Penelitian ini mempelajari analisis ekonomi dan potensi dampak lingkungan penggunaan PLTS dan PLTB yang diyakini tidak menghasilkan emisi selama memproduksi listrik. Untuk analisis ekonomi menggunakan metode LCC dan LCOE. Metode LCA digunakan untuk menghitung potensi dampak lingkungan dari sistem PLTS dan PLTB off grid menggunakan baterai. Hasil penelitian untuk analisis ekonomi menyebutkan biaya LCC PLTS lebih rendah dibanding PLTB, dengan biaya LCC PLTS sebesar Rp 724.448.306, sedangkan biaya LCC PLTB Rp 1.834.313.012. LCOE dari PLTS juga lebih rendah dibanding PLTB, dengan LCOE PLTS sebesar Rp 2.542/kWh, sedangkan biaya LCOE PLTB Rp 6.445/kWh. Potensi dampak lingkungan pada PLTS dan PLTB di Kampung Bungin menggunakan software Simapro menggunakan metode CML IA, didapatkan kategori GWP PLTS 0.09 kg CO2 eq/kWh dan GWP PLTB 0.176 kg CO2 eq/kWh. EBT yang sesuai di Kampung Bungin berdasarkan analisa ekonomi dengan biaya LCOE yang rendah dan analisa berdasarkan potensi dampak lingkungan adalah PLTS.
This study studied economic analysis and the potential environmental impacts of using solar power plants and power plants which are believed to produce no emissions during electricity production. For economic analysis use the LCC and LCOE methods. The LCA method is used to calculate the potential environmental impact of the solar power plant and off grid wind turbine power plant systems using batteries. The results of the study for economic analysis stated that the cost of LCC solar power plant was lower than wind turbine power plant, with the cost of LCC solar power plant amounting to Rp 724,448,306, while the cost of LCC wind turbine power plant was Rp. LCOE from solar power plant is also lower than PLTB, with LCOE solar power plant of Rp 2,542 / kWh, while LCOE wind turbine power plant costs Rp 6.445 / kWh. Potential environmental impacts on solar power plant and wind turbine power plant in Bungin Village using Simapro software using the CML IA method, obtained GWP solar power plant category 0.09 kg CO2 eq / kWh and GWP PLTB 0.176 kg CO2 eq / kWh. The appropriate renewable energy in Bungin Village is based on economic analysis with low LCOE costs and analysis based on potential environmental impacts is solar power plant.
"Di akhir abad ke-20, Uni Eropa mulai menyusun kerangka kerja sama energi terbarukan guna menjawab masalah kolektif terkait suplai energi dan perubahan iklim. Berbagai literatur kemudian muncul beriringan dengan perkembangan kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa tersebut. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meninjau perkembangan literatur kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa dengan menggunakan 83 literatur yang terakreditasi secara internasional. Dengan menggunakan metode taksonomi, literatur-literatur tersebut dibagi ke dalam empat tema umum, yakni (1) konseptualisasi kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa, (2) ragam kepentingan kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa, (3) aktor berpengaruh dalam kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa, dan (4) persepsi aktor eksternal terkait kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa. Tinjauan pustaka ini berupaya untuk menganalisis konsensus, perdebatan, dan kesenjangan literatur dari literatur-literatur yang dibahas. Tulisan ini menyingkap fakta bahwa kerja sama energi terbarukan di Uni Eropa menggambarkan kuatnya preskripsi intergovernmentalism dalam proses integrasi Eropa karena masih sentralnya peran negara dalam membentuk dan melaksanakan kerja sama energi terbarukan. Oleh sebab itu, kerja sama energi terbarukan akan memberikan tantangan bagi integrasi Eropa untuk dapat menyeimbangkan kepentingan negara anggota Uni Eropa dan solusi teknokratik terkait masalah suplai energi dan perubahan iklim.
At the end of the 20th century, the European Union has begun to develop frameworks for renewable energy cooperation to address collective problems related to energy supply and climate change. Various literatures then emerged along with the development of renewable energy cooperation in the European Union. This paper aims to review literature development regarding the renewable energy cooperation in the European Union by using 83 international accredited literatures. Using taxonomy method, the literatures are divided into four general themes, which are (1) conceptualization of renewable energy cooperation in the European Union, (2) variety of interests of renewable energy cooperation in the European Union, (3) influential actors within renewable energy cooperation in the European Union, and (4) the perception of external actors regarding renewable energy cooperation in the European Union. This literature review seeks to analyze the consensus, debates, and literature gap from the literatures that are being reviewed. This paper found that renewable energy cooperation in the European Union illustrates the strength of intergovernmental prescriptions in the European integration process because of state’s centrality in creating and implementing renewable energy cooperation. Accordingly, renewable energy cooperation will present a challenge for European integration in order to balance the interests of European Union’s member states and technocratic solutions related to the problem of energy supply and climate change.