Pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang memiliki perkembangan pesat. Daya tarik wisata memiliki kekuatan tersendiri untuk menarik wisatawan melakukan perjalanan wisata. Daya tarik wisata pada umumnya berdasarkan adanya aksesibilitas yang tinggi dan fasilitas penunjang untuk melayani para wisatawan. Faktor penentu wisatawan memilih destinasi wisata adalah preferensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi wisatawan terhadap wisata pantai yang terletak di Kabupaten Kebumen. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode analisis spasial dan analisis statistik crosstab untuk menjawab pertanyaan preferensi wisatawan terhadap daya tarik wisata pantai. Obyek wisata pantai di Kabupetan Kebumen memiliki daya tarik yang beragam, yaitu rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Atraksi berupa site attraction dan event attraction, fasilitas, dan aksesibilitas menjadi karakteristik pada obyek wisata dengan daya tarik rendah. Obyek wisata dengan daya tarik sedang memiliki atraksi berupa site attraction dan event attraction, serta fasilitas sebagai karakteristik obyek wisata. Obyek wisata daya tarik tinggi memiliki atraksi dan fasilitas sebagai karakteristiknya. Mayoritas obyek wisata di Kabupaten Kebumen memiliki daya tarik rendah. Berdasarkan hasil crosstab, obyek wisata dengan daya tarik tinggi memiliki jenis preferensi wisatawan yang berbeda. Hal ini disebabkan karena preferensi wisatawan tidak hanya pada atraksi.
Tourism is one of the industrial sector growing rapidly. The tourist attraction has its strength to attract tourists traveling. Tourist attractions mostly based on high accessibility and facilities to serve the tourist. Preference is a determinant tourist to determine tourism destinations. The purpose of this research is to find out preference tourists for tourist attraction of beaches in Kebumen Regency. The method used to achieve the purpose of the research is spatial analysis and crosstab. Beach tourist objects have low, medium, and high-level attractions. Beach tourist objects that have low level have characteristics like site attractions, event attractions, facilities, and accessibility. The medium level one has characteristics like site attractions, event attractions, and facilities. The high-level one has characteristics like site attractions, event attractions, and facilities. The tourist objects in Kebumen majority have low level attractions. Based on crosstab, the tourist objects that first liked by respondents and have high-level attractions have different preferences type. Because preferences are not only by their attractions.
"Along with development of halal tourism as a new segment Along with development of halal tourism as a new segment which have experienced growth continues in the world, especially Indonesia. This research discusses the influence of information on the selection of halal tourism destinations and marketing mix ie product, price, place, person, process, promotion and physical evidence to the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists. This research is a quantitative research with consecutive sampling data collection techniques and using a closed questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that the type of information affects the selection of halal tourist destinations. While the marketing mix of people and physical evidence as well as kosher tourist destinations affect the satisfaction of tourists. As a result of customer satisfaction affects the loyalty of moslem tourists.