghasilan dibanding beban kerja dan kesempatan mendapat promosi. Sedangkan berdasarkan penilaian masyarakat pengguna layanan adalah tindakan segera dalam penyelesaian masalah, kemampuan memenuhi ketepatan waktu dan kepastian biaya sesuai standar.

Perception Of Internal Customers (Employees) And External Customers (Public) Towards The Service Of Issuing Fishery Enterprise License In Fishery And Maritime Livestock Service, Special Province Of JakartaFishery and Maritime Livestock Service, Special Province of Jakarta is responsible for providing public services, however, in its implementation it faces various obstacles among others are many confining rules and regulations, the society's ever changing demands. Apart from that in the light of competency both quantitatively and qualitatively it remains insufficient, lacks obedience to the rules of the game, on top of that the distortion in the implementation stage still occurs such as the red tape practice that slows down the process of service provision resulting in high cost economy.
The service referred to above is the service of administering the issue of fishery enterprise license (or referred to as IUP). The issue of IUP becomes more complicated because from the public part they lack awareness to have the IUP for their business although in fact it is their responsibility to possess it.
The core issues to be researched and developed based on the scope of the matter are as follows:
1. How high or how low is the employees' level of satisfaction towards the internal performance in the process of issuing IUP?
2. How high or how low is the level of satisfaction of the service users based on the level of interest and perception towards the service performance?
In general She objective of this research is to obtain information on the service of issuing IUP in the Special Province of Jakarta. Specifically the objective can be broken down as follows:
1. to measure the service performance of issuing IUP, based on the evaluation of internal organization performance according to the employees' satisfaction and IUP service performance evaluation based on the interest/hopes and perception towards the service quality according to the service users' views.
2. to identify the matters or obstacles encountered in implementing the service of issuing IUP.
The method used in the research, as stated by Supranto (1997), is analysis of the level of interest and performance. The respondents comprise of 30 employees acting as service providers and 45 people acting as service users. To measure the customers' satisfaction, both those of the internal group and of the external one, a variable is used in line with SERQUAL dimension expressed by Zeithmal, Parasuraman and Berry (1990), that is, tangible responsiveness, reability, assurance and empathy.
The research used descriptive and evaluative method with the following findings:
1. The performance of the process of issuing IUP achieved 3.00 with 3.63 on the level of interest or hopes. The gap between the two is 0.63 which means that the level of performance achieved is not yet in line with the level of interest or hopes. Whereas based on the analysis of the employees' satisfaction it reached 79.35% or in the satisfactory scale, it has not yet achieved the optimum satisfaction (100%).
2. The performance of the process of informing IUP achieved 4.30 with 4.63 on the level of interest or hopes. The gap between the two is 0.33 which means that the level of performance achieved is not yet in line with the level of interest or hopes of the service users. Whereas based on the analysis of the customers' satisfaction level, it reached 89.20% of in the very satisfactory scale, it has not yet achieved the optimum satisfaction (100%).
The conclusion and recommendations that can be given based .on the above findings are in the form of factors that need to be paid attention to in an effort to boost the quality of services based on the employees' evaluation, that is, exterior and interior structure should be in line with the field of work, opportunity to develop individual potential, punctuality of working hours, income adjustment in congruence with the work load, and an opportunity to get promotion. As from the customers' evaluation, they want the service providers to take immediate measures to solve the problems, to have an ability to meet deadline and to have a fixed cost in line with the standard one.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A research had been performed in order to get general description of the service of an oral complementary drug in the nursing ward of IRNA B of Perjan RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and it evaluated the operation of the oral complementary drug service was and also found out the correlation of the orderly medication instruction writing of the oral complementary drug, the orderly operation of the process of th oral complementary drug procurement, drug preservation, drug preparation, the handover the oral complementary drug to a patient, and communication, information and education (CIE) in the nursing ward of IRNA B relation to the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service prosedure. The research used the cross sectional method of survey which was descriptive and analytic in its nature. The research showed that 74.81% of the patients medication instruction writing in prescription did not fit the requirements in administration writing and medication information completely 7.94% of the patients bought the prescription (76%-1005) form the drug store in RSCM, 42.75% of patients kept the 76%-100% of their drug in the pharmacy depot, 42.75% prepared the 76%-100% of patient prepared the 76%-100% of their drug in unites of doses by the pharmacy depot. 64.12% of the patients were given their drug by nurses directly, and finished to swallow the drug according to its use direction, and there was none of the patients who got CIE service from a pharmacist. The operation of the oral complementary drug service in the nursing wawrd of IRNA B was evaluated as less appropriate to the procedure. It could be concluded that there is significant correlation between medication instruction writing, the orderly operation of the process of the oral complementary drug preservation, the drug preparation, the had-over the oral complementary drug to a patient in the nursing ward of IRNA B with the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure; and there is no correlation between the procurement of the oral complementary drug, the orderly operation of CIE in the nursing ward of IRNA B with the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A research had been performed in order to get general description of the service of an oral complementary drug in the nursing ward of IRNA B of Perjan RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and it evaluated the operation of the oral complementary drug service was, and also found out the correlation of the orderly medication instruction writing of the oral complementary drug, the orderly operation of the process of the oral
complementary drug procurement, drug preservation, drug preparation, the handover the oral complementary drug to a patient, and Communication, Information and Education (CIE) in the nursing ward of IRNA B relation to the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure. The research used the cross sectional method of survey which was descriptive and analytic in its nature. The
research showed that 74,81% of the patients medication instruction writing in prescription did not fit the requirements in administration writing and medication information completely. 67,94% of the patients bought the prescription (76%-100%)form the drug store in RSCM, 42,75% of patients kept the 76%-100% of their drug
in the pharmacy depot, 42,75% of patients prepared the 76%-100% of patient prepared the 76%-100% of their drug in unites of doses by the pharmacy depot. 64,12% of the patients were given their drug by nurses directly, and finished to swallow the drug according to its use direction, and there was none of the patients who got CIE
service from a pharmacist. The operation of the oral complementary drug service in the nursing ward of IRNA B was evaluated as less appropriate to the procedure. It could be concluded that there is significant correlation between medication instruction writing, the orderly operation of the process of the oral complementary drug
preservation, the drug preparation, the hand-over the oral complementary drug to a patient in the nursing ward of IRNA B with the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure; and there is no correlation between the procurement of
the oral complementary drug, the orderly operation of CIE in the nursing ward of IRNA B with the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure."
[Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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