"Taylor Swift mulai dianggap sebagai ikon feminisme saat berganti genre musik dari country ke pop ketika ia menyoroti masalah standar ganda yang dihadapi perempuan. Pada tahun 2018, Taylor Swift yang sebelumnya apolitis, menyatakan dukungan politiknya pada salah satu kandidat Partai Demokrat Senate dan House of Representatives. Swift juga mendukung hak-hak komunitas LGBTQAI+ dan membuat petisi untuk Equality Act.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengevaluasi representasi ide-ide feminisme Taylor Swift dalam lirik lagu dan pidato-pidatonya, serta mencermati pengaruh representasi feminisme tersebut dalam konteks dunia hiburan di Amerika Serikat. Representasi ide-ide feminisme Taylor Swift dan pengaruhnya dalam dunia hiburan Amerika dianalisis dengan menggunakan lensa representasi dan white feminism, dengan teknik analisis tekstual.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa lirik lagu dan pidato-pidato Taylor Swift menyuarakan agenda feminisme, seperti menentang seksisme, misogini, dan pelecehan seksual, namun feminisme yang ditunjukkan Swift mengarah kepada bentuk white feminism. Swift menunjukkan perlawanan terhadap patriarki yang sejalan dengan agenda feminisme, namun belum mencakup aspek-aspek interseksionalitas karena tidak merasakan tekanan sistemik, seperti rasisme dan klasisisme.
Dalam dunia hiburan Amerika, White feminism Taylor Swift digambarkan dalam bentuk branding sebagai ikon feminisme. Swift memanfaatkan menjadi ally LGBTQAI+ untuk mendapatkan ketenaran dan kekayaan. Melalui pemberdayaan, Swift menjadi musisi papan atas yang memecah "glass ceiling", namun belum membawa efek "trickle down" bagi perempuan kulit berwarna.
Taylor Swift is considered a feminist icon when she changed her music genre from country to pop when she highlighted double standards faced by women. In 2018, Taylor Swift, who was apolitical, declared her political support for one of Democratic Party candidates for Senate and House of Representatives. Swift also supports the rights of the LGBTQAI+ community and petitioned for the Equality Act. This study aims to analyze and evaluate the representations of Taylor Swift's feminist ideas in her song lyrics and speeches, as well as to examine the influence of these representations of feminism in the show business in the United States. The representation of Taylor Swift's feminist ideas and their influence in American show business is analyzed using the lens of representation and white feminism, with textual analysis techniques. This study found that Taylor Swift's song lyrics and speeches showed feminist agendas, such as fighting sexism, misogyny, and sexual harassment, however, Swift demonstrated form of white feminism. Swift shows resistance to patriarchy which is in line with the agenda of feminism, but does not include aspects of intersectionality because she lacks of systemic pressures, such as racism and classism. In show business, Taylor Swift's white feminism is described in the form of branding as a feminist icon. Swift used being an LGBTQAI+ ally as a way to gain fame and fortune. Through empowerment, Swift becomes a top musician who breaks the "glass ceiling", but has not yet brought a "trickle down" effect for women of color."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023