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Elizabeth Dian Novita
"Latar belakang : Implan kontrasepsi adalah batang subdermal yang melepaskan progestin selama 3-5 tahun. Efek samping implan yang paling umum dan sering terjadi adalah perdarahan uterus abnormal (PUA). Berbagai teknik diagnostik tersedia untuk menentukan penyebab PUA. Namun, belum ada penelitian tentang temuan patologi endometrium dari ultrasonografi (USG) transvaginal dan histeroskopi yang dikonfirmasi dengan histopatologi endometrium pada akseptor kontrasepsi implan satu batang Monoplant®. Tujuan : Untuk menentukan temuan patologi endometrium dari USG transvaginal, histeroskopi, dan histopatologi pada akseptor kontrasepsi implan satu batang Monoplant® Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan metode cross sectionaldilakukan pada akseptor implan levonorgestrel batang tunggal yang mengalami perdarahan uterus abnormal usia 20-35 tahun. Wanita dengan kanker serviks, stenosis serviks, penyakit radang panggul, atau penyakit yang tidak memungkinkan dilakukan pemeriksaan ini dieksklusikan dari penelitian ini. Semua subjek dalam penelitian ini diperiksa menggunakan USG transvaginal, histeroskopi, dan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis. Hasil : Sebanyak 20 subjek direkrut untuk penelitian ini. Semua subjek diperiksa menggunakan USG transvaginal, histeroskopi, dan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Tidak ada patologi lain selain penipisan endometrium dan atrofi endometrium. Hasil USG transvaginal dan histeroskopi dibandingkan dengan hasil histopatologi. Kesimpulan : Atrofi endometrium adalah penyebab utama perdarahan uterus abnormal pada wanita yang menggunakan implan satu batang levonorgestrel. Namun, pemeriksaan harus dilakukan untuk menyingkirkan etiologi tambahan yang menyebabkan perdarahan uterus abnormal.

Background:Contraceptive implants are subdermal rods that release progestins over a 3-5 year period. The most common and frequent side effect of implants is abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Various diagnostic techniques are available to determine the cause of AUB. However, there have been no studies on the findings of endometrial pathology from transvaginal ultrasound and hysteroscopy confirmed by endometrial histopathology in single-rod Monoplant®implant contraceptive acceptors Objective : To determine the findings of endometrial pathology from transvaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and histopathology in single-rod Monoplant®implant contraceptive acceptors Methods:An observational descriptive study using cross sectional method was performed on acceptors of single rod levonorgestrel implant having abnormal uterine bleeding aged 20-35 years old. Women with cervical cancer, cervical stenosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or any disease that would the examination impossible were excluded. All of the subjects in this study was examined using transvaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and histopathology examination. Collected data was then analyzed accordingly. Results: A total of 20 subjects was recruited to the study. All of the subjects were examined using transvaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and histopathology examination. There was no other pathology other than endometrial thinning and endometrial atrophy. Results of transvaginal ultrasound and hysteroscopy were compared to histopathologic results. Conclusion:Endometrial atrophy is the main cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in women using single rod levonorgestrel implant. However, examinations should be performed to eliminate additional etiologies causing abnormal uterine bleeding."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim (AKDR) sampai saat ini masih merupakan satu cara kotrasepsi yang efektif. Akibat sampingan yang ditimbulkan oleh AKDR antara lain pendarahan dan rasa nyeri. Untuk lebih meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap akseptor AKDR, perlu diciptakan suatu usaha untuk mengurangi bahkan meniadakan akibat samping pada akseptor AKDR sehingga upaya pengayoman terhadap akseptor AKDR menjadi kenyataan.
Diantara sekian banyak pengobatan pendarahan AKDR dengan preparat antiprostaglandin salah satu diantaranya ialah sodium neproxen. Penggunaan sodium noproxen ternyata dapat menurunkan jumlah darah haid sampai 22-23%. Dalam penelitian tersebut tidak didapatkan akbiat samping penggunaan noproxen.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat penggunaan antiprostaglandin untuk menurunkan jumlah darah haid pada akseptor AKDR dan pendarahan pada akseptor AKDR. Serta menilai penaruh preparat tersebut untuk mengurangi rasa sakit atau nyeri haid atau di luar haid pada akseptor AKDR."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1985
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Mintasih
"Perdarahan postpartum merupakan penyokong utama kematian ibu secara global, dan memiliki implikasi fisiologis dan psikososial bagi ibu, bayi, keluarga dan masyarakat serta penyedia pelayanan kesehatan. Laporan praktik residensi ners spesialis maternitas ini, menerapkan peran dan fungsi perawat dan teori model keperawatan Need for Help Wiedenbach dan Comfort Kolcaba pada kasus perdarahan postpartum. Penerapan teori Wiedenbach dan Kolcaba pada kelima kasus kelolaan dapat diterapkan dan memenuhi kebutuhan pertolongan segera dan kenyamanan klien sehingga pelayanan asuhan keperawatan sesuai dengan harapan klien. Kekuatan teori Wiedenbach pda fase akut berfokus pada kebutuhan "here and now" yang dibutuhkan klien dengan segera, fokus pengkajian adalah fisik dan psikologis.
Teori Comfort Kolcaba melengkapi dengan pengkajian aspek fisik, psikospiritual, lingkungan dan sosial, dengan intervensi yang dilakukan meliputi standart comfort intervention, coaching dan comfort food for thr soul. Perawat spesialis maternitas perlu meningkatkan peran dan fungsinya di tatanan pelayanan kesehatan, baik sebagai pemberi pelayanan, edukator, advokat, pengelola, kolaborator, dan komunikator.

Postpartum Haemmoragic and maternal mortality have physiological and psychosocial implications. This Reports residency practice nurses maternity specialist, is a report for one year by applying roles and functions of nurses and nursing model theory Need for Help Wiedenbach and Comfort Kolcaba in case of postpartum hemorrhage. The application of the theory Wiedenbach and Kolcaba in five cases under management can be applied and meet the immediate relief needs and comfort of the client so that the nursing care services in accordance with the expectations of its clients. The Strength of the theory Wiedenbach on acute phase focuses on the needs of "here and now" that takes the client immediately, the focus of the assessment is physical and psychological.
Comfort Kolcaba complements theory with an assessment of the physical, psychospiritual, environmental and social, with interventions include standard comfort intervention, coaching and comfort food for thr soul. Maternity specialist nurses need to enhance the role and functions in order of health care, both as service providers, educators, lawyers, managers, collaborators and communicators.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luky Satria Syahbanan Marwali
"Lebih dari 20 juta wanita di seluruh dunia memakai kontrasepsi progestin. Metode kontrasepsi ini sangat efektif dan dapat digunakan untuk jangka panjang. Salah satu jenis kontrasepsi progestin yang banyak digunakan adalah kontrasepsi suntik dengan depo-medroxy progesterone asetat (DMPA). Di Indonesia, menurut penelitian The National Social and Economic Survey (1997-1998), akseptor suntik mencapai 21,1% dari total jumlah akseptor KB. Tetapi pada sisi lain, pengguna kontrasepsi ini pada umumnya mengalami gangguan pola perdarahan menstruasi. Gangguan ini menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan bagi pemakainya sehingga mereka memutuskan untuk menghentikan pemakaian kontrasepsi tersebut, Hampir setengah (40-60%) pengguna kontrasepsi progestin memutuskan untuk berhenti menggunakan metode kontrasepsi ini karena gangguan tersebut.
Patogenesis perdarahan abnormal uterus pada pengguna metode kontrasepsi ini masih belum diketahui. Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dilaporkan perubahan pada morfologi endometrium, profil reseptor steroid endometrium, morfologi vaskular endometrium, fungsi dan mekanisme hemostasis pada endometrium. Perdarahan diduga berasal dari kapiler dan venul endometrium dan terjadi peningkatan fragilitas pembuluh darah endometrium pada pengguna kontrasepsi progestin.
Matriks metalloproteinase (MMP) adalah suatu protease yang dapat mendegradasi matriks ekstraseluler. MMP terlibat dalam peluruhan endometrium pada saat menstruasi normal dan mendegradasi komponen matriks interstisial dan membran basal pada perimenstruasi yang menyebabkan hilangnya integritas pembuluh darah sehingga terjadi perdarahan menstruasi.MMP-9 adalah 92 k-Da metalloproteinase yang mendegradasi komponen matriks ekstraseluler dan komponen membran basal, khususnya kolagen IV, kolagen V, elastin dan gelatin. Pada fase menstruasi, MMP-9 ditemukan pada neutrofil, eosinofil, makrofag dan terutama di tempat terjadinya peluruhan jaringan.
Pada beberapa penelitian, dari biopsi endometrium pengguna kontrasepsi progestin ditemukan peningkatan MMP. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan terdapatnya peningkatan MMP-9 pada endometrium pengguna kontrasepsi progestin yang mengalami gangguan pola perdarahan menstruasi."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfia Nadia
"Obstetric Hemorrhage is one of leading causes for maternal death in developing country and cause for 50% of estimated 500.000 maternal death globally per year. It is known that 7,6% of complications during labor and delivery that happen in Indonesia is postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). The purpose of this study is to examine factors that associated with PPH complication in Indonesia. Research method which is used in this study is cross sectional that analyze Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI) 2012?s data source. Population in this study is all woman in age range 15-49 year old that ever gave birth in Indonesia from January 2007 until SDKI 2012 started. This study find that mother with low education (PR=1,248; 95% CI: 1,108 ? 1,405), maternal age <20 and >35 years (PR= 1,157; 95% CI: 1,007 ? 1,329), smoking behavior (PR= 1,991; 95% CI: 1,047 ? 1,425), parity >3 children (PR= 1,221; 95% CI: 1,047 ? 1,425), pregnancy complications (PR= 2,805; 95% CI: 2,477 ? 3,175), past labor complications (PR= 1,765; 95% CI: 1,468 ? 2,123), and completeness of antenatal care (PR= 0,79; 95% CI: 0,664 ? 0,94) are associated with PPH complication. Government commitment is needed to improve health facility?s coverage, train health assistance, and educate people to increase awareness of rights and needs of maternal and newborn health.

Perdarahan obstetri adalah salah satu penyebab utama kematian maternal di negara berkembang dan penyebab 50% dari 500.000 kematian maternal yang diperkirakan terjadi per tahun di dunia. Sebesar 7,6% dari komplikasi persalinan yang terjadi di Indonesia adalah komplikasi perdarahan pascapersalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian komplikasi perdarahan pascapersalinan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan analisis data sekunder SDKI 2012. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh wanita usia 15-49 tahun yang pernah melahirkan di Indonesia dalam kurun waktu Januari 2007 sampai pelaksanaan SDKI 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu dengan pendidikan rendah (PR=1,248; 95% CI: 1,108 ? 1,405), umur ibu <20 dan >35 tahun (PR= 1,157; 95% CI: 1,007 ? 1,329), perilaku merokok ibu (PR= 1,991; 95% CI: 1,047 ? 1,425), paritas >3 anak (PR= 1,221; 95% CI: 1,047 ? 1,425), komplikasi kehamilan (PR= 2,805; 95% CI: 2,477 ? 3,175), riwayat komplikasi persalinan (PR= 1,765; 95% CI: 1,468 ? 2,123), dan kelengkapan pelayanan antenatal (PR= 0,79; 95% CI: 0,664 ? 0,94) berhubungan dengan kejadian komplikasi perdarahan pascapersalinan. Perlunya komitmen pemerintah untuk memperbaiki cakupan fasilitas kesehatan, pelatihan lebih lanjut pada tenaga kesehatan, dan pemberian edukasi pada masyarakat sehingga menumbuhkan kesadaran hak dan kebutuhan tentang kesehatan ibu dan anak.
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riyanti Oktapia
"Persalinan dibedakan menjadi persalinan secara normal dan persalinan secara sectio caesarea (SC). Pasien post sectio caesarea biasanya akan merasakan ketidaknyamanan seperti merasa nyeri, sulit untuk melakukan pergerakan, kebas dan kesemutan pada area ekstremitas. Mobilisasi dini merupakan salah satu intervensi keperawatan yang diberikan pada pasien sectio caesarea (SC). Mobilisasi dini dapat meningkatkan sirkulasi dan oksigenasi ke area luka seksio. Karya ilmiah ini, akan membahas dan memaparkan hasil pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada pasien post sectio caesarea yang berfokus pada penerapan mobilisasi dini dengan melihat proses involusi uterus. Metode yang digunakan adalah case study pada pasien post sectio caesarea dengan status obstetrik P1A0 usia 25 tahun. Pemberian intervensi mobilisasi dini dilakukan selama tiga hari dengan penerapan 6 jam pertama, 12-24 jam pertama, serta 24 jam pertama pasca pembedahan dan kemudian dilakukan evaluasi setiap harinya dengan melakukan pengukuran tinggi fundus uterus (TFU), kontraksi uterus, dan pengeluaran lokia. Hasil intervensi penerapan mobilisasi dini pada pasien post sectio caesarea efektif untuk mempercepat proses involusi uterus ditandai dengan terjadinya penurunan TFU 3,8 cm atau 4 jari di bawah pusat selama tiga hari dengan kontraksi uterus kuat serta pengeluaran lokia rubra sedang (3/4 pembalut penuh) menjadi sangat sedikit (1/4 pembalut penuh). Oleh karena itu, penulis merekomendasikan untuk dilakukannya penerapan mobilisasi dini pada pasien post sectio caesarea ( SC) untuk mempercepat proses involusi uterus.

Delivery is divided into normal delivery and delivery by sectio caesarea (SC). Post sectio caesarea patients will usually feel discomfort such as feeling pain, difficulty moving, numbness, and tingling in the extremities. Early mobilization is one of the nursing interventions given to sectio caesarea (SC) patients. Early mobilization can improve circulation and oxygenation to the wound site. This scientific work will discuss and describe the results of providing nursing care to post sectio caesarea patients which focused on implementing early mobilization by looking at the process of uterine involution. The method used is a case study in post-sectio caesarea patients with P1A0 obstetric status aged 25 years. The provision of early mobilization interventions was carried out for three days with the implementation of the first 6 hours, the first 12-24 hours, and the first 24 hours after surgery and then evaluated every day by measuring the height of the uterine fundus, uterine contractions, and lochia removal. The results of the intervention of implementing early mobilization in post-sectio caesarea patients are effective in accelerating the process of uterine involution characterized by a decrease in TFU 3.8 cm or four fingers below the center for three days with strong uterine contractions and moderate lochia rubra expenditure (3/4 full pads) to be very little (1/4 full dressing). Therefore, the authors recommend implementing early mobilization in post-sectio caesarea (SC) patients to accelerate the process of uterine involution."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yanti Puspita Sari
"Ibu hamil di Sumatera Barat memiliki kepercayaan bahwa mengkonsumsi buah nanas pada usia kehamilan sejak usia kehamilan diatas 36 minggu dapat membantu melancarkan proses persalinan. Penelitian case control ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh konsumsi nanas oleh ibu hamil terhadap konstraksi uterus ibu bersalin. Penelitian dilaksanakan di tujuh Puskesmas di Kota Padang Sumatera Barat. Sampel adalah ibu dengan usia kehamilan diatas 37 minggu, 40 kelompok kasus, 40 kelompok kontrol.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa konsumsi nanas, paritas dan tanda klinis anemia memiliki pengaruh terhadap konstraksi uterus ibu bersalin. Diperlukan uji laboratorium dan uji klinis ebih lanjut tentang manfaat buah nanas terhadap konstraksi uterus ibu bersalin.

Pregnant women in West sumatra has a belief that consuming pineapple at gestational age from the age above 36 weeks of pregnancy can help smooth the process of childbirth. The case control research was aimed to assess the effect of pineapple consumption by pregnant women on mother's uterine contraction of childbirth. The research was conducted in seven health centers in Padang, West Smatra. Samples were mothers with gestational age above 37 weeks, 40 groups of cases, 40 group of control.
The results are several factors that influence the mother's uterine contractions of childbirth, is pineapple consumption, parity, and clinical signs of anemia. Necessary laboratory tests and clinical trials more about the benefits of pineapple on mother's uterine contractions of childbirth.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hardi Sasono Riyadi
"Latar belakang: Perdarahan merupakan faktor resiko dalam suatu tindakan operasi yang dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Perdarahan yang menyebabkan massive hemorrhage ini sering terjadi pada pasien yang mengalami operasi pengangkatan tumor Ameloblastoma. Untuk mengatasi komplikasi perdarahan intraoperasi diperlukan transfusi darah. Karena resiko transfusi darah cukup tinggi maka seorang ahli bedah harus dapat mempertimbangkan kebutuhan transfusi darah secara tepat untuk menghindari komplikasi tersebut. Tujuan: Untuk menganalisa hubungan lama operasi, luas defek, dan tipe histopatologi terhadap kehilangan darah intraoperasi dan kebutuhan transfusi darah pada bedah reseksi rahang kasus Ameloblastoma. Metode: Studi ini menggunakan metode analitik observasional dengan desain penelitian retrospektif. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara lama operasi nilai p = 0.0480(<0.05) dan luas defek reseksi 0.001 (p <0.05) terhadap jumlah kehilangan darah. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara luas defek dengan jumlah kehilangan darah intraoperasi. Khususnya pada klasifikasi L, C, H, LC, LCL, HC.

Background: Bleeding is a risk factor in an operation that can result in death. Bleeding that causes massive hemorrhage often occurs in patients who undergo surgical removal of Ameloblastoma tumors. Blood transfusion is needed to overcome the complications of intraoperative bleeding. Because the risk of blood transfusion is quite high, a surgeon must be able to properly consider the need for blood transfusion to avoid these complications.
Objective: To analyze the relationship between duration of surgery, extent of defect, and histopathological type of intraoperative blood loss and the need for blood transfusion in jaw resection surgeries in Ameloblastoma cases. Method: This study uses observational analytic methods with a retrospective research design. Results: There is a significant relationship between the length of surgery p = 0.0480(<0.05 and the extent of the resection defect 0.001 (p <0.05) to the amount of blood loss.
Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the extent of the defect and the amount of intraoperative blood loss. Especially in the classification of L, C, H, LC, LCL, HC.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugianto Notowibowo
"Experiments were carried out to see the influence of the infusion and extracts of Symphytum officinale L leaves on the contraction of the isolated guinea oig uterus. The size of the contraction caused by the infusion and extracts were compared to the contraction by Syntocinon injection.
A modification of the H.J. Wilkens and F. Sieger method was used to determine the potency.
- The infusion and extraction had a stimulating effect on the guinea pig isolated uterus.
- The active principle is probably found in the fraction soluble in polar solvents. There is a dose effect relationship.
- 3055' infusion is more potent to the fraction soluble in polar solvent (fraction I,IV,V) and is more potent than the fraction soluble in non polar solvent (fraction 11,111).
The potency of the 30%.infusion and 0,02 unit of Syntocinon are almost equal The fraction soluble, in polar solvent increased- the contrac tion of the isolated uterus,which urge an investigation o the influence of the plant on pregnant animals to know the abortive effect."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1981
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang
Perdarahan pascasalin adalah penyebab 25% kematian ibu diseluruh dunia,
bahkan mencapai 60% pada beberapa negara. Sekitar 60-90% disebabkan oleh
atonia uteri. Berbagai alat ditemukan dan digunakan seperti tamponade balon
uterus, NASG (Nonpneumatic Anti Shock Garment), Bakri Balloon dan The
Glenveigh Medical Complete Tamponade System namun memiliki efektifitas
sekitar 65-87,5% dan potensi komplikasi. Oleh sebab itu diperkenalkanlah suatu
metode baru untuk mengontrol perdarahan pascasalin.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat keamanan, kemudahan dan
efektifitas alat InPress mengatasi perdarahan pascasalin karena atonia uteri. Alat
InPress menggunakan mesin vakum bertekanan rendah untuk menurunkan
tekanan atmosfer dalam kavum uteri sehingga uterus menjadi kolaps dan
membuat tamponade sehingga perdarahan berhenti. Selain itu secara fisiologis,
dapat merangsang kontraksi uterus pascasalin yang normal dan retraksi uterus ke
bentuk dan ukuran semula.
Dari sepuluh subyek penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mesin vakum dengan cepat
menciptakan tamponade yang efektif melalui balon pengunci yang berada di
ostium uteri eksterna. Jumlah perdarahan yang dievakuasi dari kavum uteri sekitar
100-250 cc, tertampung dalam kanister. Uterus kolaps dan terjadi tamponade
dalam waktu 1-2 menit sehingga perdarahan berhenti. Alat InPress dipasang
selama minimal 1 jam dan maksimal 6,5 jam. Repair luka robekan perineum dan
vagina dapat dilakukan dengan mudah saat alat InPress terpasang di dalam uterus.
Pada sepuluh subyek tidak ada tindakan lanjutan untuk mengatasi perdarahan
setelah alat InPress dipasang. Tidak ditemukan adanya kelainan pada uterus,
serviks dan vagina pada saat dan sesudah pemasangan alat InPress.
Tamponade uterus yang berasal dari tekanan negatif mesin vakum terbukti aman dan efektif untuk mengatasi perdarahan pascasalin karena atonia uteri.
the Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage Due To Uterine
Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is responsible for +/- 25% of maternal mortality
worldwide, reaching as high as 60% in some countries. Approximately 60-90%
caused by uterine atonia. Many devices were invented and applied such as uterine
balloon tamponade, NASG (Nonpneumatic Anti Shock Garment), Bakri Balloon
dan The Glenveigh Medical Complete Tamponade System but the effectiveness
only about 65-87,5% control hemorrhage and have potential complications.
Therefor a new method to control PPH has been introduced.
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate patient safety, device efficiency, and
ease of use, as an overall Proof of Concept with a new device, the InPress Device,
for the treatment of primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) due to atony.
The InPress device uses gentle vacuum force to lower the atmospheric pressure
within the uterine cavity to collapse the uterus into and onto itself to stop
hemorrhage through tamponade. It also stimulates normal postpartum uterine
contractions, to effect hemostasis. In this hemostatic state the atonic uterus
recovers, physiologically, and retracts down to its? normal hemostatic postpartum
Results from our ten trial patients showed that: the vacuum created an immediate
effective tamponade confined to the uterus by our seal situated at the external
cervical ostium, 100-250 milliliters of residual blood were evacuated from the
uterine cavity into the vacuum canister. The uterus collapsed and regained tone
within 1-2 minutes, and hemorrhaging stopped, in all cases. The device stayed in
place while vaginal and perineal lacerations, which occurred during delivery, were
easily repaired. The device was left in for one-hour minimum up to 6,5 hours.
There were no further operative procedures required to stop hemorrhaging in any
of these cases. There was no abnormality of uterus, cervix and vagina while and
after InPress procedur performed.
Vacuum induced uterine tamponade using physiologic force, is a safe and
effective way to achieve rapid control of PPH due to atony.
the Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage Due To Uterine
Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is responsible for +/- 25% of maternal mortality
worldwide, reaching as high as 60% in some countries. Approximately 60-90%
caused by uterine atonia. Many devices were invented and applied such as uterine
balloon tamponade, NASG (Nonpneumatic Anti Shock Garment), Bakri Balloon
dan The Glenveigh Medical Complete Tamponade System but the effectiveness
only about 65-87,5% control hemorrhage and have potential complications.
Therefor a new method to control PPH has been introduced.
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate patient safety, device efficiency, and
ease of use, as an overall Proof of Concept with a new device, the InPress Device,
for the treatment of primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) due to atony.
The InPress device uses gentle vacuum force to lower the atmospheric pressure
within the uterine cavity to collapse the uterus into and onto itself to stop
hemorrhage through tamponade. It also stimulates normal postpartum uterine
contractions, to effect hemostasis. In this hemostatic state the atonic uterus
recovers, physiologically, and retracts down to its? normal hemostatic postpartum
Results from our ten trial patients showed that: the vacuum created an immediate
effective tamponade confined to the uterus by our seal situated at the external
cervical ostium, 100-250 milliliters of residual blood were evacuated from the
uterine cavity into the vacuum canister. The uterus collapsed and regained tone
within 1-2 minutes, and hemorrhaging stopped, in all cases. The device stayed in
place while vaginal and perineal lacerations, which occurred during delivery, were
easily repaired. The device was left in for one-hour minimum up to 6,5 hours.
There were no further operative procedures required to stop hemorrhaging in any
of these cases. There was no abnormality of uterus, cervix and vagina while and
after InPress procedur performed.
Vacuum induced uterine tamponade using physiologic force, is a safe and
effective way to achieve rapid control of PPH due to atony.
the Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage Due To Uterine
Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is responsible for +/- 25% of maternal mortality
worldwide, reaching as high as 60% in some countries. Approximately 60-90%
caused by uterine atonia. Many devices were invented and applied such as uterine
balloon tamponade, NASG (Nonpneumatic Anti Shock Garment), Bakri Balloon
dan The Glenveigh Medical Complete Tamponade System but the effectiveness
only about 65-87,5% control hemorrhage and have potential complications.
Therefor a new method to control PPH has been introduced.
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate patient safety, device efficiency, and
ease of use, as an overall Proof of Concept with a new device, the InPress Device,
for the treatment of primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) due to atony.
The InPress device uses gentle vacuum force to lower the atmospheric pressure
within the uterine cavity to collapse the uterus into and onto itself to stop
hemorrhage through tamponade. It also stimulates normal postpartum uterine
contractions, to effect hemostasis. In this hemostatic state the atonic uterus
recovers, physiologically, and retracts down to its? normal hemostatic postpartum
Results from our ten trial patients showed that: the vacuum created an immediate
effective tamponade confined to the uterus by our seal situated at the external
cervical ostium, 100-250 milliliters of residual blood were evacuated from the
uterine cavity into the vacuum canister. The uterus collapsed and regained tone
within 1-2 minutes, and hemorrhaging stopped, in all cases. The device stayed in
place while vaginal and perineal lacerations, which occurred during delivery, were
easily repaired. The device was left in for one-hour minimum up to 6,5 hours.
There were no further operative procedures required to stop hemorrhaging in any
of these cases. There was no abnormality of uterus, cervix and vagina while and
after InPress procedur performed.
Vacuum induced uterine tamponade using physiologic force, is a safe and
effective way to achieve rapid control of PPH due to atony.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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