Berat badan berlebih merupakan salah satu permasalahan kesehatan yang sering terjadi pada anak-anak dan remaja di seluruh dunia, baik negara maju maupun negara berkembang. Hal ini didukung oleh data hasil prevalensi terhadap kasus overweightpada anak usia 2–19 tahun di Amerika Serikat yang terus menunjukkan peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveytahun 2009–2010 di Amerika, didapatkan persentase overweightdan obesitas berdasarkan kelompok umur dengan jumlah prevalensi tertinggi terjadi pada remaja berusia 12–19 tahun (33,6%). Data Riskesdas tahun 2013 menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi gizi berlebih secara nasional pada remaja berusia 16–18 tahun di Indonesia mencapai angka tertinggi yaitu 11,5%.
Pada penelitian ini, peneliti berusaha mencari tahu lebih lanjut mengenai fenomena terdapatnya keterkaitan antara seorang individu khususnya remaja di Indonesia yang memiliki berat badan berlebih dengan citra tubuh (body image)yang dimilikinya, apakah berdampak positif atau negatif. Sejumlah 350 remaja dengan rentang usia 16–18 tahun dari kedua SMA di Jakarta Selatan, tepatnya SMA Negeri 109 dan SMA Negeri 28, dipilih untuk menjadi subjek penelitian dan setelahnya diteliti dengan desain studi potong lintang (cross-sectional) dan metode observasional analitik. Proses pengambilan data untuk penelitian yang dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2017 di SMA Negeri 109 dan bulan Januari 2018 diawali dengan pengukuran antropometri, selanjutnya responden berkewajiban untuk mengisi instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner tipe King College London Body Image Questionnaire’s. Melalui hasil skoring total seluruh komponen pertanyaan serta hasil analisis dengan uji hipotesis chi-squaredidapatkan bahwa nilai p menunjukkan angka 1,000 yang berarti p tidak bermakna (uji hipotesis 0 diterima), sehingga hubungan antara berat badan berlebih terhadap body image tidak dapat ditentukan dan cenderung tidak signifikan.
Kata kunci :
Berat Badan berlebih, Body Image, Jakarta Selatan, Remaja 16-18 Tahun.
Overweight is one of the health problems that often occur in children and adolescents throughout the world, both in developed and developing countries. This is supported by the results in USA that there is an increase of overweight prevalence at children aged 2–19 years from year to year. In addition, based on the results of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009–2010 in United States, the percentage of overweight and obesity by age group with the highest prevalence was found at the age of 12–19 years with a score of 33,6%.According to the data obtained by Riskesdas in 2013, it shows that the prevalence of adolescents aged 16–18 years in Indonesia reached the highest value of 11,5%.
In this study, researcher trying to find out more about a phenomenon if there is relationship between teenagers in Indonesia who have excess body weight with body image, whether the positive or negative impact. Three hundred and fifty adolescents ranging in age at 16–18 years old from two senior high school in South Jakarta, which is 109 senior high school and 28 senior high school were chosen to be the participants, with cross sectional study and analytic observational method. Data collection process started from December 2017 until January 2018 performing antropometric measurements, and participants had to complete the King College London Body Image Questionnaire's. The result from hypothesis testing with chi-square shows that p score is 1,000, which means p score is meaningless and also prove that there is no significant relationship between excessive body weight and body image.
Body Image, Overweight and Obesity, Teenagers Aged 16-18 Years Old, South Jakarta.
"Defisiensi vitamin D rentan terjadi pada tenaga kesehatan dan berakibat pada gangguan sintesis cathelicidin, peptida antimikrobial dengan efek proteksi terhadap virus. Studi terdahulu menunjukkan adanya korelasi positif antara 25-OH-D dengan cathelicidin, sementara data terkait pada populasi obesitas masih terbatas. Penelitian dengan desain potong lintang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit rujukan pasien COVID-19 di Jakarta dan Depok. Consecutive sampling dan randomisasi dilakukan untuk memperoleh sampel. Asupan makronutrien dan vitamin D dinilai menggunakan Food recall 24 jam dan semi kuantitatif Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ). Kadar 25-OH-D dan cathelicidin serum dianalisa dengan metode Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) dan Enzyme Linked Immunosorbentassay (ELISA). Uji Mann Whitney dan Kruskal Wallis dilakukan untuk menilai perbedaan rerata kadar cathelicidin, sementara korelasi 25-OH-D dan cathelicidin serum dinilai dengan regresi linear setelah penyesuaian terhadap Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT). 80 subjek usia 22 hingga 47 tahun dianalisa, dengan 70% subjek memiliki status gizi obesitas dan 30% berat badan lebih. 93.7% subjek belum mencukupi kebutuhan asupan harian Vitamin D dengan median asupan Vitamin D 2.8 µg per hari. Median kadar 25-OH-D dan cathelicidin subjek 14.3 ng/ml dan 211.6 ng/ml. 85% subjek tergolong defisiensi vitamin D dan subjek dengan obesitas II memiliki kadar cathelicidin yang lebih tinggi. Tidak didapatkan korelasi antara kadar 25-OH-D dengan cathelicidin serum pada subjek tenaga kesehatan dengan berat badan lebih dan obesitas (p 0.942 ð-0.077 95% CI -2.182-2.029). Hasil penelitian ini membutuhkan analisa lebih lanjut mengingat peningkatan kadar cathelicidin dapat dipengaruhi oleh variabel perancu sehingga efek protektif dari cathelicidin belum dapat disimpulkan.
Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent among healthcare workers, resulting in impairment of cathelicidin, an antimicrobial peptide with antiviral properties. Former studies show a positive correlation between 25-OH-D and cathelicidin, yet data on the obese population is still scarce. We conducted a cross-sectional study in the COVID-19 referral hospitals in Jakarta and Depok. Samples were collected using consecutive sampling followed by randomization. A repeated 24-hour food recall and a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQ-FFQ) were used to estimate intake. The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) were used to measure serum cathelicidin and 25-OH-D. Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis analyses were done to assess the mean difference of cathelicidin, and linear regression adjusted for body mass index was done to assess the correlation between 25-OH-D and cathelicidin. 80 subjects aged 22 to 47 years were included, where 70% of the subjects were categorized as obese and 30% were overweight. 93.7% of the subjects did not meet their daily intake of vitamin D requirements, with a median intake of vitamin D of 2.8 µg daily. The subject’s median serum of 25-OH-D and cathelicidin were 14.3 ng/ml and 211.6 ng/ml, respectively. 85% of the subjects were classified as vitamin D deficient, and subjects with class II obesity had significantly higher levels of cathelicidin. Serum 25-OH-D and cathelicidin did not correlate in overweight and obese healthcare workers (p 0.942 ð-0.077 95% CI -2.182-2.029). Further research is essential to better understand the findings of this study since the protective effects of cathelicidin cannot be determined because confounding factors may cause cathelicidin levels to rise.